TOTO / Hiroshima Rehearsals 2016 / 1DVDR

TOTO / Hiroshima Rehearsals 2016 / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Soundcheck at Ueno Gakuen Hall, Hiroshima, Japan 10th March 2016


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Began to longitudinal the archipelago “TOTO XIV JAPAN TOUR 2016” of the West edited the videos masterpiece album “AMAGASAKI 2016”, “OSAKA 2016”. Of course, West is not just these two performances. Currently, the other performances but have not been found what recording enough appropriate to the press, also we would like to touch on a number of recording even a little. Therefore, we gift it a valuable rehearsal shot was born from Hiroshima performances. Of this work it has been shooting “2016 March 10, 2008, Hiroshima Uenogakuen hole”. First of all, including the relationship between the main press 2CD × 2 this, let’s see now once.

– March 3, 2011: Sendai Sun Plaza Hall
– March 4, 2011: Pacifico Yokohama
– March 7, 2011: Nippon Budokan
– March 9: Zepp FUKUOKA
– March 10, 2011: Hiroshima Uenogakuen Hall [this work] – March 12, 2011: Hyogo Amashin Archaic Hall “AMAGASAKI 2016”
– March 14, 2011: Osaka Festival Hall “OSAKA 2016”
– March 15, 2011: Nagoya City Auditorium

In this way, Hiroshima this work has been achieved is, those that hit just before the “AMAGASAKI 2016”, “OSAKA 2016”. This time of Japan performances, there was a privilege to lead to a VIP ticket buyers to the sound check, it is the audience shot by a fan who participated in there. Its quality is super-beautiful! Since the rehearsal is the landscape, that does not of the kind that change the value in essentially the image quality and sound quality, but still never hurts to high quality. There is also that unlike the production live not be a fuss of the large upsurge, view the stage is spread in full view is like a super-delicate professional shot. Will age pattern, but has been a practice swing even without openly shooting to hide, a sense of stability is also preeminent. Each member is to zoom in to check the scene to Fichua, is perfect even serious expression, such as to check the sound Close your eyes. Of course, sound is also great. It of course is the audience noise none, extra sound is also a sense of distance is also zero because the bite in the front row. Elaborate ensemble will listen super in detail in the sound of the line class.
The sheer from such a sight and sound, the ferocious professionalism of TOTO. While the fingertips of one person alone is movement like another creature, do not try to see also each other’s face in intricately intertwined part. About all that it would be a new song is not even necessary wink are fully adept, yet commonplace rehearsal is cutting corners phrase volley, I play in a production just like perfectly. That said, the air feeling perfect score of rehearsal unique. The song is almost no to full performance, recap the main points only. Is to break is the figure also vivid scene to talk.
In particular scene interesting is that Steve Lukather in the “Holy War # 4” swagger the audience while playing the guitar. While confirmed by actual become any sound in the audience of either your ears, go out instructions to the engineer. Position of Lukather to organize the band, is the name scene expression floats of as a musician you want to deliver even a little better sound to the audience.
Again, there is no degree of completion as a music piece to this work. Is not even good music is also great great performance. However, the expression of as never not be seen behind the scenes and professional in there usually albums and live jammed with plenty. To produce a great performance, enthusiastic performance, behind the efforts to TOTO is superimposed in order to deliver good music to the audience. It just is the one that can glimpse plenty. You know it can not be recommended for the million people because of a maniac title, West’s masterpiece recording “AMAGASAKI 2016”, “OSAKA 2016” quickly those eager to us in the hand is closer to them even a little of the Hong, also joy to know the true face supposed to be. That’s why a special planning. By all means, to you I can share this joy, you gift this precious masterpiece.

列島を縦断していった“TOTO XIV JAPAN TOUR 2016”の西日本編を収めた傑作アルバム『AMAGASAKI 2016』と『OSAKA 2016』。もちろん、西日本はこの2公演だけではありません。現在のところ、他公演はプレスに相応しいほどの録音こそ発見されていないものの、やはり少しでも多くの記録に触れたいところ。そこで、広島公演から誕生した貴重なリハーサル・ショットをお贈りします。本作が撮影されたのは「2016年3月10日・広島上野学園ホール」。まずは、本編プレス2CD×2本との関係も含めて、今一度確認してみましょう。

・3月9日:Zepp FUKUOKA
・3月10日:広島上野学園ホール 【本作】
・3月12日:兵庫あましんアルカイックホール 『AMAGASAKI 2016』
・3月14日:大阪フェスティバルホール 『OSAKA 2016』

このように、本作が収められた広島は、『AMAGASAKI 2016』『OSAKA 2016』の直前にあたるもの。今回の日本公演は、VIPチケットを購入者をサウンドチェックに招く特典がありましたが、そこに参加したファンによるオーディエンス・ショットです。そのクオリティは超・美麗! リハーサル風景ですので、本質的に画質・音質で価値の変わる種類のものではありませんが、それでもハイクオリティに越したことはない。本番ライヴとは違って大盛り上がりの大騒ぎにはならないこともあり、視界いっぱいにステージが広がる光景は超繊細なプロショットのようです。時代柄なのでしょうが、隠すそぶりさえなく堂々と撮影しており、安定感もバツグン。各メンバーがフィーチュアするシーンを確認する際にはズームになり、目を閉じて音を確認するような真剣な表情もばっちりです。もちろん、サウンドも素晴らしい。当然オーディエンス・ノイズ皆無ですし、最前列に食いついているので余計なサウンドも距離感もゼロ。精緻なアンサンブルがライン級のサウンドで超詳細に聴けます。
特に面白いのは「Holy War #4」でスティーヴ・ルカサーがギターを弾きながら客席を闊歩するシーン。実際の客席でどんなサウンドになるのか自分の耳で確かめつつ、エンジニアに指示を出していく。バンドをオーガナイズするルカサーの立場、観客に少しでも良い音を届けたい音楽家としての表情が浮かぶ名シーンです。
繰り返しますが、本作に音楽作品としての完成度はありません。良い音楽も素晴らしい名演もないのです。しかし、そこには普段のアルバムやライヴでは決して観られない舞台裏やプロとしての表情がたっぷりと詰まっている。名演・熱演を生み出すため、観客に良い音楽を届けるためにTOTOが重ねる裏の努力。それだけがたっぷりと垣間見える1枚です。マニアックなタイトルゆえに万人にはお勧めできませんが、西日本の傑作録音『AMAGASAKI 2016』『OSAKA 2016』をいち早く手にしてくださる熱心な方は、ホンの少しでも彼らに近づき、その素顔を知る喜びもご存じのはず。だからこその特別企画です。ぜひ、この喜びを分かち合えるあなたに、この貴重な傑作を贈ります。

1. Pamela 2. Holy War #1 3. Holy War #2 4. Holy War #3 5. Holy War #4 6. Holy War #5
7. Holy War #6 8. Stranger In Town 9. Bend 10. The Road Goes On

COLOUR NTSC Approx.24min.


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