Bob Dylan / Toronto 1980 Complete / 2CD

Bob Dylan / Toronto 1980 Complete / 2CD / Zion

Translated Text:
Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada 20th April 1980 STEREO SBD








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Unprecedented low-generation state is we have gained great popularity, followed in 1986 of the studio sound source with the inclusion of the last week of Clapton “HEARTS OF FIRE SESSION 1986”, this time the 80’s best live recordings of the two types of Dylan we will release. Both, but what to call that it is standard in the Standard as Dylan live recordings of in this age, first will deliver Toronto performances of April 20, 1980. In between the mania there is a time referred to as a part of the gospel tour. Route changes to the gospel of Dylan, which began from last year is what was controversial, but it has gained overwhelming support from all over the world of mania is now. As evidence, our shop has released in the past, very popular any 79-year gospel tour sound source of superb sound quality by Mike Millard recording. Dylan is a live sound that was devoted to the stage by tilting the body and soul to every night of the stage, Millard that gave me to reproduce the highest sound quality was the secret of popularity.
Undeterred in climate of these pros and cons, Dylan will further promote the gospel route, which celebrated its 1980 years. The “SLOW TRAIN COMING” is also further I was finished quickly the recording of the album “SAVED”, which evolved the Gospel sound than, felt that in the recording studio is enthusiasm in the sound and the stage of the Gospel has not been caught Is not it. Or, do you simply now wanted to quickly record the exciting sound of their own stage. 19 of April and not only record the show in Toronto that took place on the 20th, I went to the video recording.
Although live album that was based on the performance of 19 days “SOLID ROCK” from the recording of the time this has been produced, or adverse effects of unpopular at the time of the gospel route, or had already completed as a record company ” or wanted to prioritize the release of SAVED “, the release of the live album will be canceled (Dylan is often shelved live album …). Not lifted even planning such as a television broadcast in relation to the video that had been shot more than that, it became a live video to continue sleeping while shelved as the Royal Albert Hall of ZEP. Among the captured image two days, but the direction of April 20 seems to have been around during the core collector or from when, at once flowing out and greet the 1990s. It has caused a great response to the mania around the world as a valuable live video that captured the Dylan of the gospel life.

Not only does it image quality of the video was good, since the sound quality of the sound board recording that had been housed in there was very good, even a number of CD item was recorded voice was released. “BORN AGAIN MUSIC” and the like, since it had been complete recording from opening gospel, once I what has been name board treatment in Dylan fan site, in fact, not based on a video that has been down-grade copy to monaural lousy is it was. That point, but WANTED MAN There was a thing that has been critically acclaimed by such specialized magazines from that had been released “SOLID ROCK”, as had been recorded in a full-length high-quality stereo sound, in fact, unnecessary between songs cut is too much, even more, such as to funneled the “Covenant Woman” from 19 days sound source, contrary to the superb sound quality quality, I deficiency was the item that stands out clearly in terms of content. The name sound source of stereo sound board recording to represent the gospel Dylan had received an unfortunate treatment to up to about this …
Such wipe out the problem, opening gospel of the live show of April 20 was Mise been recorded in perfect stereo sound board recording from is this release! Of course, the intro missing was a problem from the original video “Precious Angel”, Dylan is interrupted in the place that left the stage of “In The Garden” state does not change this time. From per last year, Are the former defect superb editing of the video to compensate for the previous day of the sound source to montage to the Toronto video but have been around on YouTube, there is no change in that it is after all “pseudo full version” is.

Outweigh these disadvantages, and astounding sound quality, I say to the splendor of the Dylan and the band to listen to and playing songs with no cloudiness over the full length! After all because sound source that was used in the video is a multi-track recording, ultra-clear sound in any way without favorably as was released as it is the official. Precisely because the sound quality is perfect, stand out also a number of name ayat of Dylan … it will really charmed. Here recently barrage the Sinatra-cover album, but his singing narrowing-oriented is what has become a hot topic, in fact Dylan even gospel tour was already firmly showing off the stage to listen to the song. Among them, “When He Returns” and “What Can I Do For You?” Wonders of song that make me listen on around here, those of this time unique.
And moist calm back of sound, such as sounds and than was aware of the AOR, which had been extremely prime time. In Among the Dylan of the gospel period, time that is the most complete and purity it was boasts a high sound. Momentum, such as listen to in 79 years live of Millard recording showed a calm, instead evolved into a full of sound full of confidence, every night the best performance has been emitted from the stage this Toronto performance. Gospel Tour ultimate realistic Live best version of the album will be finally released in limited press CD. If you want to listen to Dylan live gospel period, first from now on!

かつてないロウ・ジェネレーションな状態が大好評を博しております、先週のクラプトンを交えた1986年のスタジオ音源「HEARTS OF FIRE SESSION 1986」に続き、今回は80年代ディランの極上ライブ音源を二種類リリースいたします。どちらもこの年代におけるディランのライブ音源としてはスタンダード中のスタンダードだと呼べるものですが、まずお届けしますは1980年4月20日のトロント公演。マニアの間ではゴスペル・ツアーの一環と称される時期ではあります。前年から始まったディランのゴスペルへの路線変更は物議をかもしたものですが、今では世界中のマニアから絶大な支持を得ています。その証拠に、当店が過去にリリースした、マイク・ミラード録音による極上音質の79年ゴスペル・ツアー音源はどれも大好評。ディランが毎晩のステージに全身全霊を傾けてステージに打ち込んでいたライブ・サウンドを、ミラードが最高の音質で再現してくれたことが人気の秘密でした。
そうした賛否両論の風潮にもめげず、1980年を迎えたディランはさらにゴスペル路線を推し進めます。「SLOW TRAIN COMING」よりもさらにゴスペル・サウンドを進化させたアルバム「SAVED」のレコーディングを手早く済ませたのですが、レコーディング・スタジオではゴスペルのサウンドやステージにある熱狂が捉えられていないと感じたのでしょうか。それとも、単に今の自分のステージのエキサイティングなサウンドをいち早く記録したいと思ったのでしょうか。4月の19と20日に行われたトロントでのショウを録音だけでなく、映像収録まで行ったのです。
この時の収録からは19日の演奏をベースにした「SOLID ROCK」というライブ・アルバムが制作されましたが、当時のゴスペル路線の不評の弊害か、それともレコード会社としては既に完成していた「SAVED」のリリースを優先したかったのか、ライブ・アルバムのリリースはキャンセルされてしまいます(ディランはライブ・アルバムのお蔵入りが多いです…)。それ以上に撮影されていた映像に関してはテレビ放送のような企画すら持ち上がらず、ZEPのロイヤル・アルバート・ホールのようにお蔵入りしたまま眠り続けるライブ映像となってしまったのです。二日間撮影された映像の内、4月20日の方はいつからかコア・コレクターの間に出回っていたようですが、1990年代を迎えると一気に流出。ゴスペル期のディランを捉えた貴重なライブ映像として世界中のマニアに大きな反響を巻き起こしました。

映像の画質が良好だったことはもとより、そこに収められていたサウンドボード録音の音質が極めて良好だったことから、音声を収録したCDアイテムがいくつもリリースされました。「BORN AGAIN MUSIC」などは、オープニング・ゴスペルから完全収録していたことから、かつてディランのファンサイトにおいて名盤扱いされていたものですが、実はモノラルにダウングレード・コピーされた映像を元にしていたお粗末さ。その点WANTED MANがリリースしていた「SOLID ROCK」は全編ハイ・クオリティなステレオ・サウンドで収録されていたことから専門誌などで絶賛されたことがありましたが、実際には曲間の不要なカットが多すぎる、さらには19日の音源から「Covenant Woman」を紛れ込ませるなど、ずば抜けた音質クオリティとは裏腹に、内容面における不備がはっきりと目立つアイテムだったのです。ゴスペル・ディランを代表するステレオ・サウンドボード録音の名音源がこれほどまでに不遇な扱いを受けていたとは…
そのような問題を一掃し、オープニング・ゴスペルから4月20日のライブ・ショウを完璧なステレオ・サウンドボード録音にて収録してみせたのが今回のリリース!もちろん、元の映像からの問題であった「Precious Angel」のイントロ欠けと、ディランがステージを去ったところで途切れてしまう「In The Garden」の状態は今回も変わりません。昨年あたりから、前者の欠損部に前日の音源を補てんして映像もモンタージュさせた編集が見事なトロント映像がYouTube上に出回っていますが、所詮「疑似完全版」であることに変わりはないのです。

こうした欠点を補って余りある、驚異的な音質と、全編に渡って曇りのない歌と演奏を聴かせるディランとバンドの素晴らしさと言ったら!何しろ映像に使われた音源がマルチトラック録音ですので、そのままオフィシャルでリリースされたとしても何ら遜色のないウルトラ・クリアーなサウンド。音質が完璧だからこそ、ディランの名唱の数々も際立つ…本当に聞き惚れてしまいます。ここ最近シナトラ・カバー・アルバムを連発し、彼の歌い込み指向が話題となったものですが、実はゴスペル・ツアーでもディランは既に歌を聴かせるステージをしっかりと披露していました。中でも「When He Returns」や「What Can I Do For You?」辺りで聴かせてくれる歌の素晴らしさは、この時期ならではのもの。

Disc 1 (72:25)
track 1-7 sung by Backing singers
1. Intro Story 2. If I’ve Got My Ticket, Lord 3. Hold On 4. The Rainbow Sign
5. Show Me The Way, Lord 6. Freedom At The Wall 7. This Train Is Bound For Glory
8. Gotta Serve Somebody 9. I Believe In You 10. When He Returns
11. Ain’t Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody 12. Cover Down, Break Through
13. Man Gave Names To All The Animals 14. Precious Angel 15. Slow Train

Disc 2 (68:44)
1. Stranger In The City (sung by Mona Lisa Young)
2. Walk Around Heaven All Day (sung by Mary Elizabeth Bridget)
3. Do Right To Me, Baby (Do Unto Others) 4. Speech 5. Solid Rock 6. Saving Grace
7. Saved 8. What Can I Do For You ? 9. In The Garden 10. Are You Ready ? 11. Pressing On

Bob Dylan (vocal, guitars & harmonica) Fred Tackett (guitar) Spooner Oldham (keyboards)
Tim Drummond (bass) Terry Young (keyboards) Jim Keltner (drums)
Clydie King, Gwen Evans, Mary Elizabeth Bridges, Regina McCrary, Mona Lisa Young (background vocals)

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