Rolling Stones / Melbourne 2014 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Melbourne 2014 / 2CD /Non Label

Translated Text:

Live At Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia 11.05.2014.


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Still or still or the wait continues was “genuine” audience recording after the YouTube source of Perth first day appeared Melbourne of November 5th. Clearness there Zushiri and powerful from SE of opening is truly Real audience recording, superb recording state that convince it only at the height of the quality. Not only Mick vocal, it is sure to be impressed even on a sound pressure of the entire band. Opening of this day has started from “Jumping Jack Flash” were often played in this position at this time of the Australia tour. 2003 Budokan also was a so, if familiar with the opening of this song from there is something reminiscent of the golden age, such as in 1969 and ’70, it will say that it just chest throbbing pattern.
However it … what was I wonder whether, Mick is singing full-length, in a tone that down here in the usual melody line, it does not get banned surprise the name of the remainder of intonation. On the contrary continued strange singing then also with reduced this melody line, and he would be nor Ronnie was also fished in it to How to remove sound in interlude of “You Got Me Rocking” There are terrible things. Yes, but I mean that hangin Rock performances of November 8 by Mick of pharyngitis was postponed, I the slump comes already handed down clearly that he to have occurred at this point. “But somehow throat hurts, is two days, unless Konase live today off but” if from Mick might have had the feeling that.
Although there was a Mick even went up to the stage while feeling such a modulation, emergency if Mire begun live, it would be drunk in a wave of Areyoareyo and upset, and somehow captures the touching figure pushed through by singing you threw himself the throat have been. Although upset the first time of unusual Mick just heard a few songs live first half will come transmitted, not end with it only a place wow of Mick and Stones. “Wild Horses” is exert the will Gong its quiet melody, yet now coupled with very nice playing with Mick of muted soft singing of here. Exactly injuries Komyo of His singing was fit to here the song. And I was there is that tended too attaches momentum to this song in Europe, but here is what again is also great back performance of that heard suppressed, such as when the Tokyo Dome. However, the previous Mick of MC is like darkness, such as the funeral … no fast, Sheesh.

But the situation is even more serious. The Mick after this I had in store is intense melody of “Doom And Gloom” … But Mick inspire at most, of it was Mise singing surprisingly energetic Given upset the first time up here, such efforts end in vain, song second will result in more and more forces are lost from Mick every proceeding with the third. Such is much likely would be heard in another song if you make a mistake one step Sanbancho. Seems to be if they were listening to karaoke foreigner well as the next “Street Fighting Man” (laughs). When it comes to the “Out Of Control” is a relatively recent songs in such a situation, what should I say that worked nicely deception, it will not display too much spicy likely. Throat is rest in Keith corner if finished the “Honky Tonk Women” who are used to sing to it. This area of it is quite a tone.
That said, it seems did not become violent “Midnight Rambler” In such break even Mick comfort. Ambition without the song even if again. When Mick would sing down the melody line in such songs, it will become a Anyhow Shimara not playing. Enough to actually appear until spicy likely scene voice of Mick. Although such Mick the before playing band also incandescent at the time of Perth I would be preoccupied with boiled Kira such is like a lie, end only in that inspire the kind of play of Taylor was heard was quite impressed it would be a scene that is. And speaking Mick after this and, it is another intonation and singing on parade with no ambition. It either since mid-1981 tour that he has changed dramatically singing shock? “Start Me Up” and such as “Satisfaction” is the last and as much as likely Kieiri also to Mick song now, it is not very think that’s live the second half of the scene that becomes the Ageage tournament if everyday.
While the presence of Mick becomes more and more thin like that, Karl Denson who participated on behalf of Bobby Keys of this sick Sachs is “Miss You” and “Brown Sugar” in another is carefully to listen points you’ll say it’s charm. You likable to play you have respect for Bobby. Even so, thus finally appeared in sound source Contrary to that a superb sound source, and Mick was panting appearance also vividly captured documents to upset … is such a shock sound source will be released in limited press CD. Anyway recent years rarely see upset the first time of Mick, this is probably also convinced the following performances from being postponed. Anyway, it is amazing live!

パース初日のYouTube音源の後もまだかまだかと待ち続けた「純正」オーディエンス録音は11月5日のメルボルンが登場しました。オープニングのSEからズシリと迫力あるクリアネスはさすがリアル・オーディエンス録音、それだけでクオリティの高さを確信させる見事な録音状態。ミックのボーカルだけでなく、バンド全体のオンな音圧にも感動させられること間違いなしです。この日のオープニングは今回のオーストラリア・ツアーでこの位置で演奏されることが多かった「Jumping Jack Flash」から始まっています。2003年武道館もそうでしたが、この曲からのオープニングとなれば1969年や70年といった黄金期を彷彿させるものがあり、それだけで胸が高鳴るパターンと言えるでしょう。
ところが…どうしたのでしょうか、ミックはここでいつものメロディ・ラインを下げた調子で全編歌っており、そのあまりの抑揚のなさに驚きを禁じ得ません。それどころかこのメロディ・ラインを下げた奇妙な歌い方はその後も続き、ロニーもそれに釣られた訳でもないだろうに「You Got Me Rocking」の間奏での音の外し方にはひどいものがあります。そう、ミックの咽頭炎によって11月8日のハンギン・ロック公演が延期となった訳ですが、その不調が既にこの時点で彼に起きていたことがはっきりと伝わってくるのです。ミックからすれば「どうも喉が痛いが、今日のライブをこなせば二日間はオフだ」という気持ちがあったのかもしれません。
そんな変調を感じつつもステージに上がったミックではありましたが、いざライブが始まってみれば、あれよあれよと不調の波に飲まれてしまい、何とかして喉をかばった歌い方で押し通す涙ぐましい姿が捉えられています。ライブ前半の数曲を聴いただけでもただならぬミックの不調ぶりが伝わってきますが、それだけで終わらないのがミックやストーンズの凄いところ。「Wild Horses」はその静かな曲調が功を奏し、それでいてここでのミックの抑えたソフトな歌い方と相まって非常に素晴らしい演奏となりました。彼の歌い方が曲にここまでフィットしたのは正に怪我の功名。しかもヨーロッパではこの曲に勢いがつき過ぎたきらいがあったのですが、ここでは再び東京ドームの時のような抑えが聴いたバックの演奏もまた素晴らしいものです。ただし、その前のミックのMCはまるで葬式のような暗さ…いやはや、困ったものです。

しかし事態はさらに深刻に。この後のミックには「Doom And Gloom」という激しい曲調が待ち構えていたのです…ところがミックは一番で奮起、ここまでの不調ぶりを考えれば驚くほど元気に歌ってみせたのですが、そんな努力も虚しく終わり、歌が二番、三番と進むごとにミックからどんどん力が失われてしまいます。三番などは一歩間違えたら別の曲に聴こえてしまいそうなくらい。次の「Street Fighting Man」などもまるで外人のカラオケを聴いているかのようです(苦笑)。こんな状況で比較的最近の曲である「Out Of Control」になると、うまくごまかしが効いていると言えばよいのでしょうか、あまり辛そうには映りません。それに歌い慣れた「Honky Tonk Women」を済ませばキース・コーナーで喉が休められる。この辺りななかなかの調子です。
とはいえ、激しい「Midnight Rambler」ではそんな休憩もミックの慰めにはならなかったようです。またしても覇気のない歌。こういう曲でミックがメロディ・ラインを下げて歌ってしまうと、どうにも締まらない演奏となってしまいます。実際にミックの声が辛そうな場面まで登場するほど。そんなミックを前にバンドの演奏もパースの時の白熱が嘘のような煮え切らなさに終始してしまうのですが、終盤だけテイラーの奮起したようなプレイが聴かれた点はなかなかに感動させられる場面でしょう。そしてこの後のミックはと言えば、それはもう抑揚と覇気のない歌のオンパレード。それは彼が劇的に歌い方を変えてしまった1981年ツアー中盤以来の衝撃か?「Start Me Up」やラストの「Satisfaction」などはミックの歌が今にも消え入りそうなほどで、普段ならアゲアゲ大会となるライブ後半の場面だとはとても思えません。
そんな風にミックの存在感がどんどん薄くなってしまう一方で、今回病欠のボビー・キーズに代わって参加したカール・デンソンのサックスが「Miss You」や「Brown Sugar」でじっくりと聴ける点は別の魅力だと言えるでしょう。ボビーをリスペクトしたプレイには好感が持てます。それにしても、こうしてようやく登場した音源が極上音源であったのと裏腹に、ミックが不調に喘ぐ様子も生々しく捉えたドキュメントだったとは…そんな衝撃音源が限定のプレスCDにてリリースされます。とにかく近年まれに見るミックの不調ぶり、これでは次の公演が延期されてしまうのも納得でしょう。とにかく凄いライブです!
Disc 1 (72:01)
1. Intro 2. Jumping Jack Flash 3. You Got Me Rocking 4. It’s Only Rock’n Roll
5. Tumbling Dice 6. Wild Horses 7. Doom And Gloom 8. Street Fighting Man
9. Out Of Control 10. Honky Tonk Women 11. Band Introductions
12. Before They Make Me Run 13. Happy 14. Midnight Rambler (with Mick Taylor)

Disc 2 (53:01)
1. Miss You 2. Gimme Shelter 3. Start Me Up 4. Sympathy For The Devil
5. Brown Sugar
6. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (with The Consort Of Melbourne)
7. Satisfaction (with Mick Taylor)

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