Gary Moore / The Days To Remember / 4CD

Gary Moore / The Days To Remember / 4CD / Shades

Live At The City Hall, Sheffield, Uk 29th March 1987 and 25th May 1989.

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Waged was the name live two shows in the ’80s the United Kingdom of Sheffield City Hall is Gary Moore in the second half, the full package with ultra-high-quality audience recording! Now full use of the master tape Crazy S. Mr. recorded a legendary name taper, this work has been turned into press CD by performing a full remastered from the original source was condensed Gary of charm in the hard rock era late , is a four-disc set must for fans must listen!

Gary than 1986 years of the tour, their own will to reflect the Irish sound to music and music with the background. 1987 release of “WILD FORITIER” In the classic “Over The Hills And Far Away” and “Johnny Boy” Irish trad-melody and view of the world is included, they have established a new rock sound of Gary. In the “AFTER THE WAR” in 1989 with a similar direction of it is further pursued, to fruition as such as a letter addressed to an old friend Phil Lynott “Blood Of Emeralds”. Becomes more concentrated their shade in the live, Gary and playing spun out his band at the time, the ’80s the first half of the show is clearly different from both the course of the later’ 90s blues live, such as blows clear and cold wind , it had drifted this era of unique atmosphere.
The live of the present work this noble aura even was feeling ’87 and ’89, by which to set in the sound source of “the same venue,” “same taper”, hard rock that Gary has been accomplished in the late ’80s live the culmination of, you can enjoy to the full extent in the preeminent sense of stability, such as like “fixed-point observation”!

To disk 1 and 2 had been released as “WILD ONE” nine years ago from Langley label, and complete recording of the show of 3 performances eyes – March 29, of the ’87 tour. “WILD FORNTIER” tour, as able to Ri solved when you go “LONER’S END,” which this time is simultaneous release, but is the tour left many excellent line sound source, audience recording by Mr. Crazy S. is in front of these broadcast sound source also, there are those with value and presence as a content and records, such as sound quality of the more evenly matched, as still “the best source of the ’87 tour”, have gained a great support of the fans. In treatments that seek further listening ease in this sound source, from the opening SE and “Over The Hills And Far Away”, you can enjoy a powerful sound that spread edge of realism, instruments backed by the natural sound is alive . Clear and outlook of the sparkling sound is what one of the best in the audience recording of the same time, would feel the “Thunder Rising” and “Wild Frontier” in the above-mentioned “wind” to surely skin! “Shapes Of Thing” and “Murder In The Skies”, “Victims Of The Future” classic songs such as also serious Kyokuso discomfort penetration without to this set, it functions as a component of shalt help but show each lacks necessary. Even the songs with party colors, such as “All Messed Up” to “Rockin ‘Every Night”, is strange because I feel sounded to serious and listen in this flow. Not allowed to pull out the mind even for a moment in all of the aspects listeners of live, do not have this completed set list is surprisingly well!
Large listening stations of the sound source is waiting on “The Loner” of Angkor. For in the original master had tape in a 7-minute block of the same song is finished, the whole in its outstanding “WILD ONE” from “The Loner” to show the end, was Yes replaced with another sound source on the same day. But this time adopted this was its outstanding unused “lost 7 minutes” until the end of the tape, Dearimasu connected only with a different sound source the same day the second half part of the later. Processing of the tie is subjected to especially rigorous work, such as if the said master has changed put in the part, nobody would not notice.
Goodness of the line sound source does not have to say too late, this tour is what the “feeling” of the performer and the audience is what the audience recording transmitted to the direct look good. In conjunction with the “LONER’S END”, I think the fresh was confined to the sound source “mind” and “heart” and I would like you to come feel!

It is to disk 3 and 4 from “AFTER THE WAR” tour of 1989, have enjoyed the live of May 25, which was the final day. This live is also thing that had appeared eight years ago as a “FIGHTING FOR SHEFIELD”, value as concluded the ’80s of Gary “hard rock era last live” and above all high quality audience of shame line, the recording was especially received rave reviews from professional journals and mania. Even in recent years the discontinued state is continuing, inquiries from fans of “recently started to collect Gary live” many, this time to meet the expectations, become the imposing of revival on the full remastered Press on CD you.
It was a sound source with a reputation for original balance and outlook, it is remastered to enhance the clear of the more sound was done this time. Replace the lighting with a new “package” and the light is Tomo’ was such a bright outlook, sound exit vivid treble, such as guitar or keyboard, the eye-popping as the mania that Kikikon the already issued from “After The War” of opening There is no difference in the think like! (Exchange with Gary after the same song the audience, also is heard clearly can Boya about Cozy Powell)
Although the music selection of the set list has been trapped under the 1987 tour, that drum came in to replace from Eric Singer Chris Slade, the band sound from the metallic sharpness, it has been shifted to the more heavily Strong. Compared to listen to “Shapes Of Things” and “Military Man”, “Empty Rooms”, I felt the difference of both individuality and touch, you Kikikome more interesting.
Climax of this sound source is “Blood Of Emeralds” of what to say impressed. Gary is this song that exhausted unexpected feelings and sang plangently to Phil Lynott is, will keep you forwarded a powerful message and warm to all of my heart those who listen. Continued medley of “Out In The Fields” and “Over The Hills And Far Away” is a Kakkoyo of the questions asked, and let me enjoy the excitement of about no more to highlight the live!
Angkor is not played in the ’87 tour as “Johnny Boy,” “Parisienne Walkways”. The former to hear the delicate side with the Gary, the latter sounded the familiar cry whether even this is also, in a good melody and impressive guitar phrases What is common, have raised collectively aftertaste of strong live of the press in the wonderful afterglow you. So much for the finished Gary created a music and live, “spear left” in the field of the more hard rock might was no.
After Gary the tour ended, Bob Dizuri executes the idea of ​​”Let’s make a blues album,” that told the Germany tour, “STILL GOT THE BLUES” will be produced. But surely such as to the “end of the hard rock era” this Sheffield performances, at this time nobody did not even imagine. This is Mr. “unexpectedly last and became” the show left me with this much quality Crazy S., I do not have any words of thanks!

Masterpiece audience recording that contains the hard rock era of Gary, this until after the have been released “A THING OF THE PAST” and “RUN THROUGH THE NIGHTS”, we finally reached the one separated by this work. This work also of drama 2 total of 206 minutes, the performance has been spelled in dense and voluminous, so far among a number of items that have been released, shining with exceptionally brilliantly!
Crammed in the eyes full satisfaction with the overwhelming volume in full limited Press CD4 Disc, one of the era will be the culmination! Sheffield of Annals documents Mitodoke the hard rock era of Gary, so that you do not miss everyone please!

’80年代後半にゲイリー・ムーアがイギリスのシェフィールド・シティホールで繰り広げた名ライヴ2公演を、超高音質オーディエンス録音で完全パッケージ!今や伝説的な名テーパーであるCrazy S.氏が記録したマスターテープをフル使用し、大元から全面リマスターを施してプレスCD化した本作は、ハードロック時代後期におけるゲイリーの魅力を凝縮した、ファン必携必聴の4枚組です!

ゲイリーは1986年のツアーより、自身がバックグラウンドに持つアイリッシュ・サウンドを演奏や楽曲に反映させるようになります。’87年リリースの「WILD FORITIER」では名曲「Over The Hills And Far Away」や「Johnny Boy」にアイルランドのトラッド・メロディや世界観が盛り込まれ、それらがゲイリーの新たなロックサウンドを確立しました。同様の方向性をもった’89年の「AFTER THE WAR」ではそれがさらに追求され、旧友フィル・ライノットへ宛てた手紙のような「Blood Of Emeralds」として結実します。ライヴではそれらの色合いがより濃厚となり、当時のゲイリーと彼のバンドが紡ぎだす演奏は、’80年代前半のショウはもちろん’90年代以降のブルースライヴとも明らかに異なる、清冽な風が吹く様な、この時代特有の雰囲気を漂わせていました。

ディスク1と2へはLangleyレーベルから9年前に「WILD ONE」としてリリースされていた、’87年ツアーの3公演目・3月29日のショウを完全収録しています。「WILD FORNTIER」ツアーは今回同時リリースされる「LONER’S END」でもお解かり頂けるように、優れたライン音源が多く残されたツアーですが、Crazy S.氏によるオーディエンス録音はこれら放送音源を前にしても、音質などの内容・記録としての価値や存在感とも互角以上のものがあり、今なお「’87年ツアーのベスト音源」として、ファンの大きな支持を得ています。本音源ではさらなる聴き易さを求めたトリートメントで、オープニングS.E.そして「Over The Hills And Far Away」から、ナチュラルな音の広がりに裏付けられた臨場感・楽器のエッジが活きた迫力あるサウンドを味わえます。きらめくような音のクリアさと見通しさは同時期のオーディエンス録音でも屈指のものがあり、「Thunder Rising」や「Wild Frontier」では前述した”風”をきっと肌に感じる事でしょう!「Shapes Of Thing」や「Murder In The Skies」・「Victims Of The Future」といった定番曲もシリアスな曲想がこのセットへ違和感無く溶け込み、それぞれが必要欠くべからざるショウの構成要素として機能しています。「All Messed Up」に「Rockin’ Every Night」といったパーティな色合いを持った曲でさえ、この流れの中で聴くとシリアスに響いて感じるのだから不思議です。ライヴの全ての局面が聴き手に一瞬でも気を抜く事を許さない、この完成されたセットリストは驚くほかありません!
本音源の大きな聴き所はアンコールの「The Loner」に待っています。元マスターでは同曲の7分台でテープが終了していたため、既発「WILD ONE」では「The Loner」からショウエンドまで丸ごと、同日別音源と入れ替えてありました。しかし今回は既発未使用だったこの「失われた7分間」をテープ終了まで採用し、以降の後半パートのみを同日別音源で繋いであります。繋ぎの処理は特に綿密な作業を施しており、言われなければマスターがその部分で入れ換わったなど、誰も気が付かないでしょう。
ライン音源の良さは今さら言うまでもありませんが、このツアーは演奏者と観客の「気持ち」がダイレクトに伝わるオーディエンス録音こそが似合うというものです。「LONER’S END」と併せて、本音源に封じ込められた生々しい「気」や「心」をぜひ感じて頂きたいと思います!

ディスク3及び4へは’89年の「AFTER THE WAR」ツアーから、千秋楽となった5月25日のライヴを収めています。このライヴも「FIGHTING FOR SHEFIELD」として8年前に登場していたものですが、ゲイリーの’80年代を締めくくった「ハードロック時代最後のライヴ」としての価値、そして何よりライン顔負けのハイクオリティ・オーディエンス録音により、特に専門誌やマニアから絶賛を受けました。廃盤状態が続いている近年でも、「最近ゲイリーのライヴを集め始めた」というファンからのお問い合わせが多く、今回はご期待にお応えして、フルリマスター・プレスCD化の上で堂々の復活となります。
元々バランスや見通しには定評がある音源でしたが、今回はより音のクリアさを高めるリマスターが行われました。照明を新品に取り替えて「パッ」と灯りがともったような明るい見通し、ギターやキーボードなどの高音が鮮やかに抜けるサウンドは、オープニングの「After The War」から既発を聴き込んだマニアほど目の覚めるような思いをするに違いありません!(同曲の後にゲイリーが観客と交わす、コージー・パウエルについてのボヤきもはっきりと聴き取れます)
セットリストの選曲は’87年ツアーを下敷きにしているものの、ドラムがエリック・シンガーからクリス・スレイドに交代したことで、バンドサウンドはメタリックな鋭さから、より重くストロングにシフトしています。「Shapes Of Things」や「Military Man」「Empty Rooms」を聴き比べれば、両者の個性やタッチの違いを感じられ、より興味深く聴き込めます。
本音源のヤマ場は何と言っても感動の「Blood Of Emeralds」です。ゲイリーがフィル・ライノットへの尽きぬ想いを切々と歌ったこの曲は、聴く者すべての心に温かで力強いメッセージを送り届けてくれるでしょう。続く「Out In The Fields」と「Over The Hills And Far Away」のメドレーは問答無用の格好よさで、ライヴのハイライトにこれ以上無いほどの興奮を満喫させてくれます!
アンコールは’87年ツアーでは演奏されなかった「Johnny Boy」と「Parisienne Walkways」です。ゲイリーの持つ繊細な側面を聴かせる前者、おなじみの泣きをこれでもかと響かせる後者も、共通するのは優れたメロディと印象的なギターフレーズで、押しの強いライヴの後味を素晴らしい余韻でまとめ上げています。これほど完成された楽曲とライヴを作り上げたゲイリーにとっては、なるほどハードロックの分野で「やり残し」は無かったのかも知れません。
ゲイリーはツアーが終了した後、ボブ・ディズリーがドイツツアー中に話したという「ブルース・アルバムを作ろう」というアイディアを実行し、「STILL GOT THE BLUES」が製作されます。しかしまさか本シェフィールド公演が”ハードロック時代の終焉”になるなど、この時は誰も想像すらしませんでした。この”図らずも最後となった”ショウをこれだけのクオリティで残してくれたCrazy S.氏には、感謝の言葉もありません!

ゲイリーのハードロック時代を収めた傑作オーディエンス録音は、これまでリリースされてきた「A THING OF THE PAST」や「RUN THROUGH THE NIGHTS」を経て、本作でいよいよ一つの区切りを迎えます。2公演を合計して206分間ものドラマが濃密かつ長大につづられた本作は、これまでリリースされてきた数々のアイテムの中でも、ひときわ燦然と輝いています!

Live at City Hall, Sheffield, UK 29th March 1987

Disc 1
1. Opening 2. Over The Hills And Far Away 3. Thunder Rising 4. Shapes Of Thing
5. Murder In The Skies 6. Wild Frontier 7. Military Man 8. So Far Away 9. Empty Rooms

Disc 2
1. Victims Of The Future 2. All Messed Up 3. Out In The Fields 4. Rockin’ Every Night
5. Wishing Well 6. The Loner

Gary Moore – Guitar, Vocals Neil Carter – Keyboards, Guitar, Vocals Bob Daisley – Bass
Eric Singer – Drums

Live at City Hall, Sheffield, UK 25th May 1989

Disc 3
1. Opening S.E.(Dunluce) 2. After The War 3. Shapes Of Things 4. Wild Frontier
5. This Thing Called Love 6. Military Man 7. Guitar Solo 8. So Far Away 9. Empty Rooms
10. Blood Of Emeralds

Disc 4
1. Out In The Fields 2. Over The Hills And Far Away 3. Rockin’ Every Night
4. All Messed Up 5. Johnny Boy 6. Parisienne Walkways

Gary Moore – Guitar & Vocal Bob Daisley – Bass Neil Carter – Keyboards, Guitar, Vocal
Chris Slade – Drums

Special Thanks: Crazy S.


Shades 323

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