Rainbow / Miami Wizard / 2 CDR

Rainbow / Miami Wizard / 2 CDR /Non Label

Translated Text:

Live at Jai Alai Fronton, Miami, Florida, USA 15th July 1976

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In North America tour with the RAINBOW to “RISING” release, matches 17 New York performances June of early and “THUNDER ROAR”, 3 days Burbank performances August tour last day known as “BURBANK MASTER” I was famous in particular, and it is the sound source, each of which represent the tour. This work was recorded Miami concert in July to fill the middle of the two “MIAMI WIZARD” is a good source of middle stamp tour while Gifts, title, and received great support from the fans when it is the last gift release directly below. The best audience recording comes up again determined this time! I’m glad Big news for everyone of RAINBOW fan that could not get the last time!

Sound source that contains the Miami, Florida “Jai array front emission performances” of 15 July 1976 is, live a lot of listening place, “a” source with the good performance and sound quality “between the mania for a long time It is a “, which made it one of the classic. While recording of the same lineage and its its outstanding, the material itself is the direct use of master-level, especially in this work. Intuition can be the difference between the freshness and quality Sunde-hatsu at the moment when I heard, in the audience and the source of the best, you can enjoy a live that has received high praise from mania.
Of opening and “Over The Rainbow” from “Kill The King”, good balance and a sense of stability, such as the line recording special mention mono. Brightness of distinguished not think recording 35 years ago in excellent hands should also stunned to hear the performance was recorded in the tone-rich punch thick further. While being on a sound and a clear edge, easy to listen very natural tone there is no unnatural equalize mild, here point that I am glad.
Fumbling sense of developing and the Tegata generally coexist, performance is not yet known for six consecutive texture of the “Kill The King” ending part. But attempts of players and bands to be “let’s further polished ensemble” glow-in everywhere of playing, we have to be of the fun live. In contrast a transitional basis, “Mistreated”, is approaching perfection almost contrary to the “Sixteenth Century Greensleeves”, Rongusoro of Richie that have tried a variety of play even when compared to the take of performance in Japan after is interesting. Just the first half of the live up to “Catch The Rainbow” jump out in addition to these, the hand is supposed to become intoxicated to the world of the one and only “triumvirate” RAINBOW produces and listen. Drama of guitar and vocals Richie Ronnie weave, to loud drumming of Cozy, everyone of the listener will lose the word!
“Lazy” has now appeared in the intro in the “Man On The Silver Mountain” this time. However (Note that there is a cut of the tape change at 5:37, in a sudden form is characterized by “Blues” is not inserted,’s preoccupied to play free form to Rongusoro Ritchie can listen in 4 minutes level I will move to the vocal part). configuration “Starstuck” even without an appearance, to rush into ending part at once is rather fresh in the ear that was accustomed to visiting sound source.

Suite is the largest selling North American Tour 1976 and “Stargazer” and “A Light In The Black” is waiting to disk 2. If you ask hear the singing that Ronnie was sprinkled with ad lib melody different from the album, Richie also hit a spectacular long slide solo with exquisite control “Stagazer”, five people on the stage to work together large explosion “A Light In The Black” will produce the dramatic climax of the live. If you to fall short of DEEP PURPLE of ’70 around was also able to spend 50 minutes nearly two songs, about 25 minutes really until concludes that “A Light In The Black”, starting from the keyboard solo of Tony Karei ! RAINBOW of this at the time you would not hear at once a long configuration even while Minagira a sense of tension in the whole book is a testament not only tension of the performance, playability of members should higher how. “Still I’m Sad (Reprise)” and later in the non-collecting, it is not a complete recording unfortunately under master of this work, it is the audience that has been exceeded comfortably and performance of the best part that transcends age, the general level of the time would not like people to feel dissatisfied with the recording!
As a bonus track, I have to add recorded “Ritchie’s Blues” for this work. Vocals of Ronnie enters the “Blues”, which (appeared in “Man On The Silver Mountain” late usually) is the performance of the North American tour late to listen in “BURBANK MASTER” and the like this pattern. It seems that different take on the difference in sound quality, but it is a happy and precious two minutes to fan.

Missing the show is late Sorry, take that captures the RAINBOW live at this time is precious. Sound quality and performance with excellent with the presence of the press CD class also those beyond the boundaries of gift title, this film sequence and “THUNDER ROAR” and “BURBANK MASTER” in understanding the U.S. tour 1976 of RAINBOW It is a must-listen sound source. Please enjoy this opportunity, the one is a mast to be placed absolutely at hand’re a fan!

RAINBOWの「RISING」リリースに伴う北米ツアーでは、序盤の6月17日・ニューヨーク公演を収めた「THUNDER ROAR」や、「BURBANK MASTER」として知られるツアー最終日の8月3日・バーバンク公演が特に有名で、それぞれがツアーを代表する音源とされています。その両者の中間を埋める7月のマイアミ公演を収録した本作「MIAMI WIZARD」は、ギフト・タイトルながらツアー中盤きっての優良音源であり、前回ギフト・リリースされた際もファンから大きな支持を受けました。今回はこの極上オーディエンス録音が再登場決定! 前回入手できなかったRAINBOWファンの皆さんには嬉しいビッグ・ニュースです!

 オープニングの「Over The Rainbow」そして「Kill The King」から、ライン録音のような安定感とバランスの良さは特筆モノ。さらに35年前の録音とは思えない抜群の明度が絶品で、太くパンチ力に富んだ音色で収録された演奏は聴き手もア然とするはずです。明確なエッジとオンなサウンドでありながら、マイルドで不自然なイコライズが無いナチュラルなトーンは大変聴き易く、ここも嬉しいポイント。
 演奏は全般的に手堅さと発展途上の手探り感が共存し、「Kill The King」エンディング部分の6連キメもまだ登場していません。しかし演奏の随所で光る「アンサンブルをさらに磨いていこう」とするバンドやプレイヤーの試みが、ライヴを面白みのあるものとしています。色々なプレイを試しているリッチーのロングソロが過渡期的な「Mistreated」、対照的にほぼ完成の域に差し掛かっている「Sixteenth Century Greensleeves」の対比は、後の来日公演のテイクと較べても興味深いです。これらに加えて「Catch The Rainbow」までが飛び出すライヴの前半だけで、聴き手は”三頭政治”RAINBOWが生み出す唯一無二の世界観に酔いしれてしまうはず。ロニーのヴォーカルとリッチーのギターが織り成すドラマ、コージーのラウドなドラミングに、聴き手の誰もが言葉を失うでしょう!
 この時期「Man On The Silver Mountain」ではイントロに「Lazy」が登場するようになっています。しかし4分台で聴けるリッチーのロングソロには「Blues」はインサートされず、フリーフォームのプレイに終始しているのが特徴です(なお、5:37でテープチェンジのカットがあり、唐突な形でヴォーカルパートに移行します)。「Starstuck」も登場せず、一気にエンディングパートへ雪崩れ込む構成は、来日音源に馴れた耳にはむしろ新鮮です。

 ディスク2は’76年北米ツアーの最大の売りである「Stargazer」と「A Light In The Black」の組曲が待ち受けます。ロニーがアルバムとは違うアドリブ・メロディを交えた歌唱を聴かせれば、リッチーも絶妙なコントロールで壮大なロング・スライド・ソロを放つ「Stagazer」、ステージ上の5人が一丸となって大爆発する「A Light In The Black」が、ライヴのクライマックスをドラマティックに演出します。2曲で50分近くを費やす事もあった’70年頃のDEEP PURPLEには及ばないにしても、トニー・カーレイのキーボードソロから始まって「A Light In The Black」が締めくくられるまで実に約25分! 全編に緊張感を漲らせながらも長大な構成を一気に聴かせてしまうこの当時のRAINBOWは、演奏のテンションだけでなく、メンバーのプレイアビリティがいかに高かったかを物語っています。本作の元マスターでは残念ながら「Still I’m Sad (Reprise)」以降が未収録で、完全収録ではないのですが、時代を超越した圧巻の演奏と、当時の一般レベルを楽に越えたオーディエンス録音に不満を感じる人などいないでしょう!
 本作にはボーナストラックとして、「Ritchie’s Blues」を追加収録しています。これはロニーのヴォーカルが入る「Blues」で、このパターンは「BURBANK MASTER」等で聴ける北米ツアー後期の演奏です(通常は「Man On The Silver Mountain」後半に登場)。音質の違いから別日のテイクと思われますが、ファンには嬉しく貴重な2分間です。

 ショウ終盤の欠落が残念ですが、この時期のRAINBOWライヴを捉えたテイクは貴重です。プレスCD級の存在感がある優れた演奏と音質もギフト・タイトルの枠を越えたもので、本作はRAINBOWの’76年アメリカツアーを知る上で「THUNDER ROAR」や「BURBANK MASTER」と並び必聴の音源です。ファンなら絶対手元におきたいマストな一本を、この機会にどうぞお楽しみください!

Disc 1
1. Over The Rainbow 2. Kill The King 3. Mistreated 4. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves
5. Catch The Rainbow 6. Man On The Silver Mountain

Disc 2
1. MC 2. Keyboard Intro. 3. Stargazer 4. A Light In The Black 5. Still I’m Sad incl. Keyboard Solo 
6. Drum Solo feat. 1812 Overture 7. Blues (with Ronnie James Dio)

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Ronnie James Dio – Vocal Cozy Powell – Drums
Jimmy Bain – Bass Tony Carey – Keyboards

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