Rainbow / An Evening In December – New / 2CD

Rainbow / An Evening In December – New / 2CD / Calm & Storm

Translated text:
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 16th December 1976 Evening Show 


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many of the name recording has spun off “Calm & Storm” label. As well as being at its best masterpiece, is a masterpiece of name board in audience recording of RAINBOW live “AN EVENING IN DECEMBER” is, revives here now! From June 2012 shortly after the release of the world by storm among fans, the work became quickly sold out, out of print is, renewed the jacket and label, long-awaited limited stock decision! 3 years ago without even until the fans that were not available at the time of release says, and “all RAINBOW-related items you want to get” up to Mania, re-release of this work is the big news that everyone is not to be missed!

The treasured record of name taper Miracle Man has been turned into press CD “Calm & Storm” label, from “THE DEFINITIVE END” of Gary Moore became the first edition, has always been barrage items of surprise. Miracle Man is Ozzy Osbourne and Michael Schenker, further not only heavy metal hard rock artists such as WHITESNAKE, provided one after another phenomenal record in KING CRIMSON and Eric Clapton. Even among live recordings collector, now his name as “stable of brands”, has received high praise.
Among the name sound source that is the number, had left a strong impression to fans, was this “AN EVENING IN DECEMBER”. RAINBOW than 1976 tour that has made the first visit to Japan, the Budokan-night parts of the final performance that became December 16, the contents that engraved with unprecedented sound and documentation of as audience recording of the time, all of I was stunned the RAINBOW mania. Live source of RAINBOW Although it after another excellent material in recent years had to been excavated, the same work one head among them (…… yea, two even three too!) Have a presence that was missing jump had. Simply not only to listen to the play real, listen hands compatibility of document properties such as became one of the venue is a worthy level of special mention, also the “WHEN EVENING FALLS” sound board in the quality surface of the total do not exceed the? That it is about some critics.
Therefore it is a such a decisive item, this work is sold out immediately after release. Currently has continued to state that out of print. Recently young fans and that started collecting a collectible item of RAINBOW Become a, from everyone that was not available at the time the release has been submitted without a request that “I want to somehow re-released” ceases.
This time, to meet the the big request, to determine the limited stock of “AN EVENING IN DECEMBER!” And just is not a re-release, and re-emergence of a jacket and also reborn New Edition label! Overnight the legendary revives by recording of Miracle Man, a clear distinction miraculous relive the mere live recordings, I enjoy again now!

Let’s try to play the disc. First, the first to jump out first from the speakers, how was abuzz in the venue, such as excited fans cry. This the “night of the parts” arena seat that happened before curtain confusion has also been backed by recollection of many instruments and fan. To Real this recording are from this bustle, and we are caught in an easy sound listen (how the collapse a pipe chair of arena seats, is much like feel to the right next to you). In this case taper was located in is the center of the arena “O column” (ticket replica of included with those of the seat of the Miracle Man). However, in this confusion, things he was pushed to the forefront of O block. Curtain before the mayhem that can be checked at the beginning of this recording, is a translation that was eventually produced the best position. This was not said to be a miracle, What do Will may be expressed?
When the folks of bands show up on the stage, the audience further heat up. Despite the chaotic crowd, Richie guitar and tone Plucking at sound check, the Cozy hand Narashino drum comes sounded cool.
And finally live the start in from “Over The Rainbow”, “Kill The King”! Even though more than 35 years old recordings, just the other day, it also as recorded on DAT, also all of cloudy and muffled does not feel the clearness of the should be normally be integrated what it would (tape recording hiss, enough to say exactly not felt). In ease of listening grasp ease of playing even better than “RISING FALL” level, such as Ronnie’s vocals and Richie of guitar, each band of ensemble you get to hear in the separation and exceptional brightness. Especially amazing is Cozy play. Thick powerful to as “Don!”, Yet comfortably exit tone of the drum, is the splendor of one of the best, even overlooking his number a sound source.
Restless audience is somewhat, sound image also harden “Mistreated” later really terrible. While conjugating venue entire air feeling, you speculated before hand listening to all playing at the best powerful. Realistic sound produces spread to natural, it but have honor is also high in the masterpiece of the same period audience recording “SHADOW OF THE WIZARD” (Darker Than Blue) even to outweigh (curtain before so much abuzz, and play begins audience cheers does not become almost the way)! Ideal image of audience recorded by hand listening will be different each, but the present recording any listening hand, you should be satisfied with the greatest common divisor!

Not only direct feeling of playing and sound mentioned above, charm realism of this work was containment without excess and deficiency until the mood of the venue. In particular, “16th Century Greensleeves” of this day, as it is also known by the official live “ON STAGE”. Ronnie is “And you, you ···” before playing in the scene that MC and, how the taper around the audience Bubbly all at once in the “··· And You!” In the third time also housed in a real, like the listeners but I will remember even surprise, such as those Yubisasa to Ronnie.
Can taste like excitement are listening in the front row to play “Catch The Rainbow” is the highlight of this work. Richie guitar from intro was very hear the clear and rich tone, you weave a fantastic song world along with Ronnie. Cozy is rampage in dramatic modulation of the second half, I will to enjoy the thrill of the “Triumvirate” RAINBOW just to “Do this even!”. But subsequent “Man On The Silver Mountain”, “Starstruck” medley and “Stargazer”, the charm of the band to build a magnificent view of the world to the melodious are transmitted the very best!
“Still I’m Sad” in bands of glue also finally climax. Singing to press the other Ronnie is directing the majestic drama Richie assemble more dramatically, excitement even above hate the live of climax. Returns of Cozy reflecting sharply to Richie of improvisation that is woven throughout, all also elegant keyboard Tony Karei will have been vacuum-packed while alive. As regards to the dynamic solo Cozy, overwhelming as not come out even voice you are listening. Given the breadth and air sense of appropriate sound, this scene is definitely, but also beyond the “THE END OF RISING” and “WHEN EVENING FALLS” sound board!
Venue will crucible and of enthusiasm again in “Do You Close Your Eyes” of Angkor. Sound the band to be echoed in Budokan together is, to direct and to closing the live within the finale. Guitar crash of Richie that exploded in the middle is also compelling. Completely burned RAINBOW of performance, live lingering you want clenching forever is, would be to keep your hands to listen to last the recording ends with “Over The Rainbow” in the outro!

Is used often is the expression “to time slip” and referred the excellent audience recording, but truly the metaphor is appropriate it is definitely this recording. Sound to be relive the excitement and emotion of …… legendary live in the best of form that invites all those who listened to the Budokan of “part of 1976 December 16 – the night” is just only you will say that the one and.
On this day that there is more than one audience recording as described above, also sound board sound source “WHEN EVENING FALLS” In addition, I served in was officially released “ON STAGE” Deluxe Edition.
But realism and documents, yet the sound of clearness and realism, such as direct feeling of playing, this work combines all the elements required for live sound source is to express that surpasses all of them items is not an exaggeration. After you have listened to this work, “this recording than not make sense even compared with the others?” And let think. 120 minutes everything is too special, you promise to relive the unprecedented live on hand to listen! If fans love RAINBOW single full exceptional that “for example, can not be satisfied with this, impossible!”. Historical masterpiece of “one in the family” for all of the hard rock fans, outfit is a new limited stock decision!

★ with miniature replica of Japan tour program in 1976. (All 32 pages. In addition to a number of valuable photos of that time, newspaper Curator part, music critic, by broadcasting officials, also a number of interesting contributions statement posted)

★ with replica from the original ticket offer Record’s (seat information: Arena O column # 2) * has also been printed seat information of this is the ticket replica recording position.
★幾多の名録音を世に送り出してきた”Calm & Storm”レーベル。その最高傑作であると同時に、RAINBOWライヴのオーディエンス録音でも白眉の名盤とされる「AN EVENING IN DECEMBER」が、今ここに蘇ります! 2012年6月のリリース直後からファンの間で一世を風靡し、たちまち完売・廃盤となった同作が、ジャケットおよびラベルを一新し、待望の限定再入荷決定! 3年前のリリース時に入手できなかったファンの皆さんは言うまでも無く、「RAINBOW関連のアイテムは全て入手したい」というマニアまで、本作の再リリースは誰もが見逃せないビッグ・ニュースです!

名テーパーMiracle Manの秘蔵録音をプレスCD化してきた”Calm & Storm”レーベルは、第一弾となったゲイリー・ムーアの「THE DEFINITIVE END」から、常に驚きのアイテムを連発してきました。Miracle Manはオジー・オズボーンやマイケル・シェンカー、さらにWHITESNAKEなどのヘヴィメタル・ハードロック系アーティストのみならず、KING CRIMSONやエリック・クラプトンでも驚異的な録音を相次いで提供。ライヴ音源コレクターの間でも、いまやその名は「安定のブランド」として、高い評価を受けています。
その数ある名音源の中でも、ファンへ強烈な印象を残したのが、この「AN EVENING IN DECEMBER」でした。RAINBOWが初来日を遂げた1976年ツアーより、その最終公演となった12月16日の武道館・夜の部を、当時のオーディエンス録音として破格のサウンドとドキュメント性で刻み込んだ内容は、全てのRAINBOWマニアを驚愕させました。RAINBOWのライヴ・ソースは近年相次いで優れた素材が発掘されてはいましたが、同作はその中でも頭ひとつ(・・・・・・いや、二つも三つも!)飛びぬけた存在感を持っていました。単に演奏をリアルに聴かせるのみならず、聴き手が会場の一人になったようなドキュメント性の両立は特筆に価するレベルであり、トータルのクオリティ面ではサウンドボードの「WHEN EVENING FALLS」をも上回るのではないか? という声もあるほどです。
今回はその大きなご要望にお応えし、「AN EVENING IN DECEMBER」の限定再入荷を決定! しかも単なる再リリースではなく、ジャケットそしてラベルも生まれ変わった新装版での再登場! Miracle Manの録音によって蘇る伝説の一夜、単なるライヴ音源とは一線を画する奇跡的追体験を、今再びお楽しみ頂けるのです!

それではディスクを再生してみましょう。まず最初にスピーカーからまず飛び出すのは、興奮したファンの叫び声など会場内の騒然とした様子。この「夜の部」開演前におきたアリーナ席の混乱は、多くの音源やファンの回想でも裏付けられています。本録音はこのざわめきからしてリアルに、かつ聴き易いサウンドで捉えています(アリーナ席のパイプ椅子が崩れる様子が、まるで自分のすぐ横に感じるくらいです)。この時テーパーはアリーナの中心である「O列」に位置していました(付属のチケット・レプリカはMiracle Manの座席のもの)。しかしこの混乱で、彼はOブロックの最前へ押し出されたとの事。本録音の冒頭で確認できる開演前の騒乱が、結果的に最良のポジションを生み出した訳です。これを奇跡と言わずして、何と表現すれば良いのでしょうか?
そして「Over The Rainbow」から「Kill The King」で遂にライヴがスタート! 35年以上昔の録音なのに、つい先日、それもDATで録音したような、一切の曇りや篭りを感じさせないクリアネスは一体どういう事でしょう(テープ録音なら普通あるはずのヒスノイズも、全くと言うほど感じられません)。演奏の掴みやすさ聴き易さは「RISING FALL」にも優るレベルで、ロニーのヴォーカルやリッチーのギターなど、バンドのアンサンブルはそれぞれ抜群の明度と分離で聴き取れます。特に凄いのがコージーのプレイ。分厚く「ドン!」とパワフルに、それでいて気持ちよく抜けるドラムの音色は、彼の数ある音源を見渡しても屈指の素晴らしさです。
観客席がやや落ち着き、音像も固まる「Mistreated」以降は本当に物凄い。会場全体の空気感を抱合しつつ、演奏は全てを最高の迫力で聴き手の前に浮かび上がらせます。ナチュラルに広がるサウンドが生み出す臨場感は、同時期オーディエンス録音の最高傑作の誉れも高い「SHADOW OF THE WIZARD」(Darker Than Blue)すら上回ります(開演前はあんなに騒然としていたのに、演奏が始まると観客の歓声もほとんど邪魔になりません)! 聴き手によってオーディエンス録音の理想像はそれぞれ異なるでしょうが、本録音はいかなる聴き手をも、最大公約数で満足させるはずです!

上記した演奏やサウンドのダイレクト感だけでなく、会場のムードまで過不足無く封じ込めた臨場感が本作の魅力。特にこの日の「16th Century Greensleeves」は、公式ライヴ「ON STAGE」でも知られるとおり。演奏前にロニーが「And you, you・・・」とMCする場面では、3度目の「・・・And You!」でテーパー周囲の観客が一斉に沸き立つ様子もリアルに収められ、まるで聴き手がロニーに指さされたような驚きすら覚えます。
演奏を最前列で聴いている様な感動を味わえる「Catch The Rainbow」は本作のハイライト。イントロからリッチーのギターは非常にクリアかつ豊かな音色を聴かせ、ロニーと共にファンタジックな曲世界を織り成します。後半のドラマティックな転調ではコージーが大暴れし、”三頭政治”RAINBOWの醍醐味を「これでもか!」とばかりに満喫させます。続く「Man On The Silver Mountain」・「Starstruck」メドレーや「Stargazer」でも、壮大な世界観をメロディアスに構築するバンドの魅力は余す所なく伝えられます!
「Still I’m Sad」ではバンドのノリもいよいよ最高潮。ロニーの他を圧する歌唱はリッチーが組み立てる荘厳なドラマをより劇的に演出し、ライヴのクライマックスをいやが上にも盛り上げます。随所に織り込まれるリッチーのアドリブに鋭く反射するコージーの返し、トニー・カーレイの流麗なキーボードも全てが生き生きとしたまま真空パックされています。コージーのダイナミックなソロに至っては、聴いていて声も出ないほど圧倒的。適切な音の広がりと空気感を考えれば、この場面は間違いなく、サウンドボードの「THE END OF RISING」や「WHEN EVENING FALLS」をも越えている!
アンコールの「Do You Close Your Eyes」で会場は再び熱狂の坩堝と化します。バンドが一体となって武道館にこだまさせるサウンドは、ライヴを大団円のうちにクロージングへと向かわせる。中盤で炸裂するリッチーのギタークラッシュも迫力満点。完全燃焼したRAINBOWのパフォーマンス、いつまでも噛み締めたいライヴの余韻は、アウトロの「Over The Rainbow」で録音が終わるラストまで聴き手を離さない事でしょう!

この日は前述のように複数のオーディエンス録音が存在している上に、サウンドボード音源も「WHEN EVENING FALLS」ほか、公式リリースされた「ON STAGE」デラックス・エディションで楽しめます。
しかし臨場感とドキュメント性、さらには音のクリアネスやリアルさ、演奏のダイレクト感など、ライヴ音源に求められる全ての要素を併せ持った本作は、それら全てのアイテムを凌駕していると表現しても過言ではない。本作を聴いた後では「この録音は他との比較すら意味を成さないのでは?」と思わせます。何もかもが特別すぎる120分間は、聴き手にかつて無いライヴの追体験をお約束します! RAINBOWを愛するファンならば「これで満足できないなど、あり得ない!」という完全別格の一本。全てのハードロック・ファンにとって「一家に一本」の歴史的傑作が、装いも新たに限定再入荷決定です!


★録音者提供のオリジナル・チケットからのレプリカ付き(座席情報:アリーナO列 2番)*今回のチケットレプリカには録音位置の座席情報も印刷されています。

Disc 1 (63:51)
1. Intro. 2. Over The Rainbow 3. Kill The King 4. Mistreated 5. 16th Century Greensleeves
6. Catch The Rainbow 7. Lazy Intro. 8. Man On The Silver Mountain
9. Blues / Vocal Improvisation 10. Starstruck 11. Man On The Silver Mountain (reprise)

Disc 2 (56:33)
1. MC 2. Keyboard Intro. 3. Stargazer 4. Still I’m Sad 5. Keyboard Solo
6. Drum Solo feat. 1812 Overture 7. Still I’m Sad (reprise) 8. Guitar Intro.
9. Do You Close Your Eyes incl. Guitar Crash 10. Over The Rainbow

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Ronnie James Dio – Vocal Cozy Powell – Drums
Jimmy Bain – Bass Tony Carey – Keyboards

Recorded by Miracle Man

Calm & Storm 010

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