Cheap Trick / Additional Night At Budokan 1978 / 2CD Wx OBI Strip

Cheap Trick / Additional Night At Budokan 1978 / 2CD Wx OBI Strip / Shakuntala

Budokan Hall Tokyo Japan April 30, 1978. Digitally Remastered



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Budokan performances the second day of the 1978 year-to-date date of the legend
■ first appearance performance in the first appearance sound source
■ overwhelming performance to dance blood boil meat!
■ pounding a growing sense of is that chest again!

Cheap Trick and Japanese fans are in inseparable relationship. And Budokan of Cheap Trick is a place of special memories for the Japanese fans. Cheap Trick is the United States in 1974 is formed in Rockford, she released a debut album in 1977. Although subsequently released to third album, without success in the United States, it was the presence of the unnamed serve Queen and other undercard a long time. Under such circumstances, Shibuya Yoichi who noticed the talent in far away Japan’s Takeshi push in Japan. Gradually gradually raised popular, while uninspiring in the United States home, certainly enthusiastic fans went increasing in Japan. Meanwhile, it is the the first Japan tour in 1978 was bear.

That prior to that’s great popularity in Japan but was also heard people themselves, it is not possible to believe suddenly from their circumstances in the United States, look at the fan of a lot of pick-up that was gathered at the airport during the visit to Japan , as initially thought whether royalty or someone is riding together Robin are retrospective. Even now, a long time ago also Budokan is not changed to be a special place for the Japanese, carried out a number of famous musicians concert the Beatles as a pioneering figure, a status that the Budokan even for Japanese artists can be packed ing. It is for the course at the time of Cheap Trick and probably was only a venue that number also Budokan, but No way this place is trying to be something special even for them, this time would not be reason to know. And for the first time in Japan, welcome in Japan, so that surprised the popular height. Rick this reaction in Japan what is what they had sought, it is said to have convinced the success of the future of the band.

In the United States has steadily piled up live at the venue of the small number of people, but still far from were the band to success, popular before the home country in the place which is not known deposits of their own at the first time to visit a foreign country are boiling, and the it was possible to experience from the moment it landed the like in Japan. In such a situation, the members and try to show the best performance of their felt to Japanese fans would be of course. The audience that will for the first time evaluated themselves in front of the eye. It is was made a great performance as if dispel the anger up like now. This state of enthusiastic performance is suggests is much too well from the live album of the Budokan, which will be described later and at the time of the video.

1978 for the first time Cheap Trick that performed the Japan performances, it would be to release the Budokan performances from this Japan tour as a live album. Tour and can not be taking the time to production from it was ongoing, also is not so much can make a cost from the standing position at the time of the band, was blessed to poppy as the environment to produce a live album It was not. However, overwhelming performance that does not also things such handicap is a real, live album “at Budokna” becomes a historical blockbuster album. And that it is would not have received popular in Japan, where it was only release of the original in Japan “at Budokan” is available chance American local radio station, was on-air it, the query is flooded. Hurriedly decided that also be released in the United States from the magnitude of the echo. It suggests that the height of its previous reputation because say first appearance fourth in the billboard. That is cheap trick it would be good to say that the band got a worldwide reputation in Japan to. The point might be good also boasts a keen insight of the Japanese fans.

Certainly this live album “at Budokan” is nice and overwhelmed by the performance to be dynamic in the complete recovery from the “Hello There” in the opening. And sing at full power Robin (seen that seasoned voice in MC), and at the same time jumping or visually to also attract Rick, such as when the is felt band are enjoying a really playing, hard and melodious music was appropriate been evaluated in the near future. It is only that it was by chance from Japan, ability as a band would surely those of the world scale. Anyway and express the performance of Cheap Trick in a word it comes down to “chest dance excitement.” Bands of different characters, each seamlessly fused four people organized, hard music to expand one after another, just pounding, it is the dance chest. Not only the actual concert, the band not many who can assume the same feeling just by viewing through physical media. Such a special band is a cheap trick, it is the concert at the Budokan’re jammed the very best is their charm. This first visit to Japan performances all six performances were performed in the following schedule.

4/25 (Thursday) Kyuden Memorial Gymnasium
4/26 (gold) Nagoya City Public Hall
4/27 (Sat) Osaka Welfare Pension Hall
4/28 (Sun) Nippon Budokan
4/30 (Tuesday) Nippon Budokan
5/1 (water) Shizuoka Sumpu Hall

While it is has become a worldwide hit “at Budokan”, as well as a sound source of Budokan April 28 that have been used in the main, in fact not only performances Budokan, in Osaka concert April 27 It is known that includes a sound source. The first to start from Kyushu Budokan has been organized the last, probably was also the meaning of the break-shoulder on the premise that you produce a live album included from the beginning. April 27 Osaka and April 28 from Budokan select the best takes, Century name record “at Budokan” is than was produced. April 28 Budokan concert only because alone has been released after (at Legacy Edition), in any song Budokan, which song it is possible to compare yourself or Osaka performances.

And, in fact Budokan in the two shows have been carried out, it is not well known that has been done at the same venue on April 30 across 28 to 1 April it has been recorded. Budokan performance of this April 30 it had not been originally planned, but it is one that ticket sales have been added as hurriedly added performance from that was good. Image Speaking of Budokan of Cheap Trick until now also is that also April 28 sound source, audience recording also only had not been distributed April 28. Perhaps April 28 is probably one of the factors also that it was Sunday. In comparison, Budokan performances of April 30, it is a hastily organized the added performance, and from that it was a weekday, the video, of course, was not able to listen also as a sound source until now. He is wonder there only first visit to Japan performance of Cheap Trick, which became a hot topic, yet Budokan performances of the sound source has not been any distribution until now, but Anyway, Speaking of Budokan performances of Cheap Trick April It is that the 28-day, April 30 was an additional performance up to now, “another of the Budokan concert” is had remained a mystery.

This work, the April 30, has been complete recording the Budokan concert that was organized as an additional performance. Of course, it is a first appearance sound source. The enthusiasm was feeling again cheap trick by the sound source before is a great sound source that would relapse. After all except those days who was realistic to Budokan is of a live for the first time hear Cheap Trick. Moreover, it is Budokan 1978. It is better that Na excited by this would be impossible. From the fact that you are saying clearly and “Second Night in Tokyo” In MC, the sound source is genuine, there is no doubt that it is another of the Budokan performance was a mystery until now. After the Budokan first day, and as that taking has a day off rest, the members were well attention to the reaction of the first day, more than has been the performance over the first day. The additional performance is a Budokan performances April 30, I want you to fully enjoy in this work.

Cheap Trick is than the 1978 year-to-date date performance that triggered the flight to the world, to complete recording of the April 30 Budokan second day it was organized as an additional performance at the first appearance sound source. The sound source is not only a first appearance, a valuable source of concert itself is first appearance. All this historic excavation sound source should be called the end of the piece for the world of cheap fan. Permanent Athletic press platen of the beautiful picture disc specification. With Japanese band.



事前に日本では凄い人気だということは本人たちも聞いていたものの、アメリカでの自分たちの境遇からにわかに信じる事が出来ず、来日の際に空港に集まった大勢の出迎えのファンを見て、当初は皇族か誰かが同乗しているのかと思ったとロビンは回顧している。今も昔も武道館は日本人にとって特別な場所であることに変わりはなく、ビートルズを嚆矢として数多くの有名ミュージシャンがコンサートを行ない、日本人アーティストにとっても武道館を満員にすることができることがステータスとなっている。もちろん当時のチープトリックにとっては武道館も数ある会場に過ぎなかったのだろうが、まさかこの場所が彼らにとっても特別なものになろうとは、この時は知る由もなかっただろう。 そして来日して初めて、日本での大歓迎、人気の高さに驚くことになる。リックはこの日本での反応こそ自分たちが求めていたものであり、今後のバンドの成功を確信したと述べている。


1978年初めて日本公演を行なったチープトリックは、この日本公演から武道館公演をライヴ・アルバムとしてリリースすることになる。ツアーが継続中であったことから制作に時間をかけることが出来ず、また当時のバンドの立ち位置からもそんなに費用をかけることが出来ず、ライヴ・アルバムを制作する環境としてはけして恵まれたものではなかった。しかし、そのようなハンデを物ともしない圧倒的なパフォーマンスは本物で、ライヴ・アルバム「at Budokna」は歴史的な大ヒット・アルバムとなる。そしてその日本での人気を受けたわけではないだろうが、当初日本でのみのリリースだった「at Budokan」がアメリカの地方のラジオ局が偶然入手し、それをオンエアしたところ、問い合わせが殺到。反響の大きさから急遽アメリカでもリリースすることが決定。ビルボードで初登場4位というからその前評判の高さが伺える。つまりチープトリックは日本発で世界的な評価を得たバンドといってもいいだろう。その点は日本のファンの慧眼を誇ってもいいかもしれない。

確かにこのライヴ・アルバム「at Budokan」は素晴らしく、オープニングの「Hello There」から全快で躍動するパフォーマンスに圧倒される。全力で歌うロビン(MCでは声を枯らしているのがわかる)と、飛び跳ねたりと視覚的にも魅了するリックなど、バンドが本当に演奏を楽しんでいるのが感じられると同時に、ハードかつメロディアスな楽曲は、遠からず評価されてしかるべきであった。それがたまたま日本発だっただけのことで、バンドとしての実力は確実に世界規模のものであろう。とにかくチープトリックの演奏を一言で言い表すと「胸躍るドキドキ感」に尽きる。それぞれ異なるキャラが違和感なく融合した4人編成のバンド、次々に展開するハードな楽曲、まさにドキドキし、胸躍るのである。実際のコンサートだけではなく、フィジカルなメディアを通して視聴するだけで同様の感覚になれるバンドはそう多くない。そんな特別なバンドがチープトリックであり、彼らの魅力が余すところなく詰まっているのが武道館でのコンサートなのである。この初来日公演は全6公演が以下の日程で行われた。

4/25(木) 九電記念体育館
4/26(金) 名古屋市公会堂
4/27(土) 大阪厚生年金会館
4/28(日) 日本武道館
4/30(火) 日本武道館
5/1(水) 静岡駿府会館

世界的なヒットとなった「at Budokan」であるが、メインで使用されているのが4月28日武道館の音源であるとともに、実際は武道館公演だけでなく、4月27日の大阪公演での音源も含まれていることが知られている。最初に九州から始まり武道館が最後に組まれたのは、当初からライヴアルバムを制作することを前提とした肩慣らしの意味も含まれていたのだろう。4月27日大阪と4月28日武道館からベストテイクを選択し、世紀の名盤「at Budokan」が制作されたのである。後に4月28日武道館公演のみ単独でリリースされているので(レガシーエディションにて)、どの曲が武道館で、どの曲が大阪公演かは聞き比べることができる。


本作は、その4月30日、追加公演として組まれた武道館公演を完全収録している。もちろん初登場音源である。この音源を前にして再びチープトリックに熱狂した気持ちが再燃するであろう素晴らしい音源である。なにせ当時武道館へ臨場した人以外は初めて耳にするチープトリックのライヴなのである。しかも1978年武道館である。これで興奮するなという方が無理であろう。MCでははっきりと「セカンド・ナイト・イン・トウキョウ」と言っていることからも、この音源が正真正銘、今まで謎であったもうひとつの武道館公演であることに疑問の余地はない。 武道館初日の後、一日オフがあり休養をとったのと、初日の反応に気を良くしたメンバーが、さらに初日を上回るパフォーマンスをしているのである。その追加公演である4月30日武道館公演を、本作で充分に堪能してもらいたい。


01. Introduction
02. Hello There
03. Come On, Come On
04. Elo Kiddies
05. Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace
06. Big Eyes
07. Lookout
08. Downed
09. Can’t Hold On
10. Oh Caroline
11. Surrender
12. Auf Wiedersehen

01. Need Your Love
02. High Roller
03. Southern Girls
04. I Want You To Want Me
05. California Man
06. Goodnight Now
07. Ain’t That A Shame
08. Clock Strikes Ten

Shakuntala. STCD – 033/34

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