Led Zeppelin / LA Forum 1977 The First / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / LA Forum 1977 The First / 3CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
The Forum, Inglewood, California, USA 21st June 1977


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LA Forum of Led Zeppelin June 21, 1977. Description Other than this will not need. The shop is also we have released a sound source of this day several times, recording on a case-by-case basis Sold Out. Without longer crowned the title of “LISTEN TO EDDIE”, thereby gaining easy and popular. And for a long time become title in Sold Out in various June 21 days our shop has been released, it does not cut off the voice that put them of recurrence at all. On the contrary, “because the ultra-classic ZEP live so much, I want you to more recurrence …”. So much of ZEP live sound source and has established a firm position on or before Treasures. Taper of the legend, Mike Millard is the most loved, the group who gave their all energy in recording ZEP. Such masterpiece of audience recordings he Mise to catch ZEP live was left behind.
At the same time, it would have been aimed at the ZEP of 1977, even that had captured the arrival point of the stage, the sound will great point of this sound source. Destroyer, Landover, Fort Worth, and so on, such as MSG, in their holy place that 77 years of ZEP is LA forum went slowly raise the tone, was listen to the best performance. In fact, as some people each of taste, but still should be no objection to that June 21 is a great performance in a great performance that among the best three in the 77-year tour. After all Ya serving terrific of Bonzo is Bukkake flew drum of this day …. We do not have a day that has been reached in this area live in April, even in July after the LA schedule the end, there is no day has been reached in this area.
It began the tour from April intense chemistry that it originally ZEP happened to the moment it reaches the venue that loves to play,. Moreover, although it is the reason that there was any “chemistry” of literally …. In a few songs from the opening, but there is a feeling Buttobi play was exhausted narrative Bonzo of this day, still intense drumming to be beaten every time you play back. Rather Bonzo indicating the intense presence in the whole volume of the “No Quarter”. Who has no one to sandwich the objection that the protagonist of this day is Bonzo!

Exceptional thus there is a feature of even LA performances of degree has escalated of “chemistry”, but because the atmosphere of June 21 days. The the Millard recordings Mise and vacuum-packed in a wonderful degree it, it was Mise and containment at further limiting the press CD, will release “LOS ANGELES 1977 1ST NIGHT” from our shop. While a state in which very convince the low of the generation in the natural, definitive edition, which was supplemented with cut that occurred in the tape change in a different source in was a disadvantage of Millard recording “Ten Years Gone”. In the longer in the “LISTEN TO EDDIE” items that have continued to be issued the number of stars, is also the title was Mise dare release without the title.
From the fact that it had been Sold Out, among which are the long-awaited again of release, our shop is obtain a copy of the mirrored master of the new state. Our staff also initially I find I have enclosed a “LOS ANGELES 1977 1ST NIGHT” and than not much difference … and the hawk, I tried to play emergency, such as the thickness of the height and the natural sound of the freshness, it I have been overwhelmed by the goodness of the lightly surpassed’s state. Not only June 21, ZEP sound source Millard has left behind is the difference between the various types of audience recordings he has produced in the Floyd and Dylan, diffusion of at the level of the master copy is small. It is the single, at the same time and had an excellent recording technique, for it was also the what happened was a phenomenon because he’s that not have the bigotry of. Sonaruto, even in the same kind of low-level generation copy of, it would be born the sound quality of difference, such as by use of equipment. Among them, Millard prefer to use both on and off of the Dolby NR, thereby was not like a state in which the treble is extended. Sound quality change is likely to occur in the sense that unlike the deterioration in the branching from the later of the copy because of that. At that point, the sound quality quality of the copy was obtained this time is to say that exceptional.
It supplemented by familiar another sound source with respect to course this deficit part of also “Ten Years Gone”. And not only those who awaiting the recurrence of June 21, items from the long our shop has become a Sold Out, want to listen to the item of the day from now, or in a great title also for enthusiasts want to have There is no doubt that there is. A New “LISTEN TO EDDIE” items from our shop which appeared in the long-awaited or as the latest item of great performance serving as June 21 LA forum performances in great performance, do not miss the all means of this limited press CD release!

★ 2016 years, was suddenly appeared “Best Eddie”. This is I think we may be declared as the “incident”. I swear, but it is not absolutely at Toka remastered Toka equalize. “This sound is what?” Servants who heard it, startle and a question mark and full to become that without mistake in the excitement. To surpass all of its outstanding, shock upgrade board of.

レッド・ツェッペリン1977年6月21日のLAフォーラム。これ以外に説明はいらないでしょう。当店もこの日の音源を何度かリリースしてまいりましたが、その都度Sold Outを記録。もはや「LISTEN TO EDDIE」というタイトルを冠さなくとも、たやすく人気を博してしまう。それに当店がリリースしてきた各種6月21日にタイトルがSold Outになって久しく、それらの再発を望む声がまったく途絶えません。それどころか「あれほどの超定番ZEPライブなのだから、もっと再発して欲しい…」。これほどまでに確固たる地位を築いたZEPライブ音源の至宝。伝説のテーパー、マイク・ミラードがもっとも愛し、録音に全精力を捧げたグループがZEP。そんな彼が遺したZEPライブをキャッチしてみせたオーディエンス録音の最高傑作。
4月から始まったツアー、それに元々ZEPがプレイすることをこよなく愛した会場に到達した瞬間に起こった強烈なケミストリー。しかもそれは文字通りの「ケミストリー」でもあった訳ですが…。オープニングから数曲における、この日のボンゾのぶっ飛びプレイは語り尽された感がありますが、それでもなおプレイバックする度に打ちのめされる強烈なドラミング。それどころか「No Quarter」の全編でも強烈な存在感を示すボンゾ。この日の主役がボンゾであることに異論をはさむ者はだれもいない!

こうして「ケミストリー」の度合いがエスカレートしたのもLA公演の特色ではありますが、それでも6月21日の雰囲気というのは別格。それを見事なまでに真空パックしてみせたミラード録音を、さらに限定のプレスCDにて封じ込めてみせたのが、当店からのリリース「LOS ANGELES 1977 1ST NIGHT」でしょう。非常にナチュラルでジェネレーションの低さを確信させる状態でありながら、ミラード録音の欠点であった「Ten Years Gone」におけるテープ・チェンジで起きたカットを別ソースで補填した決定版。もはや星の数ほど出され続けてきた「LISTEN TO EDDIE」アイテムの中においても、敢えてそのタイトルを使わずにリリースしてみせたタイトルでもあります。
それがSold Outしてしまったことから、再度のリリースが待望される中、当店は新たな状態のミラード・マスターのコピーを入手。当店スタッフも入手当初は「LOS ANGELES 1977 1ST NIGHT」と大差ないのでは…とタカをくくっていたのですが、いざ再生してみたところ、その鮮度の高さや自然な音の厚みなど、それを軽く凌いだ状態の良さに圧倒されてしまいました。6月21日だけでなく、ミラードが遺したZEP音源はフロイドやディランで彼が生み出した各種オーディエンス録音と違い、マスター・コピーというレベルでの拡散が少ない。それは一重に、卓越した録音テクニックを持っていたと同時に、偏屈さを持ち合わせていた彼だからこそ起きた現象でもあったのです。そうなると、同じようなロージェネレーション・レベルのコピーでも、使用機材などによって音質の差異が生まれてしまう。中でもミラードはドルビーNRのオン・オフを使い分けることを好み、それによって高音が伸びる状態を好んでいた。そのせいで以降のコピーからの枝分かれで劣化とは違った意味での音質変化が生じやすい。その点において、今回入手したコピーの音質クオリティは別格と言えるのです。
もちろん今回も「Ten Years Gone」の欠損部分に関してはおなじみの別音源にて補填しています。それにSold Outとなってしまって久しい当店からの6月21日アイテムの再発を待っておられた方だけでなく、今からこの日のアイテムを聴きたい、あるいは持っていたいマニアにとっても絶好のタイトルであることは間違いありません。満を持して登場した当店から新たなる「LISTEN TO EDDIE」アイテム、あるいは名演中の名演たる6月21日LAフォーラム公演の最新アイテムとして、是非とも今回の限定のプレスCDリリースをお見逃しなく!


Disc 1 (70:01)
1. Intro 2. The Song Remains The Same 3. Sick Again 4. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
5. Over The Hills And Far Away 6. Since I’ve Been Loving You 7. No Quarter

Disc 2 (52:42)
1. MC 2. Ten Years Gone 3. The Battle Of Evermore 4. Going To California
5. Black Country Woman 6. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 7. White Summer/Black Mountain Side
8. Kashmir

Disc 3 (74:47)
1. MC 2. Over The Top 3. Heartbreaker 4. Guitar Solo 5. Achilles Last Stand
6. Stairway To Heaven 7. Whole Lotta Love 8. Rock And Roll


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