Pink Floyd / The Wall First Ever Live / 2CD

Pink Floyd / The Wall First Ever Live / 2CD / Sigma

Translated text:

Live at The Sports Arena, Los Angeles, California, USA 7th February 1980


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The complete recording of the master quality the first time in history, was held in Los Angeles on February 7, 1980 the “The Wall” live premiere. Title was released in more than 10 years ago “AZIMUTH COORDINATER” and (6CD) was a famous in its outstanding, but the sound is above a clear enough you are not going to compare to the same sound source, which had been distributed in the title of this , it is a best version hiss that was overlaying larger no. There is no noise, which has been epithet had become an obstacle to and appreciation “bump-noises”, in the sound of freshness outstanding stable easy to listen very, you can enjoy the opening night of Wall memorable even. There is a distance in its own way is sound, but the sound itself is stable from beginning to end, there is also no Komori. Moderate realism is long etc., This is a sound very easy to listen to not even noisy crowd around.

In this performance, Cynthia Fox radio station “KMET-FM” is served, the MC of the In The Flesh before the second half of the previous section, which is usually carried out, it has served as the MC midfield and the opening of the concert in a cheerful mood seems to be a big LA (the way to start suddenly so as to block the narrative it is the same). Concert itself has become to what can be called a success, but as a result, some of the trouble has occurred on this day. Famous in Empty Spaces, in per fire that was used for the special effects are flammable (curtain) part of the stage, past the 14 seconds 1 minute song began, Roger shouting “Stop! Stop!”, Playing I suspends. During this time, you can liven up the audience began a strange narrative that Roger was the theme of the month, but the equipment in the state in which restored immediately, the stage is resumed with repeat again from the SE of the song before. And since it is recorded in non-cut, it is said to be trouble, you can listen as interesting document. I will listen to large enthusiastic performance close 13 minutes Another Brick In The Wall Part 3 because it is not organized as The Last Few Bricks yet. Relatively, among the Wall live history of playing just a uniform, the real thrill of part of this side will listen to jam play only say, also displayed his real ability just a Suponteniasu It seems Floyd in the 1970s. Then, I did go to Goodbye Cruel World, but splendor of its production to watch for the first time, how the fans are enthusiastic with thoughts of excitement, you have transmitted to the real from the state of the audience rise. You can listen to a plurality of locations fiasco originally, clicking sound that should not only hear the musician side becomes large in various places Part 2 starting from Hey You. Track of the rhythm machine has became larger over 1 min after Zoletile injection from 8 seconds eye of Nobody Home. Human voice count “Three, Four” of the flow would be large in the intro of Vera trouble of sound is continuous around here, after one of the first section of Roger, “One, Two ..” and from the first 20 seconds real voice count resulting in the output of large This also, you can listen to recordings realistic how the technician that I noticed was turned off by “Seven”. Rhythm track will continue to be for five minutes as a metronome again in Comfortably Numb, (and finally stops in the middle of a guitar solo) We ended up playing pretty spoiled. Details to the listen to trouble these also, master of clear sound is is why because something was emerged so far, but what say this LA7 consecutive days performances premiere, or was something that was full of trouble how is understood. However, it is not discouraged in trouble, end up playing and will continue nonstop Roger & band. I hear the audience is’re raising the screaming of surprise also rendition of Is There Anybody Out There? Etc.. Once sang of Trial of the last is quite different from the live take of after, vivid performance of the premiere is unique, makes me much moved by the hand and listen. Even if there is trouble like this, the crowd seemed very happy, I will praise the band in thunderous applause in Outside The Wall. Barrage of Roger of 30 seconds last of “Thank you !!” Would not than was what it was full of excitement and satisfaction to be a successful somehow a huge show, it was possible to attract the audience. The Wall Live, Nassau, and Earls Court, also played sound quality There are many recordings of better performances. However, live “The Wall” for the first time that continue to attract rock fans around the world even in the modern, are full of feeling special in every sense. 2014, has finally appeared, Wall premiere live · LA first day. This is the title and important, really good. Enjoy with plenty of excitement and documents, spectacular!

1980年2月7日のロス・アンゼルスで行われた「ザ・ウォール」初演ライヴを、史上初めてマスタークオリティで完全収録。既発では10年以上前にリリースされた「AZIMUTH COORDINATER」(6CD)というタイトルが有名でしたが、今回のタイトルではこれまで流通していた同音源とは比較にならない程に音がクリアーな上、大きく被さっていたヒスノイズも全くないベスト・ヴァージョンです。更には鑑賞の妨げとなっていた「bump-noises」と形容されていたノイズが無い、非常に聴きやすい安定した鮮度抜群のサウンドで、記念すべきウォールの初日公演を楽しむことができます。音はそれなりに距離がありますが、音像自体は終始安定しており、籠りもありません。適度な臨場感はあれど、周囲に煩い観客もいないとても聴きやすいサウンドです。

この公演では、通常行われる前節と後半In The Flesh手前のMCを、ラジオ局「KMET-FM」のシンシア・フォックスが務めており、LAらしく陽気なムードでコンサートのオープニングと中盤MCを務めています(語りを遮るようにいきなりスタートするのは同じですが)。結果的にコンサート自体は成功と呼べるものになっていますが、この日は幾つかのトラブルが発生してます。有名なのはEmpty Spacesで、特殊効果に使用した火がステージの一部(カーテン)に引火し、曲が始まって1分14秒を過ぎたあたりで、ロジャーが「ストップ!ストップ!」と叫び、演奏を中断させます。この間、ロジャーが月をテーマにした妙な語りを始め観客を盛り上げますが、機材はすぐに復旧した様子で、曲前のSEから再度リピートしてステージが再開されます。ノンカットで収録されているので、トラブルとはいえ、興味深いドキュメントとして聴くことができます。Another Brick In The Wall Part 3はまだThe Last Few Bricksとして整理されていないので13分近い大熱演が聴けます。この辺のパートの醍醐味は比較的、画一的な演奏ばかりのウォールライヴ史のなかで、唯一、70年代のフロイドらしいスポンテニアスなまさに本領発揮ともいえるジャムプレイが聴けます。その後、Goodbye Cruel Worldに入るわけですが、初めて観るその演出の見事さに、ファンが感動の思いで熱狂している様子が、盛り上がる観客の様子からリアルに伝わってきます。Hey Youから始まる第2部は本来、ミュージシャン側にしか聴こえないはずのクリック音が各所で大きく鳴ってしまうという失態を複数個所で聴くことができます。Nobody Homeの8秒目から1分目にかけてリズムマシンのトラックが大きく鳴ってしまっています。この辺りは音のトラブルが連続しておりVeraのイントロでは「Three, Four」の肉声カウントが大きく流れてしまい、ロジャーの最初の1節の後、20秒目から「One, Two..」と肉声カウントがこれまた大きく出力されてしまい、気付いたテクニシャンが「Seven」でオフにした様子をリアルな録音で聴くことが出来ます。Comfortably Numbでは再びリズムトラックがメトロノームのように5分間鳴り続けてしまい、結構演奏をスポイルしてしまっています(ギターソロの途中でようやく止まります)。こういったトラブルを細部まで聴けるのも、ここまでクリアーな音のマスターが出現したからなわけですが、このLA7日間連続公演初演が、いかにトラブルに満ちたものだったかが判ると言うものです。しかし、ロジャー&バンドはトラブルにめげず、最後までノンストップで演奏と続けます。Is There Anybody Out There? 等の演出にも観客が驚きの絶叫を上げているのが聴こえます。ラストのTrialの歌い回しは後のライブテイクとは全く違っており、初演ならではの生々しいパフォーマンスは、聴き手を大いに感動させてくれます。このようなトラブルがあったとしても、観衆は大満足だったようで、Outside The Wallでは万雷の拍手でバンドを讃えます。ラスト30秒のロジャーの「Thank you!!」の連発は巨大なショウを何とか成功させ、観客を魅了できたことへの満足感と興奮に満ち溢れたものだったのではないでしょうか。ウォール・ライブは、ナッソー、アールズコートと、演奏も音質もより良い公演の録音は沢山あります。しかし、現代になっても世界中のロックファンを魅了し続ける「ザ・ウォール」第1回目のライヴは、あらゆる意味で特別感に満ち溢れています。2014年、遂に登場した、ウォール初演ライヴ・LA初日。これは本当に優れた、そして重要なタイトルです。圧巻の、そして感動のドキュメントをたっぷりとお楽しみ下さい!

Disc 1(68:26)
1. MC Intro (Cynthia Fox KMET-FM) 2. In The Flesh? 3. The Thin Ice 
4. Another Brick In The Wall Part 1 5. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 
6. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 7. Mother 8. Goodbye Blue Sky 9. Empty Spaces #1
10. Empty Spaces #2 11. What Shall We Do Now? 12. Young Lust 13. One Of My Turns 
14. Don’t Leave Me Now 15. Another Brick In The Wall Part 3 16. Goodbye Cruel World 

Disc 2(54:02)
1. Hey You 2. Is There Anybody Out There? 3. Nobody Home 4. Vera 5. Bring The Boys Back Home
6. Comfortably Numb 7. The Show Must Go On 8. MC Intro (Cynthia Fox KMET-FM) 
9. In The Flesh 10. Run Like Hell 11. Waiting For The Worms 12. Stop 13. The Trial 
14. Outside The Wall 

Sigma 116 

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