WASP / Live At The Lyceum London / 1DVD

WASP / Live At The Lyceum London / 1DVD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at the Lyceum, London, UK 24th September 1984 PRO-SHOT


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This is amazing! The other, the great Tsu !! this work enough to laugh, large sensation sparked a “dirty KISS” that in 1984, is the official video immediately after the WASP debut. After all, speaking of their live, I’ll kill Itaburi naked women, gore drink, horror show that literally fresh blood dripping. masterpiece of WASP that such a stage can be seen in the perfect official video, Ie is the best masterpiece video appeared of shock rock!
This work, the latest work of the Japanese edition laser disc reissue series. Currently, there is a laser disk media that ran fire fate of disappearing, there are many masterpieces that are not DVD of the still official. In particular, the new media Japan’s domestic record laser disk that was active from the time, Mei products manufacturing quality assortment is also referred to as “world”. This series is the project to leave a masterpiece of such a laser disk in ultimate quality. This work Among them, darned reprinted the Japanese board laser disk of rhea WASP also in the series. Even at that time of the fan, while one that surprised the “whether! Was out with a laser disk”, succeeded the disk that has been saved as new to be borrowed from the heavy collector. Even when digitized, thoroughly quality-oriented. Currently, I have been I have become a difficult era, even to get a decent player of laser disk, partnered with overseas digitization professional manufacturer, we are using high-end equipment of professional use. Pull the video and audio potential confined in the laser disc to the fullest, it’s transferred to a DVD in the high quality that does not adhere well and RESET in consumer machine.
It is such to be seen in this work, WASP Sensation midst immediately after the debut. Released a debut album “WASP” in August 1984, that live in the following month of London (it has become the jacket of LD and “October”, but precisely to the “September 24”) is. Opening what is also seen bleeding of analog-specific red, but it becomes a normal lighting along with the song-filled, later you can beautiful image quality is proficient in the full-length, such as digital photography. Repertoire also showcase songs from the debut album other than “BAD”, in villainy set called tighten in “Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)” of the debut EP, “mob pop rock ‘n’ roll” is unfolded one after another. You also can easy to listen to it ‘s only the sound, but also the power of the video is great. After all, Blackie Lawless in knee high boots Torashima, in bare ass, with a circular saw in the arm or groin. Then, while disheveled hair as place N mountain, it is still to go on a spree of violence along with Chris Holmes of ass out
Of course, looking is not just bizarre. In the “Tormentor”, playing the way Blackie is taking out the ax and raw meat, and I thought whether it began eating on the spot (genuine article do it …), throw cut thousand towards the audience, throw it cut thousand. In addition, I opened the box of the stage side, naked women has been suspended is in (which is also not a doll …). And that return to play to kill Itaburi the woman with a knife, it is seen nasty awards in indescribably grotesque. Furthermore subsequent “School Daze” also wonderfully bad taste. After the guitar solo, and tearing a poster in the crotch of a circular saw, and drink plenty of gore that Kung in the skull. The Ya the amount serving, lightly There is three times that of Gene Simmons, is overflowing from the mouth Someageru a half-length of Blackie in bright red. Since then, to sing in the forms of demons while to bloody the in the face! Sing! Dumped up to feather pillows, it is just “dirty KISS”, “heavy of ALICE COOPER”. To do this, theatrical love British kids also large rapture!

you think if, era Speaking of 1984 that caused a sensation WASP, upstream KISS had not tried to comeback in the heavy metal route to drop the makeup. Jean is also had to wipe what fire, was no longer vomiting blood. Meanwhile, WASP that showed wrapped pop rock ‘n’ roll in the above “Egetsuna of” KISS. Good bad taste the first time in its abandon is, “If KISS is not done, I we do!” Like it is refreshing performance, such as whether to declare. After two years, mogul Alice Cooper shock lock also it was resurrected in the “CONSTRICTOR” which was turned to heavy metal. The emergence of WASP does not know what put the thirst in Alice, but about not amusing even so, it’s a shock lock entering the dough.
Also in the history of such a WASP, immediately after the debut was the most sensational and official video. This work it was revived in the world’s best quality is the entire monument genre of “shock rock”. And I mentioned honesty, even when viewed from the popularity of the band will not be this film becomes a big hit. But still it’s a masterpiece live you want to keep absolutely to the future. Egetsunaku in bad taste, and what is great because frown if a man of good sense. A large masterpiece of the shadow of such rock scene, please experience by all means.

コレは凄い! もう、笑っちゃうほど凄いっ!! 本作は、1984年に大センセーションを巻き起こした“汚いKISS”こと、W.A.S.P.デビュー直後のオフィシャル映像です。なにしろ、彼らのライヴと言えば、裸の女性はいたぶり殺すわ、血糊は飲むわ、文字通り鮮血が滴るホラーショウ。そんなステージがパーフェクトなオフィシャル映像で見られるW.A.S.P.の最高傑作、いえショックロックの最高傑作映像が登場です!
そんな本作で観られるのは、デビュー直後のセンセーションまっただ中のW.A.S.P.。1984年8月にデビューアルバム「W.A.S.P.」をリリースし、その翌月のロンドンでのライヴ(LDのジャケには「10月」となっていますが、正確には「9月24日」)です。オープニングこそアナログ特有の赤色の滲みも見られますが、歌入りと共に普通の照明になり、それ以降はデジタル撮影のような美麗画質が全編で堪能できます。演目もデビューアルバムから「B.A.D.」以外の全曲を披露し、デビューEPの「Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)」で締めるという極悪セットで、“極道ポップなロックンロール”が次々と繰り広げられます。音だけだと聴きやすかったりもしますが、やはり映像の威力は凄い。なにしろ、ブラッキー・ローレスは虎縞のニーハイブーツに、尻を丸出しで、腕や股間には丸ノコ付き。そして、山んばのように髪を振り乱しながら、やはり尻出しのクリス・ホルムズと共に暴れまくるのです
もちろん、格好が奇異なだけではありません。「Tormentor」では、演奏途中でブラッキーが斧と生肉を持ち出し、その場で食い始めた(本物なんだ……)かと思ったら、客席に向けて千切っては投げ、千切っては投げ。さらに、ステージ脇の箱を開けると、中には裸の女性が吊されている(これも人形じゃない……)。その女性をナイフでいたぶり殺して演奏に戻るという、何ともグロテスクでえげつないショウが見られます。さらに続く「School Daze」も素晴らしく悪趣味。ギターソロのあと、ポスターを股間の丸ノコで切り裂き、髑髏で汲んだ血糊をたっぷりと飲む。その量たるや、軽くジーン・シモンズの3倍はあり、口から溢れ出してブラッキーの半身を真っ赤に染め上げる。その後も、顔面中を血まみれにしたまま鬼の形相で歌う!歌う! 羽毛枕までぶちまけ、まさに“汚いKISS”、“ヘヴィなALICE COOPER”です。これには、シアトリカル大好きな英国キッズも大狂喜!!


1. On Your Knees 2. The Flame 3. Hellion 4. L.O.V.E. Machine 5. Sleeping (In The Fire)
6. Tormentor 7. School Daze 8. The Torture Never Stops 9. I Wanna Be Somebody
10. Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)

Blackie Lawless – Lead Vocals, Bass Chris Holmes – Guitars Randy Piper – Guitars, Vocals
Steve Riley – Drums


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