Rainbow / Definitive Cardiff 1983 / 4CD+ Programme Replica

Rainbow / Definitive Cardiff 1983 / 4CD+ Programme Replica / Darker Than Blue

Live at St. David’s Hall, Cardiff, Wales, UK 15th September 1983


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’80s RAINBOW is name board decorated with its culmination in dramatic of “BENT OUT OF SHAPE” from the 1983 British tour due to the release, the pattern of September of Cardiff “St. David’s Hall” concert, which is known as a large classic but it will fruition as a “full version” here! And a high-quality audience and the source of the new excavation, Kyoku-jun to compensate for the missing was also the one correctly became stereo sound board sound source, Limited press CD4 Disc of all of RAINBOW fan must listen indispensable. This work exactly, is the big title of the largest in the first in 2013!

Masterpiece of the band late announced RAINBOW of Joe Lynn Turner era in 1983 “BENT OUT OF SHAPE” UK tour due to the total until the Edinburgh performances of September 23 from Liverpool performances of the same year September 6 13 performances have been made. Speaking of the most famous among them, we live in the broadcast Cardiff also a radio program. Various items are known from the analog era, “PRINCE OF WALES” has been popular in mania as definitive edition of the press CD title that appeared two years ago in recent years.
But in this radio broadcast sound source, (mainly to overseas) RAINBOW to be pointed out from mania “weakness” is, was present from the analog era. It is a lack of “Fire Dance” and some songs between the MC, was the actual live a different song order. On a “Fire Dance” it was unreleased in the conventional items source from the analog era was the mainstream, and Ya (probably from the convenience of Duration allocation to LP) it has been featured in live the first half of “Catch The Rainbow” , usually was located at the end of the set “Death Alley Driver” is, has been contained after the middle “Difficult To Cure” live, and at the time of the live of the flow was different. In yet Tsukekuwaere, this Cardiff performances are carried out in two consecutive “September 15” and the “September 14”, but have been credit long in the “September 14”, in fact, is “9 Do not moon the 15th? “and we have also been told.

Unknown point of their “weakness” and “date credit”, one of the audience source that is newly unearthed this time was cleared in one fell swoop. The master that is brought about by a special route from abroad taper “September 15, Cardiff”, performance that we have been listening as the “September 14″ in the sound board sound source until now, MC and ” of the full-length version, including the Fire Dance “, it was housed in the correct track order. In addition it is the sound quality was also excellent sound that can be referred to as a top-class as the audience recording of the time!
more than this valuable sound source has been excavated it is not other to produce a “full version, definitive edition of Cardiff performances!” This time, while compensate for the missing, which was seen in both the audience recording and sound board sound source at the source of each other, to implement the overall remastered. Furthermore, in the sound board sound source Correct the song order, it was packaged into four press CD. This work precisely ’83 UK tour of definitive edition definitely. Perhaps even the future, a sound source of the “September 15, Cardiff” more than this will not come out, and then assert that it is one of the superlative!

In audience recording of the new in the disk 1 and 2 excavation, we have full inclusion for a total of 106 minutes a document of the “September 15 Cardiff performances”.
The beginning of the beginning “Spotlight Kid” live what vocal of Joe will feel a little far Me, but the sense of stability of recording is very high, the brightness of the sound which is not worried of cloudiness is convinced hand listening to the master Quality (it has been somewhat earlier was pitch normally adjust the master). Richie guitar solo, of course firmly listening take other, “Miss Mistreated” and later vocals of Joe also out in front, as well as during a performance in carefully to taste you (the record of melodious RAINBOW sound at that time, songs even of the modest voices, cheers of the audience even while, it would be nice point).
State of this day by its outstanding sound board sound source is located is a feeling that has been exhausted to know, but include, but the point of view of the audience fresh itself. Spread and high direct feeling of natural sound, supposed to entertain in the taste also played differently and until now you have become accustomed to listen. And welcomed the Chuck Vaghi to drum band with increased more a sense of unity, such as not only a representative songs such as “I Surrender,” “Can not Happen Here,” “Fool For The Night” and “Drinking With The Devil” and to hear a tight play new songs, it demonstrates its true value.
In addition, “Catch The Rainbow” intro of a large listening stations. And lush guitar tone in clear of Richie, realism the audience produce to large joy has filled a deep taste of excellent audience recording only.
Since the latter half of the live to hear the disk 2 is better recording state further, the balance and stability of this laptop also to the sound board. Medley, followed by the excited “Death Alley Driver”, and fly out in the first track of the encore “Fire Dance” is the largest of the listening stations in this Sakuchu of “Stargazer” and “Stranded”. As this song is hard to believe it has not been radio broadcast, you can enjoy the melodious play thrilling.
Then the “All Night Long,” “Since You Been Gone”, used as a skillfully introduced PURPLE number is barrage as “Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll”, live celebrates closing out the hall is excited.

Then, in the disk 3, 4, about the source of a conventional large-classic “PRINCE OF WALES”, I enjoy the sound board sound source was supplemented the missing part in the audience recording.
Here from the “Over The Rainbow” and “Spotlight Kid” of the opening, you can enjoy the live at the official class sound is nothing to be desired (quality of its outstanding “PRINCE OF WALES” is, many people, if RAINBOW mania you know). Sound board is just too excellent sound quality difference between the (mainly seen in between songs) compensation portion would be worried about, but because it is excellent in the audience recording also a sense of stability and direct sense as described above, to worry too much It passed, listen and not. Thanks to that there is rather appropriately between songs and the MC, it is that to enjoy while relaxing natural live deployment.
Furthermore, in this sound board sound source, eliminating the song order of the difference seen in the already issued, and reproduce the live in the day of the set list. “Fire Dance” and patterns of “Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll” after playing from further audience recording also be compensated, rebuild the live in a completely correct form. “PRINCE OF WALES” who do not know, of course, also those who’ve listened to (No, just because people’s Kikikon the already issued) interesting this work, you’ll want Kikikome fun.

Joe says that it “also will meet next year.” After the show, but this is now the last tour for RAINBOW of the ’80s. From the 1st album by this ’83 live up to the new work at the time, the music from the album Zensaku the history of the band so as to Sozarai are Choice, there just like even flavor, such as the live Best of RAINBOW. Richie and I think that it was inclined to DEEP PURPLE reunion at this point, the set list also it will seem to be “what had been aware of the conclusion of the band”.
This work package in the sound in 1983 tour said that reaching the point of RAINBOW, a live, which is especially a large classic from the fan, said that a total of 212 minutes of heavy volume and best,. You can easily find and Tomah not mania love RAINBOW, will impossible to say that as “not satisfactory” in this! All the decisive items that I want to get to RAINBOW fan, the UK tour pamphlet with a replica of, is here to release determined by the four sets of fully qualified press CD!

★ actually reprinted in full sales program “WORLD TOUR 1983-84” in UK tour. All 20 pages.

In addition to a number of valuable original color photograph, “Q & A” page of each member is a must-see. Richie to the question of “favorite album?”, Bob Dylan “Blonde On Blonde”, Jethro Tull “Warchild”, have responded with Abba “The Visitor”. To “the best and scary was that?” Other “in 1977 Vienna,” “the most stupid thing you’ve done with myself until now?” And “too many not be the answer,” “favorite person in the withdrawal were members of the Rainbow ? “” too many can not answer “, etc. and we have responded.

’80年代のRAINBOWがその集大成を劇的に飾った名盤「BENT OUT OF SHAPE」リリースに伴う1983年イギリスツアーより、大定番として知られる9月のカーディフ”セント・デイヴィッズ・ホール”公演の模様が、ここに”完全版”として結実します! 新発掘の高音質オーディエンス・ソースと、欠落を補填し曲順も正しくなったステレオ・サウンドボード音源をひとつにした、全てのRAINBOWファン必聴必携の完全限定プレスCD4枚組。本作はまさしく、2013年最初にして最大級のビッグ・タイトルです!

ジョー・リン・ターナー時代のRAINBOWが1983年に発表したバンド後期の最高傑作「BENT OUT OF SHAPE」に伴うイギリスツアーは、同年9月6日のリバプール公演から9月23日のエジンバラ公演まで全13公演が行われました。その中で最も有名なものと言えば、ラジオ番組でも放送されたカーディフでのライヴ。アナログ時代から各種のアイテムが知られ、近年では2年前に登場したプレスCDタイトルの「PRINCE OF WALES」が決定版としてマニアに親しまれています。
しかしこのラジオ放送音源には、(主に海外を中心とする)RAINBOWマニアから指摘される”弱点”が、アナログ時代から存在していました。それは「Fire Dance」や一部曲間MCの欠落であり、実際のライヴと異なる曲順でした。アナログ時代からのソースが主流だった従来のアイテムでは「Fire Dance」が未収録だった上に、(おそらくLPへの収録時間配分の都合から)ライヴ前半で取り上げられていた「Catch The Rainbow」や、通常セットの最後に位置していた「Death Alley Driver」が、ライヴの中盤「Difficult To Cure」の後に収められており、当時のライヴの流れとは異なっていました。さらに付け加えれば、このカーディフ公演は「9月14日」と「9月15日」の2連続で行われており、長らく「9月14日」でクレジットされてきましたが、実際には「9月15日ではないか?」とも言われてきました。

それら”弱点”と”日付クレジット”の不明点を、今回新たに発掘されたひとつのオーディエンス・ソースが一挙にクリアしました。海外テーパーから特別なルートでもたらされた「9月15日・カーディフ」とされるマスターには、私たちが今までサウンドボード音源で「9月14日」として聴いてきた演奏が、MCと「Fire Dance」を含む全長版の、正しい曲順で収められていました。さらに音質も当時の客席録音としてトップ・クラスと言いうる優良なサウンドだったのです!
この貴重な音源が発掘された以上は「カーディフ公演の完全版・決定版」を生み出す他ありません! 今回はオーディエンス録音とサウンドボード音源の双方で見られた欠落をお互いのソースで補填しつつ、全面的なリマスターを実施。さらにサウンドボード音源では曲順を修正し、4枚のプレスCDへとパッケージしました。本作こそは間違いなく’83年イギリスツアーの決定版。恐らく今後も、これを越える”9月15日・カーディフ”の音源は出てこないであろう、最上級の一本だと断言します!

ライヴの冒頭「Spotlight Kid」の序盤こそジョーのヴォーカルがやや遠めに感じますが、録音の安定感は非常に高く、曇りの気にならない音の明度はマスター・クオリティを聴き手に確信させます(マスターではやや早かったピッチも正常にアジャストされています)。リッチーのギター・ソロはもちろんしっかりと聴き取れるほか、「Miss Mistreated」以降はジョーのヴォーカルも前面に出て、当時のメロディアスなRAINBOWサウンドをじっくり味わえます(本録音では演奏中だけでなく、曲間でも観客の話し声・歓声が控えめなのも、嬉しいポイントでしょう)。
既発のサウンドボード音源によりこの日の様子は知り尽くされている感がありますが、それだけに客席からの視点は新鮮そのもの。ナチュラルな音の広がりと高いダイレクト感は、聴き慣れた演奏も今までと違った味わいで楽しませるはず。ドラムにチャック・バーギを迎えてより一体感を増したバンドは、「I Surrender」・「Can’t Happen Here」といった代表曲だけでなく、「Fool For The Night」や「Drinking With The Devil」といった新曲でタイトなプレイを聴かせ、その真価を発揮します。
さらに「Catch The Rainbow」のイントロは大きな聴き所。リッチーのクリアで瑞々しいギター・トーンと、大喜びする観客が生み出す臨場感は、優れたオーディエンス録音のみの深い味わいが満ちています。
ディスク2で聴けるライヴの後半以降は録音状態がさらに良くなり、バランスと安定感はサウンドボードにも引けをとりません。「Stargazer」と「Stranded」のメドレー、大興奮の「Death Alley Driver」に続き、アンコールの1曲目で飛び出す「Fire Dance」は本作中でも最大級の聴き所。この曲がラジオ放送されなかった事が信じがたいほど、スリリングでメロディアスなプレイを楽しめます。
その後は「All Night Long」に「Since You Been Gone」、PURPLEナンバーを巧みに導入として用いる「Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll」と連発され、ライヴは場内が大興奮のうちにクロージングを迎えます。

そしてディスク3・4では、従来の大定番「PRINCE OF WALES」でのソースを中心として、欠落部分をオーディエンス録音で補填したサウンドボード音源を楽しめます。
ここではオープニングの「Over The Rainbow」や「Spotlight Kid」から、文句のつけようがない公式級サウンドでライヴを楽しめます(既発「PRINCE OF WALES」のクオリティは、RAINBOWマニアならば多くの方がご存知でしょう)。サウンドボードが余りにも優秀なだけに(主に曲間で見られる)補填部分の音質差が気になるでしょうが、前述したとおりオーディエンス録音も安定感やダイレクト感に優れているため、あまり気にならず聴き通せます。むしろ適切に曲間とMCがあるおかげで、自然なライヴ展開をリラックスしながら楽しめるというものです。
さらにこのサウンドボード音源では、既発で見られた曲順の違いを解消し、当日のセットリストでライヴを再現。さらにオーディエンス録音から「Fire Dance」や「Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll」演奏後の模様も補填して、完全に正しい形でライヴを再構築。「PRINCE OF WALES」を知らない人はもちろん、聴いた事がある方も(いや、既発を聴き込んだ人だからこそ)本作を興味深く、楽しく聴き込めるでしょう。

ジョーは終演後に「また来年会おう」と言っていますが、’80年代のRAINBOWにとってはこれが最後のツアーとなりました。この’83年ライヴでは1stアルバムから当時の新作に至るまで、バンドの歴史を総ざらいするようにアルバム全作から楽曲がチョイスされており、さながらRAINBOWのライヴ・ベストのような趣きすらあります。この時点でリッチーはDEEP PURPLE再結成に傾いていた事を思うと、このセットリストも「バンドの締めくくりを意識していたのか」と思えてなりません。
本作はRAINBOWの到達点といえる1983年ツアーでも、ファンから特に大定番とされるライヴを、計212分の重厚なボリューム、かつ最良といえるサウンドでパッケージ。RAINBOWを愛して止まないマニアなら、これで「満足できない」と言う事は有り得ないでしょう! 全てのRAINBOWファンにゲットしてほしい決定的アイテムが、英国ツアー・パンフのレプリカ付き、4枚組の完全限定プレスCDでここにリリース決定です!

★実際にUKツアーで販売されたプログラム「WORLD TOUR 1983-84」を完全復刻。全20ページ。

貴重なオリジナル・カラー写真の数々に加え、各メンバーの「Q&A」ページはは必見。リッチーは「好きなアルバムは?」の質問に、ボブ・ディラン「Blonde On Blonde」、ジェスロ・タル「Warchild」、アバ「The Visitor」と応えています。他にも「一番怖かったことは?」「1977年ウィーン」「今まで自分のやった最も馬鹿な事は?」「多過ぎて答えられない」「レインボーを脱退したメンバーで好きな人は?」「多過ぎて答えられない」等と回答しています。


Disc 1(59:23)
1. Over The Rainbow 2. Spotlight Kid 3. Miss Mistreated 4. Fool For The Night 5. I Surrender
6. Can’t Happen Here 7. Catch The Rainbow 8. Lazy Intro. 9. Drinking With The Devil
10. Difficult To Cure 11. Bass Solo 12. Keyboard Solo 13. Difficult To Cure (Reprise)
14. Guitar Solo 15. Drum Solo

Disc 2 (46:17)
1. Power 2. Blues 3. Stargazer 4. Stranded 5 Death Alley Driver 6. Fire Dance
7. Rule Britannia 8. All Night Long 9. Maybe Next Time 10. Since You Been Gone
11. Woman From Tokyo & Smoke On The Water Intro. 12. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll 13. Hey Joe
14. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll (Reprise)


Disc 3(59:22)
1. Over The Rainbow 2. Spotlight Kid 3. Miss Mistreated 4. Fool For The Night 5. I Surrender
6. Can’t Happen Here 7. Catch The Rainbow 8. Lazy Intro. 9. Drinking With The Devil
10. Difficult To Cure 11. Bass Solo 12. Keyboard Solo 13. Difficult To Cure (Reprise)
14. Guitar Solo 15. Drum Solo

Disc 4(46:17)
1. Power 2. Blues 3. Stargazer 4. Stranded 5 Death Alley Driver 6. Fire Dance
7. Rule Britannia 8. All Night Long 9. Maybe Next Time 10. Since You Been Gone
11. Woman From Tokyo & Smoke On The Water Intro. 12. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll 13. Hey Joe
14. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll (Reprise)

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Joe Lynn Turner – Vocals Roger Glover – Bass
David Rosenthal – Keyboards Chuck Burgi – Drums

Darker Than Blue 169/170/171/172

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