Yngwie J Malmsteen’s Rising Force / Mark Boals Dears Volume 1/ 6CDR

Yngwie J Malmsteen’s Rising Force / Mark Boals Dears Volume 1/ 6CDR /Shades

Translated Text:

Day On The Green, Oakland Coliseum Stadium, Oakland, CA, USA 31st August 1985 & The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, USA 18th October 1985.

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As the successor to the withdrawal Jeff Scott Sort, from the summer of 1985 until September 1986, underground at the time of enrolling Mark Balls who was a lead vocalist of “YNGWIE J. MALMSTEEN’S RISING FORCE” for more than one year “MARK BOALS YEARS” Volume 1 & 2 which recorded the live tone generator 12 performance minutes in time series. It became a big driving force to produce a masterpiece “Trilogy”, Yngwie himself sent the word of tribute without regret in the best vocalists of the succession, the rare live collection of the mid-80s at the time of enrollment with a fan indispensable mark.

“Day On The Green” held in Auckland on 31st August which became the first stage in Mark ‘s Yvvey for “Volume 1” (On this day there are other bands like Scorpions, Ratt, Y & T, Metallica From the live tone generator of the show), it is recorded in chronological order mainly on the undercard performance of AC / DC’s North American tour (Live is daily less than 50 minutes) which took place from September to November. Set is the first half I’ll See The Light Tonight, On The Run Again, Far Beyond The Sun, Do not Let It End, Long guitar solos that incorporate Bach and “fate” that you can hear in the second half ~ Black Star are fixed However, others play Annunciation and Fear, Caught In The Middle, Soldier Without Faith, Disciples Of Hell swapped by the day. Although sound quality is superior or inferior in each performance, there is no take that there is no take that “This sounds bad sound quality”, and even the takeoff performance of October 19 Okland which is the worst in tone quality, even Yuvayi’s guitar , Vocals that penetrate marks are captured securely, and level is not a problem for appreciation. The best sound quality is Minneapolis performance on 29th October, then Knoxville on November 9 and Nashville on 15th are about the same level. Is it the feeling that you said Minneapolis> Nashville ≧ Knoxville> Los Angeles ≧ Day On The Green> Oakland if it is a table. However, as mentioned above, the sound source maintains the freshness of the sound which confident master quality in both sound sources firmly, and fans are sure to listen interestingly to any take. Anyway, Yngwie’s dazzling audience can hear with each performance, the fresh and fast-paced solo is just a terrible thing, and it’s a fierce crown, even though it’s on the undercard, it is realistic that any performances receive hot reactions from the audience. For the convenience of space, details of each performance will be omitted, but none of them are very enjoyable contents. Do not Let It End in Knoxville I play Anguish And Fear from 30 seconds of drum solo that will surely be played after the show, but I can not get it from the riff well, I will re-play from the count, In the performance, opening and Disciples Of Hell solo at the beginning, like Nashville or inserting a country style solo in fast playing, everything is full of fun listening places. And, most importantly, Mark · Balls’ vocal centering on the high-pitched region is masterpieces from the beginning and you can listen to outstanding performance. After this tour, it will be a very good live record collection of the time when full-scale start of production of the name board “Trilogy”, the band, as well as of Yvvey himself, was on the rising air straight line, exactly Nori.

★ It is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.133 (August 2011 issue). For your information.

6 pairs that spotted the Rising Force at the time of registering Mark · Balls · Vol. 1 of monster titles of 6 performances. Although Mark was selected as a front man but was laid off immediately after album production a live tone generator in the period when he was held helped with a special enrollment period was rarely ever come out. This work is a valuable collection of live sounds at the time of registering Mark which recorded in time series from the stage of August 31, 1985 where he first appeared in the band to September 86, just before dismissal.
First of all, Disc – 1 of this volume Vol. 1 is a performance at the summer ‘s Day On The Green in 1985, which is still handed down as one of legends of the 1980 HR / HM. At that time, I think that there are also a lot of people who saw a special page dedicated to professional magazines in Japan at that time, but even on the debut stage where the mark first appeared in Rising Force not to mention this day there were. Even with that, Ingy did not play too much over the other days (although the guitar is still pretty conspicuous, of course), the sense of stability prioritizing the grouping as a band with the meaning of the new singer’s presentation to the last There are many performances with. It is the last ⑧ that the charm as a singer of such a mark explodes. Particularly rabid “♪ Caught In The Middle” especially savi ‘s “♪ Caught In The Middle” is something that singing powerfully makes you feel the depth of expression and the thickness of the core that even amateurs can understand, it is understandable that you are not an ordinary singer. Perhaps the reason why he brought out this song at the end of the set to be done on the big stage of the whole world was probably around him.
Disc-2 was performed in Los Angeles in October 1985. On this day the ensemble is somewhat distracted in the early stage (especially in the vicinity of the 3rd and 4th songs), and the ingi’s guitar play is also felt a little sloppy impression in places. However, it also regains stability at a stretch after the midfield, and since then it has begun to shoot terrible favorable play. That mark is wonderful, singing markedly with a thick, rich voice volume with an elongated core. It is as if the breath of life is being blown into music one by one as it is sung by that song. Along with that, Ingi’s guitar will also increase in vividness as it becomes late in the second half, but somewhere the state of change is somewhat raw. Whether you are in the live or not, the chemical reaction in the band was a good sound source that might sound like this in real time.
Disc-3 is Auckland performance in October. In rare and massive performances, if you write Ingy’s self-assertive play that often tends to be on other day performances and continue somewhere safe driving performance … … maybe you seem like something boring sound source If you are familiar with listening to the performance at the time, this means that it is a sound source that feels the opposite surprise that Coco is like this, here and also here? However, the middle guitar solo of ⑥ is sharpness of sound, and how to arrange the grain of fine phrase that runs through in the moment of becoming mute is excellent item while being excellent, and even when singing a mark which does not shake at any pitch at all, hearing ears everywhere You should be deprived. Also, Beethoven ‘s fate during the guitar solo carefully plays with the middle tempo unusually this time, I also want to pay attention to the fact that the harmony and harmony can be heard with the harmony with Young who is usually too fast and the sound is missing .
Disc-4 is a Minneapolis performance. On this day Ingy’s play is always terrifying with playing circle. Among them, the guitar in ⑤ and ⑥ got through, and it stands out, but I felt a glimpse of his genius again in the instantaneous high speed guitar approach that excels at the sharpness of hooks that come out everywhere here . Also on this day, he is playing solo time like a demon. ⑨ is playing with an up tempo on this day, but as usual the mark “♪ Caught In The Middle” singing way is powerful and attractive. Besides Ingy decided to delicate phrasing next to it, it is a disc that you can enjoy a unique thrilling ensemble this time.
Even at Knoxville ‘s performance on Disc – 5, he played high – quality performances in the audience’ s great cheer. Especially ④ of this day is terrible. This might be a dazzling performance, but if you find a gap in the sound a little bit, Inggak is inserting sharp decorative sounds one after another at the speed of light, and this song with lots of sound is filled with notes all at once You can enjoy the scene. ⑥ The phrase of KIMI also shines everywhere, not to mention the high speed unison in the middle part playing with Young, as well as the work swing of the back rhythm corps is also quite satisfying. Moreover, the tape continues around this sound source even after the performance, and the air of the place of the day is contained as a lingering finish.
Disc-6 is Nashville’s performance in November. The extraordinaryness of Jans is conspicuous from the beginning in this day. From the second half of ④, I continue to fuzz inigos with a beautiful high-speed melody, and even after the last song, I join it with a short solo that doubles as a bridge to ⑤, and it connects to the strongest beautiful voice of the mark as it is. Of course this is a familiar sight that you often hear in performances of other days, but I think that it is also becoming a sound source that makes you feel again the reason for the key personality in this band. Also on this day Mark ‘s voice passed well, its charm bursts in ③ and ⑥, and superhuman inglee solo at ⑦ also heard very much. I think that it is a show that feels a lot of the performance skill of the three major pillars of this band, Ingy, Mark, and Jans. Although sound quality is superior and inferior in each performance, it is a level that no problem for a person accustomed to listening to the boot.

脱退したジェフ・スコット・ソートの後任として、1985年夏から1986年9月まで、約1年以上に渡って「YNGWIE J. MALMSTEEN’S RISING FORCE」のリードボーカルを務めたマーク・ボールズ在籍時のアンダーグラウンドのライブ音源12公演分を時系列に収録した「MARK BOALS YEARS」Volume 1 & 2。名盤「Trilogy」を産み出す大きな原動力となり、イングヴェイ自身が、歴代ボーカリストの中でベストと惜しみない賛辞の言葉を送る、ファン必携のマーク在籍時の80年代中期のレアライブ集。

「Volume 1」にはマークのイングヴェイでの初ステージとなった8月31日オークランドで開催された「Day On The Green」(この日は他にもScorpions, Ratt, Y&T, Metallicaと錚々たるバンドが出演)のライブ音源から、9月から11月にかけて行われたAC/DCの北米ツアーの前座公演(ライブは連日50分弱)を中心に時系列で収録しています。セットは前半の I’ll See The Light Tonight、On The Run Again、Far Beyond The Sun、Don’t Let It End、後半で聴けるバッハや「運命」を取り入れたロングギターソロ~Black Starは固定されていますが、他はAnguish And Fear、Caught In The Middle、Soldier Without Faith、Disciples Of Hellを日によって入れ替えて演奏しています。音質は各公演ともに優劣はありますが、「これは音質が酷く聴けない」というテイクは一つも無く、音質的には最も劣っている10月19日オークランド公演テイクですら、イングヴェイの迸るようなギター、マークの突き抜けるようなボーカルはしっかりと捉えられており、鑑賞には問題ないレベルです。音質が最も優れているのは10月29日のミネアポリス公演で、次いで11月9日ノックスビルと15日のナッシュビルがほぼ同レベル。表にするとMinneapolis>Nashville≧Knoxville>Los Angeles≧Day On The Green>Oaklandと言った感じでしょうか。しかしながら前述の通り、6音源ともにマスタークオリティを確信させる音の鮮度の良さをしっかりと保っており、ファンはどのテイクも興味深く聴き入ること間違いないと思われます。とにかく各公演で聴けるイングヴェイの鬼気迫る、まさに凄まじいばかりのフレッシュな速弾きソロは壮絶で、前座にもかかわらず、どの公演でも観客から熱いリアクションを受けているのもリアルに伝わってきます。スペースの都合で各公演の詳細は割愛させて頂きますが、どれも非常に楽しめる内容です。ノックスビルでDon’t Let It End終演後に必ずプレイされる30秒程度のドラムソロから、この日はAnguish And Fearを演奏するのですが、リフから上手く入れず、カウントから再演奏したり、ナッシュビル公演ではオープニングやDisciples Of Hellの冒頭ソロで、ナッシュビルということでか速弾きの中にカントリー風のソロを挿入したりと、各所でそれぞれ楽しい聴き所も満載です。そして何よりマーク・ボールズの、高音域を中心としたボーカルは終始圧巻で、存在感抜群のパフォーマンスを聴くことができます。このツアー後、名盤「Trilogy」製作に本格着手する時期、バンドは勿論、イングヴェイ本人にとっても、上昇気流一直線、まさにノリにのっていた時期の大変優秀なライブ記録集と言えるでしょう。

★beatleg誌 vol.133(2011年8月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

まず本作Vol.1のDisc-1は、今も80年代HR/HMの伝説の一つとして語り継がれている85年真夏の”Day On The Green”での公演。当時は日本でも専門誌で大幅にページを割いた特集が組まれたのを目にした方も多いと思うが、この日は言うまでも無くライジング・フォースにマークが初めて登場したデビュー・ステージでもあった。それもあってかインギーが他日ほど行き過ぎたプレイをしておらず(勿論ギターはそれでもかなり目立っているが)、あくまでもニュー・シンガーのお披露目の意味合いも込めてバンドとしての纏まりを優先した安定感のある演奏が多い。そんなマークのシンガーとしての魅力が炸裂するのは最後の⑧だろう。特にサビの「♪Caught In The Middle」と力強く歌い上げる箇所は素人でも分かるほどの表現の深さと芯の太さを感じさせ、並のシンガーではないことが一聴して分かるほどだ。一世一代の大舞台で行うセットの最後にこの曲をわざわざ持ってきた理由も恐らくその辺りにあったのではないだろうか。
Disc-4はミネアポリス公演。この日はインギーのプレイがいつもに輪をかけて凄まじい。中でも⑤と⑥でのギターが図抜けて際立っているのだが、ここで随所に出てくるフックの効いた切れ味抜群の瞬間的な高速ギター・アプローチに、改めて彼の天才性を垣間見た思いがした。またこの日はソロタイムも鬼神の如く弾きまくっている。⑨はこの日アップテンポ気味で演奏しているが、相変わらずマークの「♪Caught In The Middle」の歌い方がパワフルで魅力的。インギーもその横で繊細なフレージングをバシバシ決めまくっていて、この時期ならではのスリリングなアンサンブルが楽しめるディスクだ。

Disc 1
Live at Day On The Green, Oakland Coliseum Stadium, Oakland, CA. USA 31st August 1985

1. Intro. 2. I’ll See The Light Tonight 3. On The Run Again 4. Far Beyond The Sun
5. Don’t Let It End 6. Anguish And Fear 7. Black Star 8. Caught In The Middle

Disc 2
Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA. USA 18th October 1985

1. Intro. 2. I’ll See The Light Tonight 3. On The Run Again 4. Far Beyond The Sun
5. Don’t Let It End 6. Soldier Without Faith 7. Guitar Solo 8. Black Star
9. Disciples Of Hell

Disc 3
Live at Coliseum Arena, Oakland, CA. USA 19th October 1985

1. Intro.2. I’ll See The Light Tonight 3. On The Run Again 4. Far Beyond The Sun
5. Don’t Let It End 6. Soldier Without Faith 7. Guitar Solo 8. Disciples Of Hell

Disc 4
Live at Metro Center, Minneapolis, MN. USA 29th October 1985

1. Intro. 2. I’ll See The Light Tonight 3. On The Run Again 4. Far Beyond The Sun
5. Don’t Let It End 6. Soldier Without A Faith 7. Guitar Solo 8. Black Star
9. Caught In The Middle

Disc 5
Live at Civic Coliseum, Knoxville, TN. USA 9th November 1985

1. Intro. 2. I’ll See The Light Tonight 3. On The Run Again 4. Far Beyond The Sun
5. Don’t Let It End 6. Anguish And Fear 7. Guitar Solo 8. Black Star
9. Disciples Of Hell

Disc 6
Live at Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, TN. USA 15th November 1985

1. Intro. 2. I’ll See The Light Tonight 3. On The Run Again 4. Far Beyond The Sun
5. Don’t Let It End 6. Soldier Without A Faith 7. Guitar Solo 8. Black Star
9. Disciples Of Hell

Yngwie J. Malmsteen – Guitar Mark Boals – Vocals Jens Johansson – Keyboards
Marcel Jacob – Bass Anders Johansson – Drums

Shades 351

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