Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band / 2009 Tour Rehearsals / 4CD

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street  Band / 2009 Tour Rehearsals / 4CD /Social Graces

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Convention Hall, Asbury Park, NJ. USA 18th & 23rd March 2009 STEREO SBD

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Both 2009 years of “WORKING ON A DREAM” twice in the rehearsal that took place at the start of the tour recording at the highest of stereo-line recording. These sound source is this also is a bonus sound source that had been previewed in the “BORN AGAIN” and “INNOCENT AND GROLY DAYS,” but, in response to requests from fans around the world, and finally the full-length version will be released. What is first recording is a normal rehearsal that had been done before the tour started, but here we are intensively practice especially the “I Is not Got No Home”. And that it joined the tour until the chorus of support not only the E · Street Band, as the beginning and ending of the arrangement in this song, in-depth rehearsal of the blues and the band and support members who have been made . However, despite the elaborate rehearsal has been made so far, this song was not able to be played on tour this volume. In addition, although we have been carried out carefully rehearsal of the number from the was the new album at the time, “WORKING ON A DREAM”, the number and “Good Eye”, which ended with the playing of the tour early only among them, after a further tour start is very valuable for the performance of songs such as “This Life” of the only times are playing is heard.
But what to say, is that the performance of the wonders which said that up to Springsteen fans around the world had been rehearsing the Jimmy Cliff reggae cover “Suffering In The Land”. These, if you want to play the songs of others, generally How can is often played as a breather in between rehearsals filled with roots, surprising arrangements of playing here is very complete you’ll be. This completely different orthodox reggae performances and tours of the repertoire is considerable surprise just to be perfectly played by E · Street Band, has been sung to the previous support chorus firmly in the back, also being played in this state stage production has any boasts a degree of completion of the more there is no sense of discomfort. However, even though showed a maturity of up to there, this song also it is fulfilled not finally to be played on the tour this volume, that everyone in the fact that the first time revealed by this release is subjected to a shock award.
The following was recorded refrain just before the start of the tour, the public rehearsal was done invited the fan has has been recorded this also with great sound quality. This is different from the normal rehearsal that the same song was practicing over and over again in an atmosphere such as truly tour rehearsal, performance in light of the stage of construction of the show was decided, that I record the stage in Generalprobe state. So opening is called from the “Outlaw Pete”, but will not begin in a pattern become familiar in this tour, but still leaving a still vestiges of rehearsal that is being played is still “Good Eye” and “This Life”. Moreover, this day There is only playing was before the audience, the “This Life” state that contains the more fired up also playing can ask. In addition, “My Lucky Day” and “Surprise, Surprise” songs such as is not visited opportunity to be played in the regular to eventually tour the middle, would say that even valuable performance in that regard. And these twice of that neither of the rehearsal was recorded in great stereo sound board recording, will no doubt also be the release of shock for Springsteen fans around the world. These ultra-valuable source is the release at a press CD limited from abroad.

★ It is this work reviews Yowake in beatleg magazine vol.133 (August 2011). In case you’re wondering.

In a manner similar to that introduced in the New Releases corner of the previous issue “SOMERVILLE STORY”, the total length of the rehearsal sound source of this time 2009 tour from the sound source, which has been dispensed in the previously released “BORN AGAIN” and “INNOCENT AND GROLY DAYS” edition appeared. Sound quality is also great in the stereo line recording a luxury press CD four Disc was recorded two of rehearsal. The volume of the guitar is occasionally is low a point, but still would be without it only the sound quality if complain of. Rehearsal is something that both were carried out in the familiar Convention Hall of Asbury Park, but the direction of first March 18 that captured the final stage in the normal rehearsal. Thus it has reached totally perfection is such number to be played in regular among the album “Working on a Dream” songs such as “Outlaw Pete”. Therefore, for here the most carefully practice in is repeated was “I Is not Got No Home” surprise Woody Guthrie. This song is a familiar cover, etc. solo version of the blues, but try to Toriageyo at this time of the tour to have been a rehearsal to here. Nevertheless, this song is ironic that had never played in a tour story after all. However, what is surprising any more would be to Jimmy Cliff reggae cover “Suffering In The Land” has been played. Moreover, it is not a breather specific performance of the interval of rehearsal, this also but even more from being a firm band played. Especially in a good atmosphere, such as sax of Clarence Clemons, still because he has not been played even once in the tour, this is a really valuable performance. And also in the previous “working on?” Songs “Surprise, Surprise” and the like sweet-padded play itself, is to arrange to modulation, especially in the second half pleasing to Ukagaemasu manner in which each member is struggling. In addition, “This Life,” the unstable is pitch of the blues song even is likely this also rehabilitation.
Rehearsal of March 23, which is on the second half of the disc has been conducted as a public rehabilitation that takes the audience, but also the audience record existed, goodness of it and sounds not comparable. There is only a truly performance was in front of the audience, there is a momentum in the performance than the rehabilitation of 18 days. But when also is still unstable two songs from it was unstable performance “working on?” His, was particularly “Surprise?” Is still Ikazu arrangement of modulation is nicely, also still playing ride enough. Not showing off immediately to the start of the tour, thanks, when it began to be played from the European Tour, the modulation has been omitted as expected. Also although here there was no problem in playing from the same “working on?” Songs, to have disappeared in the tour early because it did not shine too much stage “Good Eye” is also nice to hear in this sound quality, “Outlaw?” and “Mu Lucky Day” was in fact also rehearsal and tour early only deployment of being played in the same song order an album. And it showed off in front of an audience to “I Is not Got?” That had just repeated the practice it was also the only this day. It may be easy to listen to more of the public rehearsal for beginners, but surprise the title of valuable performance is jammed.

Closed Rehearsals 2009
Convention Hall, Asbury Park, NJ. USA 18th March 2009

2009年の『WORKING ON A DREAM』ツアーの開始時に行われた二回のリハーサルをどちらも最高のステレオ・ライン録音にて収録。これらの音源はこれまた『BORN AGAIN』や『INNOCENT AND GROLY DAYS』のボーナスでプレビューされていた音源ですが、世界中のファンからのリクエストに応え、遂に全長版がリリースとなります。まず収録されているのはツアー開始前に行われていた通常のリハーサルですが、ここでは特に「I Ain’t Got No Home」を集中的に練習しています。しかもE・ストリート・バンドだけでなくサポートのコーラス隊まで加わったツアーということで、この曲ではエンディングのアレンジなどを始めとして、ブルースとバンドやサポート・メンバー達との突っ込んだリハーサルが行われています。ところが、ここまで念入りなリハーサルが行われたにも関わらず、この曲がツアー本編で演奏されることはありませんでした。さらに、当時のニューアルバムだった『WORKING ON A DREAM』からのナンバーの念入りにリハーサルが行われておりますが、その中でもツアー序盤のみの演奏で終わった「Good Eye」と、さらにツアー開始後に数回演奏されただけの「This Life」といった曲の演奏が聴かれるのはとても貴重です。
しかし何といっても、世界中のスプリングスティーン・ファンをアッと言わせる驚異の演奏がジミー・クリフのレゲエ・カバー「Suffering In The Land」をリハーサルしていたということです。こういった、他人の曲を演奏する場合は、概して根を詰めたリハーサルの合間の息抜きとして演奏されることが多いのですが、驚くべきはここでの演奏のアレンジが非常に完成されていることでしょう。このツアーのレパートリーとはまったく違う正調レゲエな演奏がE・ストリート・バンドによって完璧に演奏されているだけでも相当な驚きですが、先のサポート・コーラス隊までもがしっかりとバックで歌っており、このままステージ本番で演奏されても何ら違和感がないほどの完成度を誇っています。しかし、そこまでの完成度を示していたにもかかわらず、この曲もまたツアー本編で演奏されることは遂に叶わず、今回のリリースによって初めて明らかとなる事実に誰もが衝撃を受けることでしょう。
次に収録されたのはツアーの開始を直前に控え、ファンを招き入れて行われた公開リハーサルがこれまた素晴らしい音質で収録されています。こちらはいかにもツアー・リハーサルといった雰囲気で同じ曲を何度も練習していた通常リハーサルと異なり、ショウの構成が決まった段階を踏まえた演奏、つまりゲネプロ状態でのステージを収録しています。そこでオープニングは「Outlaw Pete」からという、このツアーでおなじみとなるパターンで始まっていますが、それでもまだ「Good Eye」や「This Life」が演奏されているのがまだリハーサルの面影を残しています。しかもこの日は観客を前にした演奏だけあって、その「This Life」の演奏も一段と気合が入っている様子が伺えます。さらに「My Lucky Day」や「Surprise, Surprise」といった曲は結局ツアー中盤までレギュラーで演奏される機会は訪れず、その点でも貴重な演奏といえるでしょう。そしてこれら二回のリハーサルのどちらもが素晴らしいステレオ・サウンドボード録音にて収録されたことは、やはり世界中のスプリングスティーン・ファンにとって衝撃のリリースとなることは間違いないでしょう。これらの超貴重な音源が海外から限定のプレスCDにてリリースです。


前号のニューリリースコーナーで紹介した『SOMERVILLE STORY』と同様に、以前リリースされた『BORN AGAIN』や『INNOCENT AND GROLY DAYS』で小出しにされていた音源から今度は2009年ツアーのリハーサル音源の全長版が登場した。二つのリハーサルを収録した豪華プレスCD四枚組で音質もステレオ・ライン録音で素晴らしい。ギターの音量が低めな個所がたまにあるが、それでもこれだけの音質なら文句なしだろう。リハーサルは両方ともにアズベリー・パークのおなじみコンベンション・ホールで行われたものだが、まず3月18日の方は通常のリハーサルにおける最終段階を捉えたもの。よって「Outlaw Pete」のようなアルバム『ワーキング・オン・ア・ドリーム』収録曲の中でもレギュラーで演奏されるナンバーなどはすっかり完成の域に達している。よってここでもっとも念入りに稽古が繰り返されているのは驚いたことにウディ・ガスリーの「I Ain’t Got No Home」だった。この曲はブルースのソロ・バージョンなどでおなじみのカバーだが、この時のツアーで取り上げようとここまでリハーサルされていたとは。にもかかわらず、結局この曲はツアー本編では演奏されることがなかったのが皮肉だ。しかし、それ以上に驚かされるのは、ジミー・クリフのレゲエ・カバー「Suffering In The Land」が演奏されていたことだろう。しかもそれはリハの合間の息抜き的な演奏ではなく、これまたしっかりとしたバンド演奏がされているからなおさらだ。特にクラレンス・クレモンズのサックスなどはいい雰囲気で、それでもツアーでは一度も演奏されなかったのだから、これは本当に貴重な演奏だ。そして先の『ワーキング・オン?』収録曲でも「Surprise, Surprise」などは演奏自体の詰めが甘く、特に後半で転調するアレンジには各メンバーが四苦八苦している様子がうかがえて微笑ましい。また「This Life」でもブルースの歌の音程が不安定なのがこれまたリハらしい。
後半のディスクに収められている3月23日のリハーサルは観客を入れた公開リハとして行われたもので、オーディエンス録音も存在していたが、それとは比べ物にならない音の良さ。さすがに観客を前にした演奏なだけあって、18日のリハよりも演奏に勢いがある。ところがその時にも不安定な演奏だった『ワーキング・オン?』からの二曲は相変わらず不安定で、特に「Surprise?」はやはり転調のアレンジがしっくりいかず、さらに演奏の乗りも今一つだった。おかげでツアーが始まってすぐには披露されず、ヨーロッパツアーから演奏されだした時には、案の定その転調が省かれていた。またおなじ『ワーキング・オン?』収録曲からこちらは演奏に問題がなかったものの、あまりステージ映えしなかったことからツアー序盤で姿を消した「Good Eye」がこの音質で聴けるのも嬉しいし、「Outlaw?」と「Mu Lucky Day」が実際のアルバムと同じ曲順で演奏されるのもリハとツアー序盤のみの展開であった。そしてあれだけ練習を繰り返していた「I Ain’t Got?」を観客の前で披露したのはこの日だけでもあった。初心者には公開リハの方が聴きやすいかもしれないが、貴重な演奏が詰まった驚きのタイトルである。

Closed Rehearsals 2009
Convention Hall, Asbury Park, NJ. USA 18th March 2009

Disc 1
1. I Ain’t Got No Home #1 2. I Ain’t Got No Home #2 3. I Ain’t Got No Home #3 4. Good Eye
5. Johnny 99 6. My Lucky Day 7. No Surrender 8. Out In The Street 9. Outlaw Pete #1
10. Outlaw Pete #2

Disc 2
1. Suffering In The Land #1 2. Suffering In The Land #2 3. Surprise, Surprise 4. This Life #1
5. This Life #2 6. Working On A Dream 7. I Ain’t Got No Home #4

Open Rehearsals 2009
Convention Hall, Asbury Park, NJ. USA 23rd March 2009

Disc 3
1. Opening 2. Outlaw Pete 3. My Lucky Day 4. Night 5. Out In The Street 6. Working On A Dream
7. Johnny 99 8. I Ain’t Got No Home 9. Good Eye (with Jay Weinberg)
10. Radio Nowhere (with Jay Weinberg) 11. Candy’s Room 12. Because The Night (with Jay Weinberg)
13. Mary’s Place (with Jay Weinberg) 14. The Wrestler

Disc 4
1. This Life 2. Long Walk Home 3. Surprise, Surprise 4. Badlands 5. No Surrender
6. Hard Times (come again no more) 7. Mustang Sally (w/John Eddie) 8. Thunder Road
9. Born To Run (with Jay Weinberg) 10. American Land 11. Seven Nights To Rock

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Bruce Springsteen – Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, Piano
Roy Bittan – Piano, Keyboards, Accordion
Clarence Clemons – Tenor and Baritone Saxophones, Pennywhistle, Backing Vocals, Percussion
Nils Lofgren – Guitar, Slide Guitar, Accordion, Backing Vocals, Harmonica
Patti Scialfa – Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar Garry Tallent – Bass
Steven Van Zandt – Guitar, Mandolin, Backing Vocals Max Weinberg – Drums

Other Musicians

Charles Giordano – Organ, Accordion, Keyboards Curtis King Jr. – Backing Vocals, Percussion
Cindy Mizelle – Backing Vocals, Percussion
Soozie Tyrell – Violin, Backing Vocals, Percussion, Acoustic Guitar
Jay Weinberg – Drums


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