Megadeth / Osaka 1991 / 1CD / Zodiac

Megadeth / Osaka 1991 / 1CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live at Koseinenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 21st February 1991.


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MEGADETH history, cum & finest live album is appeared in the press CD. Of this work it has been recording “February 21, 1991: Osaka Welfare Pension Hall”. Is the audience album that has been excavated from the original DAT prestigious Kinney.
This recording has reigned as large classic from that time, the name recording, which is known even “HANGAR 18 (9-10221)”. This is not a story that only in Japan, is a thing that is high praise as a “tour-best”, “must all MEGADETH fans listen” in collector site overseas. This work is a thing that turned into CD from the spot of the original DAT of such vertex specific name recording to direct. In fact, “HANGAR 18” In Japan performances round understand such Japanese MC “new album RUST IN PEACE” and, but had been cut to identify the venue “Oosaka!” And the like, the whole recording in this work. Long for is 5 minutes in total length.
However, such length is only only evidence. True weirdness of the original DAT is, its sound. This work is a naive art at the time turned into anew CD in modern technology of a different dimension, it succeeded in transferring all of the information that DAT was confined to the CD. Natural of its sound, Haji Keru freshness is great enough to think that either completely different recording. And the Koamania of sound, which has been acclaimed as a “tour-best”, is the ultimate the first time that would further go up.
Although with such transcendent quality, it does not say alone is it up to the “pinnacle of MEGADETH history”. Live itself was Fujikoma in the sound’s the vertex. Historical daimyo album “RUST IN PEACE” momentum I always came to Japan as it is, the heavy metal of the utopia that sparked a whirlwind at the time that playing the first time. “Four Golden” that Marty Friedman and Nick Menza is, slams the elaboration be at an end ensemble, you fascinated me another dimension of the show is the MEGADETH drifting Yakeppachi feeling up to it.
Of course, then “four golden” is about 10 years continued, I came to Japan many times in the meantime. However, this tour is really special special in. How can the later whether there is also a trend of the times, “COUNTDOWN TO EXTINCITON” proceed to the grand champion sumo greatly tempo down, “RUST IN PEACE” era is keep the ultra-fast tempo since the debut. On top of that, do you chic and sophisticated ensemble to beyond compare. At the time, but now even too smooth to play the first time in “slash whether or not the metal” is the basis of the discussion, the spa spa and sharp sharpness is the most sharp in MEGADETH history. On the contrary, unparalleled finest live also overlooks the whole heavy metal history. We should be told to the equivalent first visit to Japan and IRON MAIDEN and METALLICA for the Japanese, I rare Naru utopia have kind.

Involuntarily slip brush, I have written that “we Japanese”. However, this work is not of a “special for the Japanese”, “special for metal heads around the world.” In fact, there are some sound board and professional shots to “RUST IN PEACE” era to listen a special performance in MEGADETH all history. However, its outstanding of Kinney recording “HANGAR 18” are aligned with the official of been Wembley performance, “RUST IN PEACE” live the apex of the album, which drew a full-scale show of the era in the best sound. Only was the one and audience album (By the way, is not only in just 45 minutes Portland show the same level of sound). In other words, the name recorded in the name while recording, which has been reigning as “MEGADETH apex of all history” over a quarter of a century is, I was revealing in Omoto uncut DAT sound that has been smoked direct the site of the air.
This is another, if not even “MEGADETH So”, not even “because Japan” or “because Kinney recording”. “HEAVY METAL” music genre, and shines specially among “audience recording” culture, one should Yokusu in honor of the “name board”. It happens that much of the music heritage, is the story of just came out from the original DAT of Kinney. Therefore audience, this recording will never leave a name in the music history of the table. However, that’s why knowing the world of underground gem for us. It is the human race heritage that must be handed down. One of the knobs, containment to press CD to leave forever, will be delivered this weekend to your handy.

この録音は当時から大定番として君臨しており、『HANGAR 18(9-10221)』でも知られる名録音。これは日本に限った話ではなく、海外のコレクター・サイトでも「ツアー・ベスト」「全MEGADETHファンが聴かねばならない」と激賞されているものなのです。本作は、そんな頂点的名録音のオリジナルDATの現物からダイレクトにCD化したものなのです。実際、『HANGAR 18』では日本公演が丸わかりな日本語MC「新しいアルバムはRUST IN PEACE」や、会場を特定する「オオサカー!」等をカットしていましたが、本作では丸ごと収録。全長でも5分長いのです。
そんな超絶クオリティとは言え、それだけでは「MEGADETH史上の絶頂」とまでは言いません。そのサウンドで封じ込まれたライヴそのものが頂点なのです。歴史的大名盤『RUST IN PEACE』の勢いそのままに来日したわけですが、その演奏ぶりは当時旋風を巻き起こしたヘヴィメタルの理想郷。マーティ・フリードマン&ニック・メンザという“黄金の4人”は、精緻極まるアンサンブルを叩きつけ、それまでのやけっぱち感漂うMEGADETHとは別次元のショウを魅せてくれるのです。
もちろん、その後“黄金の4人”は約10年続き、その間に何度も来日しました。しかし、このツアーは本当に特別中の特別。時代の風潮もあってか『COUNTDOWN TO EXTINCITON』以降は大幅にテンポダウンして横綱相撲へと進んでいくのですが、『RUST IN PEACE』時代はデビュー以来の超速テンポをキープ。その上で、比べものにならないほどに精緻なアンサンブルで疾駆するのです。当時、あまりに滑らかな演奏ぶりに「スラッシュメタルか否か」が議論の的にさえなりましたが、そのスパスパとシャープな切れ味は、MEGADETH史上でももっとも鋭利。それどころか、全ヘヴィメタル史を見渡しても他に類を見ない極上のライヴ。我々日本人にとってIRON MAIDENやMETALLICAの初来日と同等に語られるべき、類い希なる理想郷なのです。

思わず筆が滑り、「我々日本人」と書いてしまいました。しかし、本作は“日本人にとって特別”なのではなく、“世界中のメタルヘッズにとって特別”です。実のところ、MEGADETH全史でも特別な演奏を聴かせる『RUST IN PEACE』時代にもサウンドボードやプロショットはいくつかあります。しかし、キニー録音の既発『HANGAR 18』は、オフィシャル化されたウェンブリー公演と並び、極上サウンドで『RUST IN PEACE』時代のフルスケールショウを描いたライヴアルバムの頂点。唯一無二のオーディエンス・アルバムでした(ちなみに、同レベル・サウンドのポートランド公演はわずか45分でしかありません)。つまり、四半世紀にわたり“MEGADETH全史の頂点”として君臨してきた名録音中の名録音が、現場の空気を直接吸ってきた大元ノーカットDATサウンドで現出したのです。
これはもう、「MEGADETHだから」でもなければ、「日本だから」でも「キニー録音だから」でもない。“HEAVY METAL”という音楽ジャンル、そして“客席録音”文化の中でも特別に光り輝き、「名盤」の誉れに浴すべき1枚。それほどの音楽遺産がたまたま、キニーのオリジナルDATから出てきただけの話なのです。オーディエンス故に、この録音が表の音楽史に名を残すことはないでしょう。しかし、だからこそアンダーグラウンドの世界を知る私たちにとっては珠玉。語り継がなければならない人類遺産です。この極めつけの1枚、永遠に残すプレスCDに封じ込め、今週末あなたのお手元へお届けいたします。

1. Shut Up, Be Happy(Ice‐T) 2. Wake Up Dead 3. Hook In Mouth 4. Hangar 18 5. Tornado Of Souls
6. Lucretia 7. The Conjuring 8. In My Darkest Hour 9. Dawn Patrol 10. Devil’s Island
11. These Boots 12. Liar 13. Mechanix 14. Take No Prisoners 15. Holy Wars
16. Good Mourning/Black Friday 17. Peace Sells 18. Anarchy In The UK

Dave Mustaine – Guitar, Lead Vocal David Ellefson – Bass, Backing Vocals
Marty Friedman – Guitar, Backing Vocals Nick Menza – Drums
Zodiac 206

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