Rainbow / Leicester 1976 / 2 CDR

Rainbow / Leicester 1976 / 2 CDR /Non Label

Translated text:

Live at De Montfort Hall, Leicester, UK 1st September 1976

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From the fan to the last gift release at that time, “It is strange that not normally release”, of RAINBOW who received a large evaluation “LEICESTER 1976” is, and to meet the many requests that “by all means want to hear”, for a limited time again appeared! After the release of “RISING”, became the first UK tour for RAINBOW, Leicester “De Montfort Hall” concert of September 1, 1976 (the second day 1976 UK tour), it can be said that the best past a single fan must-have was recorded over a period of 108 minutes in excellent audience source, what now in your not listening, I think I would like you to do not miss get!

“Over The Rainbow” and from “Kill The King”, in hand listening this work is the goodness of freshness convince the superlative master great appeal of opening. Compared with its outstanding that was out to more than 10 years ago, muffled and turbidity of the sound has been greatly improved, the musical tone every single Tsubudachi is also good. Overall balance that was met with band ensemble whole also probably the ideal. Although drum is felt in some far Therefore, in addition to the clear Ronnie’s vocals, Richie of guitar is the protagonist of the contours, even impressive to hear in the tone sound of the keyboard is a depth played by Tony Karei. Friendly sound to the ear in the wide, playing the band emitted, will keep you more elegant high entertained.

Is played following the fierce “Kill The King”, “Mistreated”, the step to go is finally polished through live. But Ritchie and Ronnie of performance of the ending is great word. In comparison with the take you listen in December of Japan tour, you will enjoy more interesting.
“Sixteenth Century Greensleeves” is effectively singing of Ronnie wearing a regulation is exhausted brilliantly! Richie and Cozy in a form that is pulled by strong Ronnie also seemed to inspire, both the name of the play in the “Catch The Rainbow” There are quite impressive (especially 9 minutes stand from 6 minutes stand the music swells is must listen. Richie solo is also a rarity).
Ronnie is a performance that was also full of originality since the mid live, you amused at preeminent glue. “Man On The Silver Mountain”, etc. is fun to listen to communicate with before playing MC and audience. Of course the song main of singing in dynamic, in the high region and power to listen to the outstanding control is involuntarily Hats off!
Richie has also contains a yell from the beginning of the song, momentum of “Lazy” and free form of solo introduction portion overwhelming. In contrast, “Blues” you to listen to the clear tone in polite play, you remember the emotion of the more full of even minor play.

The highlight of the day is definitely “Stargazer”! Music world dramatic vocals and Richie dynamic guitar Ronnie, is exciting drumming of Cozy assemble is exactly fans will not be an exaggeration to express that there is all you expect to RAINBOW (where it is Rongusoro of Richie or “Gates Of Babylon” also I feel ethnic flavors like). Of course, “Still I’m Sad” is also overwhelming tour de force, has also been recorded in clear sound Here drum solo of Cozy.
Angkor “Do You Close Your Eyes” which spans 12 minutes a masterpiece in the best part! Here Richie you to burst the play of even blurred such frenzy Ronnie’s vocals. Especially in the guitar crash that unfolds in the middle part, raging like arming, also breaking the sound of the guitar has been recorded on the real. In a further back are even good job keyboard Tony Karei. Nantes 6 minutes stand jumped to riff of “Smoke On The Water” by Karei, listen hand does not even release the ear for a moment!

Far from this work is usually release, there is no wonder even been released in the press CD, ’76 years UK tour stamp large force of live. The performance of the “triumvirate” at that time RAINBOW was the most powerful, it is one of the finest occupying known to no fan place exhaustive! This work for anyone who “you have never heard still” is, this time for a limited time re-emerged glad definitely news! Do not miss this opportunity, please enjoy this film what now!

前回のギフト・リリース当時にファンから「通常リリースされないのが不思議だ」と、大きな評価を受けたRAINBOWの「LEICESTER 1976」が、「ぜひ聴きたい」という多くのリクエストにお応えし、期間限定で再度の登場! 「RISING」のリリース後、RAINBOWにとって初のイギリスツアーとなった、1976年9月1日のレスター”デ・モントフォート・ホール”公演(’76年イギリスツアー2日目)を、過去最良と言える優良オーディエンス・ソースで108分にわたり収録したファン必携の一本を、未聴の皆さんには今度こそ、お見逃し無くゲットして頂きたいと思います!

オープニングの「Over The Rainbow」そして「Kill The King」から、本作は聴き手に最上級マスターを確信させる鮮度の良さが大きな魅力。10年以上前に出ていた既発と比べ、音の篭りや濁りが大きく改善されており、楽音ひとつひとつの粒立ちも良好です。バンドのアンサンブルを丸ごと収めた全体のバランスも理想的と言えるでしょう。ドラムは若干遠めに感じられるものの、輪郭のはっきりしたロニーのヴォーカル、主役であるリッチーのギターに加えて、トニー・カーレイの奏でるキーボードの響きが奥行きのある音色で聴こえるのも印象的。ワイドで耳に優しいサウンドは、バンドが発する演奏を、より格調高く楽しませてくれるでしょう。

壮絶な「Kill The King」に続いて演奏される「Mistreated」は、ライヴを通じていよいよ磨き上げられていく段階。それでもエンディングでのリッチーとロニーのパフォーマンスは素晴らしいの一言です。12月のジャパンツアーで聴けるテイクと比較すると、より興味深く楽しめるでしょう。
「Sixteenth Century Greensleeves」は効果的に緩急をつけたロニーの歌唱が見事に尽きる! 好調なロニーに引っ張られる形でリッチーやコージーも発奮したらしく、「Catch The Rainbow」での両名のプレイは目を見張るものがあります(特に楽曲が盛り上がる6分台から9分台は必聴。リッチーのソロも絶品です)。
ロニーはライヴ中盤以降もオリジナリティに溢れたパフォーマンスを、抜群のノリで楽しませます。「Man On The Silver Mountain」などは演奏前のMCや観客とのコミュニケーションまで聴いていて楽しい。もちろん曲本編の歌唱もダイナミックで、抜群のコントロールを聴かせる高域とパワーには思わず脱帽です!

この日のハイライトは間違いなく「Stargazer」! ロニーの劇的なヴォーカルとリッチーのダイナミックなギター、コージーの豪快なドラミングが組み立てる曲世界は、まさにファンがRAINBOWに期待する全てがあると表現しても過言ではないでしょう(リッチーのロングソロはどこか「Gates Of Babylon」のようなエスニックなフレーバーも感じます)。もちろん「Still I’m Sad」も圧倒的な名演で、ここではコージーのドラムソロも明瞭なサウンドで収録されています。
12分に及ぶアンコール「Do You Close Your Eyes」は圧巻中の圧巻! ここでリッチーはロニーのヴォーカルすらかすむ様な狂乱のプレイを炸裂させます。特に中間部分で繰り広げられるギタークラッシュでは、荒れ狂うようなアーミング、ギターの破壊音もリアルに録音されています。さらにバックではトニー・カーレイのキーボードも良い仕事をしている。何と6分台ではカーレイによる「Smoke On The Water」のリフまで飛び出し、聴き手は一瞬たりとも耳を離せません!

本作は通常リリースどころか、プレスCDでリリースされても不思議は無い、’76年イギリスツアーきっての大迫力ライヴ。”三頭政治”RAINBOWが最もパワフルだった当時の演奏を、余す所無くファンに知らしめる極上の一本です! 本作を「まだ聴いた事がない」という方には、今回の期間限定再登場は間違いなく嬉しいニュース! このチャンスをお見逃し無く、今度こそ本作をお楽しみください!

Disc 1
1. Over The Rainbow 2. Kill The King 3. Mistreated 4. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves
5. Catch The Rainbow 6. Man On The Silver Mountain 7. Blues/Man On The Silver Mountain(reprise)

Disc 2
1. Keyboard Solo 2. Stargazer 3. Still I’m Sad 4. Keyboard Solo 5. Drum Solo
6. Still I’m Sad(reprise) 7. Do You Close Your Eyes incl. Guitar Crash 8. Over The Rainbow

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Ronnie James Dio – Vocal Cozy Powell – Drums Jimmy Bain – Bass
Tony Carey – Keyboards

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