Asia / Omega In Alexandria / 1DVDR

Asia / Omega In Alexandria / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:

Live at Birchmere, Alexandria, Virginia, USA 3rd August 2010.


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It will be tours of the April 2010 announcement “OMEGA” of time’s been deeply rooted in fan support today in Reunion Asia. There was the good of the music was recorded in the album, but when all is said and done playing mature, that live had been very substantial was a big factor because it is time there was a sense of stability most also play Howe. Could you that the tour schedule that was originally organized is extended more and more for the popular, was followed even if it becomes the mid-2011 well in not fresh in our memory of yet. The video was recorded in the quality of ultra-high image quality and ultra-high-quality performance of the Virginia August 3 from OMEGA tour of 2010 was full of a sense of fulfillment of such performance is the first appearance. Video of the day this is what we were able to appreciate even on youtube, etc., but has been recorded in this title It is the best video from another master whose existence was revealed recently.

Shooting is the audience the video, but the picture and sound quality is phenomenal. Besides, it seems that the person recording who is familiar with the music, I put a spot on the instrument to be its main axis in the pivotal points, since moving the camera movement that is suitable for the flow of the music, is a clear intention on the viewpoint It has become a major feature it’s felt. Also that the camera seemed fixed tripod, etc., until the end has maintained a stable picture not quite shake at all when you zoom even shake from side to side will also be noted. It records the OMEGA tour crisp image quality as say the position of the shooting in the slightly right of column 10 near the central venue, we have a copy while intensive up while looking down the entire stage, and there are no more as the audience recording .

Also, is that surprised not only the image quality, the quality of the recorded sound is also captured by the recorded sound of the best darned. It has picked up well to a much finer sound, for example, we have picked up good sound of Tsubudachi was with glittering also fine tapping sound of hi-hat of “Only Time Will Tell” onset, and in the middle and “Open Your Eyes” early goodness of growth and luster of the sound of muted, how the slide into diffusion heavy sound on top of that, such as “End Of The World” while each other tapestries are also captured by the extremely high accuracy and superb another CD even if withdrawn only sound I am keeping the quality of the title holds about normally.

But the video is even clear just does not make much sense that we feel things, read from there is not come transmitted. It would be the movement of the camera that understanding of the person you are shooting there is to become important appears. As described above, since it is felt recording person is familiar with the songs and sights of Asia firmly, that I want to tell that I comes through smoothly from the video. For example, I think that even if the Wet-N to sing while playing, high-quality video that an expression of mood swings associated with the gesture, gestures during the singing expression can be read far and rare. Such scenes advance just singing by placing the “Don’t Cry”, a musical instrument is especially true, and even if returned in two parts of the initial “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes”, and singing in the first half and the second half and change of approach to change the expression, facial expression and gesture of Wet-N that transforms into along with it also has become the video it can be read clearly. In addition, since the video is very clear and even at close-up and do so, and take a bold touch and move your finger delicate of each member to watch firm is also attractive in this video. Guitar solo is, of course, in close-up the stick handling in the scene the drum can become a hero, and the melody elegant that, of the Maestro in the scene that stands out is the keyboard, the guitar in the portion where the guitar stands out, “Through My Veins” other I do not miss the point that you can enjoy at close range the advanced technology. Of course, bootleg video and the other to come out number of shots that can not be readily seen in the regular version of the video also features especially for Carl. Movement of the hands of violent stroke is, of course, the point of view of the person unique change of the expression, such as a philosopher is like being viewed in many scrupulously was also shooting’ll feel. In addition, I do not miss a scene while also unique. For example, curl away from the chair in preparation for intense solo of the song the second half, there is a scene that (adjustment? Bass drum) adjustment of the drum kit in the “Holy War” before the start, but doing something with Gosogoso behind the MC during Wet-N heartwarming scene you notice curl you have that bitter smile as “?” has also been recorded scrupulously, which also has become a bit of attraction.

Highlights of the playing surface is also because many Howe change the sound and tone in “Open Your Eyes”, scene play alternating with guitar in hand the side guitar fixed that set aside has been captured scrupulously. It will have Mii~tsu unintentionally how the tries Michibikidaso to maximize the characteristics of the sound using the guitar two. Cheerful image-ish 1990s a “Days Like These” basis is’m out well somewhere this day “Finger On TheTrigger”, but played in the image with the solid feeling in reverse followed from there “Time Again” we have, this unique contrast’s chase in the video also is attention. Also serves as a processing also listen dramatic spread of “An Extraordinary Life”, your options will admire surprises about the singing scene and dynamic relaxed. I do not miss the guitar solo in the middle resulted in a flexible fingers handling is projected at close range. It becomes the image that there is a scene that guitar intensive cutting very characteristic in “The Heat Goes On”, musical vocabulary of Reunion after an increase comes through strongly. Classic scene number barrage of late even the largest attractions, “Sole Survivor” will be glued involuntarily to its stunning landscape performance, among others. Camera work was laid on the spindle the guitar has been following the flow of the music accurately in the scene that music a shot, music Yuku full of ups and downs in particular, the shot was poked beautifully fan mentality “to want to watch it here in this part” We barrage.

How the show-ended celebrated its finale in “Heat Of The Moment”, leaving the venue four people with his shoulder until the are completely record also will be noted, but the venue entrance of the curtain before the opening of the video on the other hand state in the vicinity are also reflected, I am enhancing the value of visual materials as a memorial as well. The image of each member of the reunion after and before lyrics second near the “Sole Survivor” finale after to “Go” and between “Open Your Eyes” finale after through “Finger On The Trigger” introduction part more Yes but then slid into, crowded making polite consideration not Miaki in such places of the between songs have been made also features. The easy to operate in the chapter screen with is attractive, and the video of OMEGA tour time when fat was riding best to play in Reunion Asia is, in that this much was left in the video with high image quality and high sound quality more than anything It is a masterpiece of video without doubt to be astonished. This week it will be the appearance of the title as a gift specially best video no wonder be pressed in the future, please use this special opportunity!



また驚くのは画質だけではなく、その収録音の質もとびきり極上の収録音で捉えられていることです。かなり微細な音までよく拾っており、例えば「Only Time Will Tell」出だしのハイハットの微細な打音もキラキラとした粒立ちの良い音で拾っていますし、「Open Your Eyes」序盤と中盤での弱音の響きの艶と伸びの良さ、果ては「End Of The World」の様な重厚な響きが綴れ合いながら拡散してゆく様子も極めて高い精度で捉えており、音だけ抜き出しても別の極上CDタイトルが普通に成り立つほどのクオリティを保っています。

しかし単に映像が鮮明であっても、そこから読み取れるもの・感じ取れるものが伝わってこなければあまり意味がありません。そこで重要になるのがシューティングしている人物の理解度が現れるカメラの動きでしょう。前述した通り、収録者がしっかりとエイジアの曲や見どころを理解していると感じられるので、伝えたい事が映像からスムーズに伝わってくるのです。例えば弾きながら歌うウエットンにしても、歌唱表現の際の身振り・手振りに伴う感情起伏の表情がここまで読み取れる高画質映像は珍しいと思います。「Don’t Cry」の、楽器を置いて歌唱だけで進むシーンなどは特にそうですし、初期の2部構成に戻された「The Smile Has Left Your Eyes」にしても、前半と後半で歌唱表現を変えるアプローチの移り変わりや、それに伴い変わってゆくウエットンの仕草や表情も鮮明に読み取れる映像になっています。またそうして大写しになっても映像が非常に鮮明なため、各メンバーのデリケートな指先の動きや大胆なタッチがしっかり観て取れるのもこの映像の魅力です。ギターソロは勿論ですが、「Through My Veins」その他でもギターが目立つ部分ではギターを、鍵盤が目立つシーンではその流麗な旋律を、そしてドラムがヒーローになれるシーンではそのスティック捌きを大写しで、各マエストロの高度な技術を至近距離で堪能できる点も見逃せません。特にカールについては他のブートレッグ映像は勿論のこと、正規版映像でもなかなか見られないショットが多数出てくるのも特徴です。激しいストロークの手元の動きは勿論ですが、まるで哲学者の様な表情の変化が数多く克明に捉えられているのもシューティングした人物独特の視点が感じられるでしょう。またその一方でユニークなシーンも見逃していません。例えば「Holy War」開始前には曲後半の激しいソロに備えてカールが椅子から離れ、ドラムキットの調整(バスドラの調整?)をするシーンがありますが、MC中に後ろでゴソゴソと何やらやっているカールに気付いたウエットンが「?」と苦笑いするという微笑ましいシーンも克明に記録しており、これもちょっとした見どころとなっています。

演奏面の見どころも多く、「Open Your Eyes」ではハウが音色と響きを変えるため、別に用意された固定のサイド・ギターを手持ちのギターと交互に奏でるシーンが克明に捉えられています。2つのギターを使って響きの特性を最大限に導き出そうとする様子に思わず魅入ってしまうでしょう。「Finger On TheTrigger」はこの日どこか「Days Like These」的な90年代っぽい快活なイメージが良く出ているのですが、そこから続く「Time Again」は逆に重厚感のあるイメージで演奏しており、このユニークな対比が映像で追えるのも注目です。また「An Extraordinary Life」のドラマティックな広がりも聴き処となっており、その伸びやかでダイナミックな歌唱シーンには思わず見惚れてしまうでしょう。しなやかな指捌きが至近距離で映し出される中盤のギターソロも見逃せません。「The Heat Goes On」ではギターが非常に特徴的なカッティングを多用するシーンがあり、リユニオン後の音楽的ボキャブラリーが増えたことが強く伝わってくる映像となっています。終盤のクラシック・ナンバー連発シーンも大きな見どころで、中でも「Sole Survivor」はその見事な演奏風景に思わず釘付けになるでしょう。特に楽曲中盤、音楽が起伏に満ちてゆくシーンではギターを主軸に据えたカメラワークが的確に楽曲の流れを追っており、「この部分でここが観たい」というファン心理を見事に突いたショットが連発しています。

「Heat Of The Moment」では大団円を迎え、4人が肩を組んで会場を去るショウ・エンドの様子まで完全収録されているのも特筆されますが、一方で映像のオープニングでは開演前の会場入り口付近の様子も映っており、これもまたメモリアルな映像資料としての価値を高めています。更には「Open Your Eyes」終曲後 ~「Finger On The Trigger」導入部までの間と「Sole Survivor」終曲後 ~「Go」の歌詞2番付近までの間には再結成後の各メンバーの画像がスライド挿入してあり、曲間の所々でそうした見飽きない配慮がなされた丁寧な創り込みも特徴です。チャプター画面付きで操作し易いのも魅力ですし、何よりもリユニオン・エイジアで演奏に一番脂が乗っていたOMEGAツアー時期の映像が、これほど高画質・高音質の映像で残されていた事に驚愕されること間違い無しの傑作映像です。今後プレス化されても不思議ではない極上映像が今週は特別にギフトタイトルとしての登場となりますので、このスペシャルな機会を是非御利用下さい!!

1. I Believe 2. Only Time Will Tell 3. Holy War 4. Never Again 5. Through My Veins
6. Don’t Cry 7. Steve Howe Acoustic Guitar Solo 8. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
9. Open Your Eyes 10. Finger On The Trigger 11. Time Again 12. An Extraordinary Life
13. End Of The World 14. The Heat Goes On incl. Drum Solo 15. Here Comes The Feeling
16. Sole Survivor 17. Go 18. Heat Of The Moment

John Wetton – Vocal, Bass Steve Howe – Guitars Geoff Downes – Keyboards
Carl Palmer – Drums

COLOUR NTSC Approx.108min.

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