Uriah Heep & Lucifers Friend / Kawasaki 2016 2nd Night / 3CD

Uriah Heep & Lucifers Friend / Kawasaki 2016 2nd Night / 3CD / Virtuoso

Translated Text:
Live at Club Citta’, Kawasaki, Japan 17th January 2016



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It was followed by a LUCIFER’S FRIEND, which was the first visit to Japan of the miracle, the 2016 URIAH HEEP Japan tour. The other day, we delivered the first day of the Osaka performances, this is the Kanto performance, “Jan. 17 Club Citta Kawasaki” concert audience album appeared. Of course, also a special guest of LUCIFER’S FRIEND the mixes were big 3 Disc Press CD this time! Coupling visit to Japan this time, Osaka and Kawasaki of only three times. Since there is also the appearance of the two eyes at this time, so that you can image, schedule also let’s make sure.

– January 14: ZEPP Namba “OSAKA 2016”
– January 16: Club Citta Kawasaki
– January 17: Club Citta Kawasaki [this work]

In this way, while the other day of “OSAKA 2016” was the first day, this time around on the final day. Osaka It was the whole body of the recording by the “West strongest taper” Mr. Kawasaki also this also terrifying high quality sound! This in works by the hands of the taper that is a string of masterpieces recorded in Tokyo, west “strongest” to Mr., who should be called “east of the masters” of. In fact, clear of this work is was exactly the same as the Osaka performances, the musical tone that was more pronounced slightly by closer sound to the middle treble terrific presence of each note. While approaching though in one of such vividness was recorded on stage, firmly there is also a sense of the scene. Although the “profound feeling of Osaka” – the difference between “vividness of Kawasaki” likely to say that even personality is, super-sound that does not completely superiority or inferiority is attached. If just say “It is a sound board”, it is a quality that passes through as it is.
Although the last six years ago Kawasaki performance was Furimaki the topic in the album “Devil and the magician” full reproduction, this time the theme “versus self-nuclear”. Although not what the album songs reproduction, is tasty 70s color plenty of set list. After all, in the first track “Gypsy” in the debut and from the opening, because you as it is to rush to the “to-own nuclear” 4 barrage, dating back at once biological clock 45 years. In addition, the playing of crunchy active enough feeling. Moreover, rather than Rotoru feeling remains that time, active duty sense. While diverging Mick Box of wah and majestic Hammond sound is intense to URIAH HEEP taste, great things tougher rhythm! But was mentioned in Osaka performances, stunning is powerful and decoration plenty sense of Russell Gill Brook. Does not mean that Tesuo, familiar with the pace, listen to stations of the song, the sense that impress upon him the phrase of a different dimension than the mere rhythm keep the experience who can align the mouth “it was like Cozy Powell” also no wonder those of. If or is restarted RAINBOW to continue, when you realized Tony Iommi & Tony Martin, which is rumored to once again set up the tag is, we would like you to join us …. And, also great Bernie Shaw who continued to protect the front over 30 years long time. Multiplied by the life, longer than anyone of successive, the vocals continued to sing a lot URIAH HEEP song, convincing his own, such as if the original. Relaxed voice, powerful in the delicate singing voice, taste is a lot of legitimate faction of rare species now become.
The configuration of the show is the Osaka little change. Although ultra-classic “July Morning” was feeling slightly retreat of “versus own nuclear 45 anniversary” because it was moved to the second half of the show, the minute, masterpieces is increased. In addition to “The Wizard” of the “devil and the magician”, “Wise Man” in the “FIREFLY” additional! In particular, “Wise Man” is just being John Lawton in the venue, stand excited about miracle co-star of the!? And, but sing the Barney. However, the beautiful thing of singing voice that ride in beautiful examined piano. Audience of venue will also have listened to without making a single sound, but in the body even in beautiful voice flowing from this work, the air in the room to stop. And, as melt slowly stopped time, … to warm “The Wizard” in the fantasy world. It is a captivating scene that did not taste in Osaka.
And, a maximum of listening far from the last of the “Lady In Black”. Again Equally co-star John Lawton and URIAH HEEP to listen and Osaka! With the advent of in the middle of a song, the duet with Barney is the same thing as Osaka, can the direction of this work is good for much. But it had been mistaken also configured in Osaka, pat this day there is also the fact that the third day. David Byron late now, URIAH HEEP past 2 each other mixed voice of the large singer, spread heroic harmony while fantastic. In particular, in Japan, where the Lawton era could not live experience, it is too special moment !!

The taste with plenty raw voice of such Lawton is, of disk 3 LUCIFER’S FRIEND. Here also, in the same great sound and URIAH HEEP, fully recorded first visit to Japan of the pattern of the miracle. This is the same set exactly the Osaka, but good can there is also the fact that also the third time. Members to serve as the back, but feel the long blank is, in contrast to the leading role Lawton of singing voice is abnormal! Despite the 69-year-old, the heroic voices is tension, elongation, glossy …… not to completely feel the decline.
LUCIFER’S FRIEND which is spelled in such a beautiful voice is, as if a number of memories revives. Shaw opened the curtain in the new song “Pray”, leading to the “Fire And Rain” in the “MEAN MACHINE”. And at once era dates back, “In the Time Of Job When Mammon Was A Yippie” debut to “Keep Goin ‘.” While before and after increasing the era, the song who has been mentioned in each of the age, I go revived in the same “that voice” and the album. NWOBHM era of metallic mood, before together with URIAH HEEP hard rock and progressive rock are divided tightly “locked lock” smell of the era was to hit the nose. Without that Japan was, in spite of did not like that the fuss involving a friend of rock fans, tried to always buy If you listen to the LUCIFER’S FRIEND has issued a new work. ‘s The live to remember such a day-to-day whiff.

Kaori of “counter self-nuclear” is also a concentrated, followed by matches and Japan premiere memorable of LUCIFER’S FRIEND “OSAKA 2016”, this work of playing and fulfilling the music was even increased. Name recording of 2016 was also born one that unfolds in the hyper sound no less either. Whether to seventy years of age verge of Mick Box and John Lawton has the following opportunity, also as came, whether fascinated me the active sense of the more this time. No it was found, but the undeniable reality is that the two great men were shining in the “Japan of January 2016”. Its best to to this production 100% of the live album of firm evidence. One that Shimiwataru the British rock to soul loves. By all means, you too.

奇跡の初来日となったLUCIFER’S FRIENDを従えた、2016年のURIAH HEEPジャパン・ツアー。先日は、初日の大阪公演をお届けしましたが、今回はその関東公演、「1月17日クラブチッタ川崎」公演のオーディエンス・アルバムが登場です。もちろん、今回もスペシャルゲストのLUCIFER’S FRIENDを交えたビッグな3枚組プレスCD! 今回のカップリング来日は、大阪・川崎のわずか3回。今回で2本目の登場でもありますので、イメージできるよう、日程も確認しておきましょう。

・1月14日:ZEPPなんば   「OSAKA 2016」
・1月17日:クラブチッタ川崎 【本作】

このように、先日の「OSAKA 2016」が初日だったのに対し、今回は最終日にあたります。大阪は“西日本最強テーパー”氏による渾身の録音でしたが、川崎もこれまた恐ろしいほどのハイクオリティ・サウンド!! こちらは東京を中心に傑作録音を連発しているテーパーの手による作品で、西の“最強”氏に対して、“東の巨匠”とも言うべき方。実際、本作のクリアさは大阪公演とまったく同等でして、わずかに中高音へ寄ったサウンドによって一層際立った楽音は1音1音の存在感が凄まじい。まるでステージ上で録音したかのような生々しさで迫りつつ、現場感覚もしっかりある。“重厚感の大阪”・“生々しさの川崎”とでも言えそうな個性の違いはあるものの、完全に優劣は付けられないスーパー・サウンド。まさに「サウンドボードですよ」と言えば、そのまま通るクオリティです。
前回6年前の川崎公演はアルバム「悪魔と魔法使い」完全再現で話題を振りまきましたが、今回のお題は「対自核」。アルバム全曲再現でこそないものの、70年代色たっぷりのセットリストが美味しい。なにしろ、オープニングからしてデビュー作の1曲目「Gypsy」で、そのまま「対自核」4連発に突入するのですから、一気に体内時計が45年遡る。しかも、その演奏がバリバリの現役感たっぷり。しかも、当時そのままでのロートル感ではなく、現役感。ミック・ボックスのワウや荘厳なハモンドの響きが強烈にURIAH HEEP味を発散しつつも、より強靱なリズムの素晴らしいこと! 大阪公演でも触れましたが、ラッセル・ギルブルックのパワフルかつ装飾たっぷりなセンスが見事。手数王というわけではありませんが、曲の緩急・聴かせ所を熟知し、単なるリズムキープとは次元の違うフレーズを叩き込むセンスは、体験者たちが「コージー・パウエルのようだった」と口を揃えるのも頷けるもの。もし再始動RAINBOWが継続されたり、再びタッグを組むと噂されるトニー・アイオミ&トニー・マーティンが実現した際には、ぜひ参加していただきたい……。そして、30年の長きにわたってフロントを守り続けたバーニー・ショウも素晴らしい。人生をかけ、歴代の誰よりも長く、多くURIAH HEEPソングを歌い続けたヴォーカルは、彼自身がオリジナルかのような説得力。伸びやかな声、繊細にしてパワフルな歌声は、今となっては稀少種の正当派の旨みたっぷりです。
ショウの構成は大阪とはちょっと変化。超名曲「July Morning」がショウの後半に移動したため“対自核45周年”のフィーリングはわずかに後退しましたが、その分、名曲が増量。「悪魔と魔法使い」の「The Wizard」に加え、「FIREFLY」の「Wise Man」も追加! 特に「Wise Man」は会場にジョン・ロートンがいるだけに、奇跡の共演か!? と色めき立ちますが、歌うはバーニー。ところが、ピアノの美しい調べに乗る歌声の美しいこと。会場の観客も物音ひとつ立てずに聴き入っていますが、本作から流れ出る美声でも身体中が、部屋中の空気が制止する。そして、止まった時間をゆっくり溶かすように、暖かい「The Wizard」の幻想世界へ……。大阪では味わえなかった魅惑のシーンです。
そして、最大の聴きどころはラストの「Lady In Black」。ここでも大阪と同じくジョン・ロートンとURIAH HEEPの共演が聴けるのです! 曲の途中での登場で、バーニーとのデュエットのは大阪と同じものの、出来は本作の方が遙かに良い。大阪では構成も間違えていましたが、この日は3日目ということもあってバッチリ。デヴィッド・バイロン亡き今、URIAH HEEP歴代2大シンガーの声が混じりあい、ファンタジックながらもヒロイックなハーモニーが広がる。特に、ロートン時代を生体験できなかった日本には、あまりに特別な瞬間です!!

そんなロートンの生声をたっぷりと味わえるのが、ディスク3のLUCIFER’S FRIEND。こちらもまた、URIAH HEEPと同じく素晴らしいサウンドで、奇跡の初来日の模様を完全収録しています。こちらは大阪とまったく同じセットですが、やはり3回目ということもあって出来が良い。バックを務めるメンバーは、長いブランクを感じさせはするものの、対照的に主役ロートンの歌声は異常! 69歳にも関わらず、そのヒロイック・ヴォイスは張り、伸び、艶やかさ……まったく衰えを感じさせない。
そんな美声で綴られるLUCIFER’S FRIENDは、数々の想い出が蘇るかのよう。ショウは新曲「Pray」で幕を開け、「MEAN MACHINE」の「Fire And Rain」へと続く。そして一気に時代は遡り、デビュー作の「In the Time Of Job When Mammon Was A Yippie」「Keep Goin’」へ。時代を大きく前後しながら、それぞれの時代で触れてきた曲たちが、アルバムと同じ“あの声”で蘇っていくのです。NWOBHM時代のメタリックなムード、URIAH HEEPと共にハードロックとプログレがキッチリ分けられる前の「ロックはロック」だった時代の匂いが鼻をつく。来日したことがなく、ロックファンの友達を巻き込んで大騒ぎしたことなどなかったにも関わらず、いつもLUCIFER’S FRIENDが新作を出したと聞けば買ってみた。そんな日々をふっと思い出すライヴなのです。

「対自核」の薫りも濃厚で、LUCIFER’S FRIENDの記念すべき日本初演を収めた「OSAKA 2016」に続き、一層増量した楽曲と充実した演奏の本作。いずれ劣らぬハイパーサウンドで繰り広げられる2016年の名録音がまた1本誕生しました。古希目前のミック・ボックスやジョン・ロートンに次の機会があるかどうか、また来てくれたとして、今回ほどの現役感を魅せてくれるかどうか。それは分かりませんが、この両雄が“2016年1月の日本”で輝いたことは紛れもない現実。その極上にして確固たる証拠の本生100%のライヴアルバム。ブリティッシュ・ロックをこよなく愛する魂に染み渡る1本。ぜひ、あなたにも。

Disc 1 (50:26)
1. Intro 2. Gypsy 3. Look At Yourself 4. I Wanna Be Free 5. Shadows Of Grief 6. Love Machine
7. The Law 8. The Outsider 9. Sunrise 10. Bird Of Prey 11. Stealin’

Disc 2 (59:48)
1. MC 2. The Magician’s Birthday 3. Wise Man 4. The Wizard 5. Can’t Take That Away
6. One Minute 7. July Morning 8. Easy Livin’ 9. Lady In Black (with John Lawton)
10. Outro. (Land Of Hope And Glory)

Disc 3 (60:26)

1. Intro 2. Pray 3. Fire And Rain 4. In the Time Of Job

When Mammon Was A Yippie
5. Keep Goin’ 6. Hey Driver 7. Riding High 8. Moonshine Rider 9. Member Introduction
10. Burning Ships 11. Ride The Sky 12. Rock ‘n’ Roll Singer / High Flying Lady – Goodbye
13. When Your Gone

Virtuoso 265/266/267

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