Boston / Definitive Last Night / 2CD

Boston / Definitive Last Night / 2CD / Zion

Translated Text:
Live At Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 9th October 2014.


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Compete in composing is the 2014 Japan tour sound source of the spate of Boston, but the shop is also on their impression of the stage beyond the space-time of 35 years and we want initiatives with a conspicuously enthusiasm. This time, the releases in the press CD, October 9, is the best title of Budokan final performance! The board of the master, newly in Get the original sound source this time, anyway the sound is good best. The other day in the shop, “HEAVEN ON EARTH IN TOKYO: FINAL NIGHT” (2CD) and say How can a just released the live of this day in the title, the sound quality was convinced that the clearly superior to of this board . Recording seats, it is possible of it was a good position that arena A8 front row, is the quality not inferior even with over just recently released to rave reviews have been our shop in Osaka performances of the best master. The top had a top, it is a situation that, but as a pure audience source, more than this board Budokan final performance can be asserted that there is no. If not as much as Tokyo Dome, at Budokan, which is said to be difficult venue is to record a good sound, you’ll be amazed that could this much recording. Therefore, I was forced to put a “DEFINITIVE LAST NIGHT” the title. When you look back on their Japan tour all four performances, to be in somewhat twisted portion is Budokan first day and local performances that were exposed in the guitar playing of Tom Scholz, the Budokan final performance, such as if the band was re-winding the screws stage of intimacy has been deployed. But for the vocal of Tommy DeCarlo was also the moment to be doubtful whether More Than A Feeling slightly in pitch from fatigue, Scholz boss I was showing off just to play with tremendous’ll burn out in this. Even saw that his Japanese MC also this day has the highest degree of perfection that can listen in the first half, this day can be the most relaxing, that performance had digests would place was not a mistake. In particular, the second half of the guitar solo, and listen to improvisation that manipulate his Hammond, Scholz has burst as if former Keith Emerson or Jon Lord. Soredakeni, it can also be referred to as the final performances accounted known Boston essence, value where I am listening to at this highest sound quality and I think I will allo enough. During the long-term US tour that prior to this, but guitar & vocals of David Victor There were also the context of withdrawal, female guitarist was fill the hole beautifully, is a Kimberly-Derm, Siobhan guest vocal it was Magnus. Derm Victor is played brilliantly understudy at Surrender To Me, which had served as the lead vocal, even rhythm part that Victor was in charge over the whole volume she admirably served, did you keep a heavy band sound. And Magnus was color to more glamorous Walk On Medley that Victor has served as a vocal. It also which also found a “lead guitar, keyboards, producer, engineer, and all of you wrote a song” and introduce been Tom Scholz them, is that because of that the charged. Sailors of spacecraft Boston issue that has been assigned under the Scholz captain to become your year 67-year-old, said to each in vast Naru adventure spanning to 2 hours has completed the mission. It is, but I very difficult Kimekomu the highlight of this stage, for those who like a hit song, Peace Of Mind, Do not Look Back, Amanda, and in part will probably be given the per More Than A Feeling, and hard rock , progressive you may also like the improvisation part that was lively elongated in Walk On Medley and Foreplay / Long Time if you like. Hard rock fan, progressive rock fan, pop fans, wow all the music fans, Boston Japan tour was satisfied, last performances. Please Watch again at the highest sound quality of this board.


競作相次ぐボストンの2014年ジャパンツアー音源ですが、当店も35年ぶりという時空を超えた彼らの感動のステージには一際熱意をもって取組みたいと考えています。今回、プレスCDでリリースしますのは、10月9日、武道館最終公演の極上タイトルです!本盤のマスターは、今回新たに入手したオリジナル音源で、とにかく音が最高に良いのです。当店では先日、「HEAVEN ON EARTH IN TOKYO: FINAL NIGHT」(2CD)と言うタイトルでこの日のライヴをリリースしたばかりなのですが、音質は明らかに本盤の方が優れていることを確信しました。録音席は、アリーナA8前列という好ポジションだったとのことで、ちょうど先日リリースして大絶賛された当店の大阪公演の極上マスターに優るとも劣らないクオリティです。上には上があった、という状況ですが、純オーディエンスソースとして、本盤を上回る武道館最終公演はないと断言できます。東京ドームほどでないにせよ、良い音で録音するのが難しい会場と言われる武道館で、これほどの録音ができたことに驚かれることでしょう。それゆえ、タイトルを「DEFINITIVE LAST NIGHT」と付けさせていただきました。彼らのジャパンツアー全4公演を振り返りますと、トム・ショルツのギタープレイにおいて多少撚れた部分が露呈した武道館初日や地方公演にあって、この武道館最終公演はバンドがネジを巻き直したかのような入魂のステージが展開されました。ボーカルのトミー・デカーロについては疲れからかMore Than A Feelingでは僅かに音程が怪しくなる瞬間もありましたが、ショルツ親分はこれで燃え尽きるぞとばかりに凄まじいプレイを披露しました。前半で聴ける彼の日本語MCもこの日が最も完成度が高かったことを見ても、この日が最もリラックスでき、演奏がこなれていたことは間違いなかったところでしょう。特に後半のギターソロ、そしてハモンドを操ったインプロヴィゼーションを聴くと、ショルツがまるでかつてのキース・エマーソンかジョン・ロードのように弾けています。それだけに、ボストンの真髄を知らしめた最終公演と言うこともでき、この最高音質で聴いていただく価値が十分あろうかと思います。これに先立つ長期全米ツアー中には、ギター&ボーカルのデヴィッド・ヴィクターが脱退するという状況もありましたが、その穴を見事に埋めたのが女性ギタリスト、キンバリー・ダームであり、ゲスト・ボーカルのシボーン・マグナスでした。ダームはヴィクターがリード・ボーカルを務めていたSurrender To Meで見事に代役を果たし、全編に渡りヴィクターが担当していたリズムパートも彼女は見事に務め、重厚なバンドサウンドをキープしたのです。そしてマグナスはヴィクターがボーカルを務めたWalk On Medleyをより華やかに彩りました。それもこれも「リード・ギター、キーボード、プロデューサー、エンジニア、そして全ての曲を書いた」と紹介されたトム・ショルツが彼らを見出し、仕込んだゆえのことです。御年67歳になるショルツ船長の下に配属された宇宙船ボストン号の船員たちは、2時間に及ぶ広大なる冒険の旅においてそれぞれが任務を完遂したと言えます。本ステージのハイライトを決め込むのは非常に難しいのですが、ヒット曲好きな方にとっては、Peace Of Mind、Don’t Look Back、Amanda、More Than A Feelingあたりを挙げられるでしょうし、ハードロック、プログレも好きな方ならWalk On Medleyや Foreplay / Long Timeにおける長尺の活き活きとしたインプロパートを挙げられるかもしれません。ハードロックファン、プログレファン、ポップスファン、すべての音楽ファンを唸らせ、満足させたボストンのジャパンツアー、ラスト公演。改めて本盤の最高音質でご鑑賞ください。

Disc 1 (47:31)
1. Intro 2. Rock & Roll Band 3. Smokin’ 4. Feelin’ Satisfied 5. The Last Day Of School
6. Life, Love & Hope 7. Peace Of Mind 8. It’s Been Such A Long Time 9. Cool The Engines
10. Surrender To Me 11. Don’t Look Back 12. Something About You

Disc 2 (60:39)
1. Amanda 2. The Launch 3. More Than A Feeling 4. Instrumental 5. A New World 6. To Be A Man
7. Walk On Medley 8. Foreplay / Long Time 9. Band Introduction 10. I Think I Like It 11. Party

Tom Scholz – guitar, bass, keyboards, percussion, backing vocals
Tommy DeCarlo – lead vocals, keyboards, percussion Gary Pihl – guitar, keyboards, backing vocals  Kimberley Dahme – guitar, backing vocals Tracy Ferrie – bass, backing vocals  
Jeff Neal – drums, percussion, backing vocals Siobhan Magnus – lead & backing vocal(guest)


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