Queen & Adam Lambert / Edmonton 2014 The Video / 1DVDR

Queen & Adam Lambert / Edmonton 2014 The Video / 1DVDR / Non Label

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Rexall Place, Edmonton , AB, Canada 24th June 2014. NTSC


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Canada June 24, 2014 is a piece of fan must-have that from the video on the same day that Edmonton performances after the end, is up to You Tube, was recorded over a 70 minute Erisugu~tsu take a high quality. Only sound do not know, you can enjoy a high-quality video and real performance of the members on the stage. The location of the photographer, is the equipment varies from the quality of the video and audio, but you can work as a compilation of unique and therefore rich in variety, and a great way to enjoy. Of course, you can see the same video by clicking on the You Tube, but from being seen at once together is still useful. The death or established a voice, and connect seamlessly cross fade carefully each track that had been thingy out, making it the title of pursuing different from the mere You Tube dropped, the visibility further. Music that has become has been uploaded to the net even more, most of it or incomplete also recorded the song itself, but it does not have any problem to enjoy as a digest. Press CD that is complete recording without a cut in the total is rated on in the work, but rather than hear only the sound, the quotient of the Queen + Adam Lambert charm on stage performer is stand out, also the video still where you want to enjoy it together. I wrote the following for details on each track, please enjoy together was taken at the same venue, the number of video and unique! !

Screenshot image right, from a long distance slightly toward 1. Now I’m Here Stage. Dramatic opening that wound up a huge emblem curtains are a must. Incomplete recording of 30 seconds over 1 minute.

It is a panoramic view of the stage from a position similar to 2. Another One Bites The Dust 1 but shooting another person. Screen effects featuring the analog waveform is outstanding. Seems to be a big shot who Tenare, it will be stunning up scene in the second half of the year. Incomplete recording of 1 min 17 sec.

Recorded from the same position as the 3. Fat Bottomed Girls 1. Video camera, which is fixed to the neck of the guitar of Brian to be displayed on screen a sepia interesting. Incomplete recording of 30 seconds over 1 minute

Complete recording of images captured from the front a short distance Adam sing while Nesoberi to 4. Killer Queen sofa. A must-see. It seemed taken with a mobile phone, pixel sweet but spectacular scale.

Taken from the same position as the 5. I Want It All 2. I enjoy the video that was reflected in the screen, so clean. Nice quality is high shooting of this person. Incomplete recording of 2 minutes

Ultra close-up video from 6. Under Pressure stage right beside left. Duet of Adam Roger and fun and of what watching the video. Recorded 38 seconds 3 minutes.

Close close-up video from 7. Love Kills downstage. Picture quality and sound quality is also good, the main playing Brian and Adam, you can enjoy over 17 seconds to 4 minutes in high quality video carefully.

Video 41 seconds from the same position as the 2, 5 8. Who Wants To Live Forever. Short, but the picture also examples sound is also beautiful.

Shooting 9 minutes of another person entirely 9. Guitar Solo. It is difficult to hear the sound is not broken, unfortunately. Let’s skip After confirming once.

Ultra close-up image from the stage left right beside the same as Under Pressure together 10. Do not Stop Me Now / 11. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 10,11. I can enjoy a wonderful video like a pro shot though. Super must-see take. Long take a total of 7 minutes.

Taken from the second floor of the far left Me pretty from 12. The Show Must Go On stage. 22 seconds 4 minutes. Sound is good at a fixed angle, there is the fun of as a document.

The version 27 seconds BoRap5 minutes by the photographer a nice took 13. Bohemian Rhapsody 2,5,8. Sound is also picture perfect also. Who this was me up this song it was lucky. Rendition of the masterpiece a must-see!

14. We Will Rock You / 15. We Are The Champions shooting position is similar to 12, but may be more high-quality. This is a video from the second floor stage left, but there impressive rendition of light because flashy screen also beautiful. Sound quality is also beautiful. Complete recording of 22 seconds a total of 5 minutes.

16. Concert Highlights 1
Procession / Now I’m Here / Fat Bottomed Girls / Seven Seas Of Rhye / Killer Queen / Somebody To Love / Brian Talks / Drum Duel / Under Pressure / Guitar Solo / Last Horizon / Crazy Little Thing Called Love / Bohemian Rhapsody / We Will Rock You / We Are The Champions

Concert digest video that spans 15 minutes photographer of 14 and 15 was Roku~tsu. Me is far from the stage, but can twist in its own way the zoom, it has been recorded in a high-quality stable shooting, very fun, you can see comfortably. Picture quality and sound is also good. It is a compilation nice very.

17. Concert Highlights 2
Fat Bottomed Girls / I Want It All / Who Wants To Live Forever / Radio Ga Ga

Decorate the last It is take that crammed the four songs a little less than 6 minutes, but the angle is very professional shot. Equivalent, has been captured by the camera work that Tenare from the seat in front, impressive perfect score. It will be a pixel is a little soft, everyone is knocked out in this video fascinating!

2014年6月24日のカナダはエドモントン公演終了後、You Tubeにアップされた同日の映像より、高品質なテイクを選りすぐって70分に渡り収録したファン必携の一枚。音だけでは判らない、ステージ上のメンバーのパフォーマンスをリアルかつ高品質な映像で楽しむことができます。映像・音声のクオリティは撮影者の場所、機材によってまちまちですが、ゆえにバラエティに富んだ独特のコンピレーション作品として、存分に楽しむことができます。勿論、You Tubeをクリックすれば同じ映像が見れますが、まとめて一気に観れるのはやはり便利。更には音声を整えたり、ブツ切れしていた各トラックを丁寧にクロスフェイドで違和感なく繋げるなどして、単なるYou Tube落としとは異なる、見やすさを追求したタイトルとなっています。ネットにはアップロードされていなった楽曲も多く、曲そのものも殆どが不完全収録だったりしますが、ダイジェストとして楽しむには何の問題もありません。トータルにカットなしで完全収録されたプレスCDは作品とては格上ですが、パフォーマーのステージ上での魅力が際立っているクイーン+アダム・ランバートのショウは、音だけ聴くよりも、やはり映像も合わせて楽しみたいところ。各トラックの詳細は下記に書きましたが、同会場で撮影された、個性的な映像の数々をまとめてお楽しみ下さい!!

1. Now I’m Here ステージ向かってやや右、遠目からのスクリーンショット映像。巨大なエンブレム・カーテンが巻き上げられる劇的なオープニングは必見。1分30秒強の不完全収録。

2. Another One Bites The Dust 1と同じような位置からのステージ全景ですが別の人の撮影。アナログな波形をフィーチャーしたスクリーン効果は抜群。手慣れた撮影者らしく、後半は見事なアップシーンになります。1分17秒の不完全収録。

3. Fat Bottomed Girls 1と同じ位置からの収録。セピアなスクリーンに映し出されるブライアンのギターのネックに固定されたカメラ映像が面白い。1分30秒強の不完全収録

4. Killer Queen ソファに寝そべりながら歌うアダムを正面近距離から捉えた完全収録映像。必見。携帯で撮ったらしく、画素は甘いが見応え満点。

5. I Want It All 2と同じ位置からの撮影。スクリーンに映った映像が綺麗なので楽しめる。この人物の撮影はクオリティが高いのでナイス。2分間の不完全収録

6. Under Pressure ステージ向かって左真横からの超クローズアップ映像。ロジャーとアダムのデュエットは映像で観てこその楽しさ。3分38秒収録。

7. Love Kills ステージ前方からの接近クローズアップ映像。画質・音質も良く、アダムとブライアンの演奏をメインに、じっくりと良質映像で4分17秒に渡って楽しめます。

8. Who Wants To Live Forever 2, 5と同じ位置からの41秒映像。短いが、例によって音も絵もキレイ。

9. Guitar Solo 全く別の人の9分間の撮影。残念ながら音が割れていて聴きづらい。一回確認したら飛ばしましょう。

10. Don’t Stop Me Now / 11. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 10,11ともにUnder Pressureと同じステージ向かって左真横からの超クローズアップ映像。まるでプロショットのような素晴らしい映像が楽しめます。超必見テイク。合計7分のロングテイク。

12. The Show Must Go On ステージからかなり遠めの左2階席からの撮影。4分22秒。固定アングルで音が良いので、ドキュメントとしての面白さあり。

13. Bohemian Rhapsody 2,5,8を撮ったナイスな撮影者によるBoRap5分27秒ヴァージョン。音も絵も完璧。この方がこの曲をアップしてくれたのはラッキーでした。圧巻の演出は必見!

14. We Will Rock You / 15. We Are The Champions 撮影位置は12と似ていますが、こちらの方が高品質。ステージ向かって左2階席からの映像ですが、スクリーンも美しくライトの演出も派手なので見応えあり。音質もキレイです。合計5分22秒完全収録。

16. Concert Highlights 1
Procession / Now I’m Here / Fat Bottomed Girls / Seven Seas Of Rhye / Killer Queen / Somebody To Love / Brian Talks / Drum Duel / Under Pressure / Guitar Solo / Last Horizon / Crazy Little Thing Called Love / Bohemian Rhapsody / We Will Rock You / We Are The Champions


17. Concert Highlights 2
Fat Bottomed Girls / I Want It All / Who Wants To Live Forever / Radio Ga Ga 



1. Now I’m Here 2. Another One Bites The Dust 3. Fat Bottomed Girls 4. Killer Queen
5. I Want It All 6. Under Pressure 7. Love Kills 8. Who Wants To Live Forever 9. Guitar Solo
10. Don’t Stop Me Now 11. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 12. The Show Must Go On
13. Bohemian Rhapsody 14. We Will Rock You 15. We Are The Champions

16. Concert Highlights 1
Procession / Now I’m Here / Fat Bottomed Girls / Seven Seas Of Rhye / Killer Queen / Somebody To Love / Brian Talks / Drum Duel / Under Pressure / Guitar Solo / Last Horizon / Crazy Little Thing Called Love / Bohemian Rhapsody / We Will Rock You / We Are The Champions

17. Concert Highlights 2
Fat Bottomed Girls / I Want It All / Who Wants To Live Forever / Radio Ga Ga 

COLOUR NTSC Approx. 70min.

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