Paul McCartney / Minneapolis 2016 / 4CD Wx OBI Strip

Paul McCartney / Minneapolis 2016 / 4CD Wx OBI Strip / Picadilly Circus

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Target Center Minneapolis MN, USA May 4 & May 5, 2016 Digitally Remastered


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■ complete recording of the latest tour on May 4, 2016 and five days in Minneapolis concert two days.
■ the premiere “A Hard Days Night,” “Love Me de”
■ arrangements of different piano Hikigatari “Hiazea”, “I Want Sea Mi -” by acoustic guitar
■ playing the “Let’s Go Crazy” as a memorial of the Prince!
■ original sound source that is not been around at all even between net and trade

Paul McCartney has been started in 2016. Tour name from April also revised and the new “one-on-one tour”, South America from North America, and North America and again through Europe, it was announced the tour over 5 months. Schedule is a new tour of the scale you do not think the elderly greet all 32 performances, 74-year-old birthday during the tour starting in 2016 April 13, Fresno, CA. Initially made to the announcement event starring earlier in Europe, it became a form that evolved to then around the North American tour. Although before the tour had boasted as “to show off the new set list that you have never ever played” in an interview, while like to say the same thing in front of the OUT THERE tour if you, of significant set list modification was due to the Do not was not to paranoia. Speaking from the conclusion, although there was no what still significant changes, there is “old new song”, as Paul says, with or different arrangements in songs that were played in the past, has become in recent years rarely seen full contents of the concert.

Attention of the first day of Fresno performances have been carried out in the morning of April 14 in Japan time. Among the set list is transmitted in real time, attention of the opening was “A Hard Days Night”. From the intro of that impressive Ja-down, it slowly moment that Paul begins to sing, was remember the feeling of goose bumps. Arrange that in the Beatles part that John was singing also sing Paul, Rusty and Brian adds a chorus. Surprisingly uncomfortable feeling not, deprived of mind to play Ruru overflowing dash feeling of Beatles era just like. Even a strong number of John color, such as “Please Please Me” in 2005 in the past, had been decorated with arrangements to listen as the songs of neatly Paul, also it has a great degree of perfection this time. Especially in the studio version as possible to sing at the original key in part from taking the solo vocal and pop out Paul “Wenaanho-down” enthusiastically. Of course, there are some places difficult to vocalization, the but Effort Award it is difficult to put a point, also high songs such degree of difficulty, the Beatles era tri-alone to a song that has been sung by John and two people, 50 years listen and is again live through the time of, it is full of think you want to receive a letter of appreciation rather than a point.

Wings era is revived in 1976, and since reprized in 2010, “wine of color girl” who had deviated from for a while set list this time. Impressive guitar, massive chorus work, dense performance can be said to be completely surpassed the Wings era. And “Temporary Secretary” that have been debuted in the previous year remains intact. And is this also after a long time of the resurrection, “I’ve Got A Feeling”. In 2004, but Rusty had served as the understudy of John, it has followed its configuration as well this time.

One of the first half of the highlights would be “Here There And Everywhere”. Is a classic that has been played on stage at a considerable frequency is also up to now, were all played by acoustic guitar. This time is what What Hiazea by piano playing talking. While unpredictable what will begin with Pororon and piano intro, it will be surprised and Paul begins to sing that melody. No way is to play on the piano playing talking. Moreover, when the pole after the Beatles disbanded sing this song, but I the onset lyrics of was singing always changed with the “I need my love of my own”, for the first time the original street this time, “I need my love to be here.” brand new place that are singing. Looking at the movies Broad Street, I think the only personally felt that Do bad fits in the “I need my love of my own”, whether is was not a correct answer that you have returned to the lyrics of this original street. And this song multi-layered chorus, such as if they were aware of the Beach Boys was Uri, it is notable also for singing in almost solo vocals. Of course, I thin Tsu even as the chorus of “U ~” has entered, but only it is Kuwaerae really even effective sound manner Tsu thin, not too much to say that Paul’s solo through nearly the whole volume . If anything is single the atmosphere, such as the outtakes of the coupling of “realistic Love”. I’m sure is in the pole of the head there must have been outtakes at the time of that anthology.

Another, that was revived after a long time in the set list is “In Spite Of All Danger”. Is only to arrange a simple song by acoustic I thought that there is no great difference and during 2004 and 2005, for the first time how this time, Penpepen in the interlude in the same way as the original version of the anthology recording, also has been reproduced until the guitar solo that Pepeng there.

In addition will be a symbol of the new tour song of this is the “You Will not See Me”. Beatles era not to play in the live, is a song that has been played only a short period of time for the first time the European tour made in 2004. That time was a performance of the complete copy of the Beatles in the band. Turn from there this time, was a performance by acoustic guitar. Simple first half by the acoustic guitar of Paul and a configuration in which the song goes raised gradually adds chorus climax, if you write that the conspicuous accordion of Wicks, or not than you are able to imagine what kind of arrangement about. No matter how much change the arrangement, no, it can be said that such a simple arrangement of only the beauty of the melody sounds stand out rather. Just no doubt it is attacked for the first time acoustic guitar version of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” excitement, such as listening to.

2016 Bowie and Glenn Frey, such as Keith Emerson and Prince, will a lot of important figures of the rock world is stored as the year went to a miracle, but one of among them is George Martin. For the young Beatles music tastes were sparse, as an adult, also have built together the work of the Beatles while both the studio work as a professional producer, passed away last year. Was a large death of 90-year-old in 1926 was born. Rather than the work of the Beatles at the level of “support it has,” just “has been created”, which is a co-author. Will there was a place where of course Paul also sake, as a tribute to George Martin, it was to play the Beatles debut song that becomes a premiere “Love Me de” from becoming this time solo. Harmonica is played is Wicks. After the play is telling memories with George Martin at the time of recording this debut song. John was supposed to sing suddenly Paul a part of the “Love Mi ~ de ~” To charge of the harmonica, and return listening to the record, … The Beatles that it can be seen that are trembling voice with too much tension there is a famous episode in the legend, but there is also emotional because hear again it directly from the person’s mouth. Also of interest is the “Fool On The Hill”. There is a trivial matter, but the ending is, and has a arrangement that ends this also in the piano phrase, such as the outtakes that had been recorded in the anthology.

And now, it should be noted, Minneapolis this work has been recorded is that Prince local. Prince’re proud of the enormous popularity in the local Minneapolis, nothing not only he is a homegrown, among many of the successful person to emigrate in the exclusive residential area, such as Beverly Hills, Prince residence in life Minneapolis stance, probably because that was filling the bone is touching a chord in the local. Target Center, which has become better and this time of the venue, Prince is located diagonally across from the First Avenue was the home ground.

In its place, a meaning of Prince memorial who died in about two weeks ago, it was to play one of the “Let’s Go Crazy” of representative songs of Prince. Which it was played in flow arrangements to alter the ending portion of the “Hi Hi Hi”, the stage behind the screen symbols Prince is projected. Exactly Minneapolis only of surprise. Perhaps the future will not be played again, a special song was played because the timing and location match.

Paul was not that involved with the Prince and musically alive, if in answer to criticism that play just the same song at the concert “If is I did not play the” Purple Rain “went to the Prince concert, disappointed and it would “be Paul says. Also along with the usual Jimi Hendrix of memories after the performance of “Let Me Roll It”, says the memories that I watched the Prince concert in a small club.

The latest of Piccadilly Circus label, than the pole of the latest tour, two days complete recording of the Minneapolis performances consecutive performances of May 4, and 5, 2016 has been made. If you listen to the sound samples so that you can understand in a moment, the best thing that can be considered should be called a truly record of 2016 as sound quality. Even between the net or on the trade is a completely original sound source that is not out there at all. But will also various titles future is released from the most recent tour, one-on-one tour as long as there is no change even fine to set list and Vancouver continuous performances was playing the “dream of the traveler,” “Let’s will Minneapolis continuous performances was playing Go Crazy “is the decision board. Permanent preservation firmly press platen of the beautiful picture disc specification.


ポールマッカートニーが2016年に始動した。4月からツアー名も新たに「ワン・オン・ワン・ツアー」と改め、北米から南米、そして欧州を経て再び北米と、5か月に渡るツアーを発表したのである。日程は2016年4月13日カリフォルニア州フレズノを皮切りに全32公演、ツアー中に74才の誕生日を迎える高齢とは思えない規模の新しいツアーである。当初は欧州におけるイベント出演が先に発表になり、その後北米をまわるツアーに発展した形となった。ツアー前にはインタビューにおいて「今まで演奏したことのない新しいセットリストを披露する」と豪語していたものの、思えばOUT THEREツアーの前にも同じことを言っておきながら、大幅なセットリストの改変はなかったなと疑心暗鬼になったものだった。結論から言えば、やはり大幅な変更こそなかったものの、ポールが言うところの「古い新曲」あり、過去に演奏した曲でもアレンジが異なったりと、近年稀に見る充実した内容のコンサートとなった。


ウイングス時代は1976年に、そして2010年に再演して以来、しばらくセットリストから外れていた「ワインカラーの少女」が今回復活。印象的なギター、重厚なコーラス・ワーク、濃密な演奏はウイングス時代を完全に凌駕していると言える。そして前年に初披露された「テンポラリー・セクレタリー」はそのまま残っている。そしてこれまた久しぶりの復活「I’ve Got A Feeling」である。2004年にはラスティがジョンの代役を務めていたが、今回もその構成を踏襲している。

前半のハイライトのひとつが「Here There And Everywhere」であろう。今までもかなりの頻度でステージで演奏されてきた名曲であるが、すべてアコースティック・ギターによる演奏であった。今回は何とピアノの弾き語りによるヒアゼアなのである。ポロロンとピアノのイントロで何が始まるのか予測できない中、ポールがあのメロディを歌い出すと驚いてしまう。まさかピアノ弾き語りで演奏するとは。しかもビートルズ解散後のポールがこの曲を歌う時には、出だしの歌詞を「I need my love of my own」と必ず変えて歌っていたのだが、今回は初めてオリジナル通り「I need my love to be here」と歌っているのが真新しいところ。映画ブロードストリートなどを見ても、個人的には「I need my love of my own」では収まりが悪いなと感じていただけに、今回オリジナル通りの歌詞に戻したことは正解ではなかったかと思う。しかもビーチボーイズを意識したかのような重層的なコーラスがウリだったこの曲を、ほぼソロ・ヴォーカルで歌っているのにも注目すべき点である。もちろん薄っすらと「う~」というコーラスは入っているのだが、それが本当に薄っすら効果音的に加えらえれているだけで、ほぼ全編通してポールの独唱と言っても過言ではない。どちらかと言えばシングル「リアル・ラヴ」のカップリングのアウトテイクのような雰囲気なのである。きっとポールの頭の中にはあのアンソロジー時のアウトテイクがあったに違いない。

もう一つ、久しぶりにセットリストに復活したのが「In Spite Of All Danger」である。アコースティックによるシンプルな曲だけにアレンジは2004年や2005年時と大差ないと思いきや、なんと今回初めて、アンソロジー収録のオリジナル・バージョンと同じように間奏でペンペペン、ペペンというギターソロまでもが再現されている。

さらに今回の新しいツアーの象徴となるであろう曲が「You Won’t See Me」である。ビートルズ時代はライヴで演奏することはなく、2004年になって初めて欧州ツアーで短期間のみ演奏された曲である。その時はバンドでビートルズの完コピの演奏であった。今回はそこから一転、アコースティック・ギターによる演奏となった。ポールのアコギによるシンプルな前半、そして曲が盛り上がりコーラスが加わり徐々に盛り上がっていく構成で、ウィックスのアコーディオンが目立っていると書けば、およそどのようなアレンジか想像していただけるのではないか。どれだけアレンジを変えても、否、このようなシンプルなアレンジなだけにメロディの美しさはむしろ際立って聴こえると言える。ちょうど初めてアコギ・バージョンの「While My Guitar Gently Weeps」を聴いたような感動に襲われること間違いない。

2016年はボウイやグレンフライ、キースエマーソンやプリンスなど、ロック界の重要人物の多くが鬼籍に入った年として記憶されるであろうが、その中のひとりがジョージ・マーティンである。音楽的素養が希薄だった若きビートルズに対し、大人として、またプロとしてスタジオ・ワークを共にしながらビートルズの作品を一緒に作り上げてきたプロデューサーが、今年ついに亡くなってしまった。昭和元年生まれで90才の大往生であった。ビートルズの作品を「支えてきた」というレベルではなく、まさに「作り上げてきた」共作者である。当然ポールも期するところがあったのであろう、ジョージ・マーティンに捧げるとして、今回ソロになってからは初演となるビートルズのデビュー曲「ラヴ・ミー・ドゥ」を演奏したのである。ハーモニカはウィックスが奏でている。演奏後はこのデビュー曲をレコーディングした時のジョージ・マーティンとの想い出を語っている。ジョンがハーモニカを担当するため「ラヴ・ミ~・ドゥ~」の部分を急遽ポールが歌うことになった、レコードを聴き返すと、あまりの緊張で声が震えているのがわかる・・・ビートルズ伝説では有名なエピソードではあるが、それを本人の口から直接改めて聞くというのもまた感慨深いものがある。また興味深いのは「Fool On The Hill」である。些細なことではあるが、エンディングが、これまたアンソロジーに収録されていたアウトテイクのようなピアノ・フレーズで終わるアレンジとなっている。


その場所で、つい2週間前に亡くなったプリンス追悼の意味を込めて、プリンスの代表曲のひとつ「Let’s Go Crazy」を演奏したのである。「Hi Hi Hi」のエンディング部分を改変するアレンジで流れで演奏されたもので、ステージ後方スクリーンにはプリンスのシンボルが投影された。まさにミネアポリスのみのサプライズ。おそらく今後二度と演奏することはないであろう、タイミングと場所が一致したため演奏された特別曲である。

ポールは生前のプリンスと音楽的に一緒に絡むことはなかったが、コンサートで同じ曲ばかり演奏する批判に答えて『もし僕がプリンスのコンサートに行って「パープルレイン」を演奏しなかったら、がっかりするだろう』とポールは述べている。また「Let Me Roll It」の演奏後にはいつものジミヘンの想い出と共に、プリンスのコンサートを小さなクラブで観た想い出を語っている。



01. A Hard Day’s Night
02. Save Us
03. Can’t Buy Me Love
04. Letting Go
05. Temporary Secretary
06. Let Me Roll It
07. I’ve Got A Feeling
08. My Valentine
09. 1985
10. Here There And Everywhere
11. Maybe I’m Amazed
12. We Can Work It Out
13. In Spite Of All Danger
14. You Won’t See Me
15. Love Me Do
16. And I Love Her
17. Blackbird
18. Here Today
19. Queenie Eye

01. New
02. The Fool On The Hill
03. Lady Madonna
04. FourFiveSeconds
05. Eleanor Rigby
06. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
07. Something
08. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
09. Band On The Run
10. Back In The U.S.S.R.
11. Let It Be
12. Live And Let Die
13. Hey Jude
14. Yesterday
15. Hi Hi Hi – Let’s Go Crazy
16. Birthday
17. Golden Slumbers – Carry That Weight – The End

01. Introduction
02. A Hard Day’s Night
03. Save Us
04. Can’t Buy Me Love
05. Letting Go
06. Temporary Secretary
07. Let Me Roll It
08. I’ve Got A Feeling
09. My Valentine
10. 1985
11. Here There And Everywhere
12. Maybe I’m Amazed
13. We Can Work It Out
14. In Spite Of All Danger
15. You Won’t See Me
16. Love Me Do
17. And I Love Her
18. Blackbird
19. Here Today
20. Queenie Eye

01. New
02. The Fool On The Hill
03. Lady Madonna
04. FourFiveSeconds
05. Eleanor Rigby
06. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
07. Something
08. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
09. Band On The Run
10. Back In The U.S.S.R.
11. Let It Be
12. Live And Let Die
13. Hey Jude
14. Yesterday
15. Hi Hi Hi – Let’s Go Crazy
16. Birthday
17. Golden Slumbers – Carry That Weight – The End

Picadilly Circus. PCCD-257/258/259/260

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