Slash Featuring Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators / Osaka On Fire The Video / 1DVDR

Slash Featuring Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators / Osaka On Fire The Video / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Namba Hatch, Osaka, Japan 9th February 2015


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Also in this SLASH Japan tour, Osaka performance that caused the vortex of enthusiasm. Even in Mr. “West strongest taper” collection, which is known as Takumi, recording in person is the masterpiece in masterpiece as it deems satisfaction. This work, audience video to raise yank the convincing of the masterpiece.
The 33 minutes of the digest recording is a shame, but look up intense near angle of digital image quality. Miles Kennedy of tattoos, biceps, clear even until wrinkles of cheek. When seen in the stop picture, it is beautiful image, such as if a professional shot. In addition to audio, full synchro the “OSAKA ON FIRE” super sound. Also let me complement many times a beautiful image quality. Even so, there is no discomfort even in intense near angle intense near sound. Mr. really from second floor enough to wonder if do was Roku~tsu. At all, horrible …… and craftsmanship.
When it comes to this much quality, will be missed not a still songs recorded. GUNS N ‘ROSES number that became of eight songs largess also only just two songs …. There are, however! The two songs is none other than, of Osaka only “Out Ta Get Me” and While referred to as “You Could Be Mine” !! most of attention song dig has been holding tightly centerpiece, this legendary 18 and such …… When the “Rocket Queen” even me contains, including the minute solo, Naimononedari you would be crossed my head.
5 songs that have been recorded in the other, new and four songs of “WORLD ON FIRE” in the “SLASH” “Doctor Alibi”. Even here was only Osaka “Wicked Stone” is one song delicious.
Tricks of West strongest taper Mr. Takumi was glowing with Girari “OSAKA ON FIRE”. Although it is best even listening as one of the live album, Come on you seeing this work, please try again listen again. Sight and sense of realism that floats in the mind would come very different. DVDR to upgrade the imagination of masterpiece. By all means, please enjoy!

33分のダイジェスト収録なのは残念ですが、見上げる激近アングルのデジタル画質。マイルス・ケネディのタトゥーが、上腕二頭筋が、頬のシワまでもが鮮明。止め絵で見たら、まるでプロショットのような美麗映像です。さらに音声には、スーパーサウンドの「OSAKA ON FIRE」を完全シンクロ。美麗画質を何倍も引き立たせてくれます。それにしても、激近アングルでも違和感のない激近サウンド。氏は本当に2階席から録ったんだろうかと思うほどです。まったく、匠の技とは恐ろしい……。
これほどのクオリティとなると、やはり全曲収録でないのが惜しまれます。8曲もの大盤振る舞いとなったGUNS N’ ROSESナンバーもわずか2曲だけ……。が、しかし! その2曲は他でもない、大阪のみの「Out Ta Get Me」と目玉の「You Could Be Mine」!! 一番の注目曲がきっちり押さえられていてホッとする一方、これで伝説的な18分ソロを含む「Rocket Queen」さえ入っていてくれたら……などと、無い物ねだりが頭をよぎってしまいます。
他に収録されている5曲は、新作「WORLD ON FIRE」の4曲と「SLASH」の「Doctor Alibi」。こちらでも大阪だけだった「Wicked Stone」はオイシイ1曲です。
西日本最強テーパー氏の匠の技がギラリと光った「OSAKA ON FIRE」。1本のライヴ・アルバムとして聴いても最高ですが、ぜひ本作をご覧になった上で、もう一度聴き直してみてください。その脳裏に浮かぶ光景や臨場感がまるで違ってくるでしょう。名作のイマジネーションをアップグレードするDVDR。ぜひ、ご堪能ください!

1. Dirty Girl 2. Wicked Stone 3. Doctor Alibi 4. You Could Be Mine 5. Out Ta Get Me
6. The Dissident 7. Battleground

COLOUR NTSC Approx.34min.

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