Who / Wembley Stadium 1979 / 2CD+1DVD

Who / Wembley Stadium 1979 / 2CD+1DVD / Wardour

Translated Text:
Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK 18th August 1979. NTSC


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Formation is the 50th anniversary of The Who the England tour ended successfully memorial, but in fact true debut 50th anniversary of the band name “The Who” is’s a year. Eyes from their trend of the future that would Ikioizuku is not tied, but this week it will release by grade up a vintage rare sound source of such great The Who! This board is August 18, 1979, in both audio and bonus footage of their full stage at U~enbure Stadium in 70,000 events that have been made by collecting a large crowd of “The Who And Friends Roar In!” the title can be enjoyed. This is the original source that you previously release from our shop, it is a complete world’s first appearance of the cassette master was recorded by Japanese record company staff at the time, but (in the beginning you will hear the Japanese), limited 300 set early in sold out Island was. So it focuses only on The Who this time, you can then re-appeared to up the sound quality by re-mastering. The Who occasional servant ’79 was on the verge of dissolution by the sudden death of Keith Moon. And Pete was also in the context of being forced to huge funding in charity activities to focus. But they celebrated the old friend Kenny Jones on drums, I was overcome this crisis. Was captured their appearance at the moment when revived in the local London as the phoenix is not that the present board. Whether this stage fan had much longing, it can be said sound source you can feel the reality, such as coming up to the hot air is transmitted if accustomed to hear you. Recording is monaural, it has been recorded in a very sound image that spread by the wide angle microphone, Newest of Kenny of drums, became very easy to hear the sound quality that caught on. Can not Explain the end, of a large cheer occurs in the interlude of Pete just before the return to Roger of songs, nothing more to because Pete is just showed off the windmill playing of specialty. 70,000 London fans would had been waiting for this moment. Mood of this stage in this climax was determined. Pete the day of photo you are playing a Les Paul Standard that says number “1” has been left. Roger is cut haircut hair, had increasingly fearless in macho body. John to take the nickname of “di-Ox (bull)” is shows off the technical lead-based in the sense of stability of always while. Keith Moon and varies the first time Kenny of fit of drumming nuances have been worried, by introducing the keyboard with this timing, intent and Kenny of drum of Pete that was considered to be Let’s properly keep the music of rhythm and beat I was perfect sign is. This is a revival stage to Keith Moon era had never played Sister Disco, Music Must Change, and to such as Trick Of The Light is fun also to listen to number from the album “WHO ARE YOU”, the familiar of the classic group is the one if the fun is also the Kikikomeru are represented by Kenny of drums (during the song Dreaming From The Waist, there is a cut part that seems to tape change). And as a bonus DVD of startle to doubling the fun, this day Nils Lofgren appeared, you will be AC / DC, to set the audience shot video was 8 mm shooting across the The Who of stage includes the Stranglers et al 22 minutes . Angle, second floor stand the middle near the stadium, have been taken from the right per 45 degrees to the stage. Maximum It remains to capture the stage panoramic view when you zoom up, but the appearance of the stage you can see well. The only thing that was taken as a photographer of record (memories), but the song has been piecemeal recording, Substitute in, Mike Thua ring of the familiar Roger, I Can not Pete’s windmill playing in Explain, See Me Feel how the audience into a giant laser effect in Me are attracted to the excitement has been captured in Katsuaki. It would be the best material who can to feel the size and mood of this event. More last, we have recorded over the interview of Pete made before a concert in 5 minutes. Listen to this, and listen up English interview, that are printed on the board of the insert, and you’ll read the Japanese translation of the net below, Pete thoughts well find other when re-starting, the second half of money (Gallery) Atari that is also mentioned that I will not suggesting the status of Pete described above. Anyway, it is a title that captures the valuable and important moment for The Who. Freak of The Who I I would like your attention to this board again. Limited press CD & DVD in it is released!

★ the words of the backstage interview of Pete Townshend was text of, with insert.

★ Only the first 80 sheets, will be release in with numbering containing sticker.

★ 8 and has been recorded in Miri video, (FYI) translation of backstage interview of Pete Townshend

Q “What do you expect in a concert?”
P “It should be a bit of money Kana. Rain. Because I want to enjoy yourself. But Wembley Stadium Do not’m not a venue worthy of the rock ‘n’ roll. Well venue do not not mean that I have decided.”
Q and “Do you think the success?”
P “will weather goes well if everyone is playing good well”
Q “Why do you do this concert?”
P “does not become me to if it is not nourished to have two children and wife. I also sorry Forget anymore’m not afford to do a world tour. (10,000 scale) Wembley pool (Arena) 6 days performances If you do not want out to load even., concert I want to do. If if do a concert at the Hammersmith Odeon, ticket would anger the 60 000 people who did not enter the hand. So wHO is a large scale concert and is the the no choice but to do. it is possible to do in front of a large audience and because do live festival type. Well I’m I Even I prefer a small venue, and to benefit from the concert’m now it is becoming more difficult. this time even like a big show, I there is a possibility that no longer fit profitable too be expensive to reverse. a lot of crew, laser-beam …. ”
Q “do you know what is bought is some expenses?”
P is “I do not know. Even know have been by me do not say to me” (laughs)

結成50周年記念のイギリス・ツアーを成功裏に終了したザ・フーですが、実は「ザ・フー」というバンド名での真のデビュー50周年は今年なのです。勢いづくであろう今後の彼らの動向から目が離せませんが、今週はそんな偉大なるザ・フーのヴィンテージ・レア音源をグレードアップしてリリースします!本盤は1979年8月18日、ウェンブレー・スタジアムで7万人の大観衆を集めて行なわれたイベント「The Who And Friends Roar In!」での彼らのフルステージをオーディオとボーナス映像の両方で楽しんでいただけるタイトルです。これは当店から以前リリースしたオリジナルソースで、当時の日本人レコード会社スタッフによって収録された完全世界初登場のカセット・マスターですが(冒頭では日本語が聞こえます)、限定300セットは早期に完売しました。そこで今回はザ・フーのみに焦点を当て、リマスタリングにより音質をアップして再登場させます。時折しも79年のザ・フーはキース・ムーンの急逝により解散の危機に瀕していました。しかもピートは注力するチャリティ活動で莫大な資金調達を迫られているという状況でもありました。しかし彼らは旧友ケニー・ジョーンズをドラムに迎え、この危機を乗り越えました。不死鳥の如く地元ロンドンで甦った瞬間の彼らの姿を捉えたのが本盤というわけです。このステージをファンがどれほど待ち焦がれていたか、お聴きになればその熱気までが伝わってくるようなリアリティが感じられる音源と言えます。録音はモノラルですが、広角マイクにより非常に広がりのある音像で収録されており、新加入のケニーのドラムスがオンに捉えられた非常に聴きやすい音質となっています。Can’t Explainの終盤、ロジャーの歌に戻る直前のピートの間奏で大歓声が起こるのは、まさにピートがお家芸の風車奏法を披露したからに他なりません。7万人のロンドンのファンは、この瞬間を待っていたのでしょう。この盛り上がりでこのステージのムードは決まりました。ピートはナンバー「1」と書かれたレスポール・スタンダードをプレイしている当日の写真が残されています。ロジャーはバッサリ髪をカットし、マッチョなボディで精悍さを増していました。「ジ・オックス(雄牛)」の異名をとるジョンはいつもながらの安定感でテクニカルなリード・ベースを披露しています。キース・ムーンとドラミング・ニュアンスの異なるケニーのフィットぶりが心配されましたが、このタイミングでキーボードを導入して、楽曲のリズムとビートをきちんとキープしていこうと考えたピートの意図とケニーのドラムはぴったり符合しました。この復活ステージではキース・ムーン時代にはプレイされたことがなかったSister Disco、Music Must Change、Trick Of The Lightといったアルバム「WHO ARE YOU」からのナンバーを聴けるのも一興ですし、お馴染みの名曲群がケニーのドラムスでどう表現されているかを聴き込めるのも楽しみの一つです(Dreaming From The Waistの曲中には、テープチェンジと思われるカット部分があります)。そして楽しみを倍加させる驚愕のボーナスDVDとして、この日出演したニルス・ロフグレン、AC/DC、ストラングラーズらを含みザ・フーのステージを22分間に渡り8ミリ撮影したオーディエンスショット映像をセットさせていただきます。アングルは、スタジアムの2階スタンド中段付近、ステージに向かって右45度あたりから撮影されています。最大にズームアップしてもステージ全景を捉えるに留まっていますが、ステージの様子はよく分かります。撮影者の記録(思い出)として撮られたものだけに、曲は断片的に収録されていますが、Substituteでは、お馴染みのロジャーのマイク・トゥアリング、I Can’t Explainではピートの風車奏法、See Me Feel Meでは巨大なレーザー効果に観客が魅了され興奮する様子が克明に捉えられています。このイベントの規模とムードを感じ取っていただける最良の素材でしょう。さらにラストには、コンサート前に行なわれたピートのインタビューを5分に渡って収録しています。これを聴き、本盤のインサートにプリントしてあるインタビューの聴き取り英文と、下記のネットの日本語訳を読んでいただくと、再出発に際してのピートの考えがよく分かるほか、後半お金(ギャラ)のことにも言及しているあたりが前述したピートの状況を窺わせます。とにかくザ・フーにとって貴重かつ重要な瞬間を捉えたタイトルです。ザ・フーのフリークは再度本盤にご注目いただきたいと思います。完全限定プレスCD&DVDにてリリースです!




Disc 1(60:37)
1. Intro 2. Substitute 3. I Can’t Explain 4. Baba O’Riley 5. The Punk And The Godfather
6. Behind Blue Eyes 7. Boris The Spider 8. Sister Disco 9. Drowned 10. Music Must Change
11. Magic Bus 12. Pinball Wizard 13. See Me Feel Me

Disc 2(63:52)
1. Trick Of The Light 2. 5:15 3. Long Live Rock 4. Who Are You 5. My Generation
6. Dreaming From The Waist 7. Introduction 8. Won’t Get Fooled Again 9. Summertime Blues
10. The Real Me


Wembley Stadium, London 18th August 1979
Taken from the original private 8mm film


4. Intro 5. Substitute 6. I Can’t Explain 7. Baba O’Riley 8. Boris The Spider 9. Magic Bus
10. Pinball Wizard 11. See Me Feel Me
12. Pete Townshend Interview

COLOUR NTSC Approx.28min.


Roger Daltrey – Vocals, Harmonica Pete Townshend – Guitar, Vocals
John Entwistle – Bass, Vocals Kenney Jones – Drums John Bundrick – Piano, Keyboards


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