McAuley Schenker Group / Budokan 1988 1st Night / 1CD

McAuley Schenker Group / Budokan 1988 1st Night / 1CD / Zodiac

Translated text:

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 15th February 1988



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Latest bullet of the original cassette reprint series of Kinney is the appearance! This time, had been housed in excavated the original master, Japan tour of McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP that becomes the whole world premiere. This year, the we not play a re-visit to Japan with Robin McAuley, only Japan just once in McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP to this the first time in 28 years. First annual, Let’s check from the dates of the visit to Japan performance.

– February 5: Sapporo Welfare Pension Hall
– February 8, 2011: Osaka Festival Hall
– February 9, 2011: Osaka Festival Hall
– February 11, 2011: Nagoya City Auditorium
– February 13, 2011: Kyoto Moriyama Town Hall
– February 14: Shizuoka Civic Cultural Hall
– February 15, 2011: Tokyo Nippon Budokan [this work] – February 16, 2011: Tokyo Nippon Budokan
– February 18: Fukuoka Sun Palace
– February 19: Okayama Kurashiki civic center
– February 21, 2011: Nagoya City Auditorium
– February 22, 2011: Kyoto Kaikan

Or more, all 12 performances. In Japan History of Michael Schenker was a large-scale tour that becomes the largest number performances on a par with January 1984. This work is the audience-album of the first day of became a highlight Nippon Budokan, “February 15, 1988”. Prestigious Kinney has had recorded such a live, that even in the Japan of the boot leg history and synonymous. At the time somehow are not recording of the original cassette that has not been published appeared beyond the time of 28 years.
Its sound, exactly Kinney Magic. Vivid scene feeling even containment there while, great sound vigorously clear musical sound arrives straight. In the past also, including the “DESTROY SENDAI 1984 (ZODIAC 184)” of MSG, Gary Moore and Jeff Beck, RAINBOW, and so on IRON MAIDEN, but we have reprinted the great performance of the ’80s, also this time “truly Kinney” I gem of. Especially nice, also Michael of V sound. It has now become the Dean of the sign, but still, still Gibson is what Michael. Sweet, sharp, Toro Keru tone Tama learned …. In the latest installment of the time “PERFECT TIMING,” but there was also the voice of discontent in production that has been holding the guitar (of or tried to align even at the time of the scene), his real exerted in the live of the place. Saewatari cry of tone in pop melodies, stand out beauty the song had been hidden. “When you wrote, it would Do I was like this song” you are reborn in a version reminiscent of the. Especially I want to do is I would like to “Follow The Night”! In the album (I’m sorry) I was only mediocre ballad, but dancing in the dance is Gibson V of Michael in this work! Pop while not even fully brighter Kyokuso, …… that beautiful of obbligato to be dancing in the back of a friendly melody.
Then, another one of the buddy, also singing voice of Robin McAuley great. At the time, stupid (rude!) Hairstyle and brain Weather (Sunmasen !!) action is what was scaring to, but thus the goodness of singing voice itself and listen in live album permeates obediently. How can shade also Hettakure was also not in a really ’80s over-produced sound in the album, Namakoe will faintly summarizes the sorrow in the husky voice. Indescribably wonderful is this unique emotion, if Phil Mogg is “British voice”, Robin or should I say, even with the “Irish voice”. After “THE ACOUSTIC M.S.G.” in but it was also reviewed as “Why do has been found has teamed up this two”, you that taste unfolds in electric rock sound. The singing voice, shining even in the past of the repertoire. Official “” UNPLUGGED “LIVE” any time I hear Robin’s UFO number, here to is electric, and even the old MSG classic group of “Armed And Ready,” “Cry For The Nations”, “On And On”, “Lost Horizons” also sing. We indulge in was severe in Doogie White “On And On” is also relaxed with confidence delicacy, became a rich look at the subtle shading “Cry For The Nations”, bring out the charm of dark melody in turbidity voice ” Lost Horizons “and so on, the sense is good casually also has its own flavor (but there are also songs that lowering the rust, but this is may Ppoku arrangement. This is also 80s to share the VAN HALEN specific treble chorus, 2012 I wanted you to hear a taste of voice lifted was confronted in the re-confluence). There is no Capillaria is going to tell him as a transcendence technician, but I enjoy the singing voice that was far from the spread has been “monotone” image to the public to remain plain.

It was unfortunate McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP era. Music ran to pop is what I bought the unpopular, but is now that know the then era that went also become sober for more than 10 years, “Michael & Gibson V” is was one era to shine. And, very unfortunate also sound reason to tell the true value. Not only unplugged the official, also will listen to Electric stride, it powerful representative sound source was not at all even in the boot leg. Its Kusetsu of the 28-year history, time has come to finally end is struck. McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP of drawn is “electric” in the excellent Kinney sound. Robin and precisely because Michael is the 2016 re-Japan all together, live album, which I would like you to taste all means. Containment to the permanent preservation of the press CD, this weekend will be delivered to your handy.

キニーのオリジナル・カセット復刻シリーズの最新弾が登場です! 今回、発掘されたオリジナル・マスターに収められていたのは、全世界初公開となるMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUPの来日公演。今年、28年ぶりにロビン・マッコーリーとの再来日を果たすわけですが、これまでMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUPでの来日はただ一度だけ。まずは恒例、来日公演の日程から確認してみましょう。

・2月15日:東京・日本武道館 【本作】

そのサウンドは、まさにキニー・マジック。生々しい現場感覚も封じ込めてありながら、激しくクリアな楽音が真っ直ぐ届く素晴らしいサウンド。これまでもM.S.G.の『DESTROY SENDAI 1984(ZODIAC 184)』を始め、ゲイリー・ムーアやジェフ・ベック、RAINBOW、IRON MAIDEN等々、80年代の名演を復刻して参りましたが、今回も“流石キニー”の逸品なのです。特に素晴らしいのは、やはりマイケルのVサウンド。今やディーンの看板のようになっていますが、やはり、やはりギブソンこそがマイケル。甘く、鋭く、トロけるトーンがたまならい……。当時の最新作『PERFECT TIMING』では(当時のシーンにでも合わせようとしたのか)ギターを押さえられたプロダクションに不満の声もありましたが、ライヴの場では本領発揮。ポップなメロディにも泣きのトーンが冴え渡り、曲が秘めていた美しさが際立つ。“書いた時には、こういう曲だったんだろうな”と思わせるバージョンに生まれ変わっているのです。特に申し上げたいのは「Follow The Night」! アルバムでは(申し訳ないですが)凡庸なバラードでしかなかったのですが、本作ではマイケルのギブソンVが舞いに舞う! ポップながらも明るくなりきれない曲想、親しげなメロディの裏で乱舞するオブリガートの美しいこと……。
そして、もう1人の相棒、ロビン・マッコーリーの歌声も素晴らしい。当時はアホな(失礼!)髪型と脳天気な(すんません!!)アクションにギョッとしたものですが、こうしてライヴアルバムで聴くと歌声そのものの良さが素直に染みる。アルバムではいかにも80年代なオーバープロデュース・サウンドで陰影もへったくれもなかったのですが、生声はハスキーな声質に憂いをほんのりとまとう。この独特な情感がなんとも素晴らしく、フィル・モグが“ブリティッシュ・ヴォイス”なら、ロビンは“アイリッシュ・ヴォイス”とでも言えばいいでしょうか。後の『THE ACOUSTIC M.S.G.』で「なぜこの2人が組んでいるのかが分かった」というレビューもされましたが、あの味わいがエレクトリックなロック・サウンドで繰り広げられるのです。その歌声は、過去のレパートリーでも輝く。オフィシャル『”UNPLUGGED” LIVE』でもロビンのUFOナンバーは聴けましたが、こちらはエレクトリックですし、さらに旧M.S.G.の名曲群「Armed And Ready」「Cry For The Nations」「On And On」「Lost Horizons」も歌う。ドゥギー・ホワイトでも厳しかった「On And On」も伸びやかで安心して繊細さに浸れますし、微妙な陰影で表情豊かになった「Cry For The Nations」、濁り声でダークなメロディの魅力を引き出す「Lost Horizons」等々、独自の味付けもさり気なくセンスが良い(サビを下げる曲もありますが、これはVAN HALEN的な高音コーラスと分け合うアレンジ。これも80年代っぽくて良いのですが、2012年の再合流で見せつけた張り上げ声の旨みを聴かせて欲しかったです)。彼を超絶テクニシャンと言うつもりは毛頭ありませんが、世間に流布された“一本調子”イメージとはかけ離れた歌声を素のままに味わえるのです。

不遇だったMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUP時代。ポップに走った音楽性は不評を買ったものですが、その後10年以上も地味になっていった時代を知る今となっては、“マイケル&ギブソンV”が輝く一時代でした。そして、その真価を伝える音源事情も極めて不遇。オフィシャルにはアンプラグドしかなく、本領のエレクトリックを聴こうにも、ブートレッグでさえ強力な代表音源が一切なかったのです。その苦節28年の歴史、遂に終止符が打たれる時が来ました。絶品のキニー・サウンドで描かれる“エレクトリック”のMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUP。ロビンとマイケルが揃って再来日する2016年だからこそ、ぜひ味わっていただきたいライヴアルバム。永久保存のプレスCDに封じ込め、今週末あなたのお手元にお届けいたします。

1. Intro. 2. Armed And Ready 3. Cry For The Nations 4. Get Out 5. Gimme Your Love 6. On And On
7. Love Is Not A Game 8. Follow The Night 9. Into The Arena 10. Courvoisier Concerto
11. Lost Horizons 12. Mitch Perry Guitar Solo 13. No Time For Losers 14. Doctor Doctor
15. Rock ‘Til You’re Crazy 16. Rock Bottom

Michael Schenker – Guitar Robin McAuley – Vocals Mitch Perry – Guitar, Vocal
Rocky Newton – Bass, Vocal Bodo Schopf – Drums

Zodiac 190

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