Iron Maiden / The Ultimate Compilation 1978-1981 / 2CD

Iron Maiden / The Ultimate Compilation 1978-1981 / 2CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Complete Collection of Early Rare Tracks STEREO SBD


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Ultimate album that covers the rare track of Paul Diano era is appeared! 1978 – 1981 years early IRON MAIDEN, such as a provision to singles and compilations, hard time just to grasp a lot anyway is fine take the non-album, with or have Nakaniwa scattered in the same take a variety of vans and recording situation. Moreover, most of which are out of print now. It was a very popular mania who have piled up such Crow, gift album that raked the rare track of Diano era “COMPELTE RARE TRACKS”. Was a big hit, also said that the abnormality in the gift item that number, “I can buy anywhere!?” “Vertex! Compilation CD” from overseas mania and was about become a hot topic. This work is the ultimate version was further upgraded its large masterpiece compilation.
This time, upon press of permanent preservation, Arainaoshi a version of the best sound from all tracks of the official in the songs. Furthermore rare track was also added which has been discovered to become the last year, was also pursuing perfection as the “album” in the mastering of a certain sense of unity. Of course, since it is only the most emphasis on the official “Original Sound”, it is we do not do such as changing the tone and pitch, volume and sound pressure was falling apart in each track unification. The one that I you listen as “album work” without changing the volume each time. Of course of course, !! that many of the treasures take you did not listen to the album “steel of virgin”, “Killers” is you can handy Complete
Let’s introduce each track in detail. This work of configuration I have enjoyed in one by one “Disk 1 = Studio Edition” and “Disk 2 = Live Edition” while time series. Members three “Paul Diano”, “Steve Harris,” “Dave Murray” with all tracks are common, but others are in flux. We will continue to wipe the two side guitar and drums respectively.

[Disc 1: “THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES” SESSION] (Side Guitar: Paul Cairns / Drum: Doug Sampson)
First First, the legendary, which is also the first recording of IRON MAIDEN and “THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES”! Original EP is Although it is hidden treasure called “the Holy Grail of MAIDEN”, ​​in terms of “reproduction of sound” that low-budget cutting because of the semi-amateur era is hard to say that the best. So, this time sticking to one point of the “Play sound”, was used vans (CSK 56882) which has been recurrent in the only official CD once in 2002 instead of the original EP. This CD is used only by people who bought all the remastered series can be applicants, 666 pieces of limited edition. Moreover, the United States living in fan only can not apply, it’s a a rhea CD. The digital version of “THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES” outtakes “Strange World” which was dropped while being recorded in a session also “THE BEST OF THE BEAST”.
In its official credit, but has become that Dave 1 people are playing the guitar, visionary guitarist In a recent study, we have found that Paul Cairns was also participating. In the present work, we have credit his name to. In the first recording of the historic name of the band, please enjoy the legendary track in the legend at the official digital sound!

[Disc 1: “METAL FOR MUTHAS” SESSION] (Guitar: Tony Parsons / Drum: Doug Sampson)
The next, Tony Parsons is subscribed “METAL FOR MUTHAS”. Here also, rather than at the time of analog LP, we’ve used the firm in 1996 CD single of which are treatments at the official mastering. Here listen, “Sanctuary”, “Wrathchild” is different from the one that has been remade in the album, genuine original take. In particular, “Wrathchild” is a popular album “Killers”, but more NWOBHM odor is strong this take what in primitives, I am told faithfully the original form of the song was born.

[Disc 1: “FRIDAY ROCK SHOW” SESSION] (Guitar: Tony Parsons / Drum: Doug Sampson)
Persists, recorded at the BBC program “FRIDAY ROCK SHOW”. This radio take, of Lars Ulrich supervision “NWOBHM ’79 REVISITED” and such as “ONE AND ONLY”, broadcasting has been also used in a variety of competent. It has been around for a number of air check boot also, here I was recorded from the best version of 2002 out of print box “EDDIE’S ARCHIVE”.

[Disc 1: SINGLE B-SIDES] “Burning Ambition”
(: Only unknown (Dave), drum: side guitar? Doug Sampson)
“Women In Uniform,” “Invasion”
(Side Guitar: Dennis Stratton, drum: Clive Burr)
Finally, record debut era, it drew the album unreleased track of each single. Here finally, to reach the figure of our well know IRON MAIDEN. In this way, this disk 1 can be synchronous and history of very early MAIDEN, debut album earlier also firmly can experience. But we’ve thought that just two of the “steel of virgin”, “Killers” Until now, this one is of a very “1st previous studio album”!

[Disc 1: bonus track] In addition, bonus recording two songs Ku-conditioned Notamawa while official track. First “COMPELTE RARE TRACKS” treasure track that has been discovered since the “Women In Uniform (Alternate Mix)”! those 2015 to but analog seven inches reprint series in official has been released, was published to match it. Compared to the familiar takes on a CD single and PV without the intro of the side guitar, rust chorus also is a big different mix versions. However, while the difference is as seen in one shot listening, without the announcement of a “different mix” at the time of publication. It was quite a mystery take, is currently being investigation of mania advances, it is a leading theory of the same mix as the original seven inches of the United Kingdom. In this work, rather than a cause analog single, and recorded from a digital version of the official production, you can listen in the official album and completely equivalent of super beautiful sound.
In another bonus, it recorded a demo version of the compilation “AXE ATTACK!” Was recorded by mistake only to first press the “Running Free”. Recording time is also unknown because the only mistake, guitar does not know Maybe Tony Parsons or Dennis Stratton (drums Doug Sampson). It is caused only analog disk 1, but was solved as much as possible the discomfort of the other track with the latest-meticulous remastered.

[Disk 2: SINGLE “SANCTUARY”] (Side guitar = Dennis Stratton, drum = Clive Burr)
Disk 2 from here “live hen”. “MAIDEN! MAIDEN!” Begin is guided to call, Marquee club stage of the single “SANCTUARY” recording. At the time, credit but it was ambiguous, in fact in 1980 of marquee live There are two types of “April 3”, “July 4”. Because it also can be distributed to the single of each country panel apart, respectively, and has become the source of a long time confusion. First of all, it is a two-song single “SANCTUARY” recording of “April 3”.

[Disk 2: EP “LIVE !! + ONE”] (Side guitar = Dennis Stratton, drum = Clive Burr)
Here live three songs of the “July 4th”. “Phantom Of The Opera” only have been digitized, but the listen together three songs only “LIVE !! + ONE”. IRON MAIDEN history, is a sound source that is not only formally digitized. In this work, in order to have a sense of unity, from the “LIVE !! + ONE” in the best state with three songs, has decided on CD in high-end equipment professional.
In particular point Nanoha “Drifter”. In Gift CDR “COMPELTE RARE TRACKS”, It was Greece panel edit version (3 minutes and 38 seconds), in this work we have recorded in the full version (8 minutes and 20 seconds).

[Disc 2: “BBC ARCHIVES”] (Side guitar = Dennis Stratton, drum = Clive Burr)
Third live, the 1980 Reading Festival from the print box “EDIIE’S ARCHIVE” that became a sold out in an instant it is released in 2002. Mistakes explosion tension step on the rough playing and the first big stage of anyway, “Killers” and so on temporary lyrics, is the best live that rode with plenty smell of NWBHM.

[Disk 2: EP “MAIDEN JAPAN (US PRESS)”] (Guitar = Adrian Smith, drum = Clive Burr)
The Rounding out the last, ultra-name record “MAIDEN JAPAN”. To come here joined by Adrian Smith, you can enjoy early MAIDEN sound that reaches the finally perfection. “MAIDEN JAPAN” of standard specification was 4 songs (also four songs reprinted in the “THE FIRST 10 YEARS”), but in several countries including the North America it was five songs specification that was recorded add “Wrathchild”. In this work, of course, it is in accordance with the five songs specification, and use the only official digitization and it became in 1995 the Castle recurrence panel, has achieved the best sound again.

Or more, 31 track. Strictly speaking also exists edit version to another (for example, “Drifter” version that forcibly to fade out in the middle of a live, “Phantom Of The Opera” In the last “Back at your lair!” Repeat there is no version There will) is, what song / take / mix is ​​different we are covering. Assembled with meticulous care from a number of official items, further Ultimate 2 Disc to listen naturally even through. Good even listening with the intention of “new official album”, and also compensate for the omission of the collection is good, this is enough even if the encounter with IRON MAIDEN and OK! Very original album “Steel virgin”, “Killers” even lined up in the absolute and enhancement board, is the imposing of finished!



ポール・ディアノ時代のレアトラックを網羅した究極アルバムが登場です! 1978−1981年の初期IRON MAIDENは、シングルやコンピレーションへの提供など、アルバム未収録の細かいテイクがとにかく多く、なかには同じテイクが様々な盤に散っていたりと、収録状況を把握するだけでも一苦労。しかも、そのほとんどが現在は廃盤です。そんな苦労を重ねているマニア達に大好評だったのが、ディアノ時代のレアトラックをかき集めたギフトアルバム「COMPELTE RARE TRACKS」。数あるギフトアイテムでも異常とも言える大ヒットを記録し、海外マニアからも「コンピレーションCDの頂点!」「どこで買えるんだ!?」と話題になるほどでした。本作は、その大傑作コンピレーションをさらにアップグレードさせた究極バージョンです。

まず最初は、IRON MAIDENの初録音でもある伝説の「THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES」! オリジナルEPは“MAIDENの聖杯”と称される秘宝ですが、“音の再生”という面では半アマチュア時代ゆえの低予算カッティングがベストとは言いづらいもの。そこで、今回は“再生音”の一点にこだわり、オリジナルEPではなく2002年に一度だけオフィシャルCDで再発された盤(CSK 56882)を使用しました。このCDは、リマスター・シリーズを全部買った人だけが応募できるもので、666枚の限定品。しかも、アメリカ在住のファンしか応募できず、激レアなCDなのです。また「THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES」セッションで録音されながら外されたアウトテイク「Strange World」も「THE BEST OF THE BEAST」のデジタル・バージョンです。

次なるは、トニー・パーソンズが加入しての「METAL FOR MUTHAS」。こちらも当時のアナログLPではなく、しっかりとオフィシャルマスタリングでトリートメントされた1996年のCDシングルを使用しました。ここで聴ける「Sanctuary」「Wrathchild」はアルバムでリメイクされた物とは違う、正真正銘のオリジナルテイク。特に「Wrathchild」はアルバム「キラーズ」で人気ですが、よりプリミティヴでNWOBHM臭が強い本テイクこそ、曲が誕生した本来の姿を忠実に伝えています。

続くは、BBCの番組「FRIDAY ROCK SHOW」での収録。このラジオテイクは、ラーズ・ウルリッヒ監修の「NWOBHM ’79 REVISITED」や「ONE AND ONLY」など、様々なコンピにも使わてきた放送。数々のエアチェック・ブートも出回ってきましたが、ここでは2002年の廃盤ボックス「EDDIE’S ARCHIVE」のベストバージョンから収録しました。

「Burning Ambition」
「Women In Uniform」「Invasion」
いよいよ、レコードデビュー時代、各シングルのアルバム未収録トラックを集めました。ここでようやく、私たちのよく知るIRON MAIDENの姿にたどり着く。このように、このディスク1は極初期MAIDENの歩みとシンクロでき、デビューアルバム以前もしっかりと体感できる。今まで私たちは「鋼鉄の処女」「キラーズ」の2枚だけだと思ってきましたが、この1枚はまさに「1st以前のスタジオアルバム」なのです!

さらに、オフィシャル・トラックながら曰わく付きの2曲もボーナス収録。まずは「COMPELTE RARE TRACKS」以降に発見されたお宝トラック「Women In Uniform (Alternate Mix)」! 2015年にオフィシャルでアナログ7インチ復刻シリーズが発売されましたが、それに合わせて公開されたもの。CDシングルやPVでお馴染みのテイクに比べるとイントロのサイドギターがなく、サビのコーラスも大きな別ミックス・バージョンです。ただ、聴いて一発で分かるほど違いながら、公開時には「別ミックス」とのアナウンスはなし。まったくの謎テイクでしたが、現在マニアの調査が進みつつあり、英国のオリジナル7インチと同じミックスとの説が有力です。本作では、アナログシングル起こしではなく、オフィシャル制作のデジタル・バージョンから収録し、公式アルバムと完全に同等の超美麗サウンドで聴くことができます。
もう1つのボーナスには、コンピレーション「AXE ATTACK!」の初回プレスにのみ間違って収録された「Running Free」のデモバージョンを収録。あくまでミスなので録音時期も不明で、ギターはトニー・パーソンズかデニス・ストラットンなのかも分かっていません(ドラムはダグ・サンプソン)。ディスク1で唯一のアナログ起こしですが、最新・細心のリマスターで他トラックとの違和感を可能な限り解消しました。

ここからのディスク2は「ライヴ篇」。“MAIDEN! MAIDEN!”コールに導かれて始まるのは、シングル「SANCTUARY」収録のマーキー・クラブのステージ。当時はクレジットが曖昧でしたが、実は1980年のマーキーライヴには「4月3日」と「7月4日」の2種類があります。それぞれバラバラに各国盤のシングル等に振り分けられたりもしたため、長い間混乱の元になってきました。まずは、シングル「SANCTUARY」収録の「4月3日」の2曲です。

【ディスク2:EP “LIVE!! + ONE”】
こちらは「7月4日」のライヴ3曲。「Phantom Of The Opera」のみデジタル化されていますが、3曲まとめて聴けるのは「LIVE!!+ ONE」のみ。IRON MAIDEN史上、唯一正式デジタル化されていない音源です。本作では、統一感を持たせるため、3曲とも極上状態の「LIVE!!+ ONE」から、プロ仕様のハイエンド機材でCD化いたしました。
特にポイントなのは「Drifter」。ギフトCDR「COMPELTE RARE TRACKS」では、ギリシャ盤のエディット・バージョン(3分38秒)でしたが、本作ではフルバージョン(8分20秒)で収録しています。

【ディスク2:”BBC ARCHIVES”】
3番目のライヴは、2002年に発売されて瞬く間にソールドアウトとなった廃盤ボックス「EDIIE’S ARCHIVE」からの1980年レディングフェスティバル。ミスもお構いなしの荒々しい演奏や初の大舞台を踏む爆テンション、仮歌詞の「Killers」等々、NWBHMの臭みがたっぷりと乗った最高のライヴです。

最後を締めくくるのは、超名盤「MAIDEN JAPAN」。ここにきてエイドリアン・スミスが加わり、いよいよ完成の域に到達した初期のMAIDENサウンドが楽しめます。スタンダード仕様の「MAIDEN JAPAN」は4曲収録でした(「THE FIRST 10 YEARS」での復刻も4曲)が、北米を初めとする数カ国では「Wrathchild」を追加収録した5曲仕様でした。本作では、もちろん5曲仕様に準じており、唯一の公式デジタル化となった1995年のCastle再発盤を使用、ここでもベストサウンドを実現しました。

以上、31トラック。厳密には他にエディット・バージョンも存在します(例えば、ライヴの「Drifter」は途中で強引にフェイドアウトするバージョン、「Phantom Of The Opera」では最後の“Back at your lair!”リピートがないバージョンがあります)が、曲/テイク/ミックスが違うものは網羅しています。数々の公式アイテムから細心の配慮で組み上げ、さらに通しでも自然に聴ける究極の2枚組。「新たな公式アルバム」のつもりで聴いても良し、コレクションの抜けを補うも良し、これがIRON MAIDENとの出会いとなっても十分にOK! まさにオリジナル・アルバム「鋼鉄の処女」「キラーズ」にすら並ぶ絶対・充実盤、堂々の完成です!

Disc 1 (53:06)
1. Iron Maiden 2. Invasion 3. Prowler 4. Strange World (Outtake)

5. Sanctuary 6. Wrathchild

7. Iron Maiden 8. Running Free 9. Transylvania 10. Sanctuary

11. Burning Ambition 12. Women In Uniform 13. Invasion

Bonus Tracks
14. Women In Uniform (Alternate Mix) 15. Running Free (First Press “AXE ATTACK” Version)

Disc 2 (78:12)
1. Drifter 2. I’ve Got The Fire

3. Sanctuary 4. Phantom of the Opera 5. Drifter

6. Prowler 7. Remember Tomorrow 8. Killers 9. Running Free 10. Transylvania
11. Iron Maiden

12. Running Free 13. Remember Tomorow 14. Wrathchild 15. Killers 16. Innocent Exile

Paul Di’Anno – Vocals Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar
Paul Cairns – Guitar (Disc 1: 1-4) Tony Parsons – Guitar (Disc 1: 5-10)
Dennis Stratton – Guitar (Disc 1: 12-14/Disc 2: 1-11)
Adrian Smith – Guitar (Disc 2: 12-16) Doug Sampson – Drums (Disc 1: 1-11 & 15)
Clive Burr – Drums (Disc 1: 12-14 / Disc 2)



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