UFO / Lights Out Osaka 1994 / 2CDR

UFO / Lights Out Osaka 1994 / 2CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Japan Return Tour Live at Sankei Hall, Osaka, Japan 18th June 1994


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After the tour in 1995, which was circuit America around over a period of about four months, Michael embarked on activities as MSG again, previous to partner with Robin Macquarie as “Michael Schenker Group” name, of ’84 years’ announced work, which gives ROCK WILL NEVER DIE “since the” WRITTEN IN THE SAND “. (Meanwhile, Pete Way and Phil Mogg lacking Michael, tour due to the same create release play a technical that such conduct in the form of “Story Live” to sum ​​up his career, has provided a big topic in the fan the activities under the name “MOGG / WAY” welcomed George Belas that Shinjo, it had also announced album). And when you exit the tour that Michael is accompanied by the “WRITTEN IN THE SAND”, activities as a UFO will resume again. The circuit the European countries, including the United Kingdom until February 1998 the year is drilled from November 1997, they were showered with big cheers from fans. Than its 1997 European Tour, December 8 on the second day Germany tour, audience shot that excel in force and clearness, we recorded it for about 75 minutes, the pattern of live in Bonn in this work .

Features of this video is the clearness not lose screen and compelling that captures a large figure of the members, even digital photography recently. Michael to become suddenly closeup moment the name of the band is called, is the opening play riffs vigorously of “Natural Thing”, everyone will have been overwhelmed’re a fan. Camera shake is seen slightly at the scene that comes up, but on which it is possible to confirm firmly the hand of Michael, Pete and Phil well as enjoy sharp image quality as it is a staging lively, appearance of the band was full of momentum in the guitar solo is you attract viewers from the first half live. There is a scene slightly stronger input of bass voice, but here are also remastered properly, the finish has been easier to listen to clear its outstanding more.
The interwoven and classic “Mother Mary” and “Out In The Street”, “One More For The Rodeo” in the set list, new song from the “WALK ON WATER” also acts as a good spice. Was an air of thrill and suspiciously in the “Self Made Man”, solo Michael also impressive. Lyrical “Venus” is also a splendor not inferior alongside classics as “Love To Love” in the melodious.
Upsurge of revelry is live late representative music of the band is barrage. After engulfed the audience as “Too Hot To Handle” and “Only You Can Rock Me”, the questions asked and “Lights Out”, “Doctor Doctor” explodes. Is an enthusiastic performance of 12 minutes in the “Rock Bottom”, Rongusoro Michael can enjoy pat screen clear and more! “Shoot Shoot” is, then closing out of the live finale full of hot air last!

This video that can be enjoyed in the master with excellent live of “WALK ON WATER” release at the time, a single must-see Michael fan and UFO fans aligned! It can be said also as an extension of the ’94 live to enjoy press board of the same period “LIGHTS OUT TOKYO 1994” and “FOWARD TO RETURN”, and the like, it’s the video material that is indispensable. So that you do not miss the fans, a chance for a limited time you can get this work!



 約4ヶ月間をかけてアメリカ各地をサーキットした1995年ツアー終了後、マイケルは再びM.S.G.としての活動に着手し、ロビン・マッコーリーと組む以前の”Michael Schenker Group”名義としては、’84年の「ROCK WILL NEVER DIE」以来となる作品「WRITTEN IN THE SAND」を発表。同作リリースに伴うツアーは自身のキャリアを総括する”Story Live”形式で行うなど、ファンに大きな話題を提供しました(その間、マイケルを欠いたフィル・モグとピート・ウェイは、テクニカルなプレイを身上とするジョージ・ベラスを迎えて”MOGG/WAY”名義で活動し、アルバムも発表していました)。そしてマイケルが「WRITTEN IN THE SAND」に伴うツアーを終了すると、再びUFOとしての活動が再開されます。彼らは’97年11月から年が明けた’98年2月までイギリスを含むヨーロッパ各国をサーキットし、ファンから大きな喝采を浴びました。本作ではその’97年ヨーロッパツアーより、ドイツツアー2日目の12月8日、ボンにおけるライヴの模様を、クリアネスと迫力に秀でたオーディエンス・ショットで、約75分に渡り収録しています。

 本映像の特徴は、メンバーの姿を大きく捉えた迫力満点の画面と、最近のデジタル撮影にも負けないクリアネスです。バンドの名前がコールされた瞬間いきなり大写しになるマイケルが、勢い良くリフを奏でる「Natural Thing」のオープニングには、ファンなら誰もが圧倒されてしまうでしょう。アップになる場面では若干手ブレが見られるものの、ギターソロではマイケルの手元をしっかり確認できる上に、フィルやピートも躍動感あふれるステージングをそのままシャープな画質で楽しめるなど、勢いに満ちたバンドの姿はライヴ前半から観る者を魅了します。音声は低音の入力がやや強い場面がありますが、こちらもきちんとリマスターされており、既発以上にクリアで聴き易く仕上げられています。
 セットリストでは「Mother Mary」や「Out In The Street」・「One More For The Rodeo」といったクラシックに織り交ぜ、「WALK ON WATER」からの新曲も良いスパイスとして機能しています。怪しさとスリルを漂わせた「Self Made Man」では、マイケルのソロも印象的。メロディアスで叙情的な「Venus」も、名曲「Love To Love」と並んで遜色ない素晴らしさです。
 バンドの代表曲が連発されるライヴ後半はお祭り騒ぎの盛り上がり。「Too Hot To Handle」と「Only You Can Rock Me」で観客を巻き込んだ後は、問答無用の「Lights Out」そして「Doctor Doctor」が炸裂。さらに12分の熱演である「Rock Bottom」では、マイケルのロングソロもクリアな画面でバッチリ楽しめます! ラストは「Shoot Shoot」が、熱気あふれるライヴを大団円のうちにクロージングします!

 「WALK ON WATER」リリース当時のライヴを優れたマスターで楽しめる本映像は、UFOファンやマイケル・ファンも揃って必見の一本!同時期のプレス盤「LIGHTS OUT TOKYO 1994」、「FOWARD TO RETURN」等で楽しめる’94年ライヴの延長としても、欠かせない映像素材だと言えるでしょう。本作を入手できる期間限定のチャンスを、ファンの皆さんはどうぞお見逃しありませんように!

1. Intro. 2. Natural Thing 3. Mother Mary 4. Self Made Man 5. Out In The Street
6. One More For The Rodeo 7. Venus 8. Love To Love 9. Too Hot To Handle
10. Only You Can Rock Me 11. Lights Out 12. Doctor Doctor 13. Rock Bottom 14. Shoot Shoot 

Phil Mogg – Vocal Michael Schenker – Guitar Pete Way – Bass Paul Raymond – Keyboards & Guitar
Simon Wright – Drums 

COLOUR NTSC Approx.75min.

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