Queen / Frankfurt 1982 / 2CD

Queen / Frankfurt 1982 / 2CD / Wardour

Translated Text:
Live at Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 28th April 1982


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Our shop has embarked on a live sound source release of the 1980s Queen the item has become a lax earlier this year. So far it has released a high-quality items from the 86 years of the Magic tour and the 84 years of the Works tour, but Sonaruto the next is the 82 years of the Hot Space tour would be required. To refer to an item from these tours were full of ten years ago on the market from now, recently I have become rather apparent completely. In order to convey to future generations the great live performance of Queen, we have received the voice of the “waiting had been in” from mania the start of the release, such as those listed above. Again 80s Queen to say maturity and even, speaking of 82 years hot space-tour Among them, at the same time as the release of the album, literally heyday of the undisputed “hot” performance has been heard. Among them, the tour first of a stroke European tour that live act of the queen are getting with enthusiastic assessment from mania as time, which celebrated its apex.
Originally thing from being stigmatized that album is failure, the same was gone in proportion received a low rating to the up to unfair this time. Had me a stir in such a trend is, was recorded nearly two decades ago 82 years April 28, Frankfurt performances that have been released from now “WHEN YOU DO NOT WANNA HEAR IT … FUCKIN ‘GO HOME “was. This title despite had gotten turned into CD remains a state pitch is high, because the splendor of the above all the overwhelming performance and its good sound quality, hot space tour from enthusiasts around the world, European leg day has also been rated as one of the best of the great performance in the in the. Release of was decisive in more official in the “ON FIRE” This and a variety of software of Milton Keynes. This is leading to the appearance, it is hot space tour, which has been completely overlooked in fact became the results in a re-evaluation that was great …. On the contrary are substantial also momentum of the re-evaluation of the album itself, now “Do not you think that it is a really good album when I listen now?” Acclaimed storm in the Amazon, in fact even in the liner notes in the current remastered as it has been written the definitive sentence. Is one that gives a fair assessment because the passage of time. This album and hot space tour in that regard does not might be a shining presence precisely in the 21st century.
With respect to the Frankfurt show, already excellent item, but it is the translation that was present as before, it was not enough to narrowly established itself of European leg decisive name board from the pitch of the problem. Then the official 2008 “ON FIRE” has had faded also its impact in that it has been released, our shop was Mise been recorded for the first time the exact pitch the same sound source “DOMINATES GERMANY” while release in the CD-R we have received high praise from all over the world of mania as finally appeared in definitive after ten years from the release of “WHEN yOU DO NOT ~”. In the fan site is called up to the definitive edition, which eliminates the need for “WHEN YOU DO NOT ~”, after it was about was again in the limelight as a bonus of the press CD item from our shop, “LONG LIFE TO THE QUEEN” , such great performance, just because the name sound source, I want to put out in the press CD … think of such a queen-mania will finally come true!

After all, even the “ON FIRE” from this day Freddie upper a condition to say Once … UK tour that took place next to the European leg of the, enough to hear as if they paid the calm. It is the name serif Freddie also became the previous name board of the title was issued “to record a new album, so it Dancing song. Guy you do not want to hear is … go home!” And in front of the “Staying Power” also clear from the fact. This is also a great Naru of confidence appears to the new album, desperate to show off on stage the songs from there as Freddy … Will such momentum was nacelle technique. Black taste full of new Queen sound that he was pushed in the album along with John. It was believed that shake the world …. The other Freddie top form, it pulls the band and Guigui not be suppressed at all shout.
However, Freddie of this day does not stop only to sing the new song group. Able to produce also different charm also yesteryear in “Liar”. It is also he is at the height of the upper scene of this day unique. European leg of playing here was also accompanied by a speedy hot space tour is what you convinced that it was a climax. Stop the “Back Chat”, which has been debuted in the previous three days the Netherlands Will that this day is not playing was unsatisfactory for Freddie, “Back Chat Before you begin the live of climax for the audience,” Bohemian Rhapsody ” “and chanted the inflame the audience (and even” Death On Two Legs “to the Following is also rare) thrilling deployment that. Still playing the first time in full of Queen of momentum in the hot space tour the first half of the best!

And audience recordings for his brilliantly captures the powerful speedy plenty of playing in the wild of this day. Indescribably attractive is very on sound image and moderately rough texture without squid up to the sound board-level. Caught in the reaction also stunning balance of the audience to be enthusiastic in its overwhelming performance. Also by the height of the recording quality, it is what is recommended with confidence to the Queen fan. Lightly surpassing even the official “ON FIRE” in a hot space tour the first half in between mania (what high level point average!) And Miseru great performance is, but is common sense that had been running fire, explosion rather than blazing here Frankfurt best sound source that captures the fierce performance, such as, the pitch perfect adjustment has been determined version finally, will be released in limited press CD. This is the great performance of the hot space tour!

元々アルバムが失敗作という烙印を押されてからというもの、それと比例して不当なまでに低い評価を受けてしまったのがこの時期。そんな風潮に一石を投じてくれたのが、今から二十年近く前にリリースされた82年4月28日フランクフルト公演を収録した「WHEN YOU DON’T WANNA HEAR IT…FUCKIN’ GO HOME」でした。このタイトルはピッチが高いままな状態でCD化してしまっていたにもかかわらず、その良好な音質と何より圧倒的なパフォーマンスの素晴らしさ故、世界中のマニアからホット・スペース・ツアー、ヨーロピアン・レグの中においても屈指の名演と評価された日。それ以上に決定的だったのがオフィシャル「ON FIRE」ことミルトン・キーンズの各種ソフトでのリリース。これが登場するに至って、すっかり見過ごされていたホット・スペース・ツアーが実は素晴らしかった…という再評価をもたらす結果となったのです。それどころかアルバム自体への再評価の機運も相当なもので、今やアマゾンでは絶賛の嵐、それどころか現在のリマスター盤におけるライナーノーツにおいても「今聴いてみるとすごくいいアルバムだと思いませんか?」という決定的な文章が記されているほど。時間の経過というのは正当な評価を与えてくれるもの。その点においてこのアルバムやホット・スペース・ツアーは21世紀にこそ輝ける存在なのかもしれません。
フランクフルト公演に関して言うと、既に優れたアイテムが先のように存在していた訳ですが、ピッチの問題から惜しくもヨーロピアン・レグ決定的名盤の地位を確立するまでには至りませんでした。その後にオフィシャル「ON FIRE」がリリースされたことでそのインパクトも薄れてしまった2008年、当店が同じ音源を初めて正確なピッチで収録してみせた「DOMINATES GERMANY」はCD-Rでのリリースながら「WHEN YOU DON’T~」のリリースから十年を経てようやく登場した決定版として世界中のマニアから高い評価を受けました。ファンサイトにおいても「WHEN YOU DON’T~」を不要にした決定版とまで呼ばれ、後には当店からのプレスCDアイテム「LONG LIFE TO THE QUEEN」のボーナスとして再び脚光を浴びたほどでしたが、そんな名演、名音源だからこそ、プレスCDで出してもらいたい…そんなクイーン・マニアの思いが遂に叶います!

何しろこの日のフレディのアッパーなコンディションと言ったら…ヨーロピアン・レグに次いで行われたイギリス・ツアーからの「ON FIRE」ですら、落ち着きを払っているかのように聴こえてしまうほど。それは先の名盤のタイトルにもなったフレディの名セリフ「新しいアルバムを録音して、とてもダンシングな曲だ。聴きたくないヤツは…家に帰れ!」を「Staying Power」の前で発したことからも明らか。これはニュー・アルバムに対する絶大なる自信の表れでもあり、フレディとしてはそこからの曲をステージで披露したくてたまらない…そんな勢いが成せる技だったのでしょう。彼がジョンと共にアルバムで推し進めたブラック・テイスト溢れる新たなクイーン・サウンド。それが世界を揺るがすことを信じていた…。もうフレディは絶好調、シャウトをまったく抑えることなくバンドをグイグイと引っぱります。
ところがこの日のフレディは新曲群の熱唱だけに留まりません。「Liar」においても往年とはまた違った魅力を生み出すことに成功。それもまた彼がアッパーの極みにあるこの日ならではの場面。疾走感をも伴ったここでの演奏がホット・スペース・ツアーのヨーロピアン・レグこそが絶頂であったことを確信させます。とどめは三日前のオランダで初披露されていた「Back Chat」がこの日は演奏されないことがフレディにとって物足りなかったのでしょう、オーディエンスにとってライブのクライマックスとなる「Bohemian Rhapsody」を始める前に「Back Chat」を連呼して観客を煽る(さらに「Death On Two Legs」へと続くのがまたレア)というスリリングな展開。やはりホット・スペース・ツアー前半におけるクイーンの勢い溢れる演奏ぶりは最高!

そしてこの日のワイルドで疾走感たっぷりな演奏の迫力を見事に捉えてくれたオーディエンス録音。サウンドボード・レベルとまではいかなくとも非常にオンな音像と適度にラフな質感が何とも魅力的。その圧倒的な演奏に熱狂するオーディエンスの反応も見事なバランスでキャッチ。その録音クオリティの高さだけでも、クイーン・ファンに自信を持ってすすめられるものです。マニアの間においてホット・スペース・ツアー前半でオフィシャル「ON FIRE」をも軽く凌駕(何と高いレベルの平均点!)してみせる名演が連発されていたことは常識ですが、ここフランクフルトで燃え上がるどころか爆発するような壮絶な演奏を捉えた最高の音源、そのピッチも完璧にアジャストされた決定版がようやく、限定のプレスCDにてリリースされます。これがホット・スペース・ツアーの名演だ!

Disc 1 (64:28)
1. Flash Intro 2. The Hero 3. Tie Your Mother Down 4. Action This Day 5. Play The Game
6. Staying Power 7. Somebody To Love 8. Liar 9. Love Of My Life 10. Save Me
11. Get Down, Make Love 12. Guitar Solo 13. Under Pressure

Disc 2 (42:36)
1. Fat Bottmoed Girls 2. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 3. Back Chat / Death On Two Legs (Intro)
4. Bohemian Rhapsody 5. Now I’m Here 6. Dragon Attack 7. Now I’m Here (Reprise)
8. Another One Bites The Dust 9. Sheer Heart Attack 10. We Will Rock You 11. We Are The Champions
12. God Save The Queen

Wardour 188

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