Red Dragon Cartel / First Live In Japan Osaka 2014 / 4CDR

Red Dragon Cartel / First Live In Japan Osaka 2014 / 4CDR / Shades 584

Translated Text:
Live at Umeda Club Quattro, Osaka, Japan 7th July 2014


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And both parties with a live in Osaka Umeda Kurabukua Toro July 7 on the first day than the first visit to Japan performances memorable New band RED DRAGON CARTEL Jake · E · Lee came back finally broke the long time silence put up the beacon of revival complete recording from the original master ultra high-quality sound of two hard 2!

Live activities without even Jake BADLANDS after the dissolution, anaerobic stabbed in the music business will be to put a distance between the scene, there was a guest participated in the tribute and works album of others and release a solo album but it is a massive activity the many rumors that far not know true working in a car factory in the Kanto region, and formed a band with members of the metal band of a certain Japan until whispered in Japan trends. Jake had disappeared also from does not come transmitted I was anxious to fans.
Movement of Jake will now comes through suddenly go into 2013. Album being created, there is a metal that is reminiscent of the OZZY OSBOURNE era rather than the Blues Hard Rock BADLANDS type is also music formed a new band RED DRAGON CARTEL we enhance the expectations of fans reportedly. Jake played a visit to Japan after a long time for the guitar clinic along with Warren DeMartini of RATT in November 2013 that in mind. playing no decline in the clinic album that has been prepared by celebrated release, a variety of guests the debut album of RED DRAGON CARTEL to show off. next December is larger to the expectations of fans in pure heavy metal work songs reminiscent OZZY era before reputation as also entered I responded.

And Jake to carry out the live in Japan. Band format first Japan tour of the long-awaited RED DRAGON CARTEL that have been made 25 years whopping first Japan tour in 1989 of BADLANDS! Become a full house a lot of fans packed in spite of the Monday of weekdays in Umeda Quattro became the venue, the venue will continue to heat up in the excitement of the fans look forward to the Imakaimaka the emergence of Jake from the curtain before. On in to break-hand members each appeared timed, from “crime and Punishment” classic Ozzy of 1986 title song beats out beating the drum is “the Ultimate Sin”! Venue will climax at once. Mania joy is here first in that it reproduces the tone of the guitar at the time multiplied by the flanger and play, sharp Jake kept refining the look and does not change much is reminiscent of the time from the first track the narrow stage with a brilliant stage action reminiscent of 80s songs that showcase. Keikyoku from new, such as updating to modern “Bark At The Moon” and “Deceived” in .2 song you should feel show off in heavy from the new work was devoted to .BLACK SABBATH will earnestly decided sharply also play, which is said from the figure moving around, you can re-confirm that Jake is a guitar hero real still. Jake fake tricky the “War Machine” after you, drummer, of serving the. vocal masterpieces of the band BADLANDS of misfortune in the “High Wire” song in (HAREM SCAREM Darren Smith of melodic hard rock band HAREM SCAREM boasted immense popularity in Japan in the 1990s vocal also served by a) it had been criticized from overseas fans in the first live in December .2013 years, we doing sing this Nankyoku Ray Gillan sang was it polished tour of half a year. Live we are doing singing effortlessly each song even through the whole volume. songs Ozzy has just fit voice quality because it is Ozzy basis. played a solid and hard of Jake in “High Wire” is a wonderful, et al.

It is that song BADLANDS has taken up a larger amount as a feature of the set list this time. Jake is shocked to death of Ray Gillan still and that it disappeared swallowed by the waves of the times while a great band you might have wanted to tell again the splendor of BADLANDS from the fact that you have said in an interview recently that you are.
In enthusiastically to cut the strings at the end of the BADLANDS that was extended to long in the “Rumblin ‘Train”, play using the slide bar from the play bluesy, and shred intense, and all of Jake and Jake fake tricky in the middle portion play it can be said crammed is must listen and overwhelming. songs that have been prepared for the Japan Paul Diano original IRON MAIDEN was singing “Wasted”, this Osaka became the premiere album.

You can hear plenty of play of Jake reminiscent of Ozzy era Robin Zander of CHEAP TRICK sang catchy “Feeder” this song. Also extend the middle part in the album. And last without hearing this main last you do not go back to the “Bark At The Moon”! And show the climax of most day this moment that riff resounded. Fan was live shorter and .82 minutes phrase of that solo I’ve heard many times also will be reproduced perfectly, but it was condensed charm of Jake you reminded us the sense and the extraordinary talent of Jake · E · Lee again to great play no wane and song selection. I want to expect the activities to continue in the future of Jake, but the music business also Jake in an interview in recent years it is the last hurray of the music career of his 1st album of this RED DRAGON CARTEL and remark that they are disappointed, and restlessness blank appointments, this Japan tour and prove to be live at the end of their own after the Japan tour of this There is also a risk that it will become a reality and we have to speak Na. Given the character of Jake. far from becoming so while showing off a great live this time it is where you want to avoid as well as a flame as a fan.

. Source 1 complete recording in a new route of its own thing. Source 2 familiar that they deliver a high-quality live Kansai area by “West strongest taper” until the announcement of the end of a show the original source of high-quality sound of the two recording one that is exclusive available, it is high-quality both about the same. far now to be recorded both of the two decided that sound high quality to sinking either is a waste.

The first place, by itself from the same venue and the same performances of the club size not so large, appeared to follow the route of separate source of two of these high level coincidentally is phenomenal, the attention and expectations from the fans for Jake revival bear witness to vividly the height. can pass listen to live full-length and with confidence in sound good omission in the clear in the sound picked up just enough range of all to bass from treble. source 1 source 2 sound there is a punch and bottom that put the center of gravity in the low frequency range, source of here might be like those who ask for powerful. both source with direct clear that I do not think that it was Roku~tsu in this live house poor acoustics in spite of the venue of the day in the sound, Koe々 to Kyoki fan ardent manner had been bubbling up height of the skills of both taper also. can ask, both source also blessed with a recording position, and bothered to cheers of the surrounding be is none, because it does not feel the presence of the surrounding audience between songs, except you will be able to surrender and to focus not occur mind the music.

Voice why not pressed into from the side of mania if sound high-quality recorded a great live is likely to appear, but there is one problem to live this day. It the sound of the guitar of Jake starring I think I have broken partially. and who can know if it is possible to hear both the source, but cracking sound can be confirmed in both source, it is not a recording level adjustment mistakes and failure of the microphone. it cracked at all other than guitar has been recorded in very clear rather Orazu. is where the hard elusive more than our sunrise sound is this happens in some problem or misalignment of the PA or guitar amp Jake. the original sound by advanced mastering of our There is also a part that cracking sound is anxious at the point where the guitar of Jake and intro. songs crack to such an extent that is not affected is Yes to reduce somewhat stands out, cracking sound even care relatively entire band enters you can hear not. contents high-quality and high-quality sound without the press of mistake barring this problem. abiding and Jake · E · Lee. old days that we have Maimodo~tsu to Japan for the first time in a quarter-century, no, it the ultra-high quality 2 the highest level of not be more the first Night memorable the Japan tour. of RED DRAGON CARTEL’s first hear fans who stunned the super performance of the masterpiece to listen in force or more, was overwhelmed also a lot of and to listen species, sound planning “world-class” in the very best part! ! !

長き沈黙を破り遂に戻ってきたジェイク・E・リーが復活の狼煙をあげるニューバンドRED DRAGON CARTELの記念すべき初来日公演より初日の7月7日大阪・梅田クラブクア トロでのライブを甲乙つけがたい2つの超高音質なオリジナルマスターより完全収録!

2013年に入りジェイクの動きが急に伝わってくるようになります。ニューバンドRED DRAGON CARTELを結成しアルバム作成中、音楽性もBADLANDSタイプのブルーズハードロックではなくOZZY OSBOURNE時代を彷彿させるメタルであると伝えられファンの期待を高めました。そんななかジェイクは2013年11月にRATTのウォーレン・デ・マルティーニと共にギタークリニックの為に久しぶりの来日を果たしました。そのクリニックでは衰えのないプレイを披露。翌12月にはRED DRAGON CARTELのデビュー アルバムをリリース、多彩なゲストを迎えて作製されたアルバムは前評判通りOZZY時代を彷彿させる曲も入った純なヘヴィメタル作品でファンの期待に大きく応えました。

そして行われたRED DRAGON CARTELの待望の初来日公演。バンド形式でジェイクが日本でライブを行うのはBADLANDSの1989年の初来日公演以来なんと25年ぶり!会場となった梅田クアトロには平日の月曜にも関わらず多くのファンが詰めかけ大入りとなり、開演前からジェイクの登場を今か今かと待ち望むファンの熱気で会場はヒートアップしていきます。オンタイムになりメンバー各々が登場し手慣らしする中、ドラムが叩きだしたビートは1986年のオジーの名作「罪と罰」より表題曲「The Ultimate Sin」!会場は一気に盛り上がります。見た目もさほど変わらず精錬さを保ったジェイクが1曲目から当時を彷彿させる鋭いプレイ、そしてフランジャーをかけた当時のギターの音色を再現したことにマニアはまずここで嬉しさを感じるはずです。2曲目には「Bark At The Moon」を現代にアップデートしたような新作からの佳曲「Deceived」を披露。その曲での80年代を彷彿させる華麗なステージアクションで狭いステージを動き回る姿から、ジェイクが未だに本物のギターヒーローであることを再確認できます。トリッキーなジェイクフェイクと言われるプレイも鋭く決めまくります。BLACK SABBATHへ捧げた新作からの「War Machine」を重厚に披露した後は、不遇のバンドBADLANDSの名曲「High Wire」に。ボーカルを務めるのは90年代に日本で絶大な人気を誇ったメロディアスハードロックバンドHAREM SCAREMのダレン・スミス(HAREM SCAREMではドラマー、曲によってボーカルも 担当)。2013年12月での初ライブでは海外のファンから酷評されていましたが、半年間のツアーで磨かれたのかレイ・ギランが歌ったこの難曲を歌いこなしています。ライブ全編を通しても各曲を難なく歌いこなしています。声質がオジー的ですのでオジーの曲はジャストフィットしています。「High Wire」でのジェイクのハードかつソリッドなプレイは素晴ら しいです。

長尺に延ばされたBADLANDSの「Rumblin’ Train」では終盤で弦を切る熱演で、中間部ではブルージーなプレイからスライドバーを使ったプレイ、強烈な速弾き、トリッキーなジェイクフェイクとジェイクの全てを詰め込んだといえるプレイは圧巻かつ必聴です。アルバムでは元IRON MAIDENのポール・ディアノが歌った「Wasted」は日本のために用意された曲で、この大阪が初演となりました。

本編最後はアルバムではCHEAP TRICKのロビン・ザンダーが歌ったオジー時代を彷彿させるキャッチーな「Feeder」。この曲も中間部を延ばしジェイクのプレイをたっぷり聞くことができます。そして最後はこれを聞かずには帰れない「Bark At The Moon」!あのリフが響き渡った瞬間この日一番の盛り上がりを見せます。ファンは何度も聞いたあのソロのフレーズも完璧に再現されます。82分と短めのライブでしたがジェイクの魅力を凝縮した選曲と衰えのない素晴らしいプレイに改めてジェイク・E・リーの非凡な才能とセンスを我々に再認識させます。ジェイクの今後も継続した活動を期待したいですが、近年のインタビューでジェイクはまた音楽ビジネスに失望しているという発言やこのRED DRAGON CARTELの1stアルバムを自分の音楽キャリアの有終の美とする、今回のジャパンツアーの後は予定は白紙、このジャパンツアーが自分の最後のライブになるかもと不穏な発言をしています。ジェイクの性格を考えるとそれが現実になる恐れもあります。今回ここまで素晴らしいライブを披露しながらそうなってしまうのはファンとしてはなんとしても避けたいところです。



素晴らしいライブを収録し高音質な音であればマニアの方からなぜプレス化しないのかという声が出そうですが、この日のライブには1つの問題があります。それは主役のジェイクのギターの音が部分的に割れているのです。両ソースを聞いて頂ければ分かって頂けると思いますが、音割れは両ソースで確認でき、マイクの不良や録音レベル調整ミスではありません。ギター以外は全く割れておらずむしろ非常にクリアに録れています。ジェイクのギターアンプかPAの調整ミスかなんらかの問題で当日の出音がこうなっている以上いかんともしがたいところです。当店の高度なマスタリングにより原音に影響が出ない程度に割れは幾分軽減してあります。曲のイントロやジェイクのギターが目立つ箇所では音割れが気になる部分もありますが、バンド全体が入ると音割れも比較的気にならず聞くことができます。この問題さえなければプレス化間違いなしの高音質かつハイクオリティな内容です。四半世紀ぶりに日本に舞い戻ってきたジェイク・E・リー。昔と変わらぬ、いや、それ以上の迫力で聴かせる圧巻のスーパー・パフォーマンスに驚愕し、圧倒されたファンも多いと聞くRED DRAGON CARTEL初の日本ツアー。 その記念すべきファーストナイトをこれ以上ない程の最高レベルの超高音質2種で聴かせる、まさに「世界に誇る」圧巻の音企画!!!

Recorder 1

Disc 1(49:18)
1. Intro 2. The Ultimate Sin 3. Deceived 4. War Machine 5. High Wire 6. Shine On 7. Shout It Out
8. In A Dream 9. Rumblin’ Train

Disc 2(33:22)
1. Sun Red Sun 2. Wasted 3. Feeder 4. Bark At The Moon

Recorder 2

Disc 3(48:01)
1. Intro 2. The Ultimate Sin 3. Deceived 4. War Machine 5. High Wire 6. Shine On 7. Shout It Out
8. In A Dream 9. Rumblin’ Train

Disc 4(33:15)
1. Sun Red Sun 2. Wasted 3. Feeder 4. Bark At The Moon

Jake E.Lee – Guitar Darren James Smith – Lead Vocals Ronnie Mancuso – Bass Jonas Fairley – Drums, Vocals


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