Rainbow / Newcastle 1981 2nd Night / 2CD

Rainbow / Newcastle 1981 2nd Night / 2CD / Darker Than Blue

Translated Text:
Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle, UK 24th July 1981



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Than the welcomed Joe Lynn Turner RAINBOW you newborn is “DIFFICULT TO CURE” 1981 UK tour that went coming out with a new fan must listen board appeared! The queue Castle performances July 24 that hit the tour late in the UK, audience master use of new excavation, it is two sets of release determined by fully qualified press CD.

RAINBOW, which celebrated its Joe Lynn Turner as the third generation of vocalists, after you have carefully tour the United States around February-May ’81 years, Circuit European countries in June. A new appearance and sound of the band I was appealing to fans.
And that is said as idiom about this at the time RAINBOW, and due to the fact that it was celebrated Joe would “pop of”. In certainly album not only “I Surrender” of Russ Ballard, been recorded also to “Magic” by pen of Brian Moran, I had let the catchy music of more than previous work. But Richie guitar Saewatari in any of the songs, in the live I was showing off to a strong sound in especially. While pioneering a new fan base in music with immediate effect, it can be said that there is also neat Mekubari against fans from conventional had been made.
For that Richie, United Kingdom feedback of coming out with new and nascent bands would also say it was just game-long tour. The tour of all 16 performances have been booked July 8 to 27, enthusiastic performance, such as enthusiasm of the band is transmitted has been waged in any show.
But Unfortunately, live recordings that tell the enthusiastic performance in those UK tour, currently surprising about the type has been limited. Although had been past the Manchester performances and Hammersmith Odeon performances of the 26th of 22 (first day) is floating around, it also nearly 20 years old items, I am disappeared by now. England tour last day of the 27th were recorded in sound board “OUTRAGE” (Darker Than Blue) There is a critical item, but that day (probably of equipment surface problem) Ritchie of play is not in this condition. What is interesting sound source is no doubt, but it would be true of enthusiasts.
Regular Live in the UK tour at the time, would not be a good sound even a little, than items that you can enjoy the play of Richie also many fans hope so …… or those that do not appear again?
The sound source that is now excavated, just one that meets the feelings of such a fan. While captures vividly the pattern of hot air swirling venue, you can enjoy a strong Richie of guitar on sound.

Sound quality is a ’34 before the standard audience recording, some it does not go to mean that such noisy places can also be seen “sound, such as a digital recording” (of course, doing the correction and as much as possible Remastered weaving, the ease of listening far exceeds the original material). But is there more than offset those caught in the juicy “live of heat”, compelling sound image! On sound backed by the master direct freshness is to reproduce the Richie of guitar to powerful, to entertain the very best the appearance of bands that push forward united. Live to be waged in this tone is exciting to place the band Review of “Joe has become catchy subscribe” is blown away!
When you play the disc, opening of “Land Of Hope And Glory” from enthusiastic cheers of fans flying about, also increased to above hate the expectations for the future begins live. And in the “Spotlight Kid” from “Over The Rainbow”, suddenly venue of excitement climax. Richie also impression that crazy play regardless of another solo backing, we destructive passion let Hotobashira everywhere. Also outdone Joe against energetic vocals, both the globe, “Love’s No Friend” has become a major listening stations. Don Airey leads to a song in colorful keyboard “I Surrender” is also very powerful. Guitar pierce the space with a thick tone, to the appearance of vocal beamed go to fill the gap, Mania will have love involuntarily listening. Furthermore vocals of Joe gave a new interpretation and Kyokuso as “Man On The Silver Mountain,” “Catch The Rainbow” is also interesting point. Joe to relaxed in the former, the latter is sung to the melodious and emotional, and amused the exquisite combination and Richie play (It should be noted that tape change to “Can not Happen Here” in song at the beginning of the disk 1 last occurs, it has become the start of a cut-in).
Continued disk 2 flows into the “Lost In Hollywood” from Don keyboard solo, to enter and to finally live the climax. Richie guitar finally best condition. “A Light In The Black” through the passage of the “Difficult To Cure” series of guitar playing that lead to can not miss listening. Richie is Bobby Rondineri drum to listen to the play, such as flowing to back the “Guitar & Drum Jam”, you will say that listening stations of this live.
Finally encore after concludes the play such a live story in the “Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll”. “All Night Long,” “Lazy” as an introduction that is play Although it is promise, this day is “Smoke On The Water”, which has been played normally until it also, just riff prior to the “All Night Long” of has become the play, is the point at which you do not miss (this scene reminds the Osaka last day of Japan Tour ’80). “Rule Britannia” and “Since You Been Gone” medley “Fire” is fed in from, after further rocked the fans, knocking out the fan jump out guitar crash of Ritchie This is also in great power! While excited hands listening to the last of the last, live will celebrate the finale of the angry waves.

Although this source is not a “shining like sound”, in the “blazing such excitement” and “listening hand overwhelm de force”, let plenty entertain RAINBOW live at the time. Ronnie era and Graham era of vestiges, and a set list that was balanced that new song after Joe join, word play of the masterpiece that unfolds in the unparalleled power! Between 90 minutes to embody the lock of dynamism, Please enjoy a complete limited press CD2 Disc of this work!

ジョー・リン・ターナーを迎えて新生したRAINBOWが「DIFFICULT TO CURE」を引っ提げて行った1981年イギリスツアーより、新たなファン必聴盤が登場! イギリスでのツアー終盤に当たる7月24日のキューキャッスル公演を、新発掘のオーディエンス・マスター使用、2枚組の完全限定プレスCDでリリース決定です。

この当時のRAINBOWについて常套句のように言われるのが、ジョーを迎えたことによる”ポップ化”でしょう。確かにアルバムではラス・バラードの「I Surrender」だけでなく、ブライアン・モーランのペンによる「Magic」までもが収録され、前作以上のキャッチーな楽曲を聞かせてはいました。しかしリッチーのギターはいずれの曲でも冴え渡り、ライヴでは殊更に好調なサウンドを披露していた。即効性のある楽曲で新たなファン層を開拓しつつ、従来からのファンに対してもきちんとした目配りがなされていたといえます。
しかし残念な事に、それらイギリスツアーでの熱演を伝えるライヴ音源は、現在のところ意外なくらいに種類が限られています。過去には22日のマンチェスター公演や26日のハマースミス・オデオン公演(初日)が出回っていたものの、それも20年近く昔のアイテムで、今では姿を消しています。27日のイギリスツアー最終日をサウンドボードで収録した「OUTRAGE」(Darker Than Blue)は決定的アイテムではありますが、その日は(おそらく機材面の問題で)リッチーのプレイが本調子ではない。興味深い音源なのは間違いありませんが、マニア向けなのも事実でしょう。

音質は34年前の標準的なオーディエンス録音であり、若干ノイジーな個所も見られるなど「デジタル録音のようなサウンド」という訳にはいきません(もちろん、可能な限りのリマスターと補正を行っており、聴き易さは元素材をはるかに上回ります)。しかしそれらを補って余りあるのが「ライヴの熱さ」をジューシーに捉えた、迫力満点の音像! マスター直の鮮度に裏付けられたオンなサウンドは、リッチーのギターをパワフルに再現し、一丸となって突き進むバンドの姿を余す所無く楽しませる。この音色で繰り広げられるライヴは「ジョーが加入してキャッチーになった」というバンド評が吹き飛ぶ位にエキサイティングです!
ディスクを再生すると、オープニングの「Land Of Hope And Glory」からファンの熱狂的な歓声が飛び交い、これから始まるライヴへの期待感をいやが上にも高めます。そして「Over The Rainbow」からの「Spotlight Kid」で、いきなり会場の興奮は最高潮。リッチーもソロ・バッキングの別を問わず弾きまくっている印象で、破壊的なパッションを随所に迸らせています。負けじとジョーもエネルギッシュなヴォーカルで対抗し、両者がしのぎを削る「Love’s No Friend」は大きな聴き所となっています。ドン・エイリーがカラフルなキーボードで曲を導く「I Surrender」も実にパワフル。ギターが太い音色で空間を貫き、ハリのあるヴォーカルが隙間を埋めていくその姿に、マニアは思わず聴き惚れてしまうでしょう。さらにジョーのヴォーカルが新たな解釈と曲想を与えた「Man On The Silver Mountain」と「Catch The Rainbow」も興味深いポイント。ジョーは前者では伸びやかに、後者ではメロディアスかつエモーショナルに歌い上げ、リッチーのプレイと絶妙なコンビネーションを楽しませます(なおディスク1ラストの「Can’t Happen Here」では曲冒頭にテープチェンジが発生し、カットインでのスタートになっています)。
続くディスク2はドンのキーボードソロから「Lost In Hollywood」へと流れ込み、いよいよライヴは佳境へと入ります。リッチーのギターはいよいよ絶好調。「A Light In The Black」の一節を経て「Difficult To Cure」に至る一連のギター・プレイは聴き逃せません。リッチーがボビー・ロンディネリのドラムをバックに流れるようなプレイを聴かせる「Guitar & Drum Jam」、本ライヴの聴き所と言えるでしょう。
弾けるような「Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll」でライヴ本編を締めくくった後はいよいよアンコール。「All Night Long」の導入として「Lazy」がプレイされるのはお約束ですが、この日はそれまで普通に演奏されていた「Smoke On The Water」も、「All Night Long」に先立ってリフだけのプレイとなっており、見逃せないポイントです(この場面は’80年来日公演の大阪最終日を思い出させます)。「Rule Britannia」そして「Since You Been Gone」からのメドレーで「Fire」が繰り出され、ファンをさらに熱狂させた後は、リッチーのギター・クラッシュがこれも大迫力で飛び出してファンをノックアウト! 最後の最後まで聴き手を興奮させたまま、ライヴは怒涛の幕切れを迎えます。

本音源は「輝くようなサウンド」では無いものの、「燃え上がるような興奮」と「聴き手を圧倒するド迫力」で、当時のRAINBOWライヴをたっぷり楽しませます。ロニー時代とグラハム時代の面影、そしてジョー加入後の新曲というバランスが取れたセットリストを、比類なきパワーで繰り広げる演奏は圧巻の一言! ロックのダイナミズムを体現する90分間を、完全限定プレスCD2枚組の本作でどうぞお楽しみください!

Disc 1(42:33)
1. Land Of Hope And Glory 2. Over The Rainbow 3. Spotlight Kid 4. Love’s No Friend
5. I Surrender 6. Man On The Silver Mountain 7. Catch The Rainbow 8. Can’t Happen Here

Disc 2(47:18)
1. Keyboard Solo 2. Lost In Hollywood 3. Guitar Solo incl. A Light In The Black
4. Difficult To Cure 5. Guitar & Drum Jam 6. Drum Solo 7. Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll
8. Lazy Intro 9. Smoke On The Water Intro 10. All Night Long 11. Rule Britannia
12. Since You’ve Been Gone 13. Fire 14. Kill The King incl. Guitar Crash
15. Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll (reprise) 16. Maybe Next Time (Outro)

Joe Lynn Turner – Vocals Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Roger Glover – Bass
Don Airey – Keyboards Bobby Rondinelli – Drums

Darker Than Blue. DTB-193/194

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