Whitesnake / Osaka 2016 / 4CD

Whitesnake / Osaka 2016 / 4CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live at Grand Cube, Osaka, Japan 13th October 2016


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WHITESNAKE that “this is the last Maybe Japan” came to Japan along with the disturbing words of …… David Coverdale himself. I do not want to believe only in people with a criminal record, if, if you and I a chance true feelings, somewhere that’s to be the last of the Made in Japan is. And, there in what kind of show has been waged is. Masterpiece live album scoop out the truth is appeared in the press 4CD.
That, “maybe the last of the Japan tour” became the stage of the “2016 October 13, the Osaka International Convention Center (Grand Cube Osaka)”. This work, we the live two kinds of 4 Disc audience set that was fully drawn in the best sound. Because from this tour we have already also introduce “LOUD PARK 2016 (Shades 688)”, let’s check the schedule again.

– October 9: Saitama Super Arena “LOUD PARK 2016”
– October 10: Shizuoka Civic Cultural Hall
– October 13, 2011: Osaka International Convention Center [this work]

In this way, this time of the Japan tour was 3 performance is the shortest sea bream in White Snake history ( “SLIP OF THE TONGUE TOUR 1990” also 3 performances). Osaka, which is also in its final performance, was also the final day of the World Tour “THE GREATEST HITS TOUR 2016” (of course, I do not there is no possibility that Shire’ and dates are added become next year, announced at this time and dates are is finished all).
This work that contains the show to be such a monument, luxury 4 Disc that aligns two exquisite sound source. It was recorded in any inferior unexpected live recording of the master who, Party A and Party B with hard superb sound. Honest story, but got off at Kokorozumori to press the only best recordings from this tour, two that are contained in this work was great enough can not be determined relative merits while missing Zuba among the numerous recordings. The rest is lost in thought trying to decide on a single in the “Eija!”, Not inconclusive even discussed in the staff full force. Therefore, also in view of the weight of the “Maybe the last”, more than the presence of the best records, both it became to the conclusion that Leave forever.
Then two masters housed in the press CD. Of course, it has to record the same show, recording who also both have different personalities because difference is position equipment. So, let’s introduce each record individually.

[Disk 1 · 2: RECORDER 1] The first appeared, it works by recording home of notorious. Although this recording artist is there in Japanese, also go to visit overseas performances of various genres, who are repeatedly recording the world over the crotch. Also in our shop has been Kudat offer many masterpieces, but this time we happen to go back to Japan, I was me to record the final performance of WHITESNAKE.
Tremendous clear sound the sound quality is to go in the land of the “like sound board”. Of course, has been Fujikoma also hot Osaka of enthusiasm, we ensure the audience recording, but the sharp edges of the musical tone, shining such “sound”, close direct feeling’s the Great sound comparable to the line recording. Wonderful is, metallic shine more than anything. Members and “THE PURPLE TOUR” of last year is the same, Geffen era “SLIDE IT IN” this time “SERPENS ALBUS” focused on three “SLIP OF THE TONGUE” “THE GREATEST HITS TOUR”. Perhaps because, this time of the sound man is in the profusely metallic sound output, this work is are you Cascia its appeal accurately.
The sound of the charm, bursts from the beginning. And galloping while making the the shining edge Gira’ “Bad Boys” is also to the best is, very colorful also different solo from the original in the “SLIDE IT IN”. It is WHITESNAKE, which has carved a variety of guitar heroes and history, but now of Reb Beach & Joel Hawks tiger is also the sense is also high call of former No.1 technique combi. One person alone is not a wacky yet flashy to Steve Vai beams, while to understand the music to Adrian van den Berg beams, Tomosureba freedom than Doug Aldrich that was too aware of John Sykes. Such two people compatibility is also nice, you go sandwiched own obbligato and solo while diverging the magic of “1 + 1> 2”.
Vivid personality of this two people are clearly directed to the Kira have the appearance of “Geffen era WHITESNAKE” than the DEEP PURPLE number, they exhibit their shining guitar work to surpass much of the last year to fully. This “RECORDER 1” is the name of a recording, taken drawer its luster to the fullest.

[Disk 3 · 4: RECORDER 2] You also feel you have already used the compliment only disc 1 and 2 (laughs) it is, “RECORDER 2” of subsequent disk 3, 4 also, ferocious name recording. The sound that does not draw even half a step was in mono to global virtuoso is Mr. familiar “West strongest taper”. This time, the expedition also in the Kanto, “LOUD PARK 16” any time we please to show off the unrivaled of recording technology, returns to his hometown along with the White Snake, you who have decided to name recordings pounding the true value in the home ground.
The sound is also different with the shining, such as “RECORDER 1”, which was full of sense of scale of the total. Two recording house seemed was recorded both in the 1 floor seats forward, it cleared five minutes. However, with respect to “RECORDER 1” which has been somewhat specialized in guitar, “RECORDER 2” is also a well-balanced until the rhythm of the bass,’s the de force live album. That said, the same “metallic”, “RECORDER 1” is in sharp edge, “RECORDER 2” is or should I say even a recording that captures the rush power of the entire band. Even if now it is again listening to write the manuscript, still …… that which is not even determined the best.
The powerful sound of such “RECORDER 2” (that of course is two guitar), drumming of Tommy Aldridge is sound in the belly, chest is scorched to singing voice of Kavaderu. To say that it is already 66-year-old all of the decline also of Tommy invisible drumming words to intense slapping sound that embodies herself the “powerful” but is about Kowaroshii, amazing even singing voice of the protagonist Kavaderu. Tommy and although it’s also in the singing voice to honestly take the weight of the carrier to the contrary, spirit dwells in there is different from the “usual”. Already become a hot topic as “are out voice than last year.” “It’s a great power” in various places, but the spirit to support such a reputation. Of course, but reminds the former beautiful voice in the ballad, it more than all his own and expose, voice of the soul, such as Furishiboru a way of life rather than the throat. World Tour final day sense of fulfillment of the one of, or determination of “the end of Japan” that such nacelle thing …. That the singing voice is shaking hot emotions of the site is’s the live album transmitted to the realistic.

Also on the corner also in rabbit, WHITESNAKE was after the Japanese to leave this work. To dismantle the many times band until now, we have made retirement tour in 1997 Kavaderu. Each time revived, and recently also said, “” THE PURPLE ALBUM “last” words also “was a mistake it is” of. Soredakeni “This is the last of Japan duck” remark also want to believe that it is a lie. However, Seizetsu singing voice of this work is to it, … it is approaching too truly.
It finished the world tour with this work, the White Snake, which went into hibernation. Believe in the day wake up again, hoping. The “maybe the last” verisimilitude of the live album, such as the words were transformed into music, it will be delivered to your handy.

その、“もしかしたら最後の日本公演”の舞台となったのは「2016年10月13日大阪国際会議場(グランキューブ大阪)」。本作は、そのライヴを2種類の極上サウンドで描ききった4枚組オーディエンス・セットなのです。今回のツアーからは既に『LOUD PARK 2016(Shades 688)』もご紹介しておりますので、改めて日程を確認しておきましょう。

・10月9日:さいたまスーパーアリーナ『LOUD PARK 2016』
・10月13日:大阪国際会議場 【本作】

このように、今回のジャパンツアーは白蛇史上でも最短タイとなる3公演(“SLIP OF THE TONGUE TOUR 1990”も3公演)でした。その最終公演でもある大阪は、ワールドツアー“THE GREATEST HITS TOUR 2016”の千秋楽でもありました(もちろん、来年になってシレッと日程が追加される可能性もなくはないのですが、現時点で発表されている日程は総て終了しています)。

【ディスク1・2:RECORDER 1】
その音質は「まるでサウンドボード」を地でいく凄まじいクリア・サウンド。もちろん、熱い大阪の熱狂も封じ込まれており、確実にオーディエンス録音なのですが、楽音の鋭いエッジ、輝くような“鳴り”、間近なダイレクト感はライン録音に匹敵するグレイト・サウンドなのです。何よりも素晴らしいのは、金属的な輝き。昨年の“THE PURPLE TOUR”とメンバーは同じですが、今回はゲフィン時代『SLIDE IT IN』『SERPENS ALBUS』『SLIP OF THE TONGUE』の3枚に焦点を合わせた“THE GREATEST HITS TOUR”。そのせいか、今回のサウンドマンはやたらメタリックな出音にしており、本作はその魅力を正確に活写しているのです。
そのサウンドの魅力は、冒頭から炸裂。ギラッと輝くエッジを立てながら疾駆する「Bad Boys」も最高ですし、「SLIDE IT IN」ではオリジナルとは異なるソロも極めてカラフル。さまざまなギターヒーロー達と歴史を刻んできたWHITESNAKEですが、今のレブ・ビーチ&ジョエル・ホークストラはテクニックもセンスも歴代No.1の呼び声高いコンビ。1人ひとりがスティーヴ・ヴァイばりに派手でありながら奇抜ではなく、エイドリアン・ヴァンデンバーグばりに楽曲を理解しつつ、ともすればジョン・サイクスを意識しすぎていたダグ・アルドリッチよりも自由。そんな2人は相性も素晴らしく、「1+1>2」のマジックを発散しながら独自のオブリガートやソロを挟み込んでいくのです。
この2人の鮮やか個性は、明らかにDEEP PURPLEナンバーよりもキラめく“ゲフィン時代WHITESNAKE”に向いており、昨年を遙かに凌駕する輝くギターワークを存分に発揮している。この「RECORDER 1」は、その輝きを最大限に引き出し切った名録音なのです。

【ディスク3・4:RECORDER 2】
ディスク1・2だけで褒め言葉を使い切ってしまった気もします(苦笑)が、続くディスク3・4の「RECORDER 2」も、猛烈な名録音。世界的な名手に半歩も引かないサウンドをモノにしたのは、お馴染み“西日本最強テーパー”氏です。今回は関東にも遠征し、“LOUD PARK 16”でも無類の録音技術を見せつけてくださいましたが、白蛇と共に故郷へ戻り、ホームグラウンドで真価を叩きつける名録音をキメてくださったのです。
そのサウンドは輝くような「RECORDER 1」とも異なり、トータルのスケール感に溢れたもの。2人の録音家はいずれも1階席前方で録音したらしく、クリアは五分。しかし、ギターにやや特化していた「RECORDER 1」に対し、「RECORDER 2」は重低音のリズム隊までもバランス良く、ド迫力のライヴアルバムなのです。同じ“メタリック”とは言っても、「RECORDER 1」は鋭いエッジに、「RECORDER 2」はバンド全体の突進力を捉えた録音とでも言えばいいでしょうか。原稿を書くために聴き直している今になっても、やはりどちらがベストとも決められない……。
そんな「RECORDER 2」の迫力サウンドは(ギターの2人はもちろんのこと)、トミー・アルドリッジのドラミングが腹に響き、カヴァデールの歌声に胸が焦がされる。既に66歳だというのに「powerful」の言葉を一身に体現した強烈な打音に一切の陰りも見えないトミーのドラミングは怖ろしいほどですが、主役カヴァデールの歌声も凄い。トミーとは逆にキャリアの重みを正直に吐露する歌声でもあるのですが、そこに宿る気迫は“いつも”とは違っている。すでに各所で「去年より声が出ている」「凄いパワーだ」と話題になっていますが、そんな評判を裏付ける気迫。もちろん、バラードではかつての美声を想起させますが、それ以上に自らのすべてをさらけ出し、ノドではなく生き様を振り絞るような魂の声。ワールドツアー最終日の充実感なのか、「最後の日本」の決意が成せるものなのか……。その歌声が現場の感情を熱く揺さぶっているのがリアルに伝わるライヴアルバムなのです。

兎にも角にも、WHITESNAKEは本作を残して日本を後にしました。今まで幾度となくバンドを解体し、1997年には引退ツアーを行ってきたカヴァデール。その都度復活し、最近では「『THE PURPLE ALBUM』が最後」の言葉も「あれは間違いだった」とも言っている。それだけに「これが最後の日本かも」発言もウソだと信じたい。しかし、それにしては本作の凄絶な歌声は、あまりにも真に迫っている……。


Recorder 1

Disc 1 (52:58)
1. My Generation 2. Intro. 3. Bad Boys 4. Slide It In 5. Love Ain’t No Stranger 6. Deeper The Love
7. Fool For Your Loving 8. Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City 9. Judgment Day
10. Reb Beach Guitar Solo 11. Joel Hoekstra Guitar Solo 12. Slow An’ Easy

Disc 2 (48:14)
1. Bass Solo 2. Crying In The Rain 3. Drum Solo 4. Crying In The Rain (reprise)
5. Band Introduction 6. Is This Love 7. Give Me All Your Love 8. Here I Go Again
9. Still Of The Night 10. Burn 11. We Wish You Well

Recorder 2

Disc 3 (53:09)
1. My Generation 2. Intro. 3. Bad Boys 4. Slide It In 5. Love Ain’t No Stranger 6. Deeper The Love
7. Fool For Your Loving 8. Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City 9. Judgment Day
10. Reb Beach Guitar Solo 11. Joel Hoekstra Guitar Solo 12. Slow An’ Easy

Disc 4 (48:13)
1. Bass Solo 2. Crying In The Rain 3. Drum Solo 4. Crying In The Rain (reprise)
5. Band Introduction 6. Is This Love 7. Give Me All Your Love 8. Here I Go Again
9. Still Of The Night 10. Burn 11. We Wish You Well

David Coverdale – Vocal Joel Hoekstra – Guitar Reb Beach – Guitar Michael Devin – Bass
Tommy Aldridge – Drums Michele Luppi – Keyboards
Zodiac 212

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