Led Zeppelin / Vancouver 1973 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Vancouver 1973 / 2CD / Non Label

Translated text:
Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, BC. Canada 18th July 1973


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Just one month ago, our shop we have released the Seattle performance of July 17, 1973 as “SEATTLE 1973 MASTER REELS”. As there in the great performance that peaks and troughs Robert Plant wave was intense in July has let me hear the song of the condition that it can be said that the best in the previous Madison Square Garden reach, was famous for a long time. However upset absolute in reversal the plant when it comes to live in the next day in Vancouver, ending that to top it off the show will end with greatly reduced. Will what the heck happened to the plant to hear a free Starring only it is Seattle.
First schedule of July 1973 tour and from the first day of the Chicago plant has a very bad condition of the throat, had become a rocky beginning. Even though Chicago first day has been around from the sound board recording is old, mania is assumed than were many of his too tone was gone Nokezo’ to bad singing voice.
Plant from which the tone of the throat began to recover gradually (this area was favorable than in the 75 years of the US tour) place, it is a great performance Seattle earlier became the most favorable. Unlike MSG to yell that might have come from the fact that shooting coupled with the movie “THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME” and state that the tour late had entered, Seattle is not only in a single day in the tour. Nevertheless, the plant was to hear a song transmitted spirited only there. But where will the impossible was Tata’ of, then you may have sounded to the next day of the Vancouver stage.

Vancouver audience recordings this time be released incomplete version that captures the first to live the first half only comes into play. But even just heard about it, it upsets the first time the plant was clear. The difference between the first Seattle the day before just two songs Rekizen. Pained plant to sing really. Certainly his early also in Seattle did not mean that the engine is fully opened. However, poor tone plant is beyond such a level of this day. To say that again I nightmare of Chicago the first day there is no exaggeration. The more in the just finished the “Black Dog” is the bonus be heard until the MC, such as whether to look into the actual depth likely tone. It would be clear that the modulation in the plant at this point was happening.
Ironically, three people other than the plant top form from the opening. For example, playing with considerably high tension is such as the ending of “Celebration Day” will not end as follow up. Not limited to the United States, but ZEP is a tendency that the plant is noticeable other three people of my best as a slump in 73 years of stage, is no exception this day. Performance is full of just boiling such spirit. Perhaps it has become clear that malfunction of the plant before the show started, but still from the professionalism that must Konasa the stage, you seems to have appeared in the spirit of such performance.

Also upset the plant of the throat in the “Misty Mountain Hop” around here reflected on as a small pause, then, “Since I’ve Been Loving You” to “No Quarter” that, long song performance of the part than the song of the part lasted thing, it seemed to him as if it had become a way of further salvation. But the reality seems plant was considerably upset, it should be then played if the original as “The Song Remains The Same”, “The Rain Song” is will be omitted. This is also a possibility that had been decided before the live start was considered.
Then, when a version was recorded the entire show is excavated, just as part of the performance than the song part even if I moved to the “Dazed And Confused”, which accounts for many, still voice of the plant was pained It has been revealed. That it seems to was also possible to make the drum solo “Moby Dick” in buy time this after Bonzo, but we will in fact become a forced end to play the “Stairway To Heaven”. Of course, it does not have to say was the there even is still spicy likely tone of his voice.

73 years after the had become a nightly climax “Stairway To ~” in the tour, press on the end of the live, such as that was told to the audience that you are that … I thought so the wait is mercilessly “Led Zeppelin announcement that has left the venue, Robert plant has been transported to the hospital. ” Too poked a surprise deployment, as the venue had been Wakikae’ until a little while ago would be quiet a scene.
While this is happening, the plant will be mixed with a foreign object, such as a drag on drank drinks in the dressing room before the appearance, there he is also speculation that … had fallen into a bad trip. But in this way when I listen to the sound source, tone of his throat does not help but think, as was the primary cause is that went wrong fundamentally. Yet the end of the other three people playing really has been enhanced “Dazed And Confused”, and even I was not shine until the stunning great play of Jimmy Page in, such as the second half of “Stairway To Heaven”.
Omakeni audience recording of this day is the sound quality is a quite good, boasts no way inferior quality to “SEATTLE 1973 MASTER REELS” of the day before. On the contrary, what here stereo recording. Certainly there is a problem early is not recorded in the “Black Dog”, the past few years only to the sound source the item did not exist, I think in a lot of people of people who are surprised to hear ease rather .
Enhance the first time in the performance by three persons other than the plant that was mentioned earlier as well. And upon release by the press CD of this limit, adjust again recorded from the master, the more accurate also was slow pitch in the second half of the show. And Paige has been found here and there and became a great performance as if to cover the malfunction of the plant, “Stairway To ~” noise was carefully removed. Full of happening up here overnight of the show, 73-year US tour ultimate documentary sound source will be released in a long time and the best of the state!


ちょうど一か月前、当店は1973年7月17日のシアトル公演を「SEATTLE 1973 MASTER REELS」としてリリースいたしました。そこでは7月に好不調の波が激しかったロバート・プラントがマディソン・スクエア・ガーデン到達以前で最高とも言えるコンディションの歌を聴かせてくれた名演として、昔から有名でした。ところが翌日のバンクーバーでのライブになるとプラントは一転して絶不調、挙句の果てにショーは大幅に短縮して終わってしまうという結末。シアトルであれだけの快演を聴かせたプラントに一体何が起きたのでしょうか。
そこからのプラントは喉の調子が徐々に回復していった(この辺りは75年のアメリカ・ツアーの時よりも順調でした)ところ、もっとも好調となったのが先の名演シアトルです。ツアー終盤という状態と相まって映画「THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME」の撮影が入っていたことから気合が入っていたMSGと違い、シアトルはツアーにおける一日でしかありません。にもかかわらず、あれだけ気合の伝わる歌を聴かせたプラント。しかしそこでの無理がたたったのでしょう、翌日のバンクーバーのステージに響いてしまったのかもしれません。

今回リリースされるバンクーバーのオーディエンス録音は最初にライブ前半だけを捉えた不完全版が登場します。ところがそれを聞いただけでも、プラントの不調ぶりは明らかでした。最初の二曲だけでも前日シアトルとの違いが歴然。いかにも歌うのが苦しそうなプラント。確かにシアトルでも序盤の彼はエンジン全開という訳ではありませんでした。ところがこの日のプラントはそういったレベルを超えた調子の悪さ。シカゴ初日の悪夢よ再びと言っても過言ではありません。おまけに「Black Dog」を終えたところでは実際にしんどそうな調子を覗かせるかの様なMCまで聞かれるほど。この時点でプラントに変調が起きていたのは明らかでしょう。
皮肉なことに、プラント以外の三人はオープニングから絶好調。例えば「Celebration Day」のエンディングなどは相当にハイなテンションで演奏が畳みかけるように終わっています。アメリカに限らず、73年のステージにおけるZEPはプラントが不調なほど他の三人の頑張りが目立つという傾向が見られますが、この日も例外ではありません。演奏は正に煮えたぎるような気迫に溢れている。恐らくはショー開始前からプラントの不調が明らかとなっており、それでもステージをこなさなければならないというプロ意識から、このような演奏の気迫に現われたように思えるのです。

プラントの喉の不調も「Misty Mountain Hop」辺りでは小休止となったように映り、その後「Since I’ve Been Loving You」に「No Quarter」という、歌のパートよりも演奏のパートが長い曲が続いたことは、彼にとってさらなる救いの道となったかのように思えました。ところが現実にはプラントが相当に不調だったようで、本来なら次に演奏されるべき「The Song Remains The Same」と「The Rain Song」が省かれてしまいます。これもまたライブ開始前に決められていた可能性が考えられました。
そしてショー全体を収録したバージョンが発掘されると、同じように歌パートよりも演奏のパートが多くを占める「Dazed And Confused」へと移ってみても、やはりプラントの声は苦しそうであったことが明らかとなっています。この後ボンゾのドラム・ソロ「Moby Dick」で時間稼ぎをすることも可能だったように思えるのですが、実際には「Stairway To Heaven」を演奏して強制終了となってしまいました。もちろん、そこでも彼の声の調子が相変わらず辛そうだったのは言うまでもありません。

73年ツアーにおいて毎晩のクライマックスとなっていた「Stairway To~」の後は、畳みかける様なライブの終盤が待ち受けている…そう思っていた観客に告げられたのは無情にも「レッド・ツェッペリンは会場を後にしています、ロバート・プラントは病院に搬送されました」というアナウンス。あまりにも意表を突いた展開に、さっきまで沸き返っていた会場がシーンと静まり返ってしまうほど。
このハプニングですが、プラントが出演前に楽屋で飲んだドリンクにドラッグのような異物が混入されてしまい、彼がバッド・トリップに陥ってしまった…という推測もあります。しかしこうして音源を聴いてみると、彼の喉の調子が根本的に悪かったというのが一番の原因だったように思えてなりません。それでいて他の三人の演奏は本当に充実していて「Dazed And Confused」の終盤、さらには「Stairway To Heaven」後半などにおいてジミー・ペイジの素晴らしいプレイが見事なまでに輝きを放っていたのです。
おまけにこの日のオーディエンス録音は音質がなかなかに良好であり、前日の「SEATTLE 1973 MASTER REELS」に勝るとも劣らないクオリティを誇ります。それどころか、何とこちらはステレオ録音。確かに「Black Dog」の序盤が収録されていないといった問題はありますが、ここ何年もアイテムが存在しなかった音源だけに、むしろ聴きやすさに驚かされる人の方が多いのではないでしょうか。
先に触れたプラント以外の三人による演奏の充実ぶりも同様。そして今回の限定のプレスCDによるリリースに際し、改めてマスターから収録し、さらにショー後半で遅かったピッチも正確にアジャスト。そしてペイジが不調のプラントをカバーするかのような名演となった「Stairway To~」で散見されたノイズは丁寧に削除しました。一夜のショーでここまでハプニングに溢れた、73年アメリカ・ツアー究極のドキュメンタリー音源が久々かつ最高の状態にてリリースされます!

Disc 1 (47:39)
1. Rock And Roll 2. Celebration Day 3. Black Dog 4. Over The Hills and Far Away
5. Misty Mountain Hop 6. Since I’ve Been Loving You 7. No Quarter

Disc 2 (36:57)
1. Dazed And Confused 2. Stairway To Heaven 3. Announcement

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