Pink Floyd / A Generations Legacy / 3CD

Pink Floyd / A Generations Legacy / 3CD /Sigma

Translated Text:

Live At Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, Long Island, New York, USA 17th June 1975.

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Since 1975 the Second North American tour, New York Nassau Coliseum performance second day, complete recording of the live of June 17 in the ultra-high-quality audience recording. Sundehatsuban “Nassau 1975 Day 2” in the past (Ayanami), and although there is a Sigma version of “Nassau 1975 Day 2” has just been released in June last year as the upgraded version, this board is, in recent years suddenly were genuine appearance has recorded the master direct version, even the Sigma board had received the definitive edition and evaluation, to the extent not compare, it has been recorded at the highest quality of the phenomenal level. Only was originally good the sound of Sundehatsu, the difference may seem would insignificant, the extent of the ultimate upgrade sound to be surprised again, “Do generation is different and something different to here.” you can listen to. (As I said honestly, we also, to listen to the sound source, did not even think to be upgraded to different levels so far. Of high-frequency and low-frequency, sound sticky-scale feeling spread … remarkable in all you can feel the difference.) in addition, 4 minutes and 40 odd even longer recorded “madness” cheer part of after the show as the first appearance place. Also cheers of before and after Echoes has also recorded 20 seconds near the long, has become a long Duration more than five minutes in the whole (the entire Duration: 2 hours 26 minutes * Sundehatsuban is 2 hours 20 minutes and 30 seconds). Did you record brought the reel tape, including the “madness”, without any cut in the song. Really in the trenches, so far never heard such a realistic guitar in the direct sound, vocal, chorus pops out from the speaker. Our Will come appeared still such upgrade in Gene difference in classic sound source to know? Such a story, such as a dream is the emergence of the believe want it to cause such incredible realistic master.

Performances of the day, as has been argued that one of the best in the 1975 tour even between mania, is the very best also the overall workmanship. Fine Misuton and rhythm disturbances, although the mistake of entering are found here and there, very high-quality finished in a total manner, you can enjoy a live full of momentum. Vocals In Raving And Drooling of the opening there is a sharp and powerful, and convinced strong the first time of the day. 8-minute stand of Roger Scream is intense. Beginning, what is bad return of the monitor, there is also a part of rhythm two entered is doubtful, but the small mistakes you can listen to the Nan’nosono, a performance that contains the yell full of sense of groove. You Gotta Be Crazy the whole has been good control of great performance. Gilmore also show off a really rich melody and brilliant melodies with deep in the middle of a solo. Gilmore of vocal also strong, impressive even swelling of the middle of the twin vocals to listen carefully. The late Roger also suggest awareness that you carefully sing, it has become a great performance that tension persisted until the end. Shine On You Crazy Diamond, the mention Roger is about Syd Barrett in the intro. Cheer goes up. The first half of the solo of Gilmore is one of the best can of. Have A Cigar is subject to somewhat dull impression to reverse 凡演. Also everyone lost sight of the configuration (4 minutes before and after) this may result in collapse the verge the second half of the guitar solo. Suddenly resurrected Gilmore God play is at the beginning in the second half SOYCD, you can listen to the best part of the slide solo. “Madness” is the second part, continue on the previous day, worthy of the name of the great performance, you listen to very good performance. Gilmore will showcase effective play was unusual in the intro in Breathe. Gilmore of vocal reliably, but to hear a performance that contains the force, the last in a forgotten part of the lyrics of And balanced on the biggest wave, it will become a Subomi ass. On The Run is also good recording, Woah, including the last of the explosion. Time is searing sound of the guitar solo is the best part. But the second half from the back to the song, Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled Rick rolled the wrong lyrics in Section 2 of the lines, meaning is not through in the lyrics, that would help laughing at ourselves, we hear also the moment that there is meaning pleasing. Breath (Reprise) is also very guitar, charming performance of Gilmour to play while successfully control the tempo is a must listen. The Great Gig In The Sky is very big piano, slide guitar to the contrary it has been recorded in a funny sound that far-Me. Female chorus part also it is possible to know the effect of the arrangement of the experimental sound. Female vocals are also struggling, the second half is great. Sound effects intro SE was also distributed to the left and right of the Money has been firmly recorded in LR, it is compelling. Gilmore of vocal is still very powerful. Also the band’s groove nice and great performance of the original charm song has come out well. Guitar solo is also fresh in vivid fine stumbling and Misuton is some thing, you can listen to the lively highlight of the play. Us And Them is impressive is the color sense of contrast to tightly controlled sound from the previous song. Also look in stunning performances of saxophone to listen to ad-lib. In Any Colour You Like 10 minutes of highly creative installation play is deployed, Rick of synth play, followed by the second half long improvisation of guitar of Gilmore, to listen with plenty solo that meet listening while tangled with chorus I can. Brain longer intro in Damage is being played, the effect is stunning toward the strong rust from singing, such as unplug the power of the shoulder of Roger. The audience also listened to a relatively quiet and try to share a time of excitement. Roger is a moment in front of the sound check of Echoes play the Sunshine Of Your Love. Echoes are interesting is classic play of Rick’s intro, the opening part of the guitar be those stunning, last until the end tension persisted well into the songs, of this day to be evaluated with the 1975 tour one of the best great performance you can enjoy the Echoes in the highest sound quality. Vocal, both in the middle of the installation part, very able to listen to the play with a sharp high-quality, has been firmly control throughout, you can enjoy the layered and robust performance.

The high New York second day performance evaluation as a representative to great performance the 1975 US tour, was completely recorded in the highest quality of the 1975 US tour leading lined up in the Boston performances that Dan Ramp skiing recording ( “Definitive Rave Master”) decision definitive edition in the edition is the release determined by the 3-Disc limited Press CD.

★ is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.125 (2010 December issue). In case you’re wondering.

From the 1975 North American tour, the title was recorded ultra-high-quality sound that is comparable to the Boston performances was released. New York performances of June 17, was recorded here, “Naasau 1975 Day2 (Sigma),” but have also been released many times in the past, such as, this time using a DAT copy of the master tape was recently outflow ing. The highlight of the sound source’s “On The Run” in the “Dark Side Of The Moon”. While 2ch speakers, such as if you were in a surround environment, three-dimensional and glossy fine-grained sound image, the recording equipment that was used, and further, speaks eloquently to this recording location was the best. In this tour, as if it played with tremendous roar and the sound pressure as if turned to hard rock is deployed, very smoothly to be interesting is recorded rather than the harsh sound. “Dark Side Of The Moon”, rather than any lack of performance by the tape reversal, was resurrected well as previous cut audience noise at the time of the CD of, Duration became more than 5 minutes longer. From this tour, excavation of this or more of the audience sound source would be quite difficult. Limited release by the factory press. It must-have board.

1975年第二次北米ツアーより、ニューヨークはナッソー・コロシアム公演2日目、6月17日のライブを超高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録。過去に既発盤「Nassau 1975 Day 2」(Ayanami)、そしてそのアップグレード版として昨年6月にリリースされたばかりのSigma版「Nassau 1975 Day 2」がありますが、本盤は、近年突如登場した正真正銘のマスター・ダイレクト・ヴァージョンを収録しており、決定版と評価を受けていたSigma盤ですら、比較にならない程の、驚異的レベルの最高音質で収録されています。元々既発の音が良かっただけに、その差は微々たるものだろうと思われるかもしれませんが、「ジェネレーションが違うとここまで違うものか」と改めて驚かされる程の究極のアップグレード・サウンドを聴くことができます。(正直申しまして、私達も、音源を聴くまで、ここまで段違いにアップグレードしているとは思いもしませんでした。高域・低域・音の粘り気・スケール感・広がり・・全てにおいて格段の違いを体感することができます。)加えて初登場箇所として「狂気」終演後の歓声パートを4分40妙も長く収録。またEchoes前後の歓声も20秒近く長く収録しており、全体では5分以上長い収録時間になっています(全体収録時間:2時間26分*既発盤は2時間20分30秒)。リールテープを持ち込んで録音したのか、「狂気」も含め、曲中カット一切無し。本当に各所で、これまで聴いたことの無いようなリアルでダイレクトなサウンドでのギター、ボーカル、コーラスがスピーカーから飛び出します。我々の知る定番音源でもジェネの違いでまだまだこのようなアップグレード版が登場してくるのでしょうか?そんな夢のような話をリアルに信じたくなってしまい様な驚異のマスターの登場です。

この日の公演は、マニア間でも1975年ツアーではベストの一つと論じられている通り、全体の出来栄えも上々です。細かなミストーンやリズムの乱れ、入りのミスは散見されるものの、トータル的には非常に完成度の高い、勢いに満ちたライブを堪能することができます。オープニングのRaving And Droolingではボーカルにキレと迫力があり、この日の好調ぶりを確信させます。8分台のロジャーがスクリームは強烈。冒頭、モニターの返りが悪いのか、リズム隊2人の入りが怪しくなる部分もありますが、細かいミスはなんのそのの、グルーブ感に満ちた気合の入った演奏を聴くことができます。You Gotta Be Crazyは全体がしっかりとコントロールされた名演。ギルモアも中間のソロで深みのある見事なメロディと実に豊かな旋律を披露。ギルモアのボーカルも好調で、じっくりと聴かせる中盤のツインボーカルの盛り上がりも見事。後半もロジャーも丁寧に歌おうという意識が伺われ、緊張感が最後まで持続した名演になっています。Shine On You Crazy Diamondは、イントロでロジャーがシド・バレットについて言及。歓声が上がります。前半のギルモアのソロは屈指の出来。Have A Cigarは逆にややダルな印象を受ける凡演。ギターソロ後半も全員が構成を見失い(4分前後)崩壊一歩手前になったりします。SOYCD後半ではいきなり冒頭でギルモアの神プレイが復活し、圧巻のスライドソロを聴くことができます。第二部の「狂気」は、前日に引き続き、名演の名に相応しい、非常に優れた演奏を聴けます。Breatheではイントロでギルモアが一風変わった効果的なプレイを披露します。ギルモアのボーカルは頼もしく、力の入ったパフォーマンスを聴かせますが、最後でAnd balanced on the biggest waveのパートの歌詞を忘れ、尻すぼみになってしまいます。On The Runは録音の良さもあり、最後の爆発音も含め凄い迫力。Timeは焼け付くようなサウンドのギターソロが圧巻。しかし歌に戻ってからの後半、Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled linesの2節でリックが歌詞を間違えまくり、意味が通じない歌詞に、思わず自分達で吹き出してしまうという、ある意味微笑ましい瞬間も聴けます。Breath(Reprise)のギターがまた凄く、テンポを上手くコントロールしながら演奏するギルモアの魅力的なパフォーマンスは必聴です。The Great Gig In The Skyはピアノが非常に大きく、逆にスライドギターが遠めという面白い音像で録音されています。女性コーラスパートも実験的な音の配置の効果を知ることができます。女性ボーカルも奮闘しており、後半は素晴らしいです。MoneyのイントロSEも左右に振り分けられた効果音がしっかりとLRで録音されており、迫力満点です。ギルモアのボーカルは相変わらず非常にパワフル。バンドのグルーブも素晴らしく、曲本来の魅力が良く出ている名演です。ギターソロも微細なつまずきやミストーンはあるもののヴィヴィッドで生々しい、生き生きとした圧巻のプレイを聴くことができます。Us And Themは前曲とは対照的にしっかりとコントロールされた音の色彩感が見事。アドリブを聴かせるサックスの見事な演奏にも注目です。10分の創造性豊かなインストプレイが展開されるAny Colour You Likeでは、リックのシンセプレイ、続くギルモアのギターでのロング・インプロも後半、コーラスとの絡みながら聴き応えのあるソロをたっぷりと聴くことができます。Brain Damageでは長めのイントロがプレイされ、ロジャーの肩の力を抜いたような歌い方から力強いサビに向かう演出は見事。観客も感動のときを共有しようと比較的静かに聴き入っています。Echoesの前のサウンドチェックでロジャーが一瞬 Sunshine Of Your Loveを弾きます。Echoesはイントロのリックのクラシカルなプレイが面白く、ギターのオープニングパートも見事なもので、曲に入っても最後の最後まで緊張感が持続した、1975年ツアー屈指の名演と評価されるこの日のEchoesを最高音質で楽しむことができます。ボーカル、中間のインスト・パートともに、非常に高品質でキレのあるプレイを聴くことができ、全体を通してしっかりとコントロールされた、重層かつ強靭なパフォーマンスを堪能することができます。

1975年USツアーを代表する名演と評価の高いニューヨーク2日目公演を、あのダン・ランピンスキー録音のボストン公演(「Definitive Rave Master」)に並ぶ1975年USツアー屈指の最高音質で完全収録した決定版中の決定版が3枚組・限定プレスCDでリリース決定です。

★beatleg誌 vol.125(2010年12月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

1975年北米ツアーから、Boston公演に匹敵する超高音質音源を収録したタイトルがリリースされた。ここに収録された6月17日のNew York公演は、『Naasau 1975 Day2 (Sigma)』などで過去にも何度もリリースされてきたが、今回は近年流出したマスターテープのDATコピーを使用している。この音源のハイライトは「Dark Side Of The Moon」の「On The Run」だ。2chのスピーカーながらサラウンド環境にいるかのような、立体的かつ艶やかできめ細やかな音像は、使用された録音機器、さらには録音場所がベストだったこを雄弁に物語っている。またこのツアーでは、あたかもハード・ロックに転じたかのような凄まじい爆音と音圧で演奏が展開されるが、刺々しい音ではなく非常に滑らかに記録されているのも興味深い。「Dark Side Of The Moon」ではテープ反転による演奏の欠落が一切なく、以前のCD化の際にカットされたオーディエンス・ノイズなども復活して、収録時間は5分以上長くなった。このツアーから、これ以上のオーディエンス音源の発掘はなかなか難しいだろう。ファクトリー・プレスによる限定リリース。必携盤。

Disc 1
1. Intro. 2. Raving And Drooling 3. You Gotta Be Crazy 4. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 1-5
5. Have A Cigar 6. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 6-9

Disc 2
Dark Side Of The Moon
1. Speak To Me 2. Breathe 3. On The Run 4. Time 5. Breathe(Reprise) 6. The Great Gig In The Sky
7. Money 8. Us And Them 9. Any Colour You Like 10. Brain Damage 11. Eclipse

Disc 3
1. Audience 2. Echoes

Sigma 63

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