Rainbow / Graham Roars Complete / 4CDR

Rainbow / Graham Roars Complete / 4CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 9th May 1980


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Than Japan tour with 1980 in the “DOWN TO EARTH”, the second day of the Tokyo Budokan 3 performances, than diffusion source of two, fully recorded in high-quality audience recording each of the live May 9. There is a famous high-quality source from the analog era in this performance, “Since You Been Gone,” “Gone Wild”, Upper version of it “Definitive Gone Wild”, first appeared in 2011 and further from getting into the CD era good quality recording board that was “More Gone Wild” and the like, good sound source of some other exists. Was recorded master sound of two that appeared suddenly in 2009 Among them, this “Graham Roars Complete”, is a gem that should not be forgotten either. Performance because of the presence of a blue-chip sound source representing Japan tour in 1980, such as “Definitive Gone Wild”, rather than “A +”, recording said the section “A / A-” level there is a feeling overlooked, to Japan if it sound source that is certified that it excellent, record performances in Tokyo in ’80 to remain in Vie rock concert history, where all means, you want to align as research material and get Mania. Sound good freshness, deeply and more, just because live you are knows the contents in natural untouched as typified by “Graham Roars Complete” in the two sources such as this, especially with flashy equalize sound audible it can be said to enjoy, and take the fan must listen. Sound source of the two species is the complete another master that has been provided directly from the recording’s respectively, but both are feeling a sense of distance-realism from the stage, but the take was recorded by a taper that is familiar recording that it is, the decision will be provided instantly from this sense of stability. Disadvantage to say the sound has been captured near towards the 1 & 2 disk of “Tape # 1”, but the tone has become far slightly until it is pushed to the sense of realism (Lazy-All Night Long or later) audience encore later I There is. Still, up to Lost In Hollywood, including the drum solo from the opening is, the listen with a good sound as this is, I can say with mania attention exactly. “Tape # 2” is of a recording distance is farther than “Tape # 1”, but great by recording who Tenare, from first to last is of has been recorded uniformly at a constant level in the sound and stable is the point. If you listen to raise the volume, it can enjoy the show without stress in the force of quite another. It can be said that the sound you are modulated by poor equalize recording or is intended to be frustrating if you are listening, but even if the distance far away, good quality recording, with excellent recording typical that would be enjoyed in full carefully as this will. By exactly this, as previously described, “A / A-” Both are level, but it is sound source deserves to listen definitely and about the same. Now, even if re-listen, 4-Disc superb sound set that can be enjoyed by convincing enough. Since I think fans of unowned also a lot of original only had been sold out, out of print in a short period of time, by all means, please get this opportunity. Vocals of Graham that jumps out as penetrate the wall of sound from a powerful drumming of Cozy pulling the whole, and guitar playing, of phantasmagoric Ritchie, from beginning to end, and are overwhelmed. It is a piece of fan must-have that coupling luxury high-quality recording takes of two who appeared for the first time to become in 2009. I guarantee the “when” great! !

★ It is a review of the summary (November 2009) beatleg magazine vol.112. Your convenience.

From the Japan tour that took place in May of Rainbow in 1980, was a member change in Graham Bonnet on vocals, and recorded from the sound source of the two stages of Tokyo second day. 1 & 2 disc recorded the full version of about 100 minutes, including encore of the sound source was recorded previously, shop has been distributed to the gift for “Graham Roars” in (CDR) first. In the audience recording immersive, slightly, the sound quality is fall in the encore, but it is possible to enjoy enough. On this day, there is also that second day Japan tour, the heat seems to be entered on the previous day more than the performance of the band of the opening from “Eyes Of The World”, a solo that was using the slide bar of Ritchie also beautiful , vocals Graham is somewhat unstable, or in order to deceive its instability. I see that a screaming tone more by song. Band seems to be if they were dragged by the guitar of running feeling of Richie. In between Tokyo performances, solo Cozy which was held to drum seminar finally have also been overwhelmed by the crowd like the craftsmanship, and riffs such as “Danger Zone” until it pops out in the solo of free-form Richie in the second half . In the “All Night Long”, I enjoy dialogue with Graham as reminiscent of the performance at the MONSTERS OF ROCK, which was held this year. It is dark what you can fully enjoy until guitar crash of Richie on stage.
The 3 & 4 Disc, 1 & 2 same Disc, are CDR reduction from the master cassette was recorded sound of the first appearance of another, sources here have also been recorded in the audience recording immersive, and levels difficult to say which is better and 1 & 2 Disc .
And that it is a stage of Graham enrolled at the time of short-lived, because it recorded the sound of two types, I want you to listen to fans than a maniac.

Tape # 1

1980年「DOWN TO EARTH」に伴う日本ツアーより、東京・武道館3公演の2日目、5月9日のライブを2種のディフソースより、それぞれ高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録。本公演にはアナログ時代から有名な高音質ソースがあり、CD時代になってからは「Since You Been Gone」「Gone Wild」、更にそれのアッパーヴァージョンの「Definitive Gone Wild」、2011年に初登場した良質録音盤「More Gone Wild」等、その他いくつかの優良音源が存在しています。その中でも2009年に突如登場した2種のマスター音源を収録した、この「Graham Roars Complete」、これも忘れてはならない逸品です。1980年日本ツアーを代表する「Definitive Gone Wild」など超優良音源の存在する公演ゆえ、「A+」ではなく、こういった「A/A-」レベルの録音は見過ごされ気味ではありますが、日本へヴィロックコンサート史に残る80年東京公演の記録は、それが優良という認定を受けている音源なら、マニアは是非、ゲットし研究材料として揃えたいところ。特に今回のような「Graham Roars Complete」2種音源に代表されるような、耳に突く派手なイコライズ音とは無縁のナチュラルで鮮度の良い音源は、内容を知り尽くしているライヴだからこそ、より深く楽しめる、ファン必聴のテイクと言えるでしょう。この2種の音源は、それぞれが録音者から直に提供された完全別マスターなのですが、どちらもステージからの距離感・臨場感は感じられるものの、録音慣れしているテーパーによって録られたテイクであることは、この安定感から瞬時に判断がつきます。音はディスク1&2の「Tape #1」の方が近く捉えられていますが、アンコール以降(Lazy-All Night Long以降)観客の臨場感に押され楽音がそれまでよりやや遠くなってしまうと言う欠点があります。それでも、オープニングからドラムソロを含むLost In Hollywoodまでが、これほど良好な音で聴けるのは、まさにマニア注目と言えます。「Tape #2」は、「Tape #1」よりは距離が遠い録音なのですが、手慣れた録音者によって、安定したサウンドで最初から最後まで一定のレベルで均一に録られているのが素晴らしいポイントです。ボリュームを上げて聴けば、それはもうかなりの迫力でストレスなくショウを楽しめます。下手な録音やイコライズで変調しているサウンドは聴いていてイライラするものですが、距離が遠くても、良質な録音は、このようにじっくりとフルで楽しめてしまうという典型的な優良録音と言えるでしょう。甲乙つけがたいとはまさにこのことで、前述の通り、どちらも「A/A-」レベルですが、間違いなく聴くに値する音源です。今、聴き直しても、十分に納得して楽しめる極上音源セット4枚組。オリジナルは短期間で完売・廃盤となっていただけに未所有のファンも多いと思いますので、是非、この機会にゲットして下さい。全体を引っ張るコージーの迫力あるドラミング、リッチーの変幻自在のギタープレイ、そして音の壁から突き抜けるように飛び出してくるグラハムのボーカルに、終始、圧倒されます。2009年になって初めて登場した2種の高音質録音テイクを贅沢にカップリングしたファン必携の一枚です。素晴らしい“時”を保証します!!

★beatleg誌 vol.112(2009年11月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

 1980年、ヴォーカルにグラハム・ボネットにメンバーチェンジしたレインボーの5月に行われた来日公演から、東京2日目のステージを2種の音源から収録。まずディスク1&2は以前、ショップがギフト用に配布した「Graham Roars」(CDR)に収録された音源のアンコールなどを含む約100分の完全版を収録。臨場感溢れるオーディエンス録音で、アンコールでは若干、音質が落ちるが、十分に楽しむことが出来る。この日は、日本公演2日目ということもあり、オープニングの「Eyes Of The World」からバンドのパフォーマンスも前日以上に熱が入っているようで、リッチーのスライド・バーを使用したソロも綺麗だが、グラハムのヴォーカルはやや不安定で、その不安定さを誤魔化すためか。曲によってはより絶叫調なのが判る。リッチーの走り気味のギターにバンドが引きずられているかのようだ。東京公演の合間に、遂にドラム・セミナーまで開催したコージーのソロも、職人芸のようで観客を圧倒しているし、後半のリッチーのフリーフォームのソロでは「Danger Zone」のようなリフまで飛び出す。「All Night Long」では、この年に開催されたMONSTERS OF ROCKでのパフォーマンスを彷彿とさせるようなグラハムとの掛け合いが楽しめる。ステージではリッチーのギター・クラッシュまで存分に楽しめる濃い内容になっている。
 Disc 3&4には、Disc 1&2とは別の初登場の音源を収録したマスターカセットからCDR化されている、こちらの音源もDisc 1&2同様、臨場感溢れるオーディエンス録音で収録されており、甲乙付け難いレベル。

Tape #1

Disc 1
1. The Land Of Hope And Glory 2. Over The Rainbow 3. Eyes Of The World 4. Love’s No Friend 
5. Since You Been Gone 6. Man On The Silver Mountain 7. Catch The Rainbow 

Disc 2
1. Don Airey Keyboard Intro. 2. Lost In Hollywood 3. Ritchie Solo incl. A Light In The Black
4. Beethoven 9th 5. Don Airey Keyboard Solo 6. Cozy Powell Drums Solo feat. 1812 Overture
7. Lost In Hollywood(Reprise) 8. Ritchie Solo 9. Lazy 10. All Night Long
11. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll 12. Kill The King 13. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll (Reprise)
14. Over The Rainbow

Tape #2

Disc 3
1. The Land Of Hope And Glory 2. Over The Rainbow 3. Eyes Of The World 4. Love’s No Friend 
5. Since You Been Gone 6. Man On The Silver Mountain 7. Catch The Rainbow 

Disc 4
1. Don Airey Keyboard Intro. 2. Lost In Hollywood 3. Ritchie Solo incl. A Light In The Black
4. Beethoven 9th 5. Don Airey Keyboard Solo 6. Cozy Powell Drums Solo feat. 1812 Overture
7. Lost In Hollywood(Reprise) 8. Ritchie Solo 9. Lazy 10. All Night Long
11. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll 12. Kill The King 13. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll (Reprise)
14. Over The Rainbow

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Graham Bonnet – Vocal Roger Glover – Bass
Don Airey – Keyboard Cozy Powell – Drums

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