Pink Floyd / Nassau Coliseum 1980 Final Night / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Nassau Coliseum 1980 Final Night / 2CD / Sigma

Translated Text:
Live at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, New York, USA 28th February 1980
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Was released last week “OAKLAND 1977 1st NIGHT (Sigma 124)”, and “NEW YORK 1977 2nd NIGHT (Sigma 125)” Do would have Itadakemashita another charm you. Received many reflections from after net up, we are delighted as actually This label is now bestowed high praise from those who listen to the sound. As the third installment of this time last week of 24bit / 96khz digital transfer series following the two titles, that name sound source was the pinnacle of the 1980 US tour with the album “THE WALL” will appeared at last! This is 80 年 24 to 28 February the New York Nassau Coliseum final performance of which took place in five consecutive nights and one that was completely recorded in ultra-high quality audience recording, name sound source-name from the era of analog Bootleg LP It is what has been received the prestigious evaluation as the recording. Also from our Sigma in 2008 is first recorded music media by a disk 3 and 4 of “YOUR FAVOURITE DISGUISE (Sigma 23)”, then the master tape that was borrowed from recording in person in October 2009 (Maxell XLⅡ are two) The release was recorded music media into a direct “DEFINITIVE WALL (Sigma 49)”, was bestowed a lot of response from fans in the overwhelming quality.

The latest this time borrowed it again, including the label with the latest equipment owned subjected to digital transfer of 24bit / 96khz, barely of noise removal and pitch correction while emphasizing the gloss and sharpness with the recording original sound is not affected to the original sound I was decisive action the remaster. The finish is absolutely no deterioration from the master sound that was digital conversion with high spec becomes an extraordinary thing, it is enough drank label of staff who also breath to the goodness of the remainder of the sound quality. Gloss and goodness of freshness of the sound image, true master cassette became Omoto is, to say that revived the state that has just been removed from the deck (※ SONY TC-D5M) after finishing just a recording in hall It is not an exaggeration. The sound in a clear sense of the punch even higher than that we have received a great response “DEFINITIVE WALL” at that time appeared, ultimate ’80 Nassau Coliseum with excellent all of resolution, such as range of spread and sound pressure was born here is !!

Disk has begun recording from a small start before the MC that becomes the intro, but are you full of realism than the sound image that you listen already in “DEFINITIVE WALL (hereafter called” Sunde-hatsu-ban “)” from this scene There you will able to understand us. Starting shortly after the “In The Flesh?” Thick sound is rising in is sharp, richness of songs look stands out more than its outstanding board. How the piano at birth and become “The Thin Ice” also feel more deeply the depth and richness, has shifted from a completely distorted it without quiet also a scene that regression in the second half of the heavy sound to loud of “Pink” from, you will able to feel more and more the height of the quality of the recorded sound. “Another Brick … Part 1” In terms of sound collage to be decorated around the first subject is out clearly, I connect the play is to sudden change violently from the middle of “The Happiest Days” to “Part 2” state also blend a sense of the sharp sound output and the rhythm of the guitar will appear in the record of dense sound. Scene will attract the changes “Mother” in how the ears singing with the sound of acoustic each other tapestries more to emotional rich, for hear securely to fine sound even while feel the space of, each of the instruments and singing voice is gorgeous how to melt together to is I think that you charm you to fully. “Goodbye Blue Sky” comes out in contrast is exquisite sound image of the vividness of the chorus is also a feature of the song, the grace of the wind that enters in the second half. This “pink” is suffered heartbreak is felt as closer, you will you are able to re-confirm the delicate aspects of the musical expression of this day fully. The time is in concert there is no margin was also able to fall set “What Shall Do Now” is entered on this day properly set, flood of tremendous sound while Pieces comes out in the sound with the power of 24bit / 96khz unique you. “Young Lust” is now mental depiction with the song is more felt closing in on true, I think exciting the “♪ Wo ~ wow” the melody how the Yuku moving music a wide range while rocking in dynamic . And in the “Do not Leave Me Now” also looks like comparison of the performance that was full of uplifting to transfiguration from singing and the middle of Roger, such as sinking of the first half is felt even more dazzling, “Another Brick … Part 3” expand in the second half Installation part is brilliant sound of the live version unique, sound drama by floods and rhythm of dynamism of the synth will pop out in the past the best sound image.

The beginning of “Hey You” is missing a few seconds, it is that there is no certain meaning way if you know how to start in the second half of this live. However, that grade of sound is raised in this work, and become the reverse of the charm of customer electricity comes through more vividly clear is hectic documentary feel of the surrounding and hall that suddenly play began in the state in which Tsui have. You reach here in the sound “Nobody Home” and a fruitful mental landscape that is spelled out in a quiet sound in “Vera”, but both will Shireru good presence of diffusion and the space of natural and no sound discomfort . Classic “Comfortably Numb” is the charm of the original play has come out in the past highest value in that the medium to low range is firmly report, the density and profound than the somewhat middle range is its outstanding board was lighter sound Feel sentence be, are also equipped with more reliable and listening meet. Sound output of guitar melody coming at the end also has come out better than ever so please stay tuned. The refrain “In The Flesh” in prominence than the attack of strong sound is already issued board, it would be overwhelmed by the sound image to become tough and progresses in the second half. “Run Like Hell” also been reported in the sound track of motility stand out more than ever, I think notice that cutting of the guitar sound is also out with a high vivid tone resolution. Ornament and SE of the keyboard is also noted for hear beautiful, it is also topics has become a iconic sound that appeals to more visually. “Waiting For The Worms” in even the height of the low range of resolution stands out, the structure of the song will appear in even better sound prospects. This time the applause such as noise that was present in 3 minutes 47 seconds to 51 seconds of its outstanding panel is noted also be relaxed, also of this work for the good of per ease and ears to hear by this is improving You will say that ad Vantage. “The Trial” In blossomed in the sound image that is fruitful singing of comparison with the symphonic sound effects, it should Roger specific clown of which is under the consciousness of music is felt to further stand out. Sound of wall collapse also intense, here is I think that you are also aware that there is a clear sense of loud than ever. Since the ending “Outside The Wall” is also strange with the song catharsis is reported to the real, fulfillment and filled the way of curiosity after you have finished listening’ll have those of bliss.

This is the story of while Imasara is for the fans, but even this I would like to once again watch for “THE WALL”, this album would point that there is a synergistic effect of the movie version made after. To those who I Kikikon the sound becomes easy movie to understand, for the first time the meaning is through coming scene there quite by that image is attached to is as you know. But that if you want to enter more deeply into view of the world, it is limited to Komu still listening to at the time of the live sound source. Is cosmetic, it does not exist in the album version of the appointed sound, vividly Only then experience it in the live sound with strained tension, enters into the deeper he this concept, including the albums and movies , it should Yuku rooted. Performances number of times of the day from the complexity of the cost of the problem and set assembly is never much, but that’s why this name recording that has continued to receive many years acclaimed live charm of THE WALL as those captured by the highest value, true I think than this work makes sense to listen with no sound degradation and is digitally converted from the master tape to 24bit / 96khz. This weekend in this work Semareru in essence of THE WALL live in startle of master sound, I think I would like to have to invest themselves again in this world. From popular Sigma label is the emergence of with numbering sticker Picture disk specification!

先週リリースされた『OAKLAND 1977 1st NIGHT (Sigma 124)』、及び『NEW YORK 1977 2nd NIGHT (Sigma 125)』はもうお愉しみ戴けましたでしょうか。ネットアップ後から多くの反響を戴き、実際にその音を聴かれた方からも高い評価を賜りまして当レーベルとしても大変嬉しく思っております。今回は先週のその2タイトルに続く24bit / 96khzデジタル・トランスファー・シリーズの第3弾として、アルバム『THE WALL』に伴う1980年米国公演の頂点を極めたあの名音源が遂に登場致します! これは80年2月24日~28日に5夜連続で行われたニューヨーク州ナッソー・コロシアムの最終公演を超高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録したもので、アナログ・ブートレッグLPの時代から名音源・名録音として誉れ高い評価を受けてきたものです。当Sigmaからも2008年に『YOUR FAVOURITE DISGUISE (Sigma 23)』のディスク3と4でまず音盤化され、その後2009年10月には録音者本人から借り受けたマスターテープ(Maxell XLⅡが2本)をダイレクトに音盤化した『DEFINITIVE WALL (Sigma 49)』をリリースし、その圧倒的なクオリティでファンから多くの反響を賜りました。

今回はそれを再度借り受け、レーベル所有の最新機材で24bit / 96khzのデジタル・トランスファーを施し、収録原音が持つ艶と鋭さを重視しながら原音に影響が出ないギリギリのノイズ除去とピッチ補正を含む最新リマスターを決行しました。高スペックでデジタル変換させた事でマスターサウンドからの劣化が一切無いその仕上がりは驚異的なものとなり、余りの音質の良さにレーベルのスタッフ達も息を飲んだほどです。その音像の艶と鮮度の良さは、大元となった真のマスターカセットが、たったいま場内での録音を終えてデッキ(※SONY TC-D5M)から取り出されたばかりの状態を甦らせたと言っても過言ではありません。当時大きな反響を戴いたあの『DEFINITIVE WALL』よりも更に高い明瞭感とパンチで音が現れ、音域の広がりや音圧など全ての分解能に優れた究極の80年ナッソー・コロシアムがここに誕生したのです!!

ディスクはイントロとなるショウスタート前のMCから収録が始まっていますが、このシーンから既に『DEFINITIVE WALL (以降、”既発盤”とします)』で聴けた音像よりも臨場感に充ちているのがお分り戴けるでしょう。直後から始まる「In The Flesh ?」では鋭くて肉厚なサウンドが立ち上がり、曲の表情の豊かさが既発盤以上に際立ちます。”ピンク”の誕生となる「The Thin Ice」でのピアノも奥行きと芳醇さを更に深く感じさせ、後半の重厚なサウンドに回帰するシーンも全く歪む事無く静音から強音にシフトしている様子から、収録音の質の高さをますます感じて戴けるでしょう。「Another Brick…Part 1」では第一主題の周囲で装飾されるサウンドコラージュが明瞭に出ているうえ、その演奏が「The Happiest Days」の中盤から激しく豹変して「Part 2」へ繋ぐ様子もギターの鋭い出音とリズムとのブレンド感が過去最高の濃密なサウンドで現れます。シーンが変わる「Mother」ではアコースティックの響きと歌唱が一段と情緒豊かに綴れ合う様子が耳を惹きますが、空間性を感じさせながらも微細な音まで確実に聴こえる為、それぞれの楽器と歌声が華やかに溶け合う様子が存分にお愉しみ戴けると思います。「Goodbye Blue Sky」は曲の特徴でもあるコーラスの鮮やかさと、後半で入る風の装飾音との対比が絶妙の音像で出てきます。これにより”ピンク”が負った傷心がより近いものとして感じられ、この日の音楽的表現のデリケートな側面を存分に再確認して戴けるでしょう。また時間が余裕が無いコンサートではセット落ちする事もあった「What Shall Do Now」はこの日ちゃんとセットに入っており、小曲ながらも凄まじい音の洪水が24bit / 96khzならではの威力あるサウンドで出てきます。「Young Lust」は曲が持つ心象描写が一層真に迫って感じられるようになり、”♪ Wo~wow “と旋律をダイナミックに揺らしながら広い音域を音楽が動いてゆく様子に心躍ると思います。「Don’t Leave Me Now」も前半の沈み込む様なロジャーの歌唱と途中から変貌する躍動感に充ちた演奏の対比が更に眩しく感じられるようになり、「Another Brick…Part 3」ではライブ版ならではの後半インスト部が鮮やかな音で展開し、シンセの洪水とリズムの躍動性によるサウンド・ドラマが過去最高の音像で飛び出します。

「Hey You」の冒頭が数秒欠落しているのは、このライブ後半の始まり方を御存じであれば或る意味仕方の無い事です。しかし本作では音のグレードが上がった事で、客電が点いた状態で急に演奏が始まったという周囲や場内の慌しいドキュメンタリー感が更に生々しく鮮明に伝わってくるのが逆の魅力となっています。「Nobody Home」と「Vera」では静かな響きの中で綴られる心象風景が実りあるサウンドでこちらに届きますが、どちらも自然で違和感の無い音の拡散と空間のプレゼンスに酔い痴れるでしょう。名曲「Comfortably Numb」は中~低音域がしっかり報告されることでオリジナル演奏の魅力が過去最高値で出ており、ややミドルレンジが軽めだった既発盤の音よりも密度と重厚さが感じられるぶん、より確かな聴き応えも備えています。終盤で入ってくるギター旋律の出音もこれまで以上に良く出ていますので御期待下さい。リフレインとなる「In The Flesh」ではアタックの強い音が既発盤よりも際立ち、後半に進むにつれてタフになる音像に圧倒されるでしょう。「Run Like Hell」も曲の運動性がこれまで以上に際立つ音で報告され、カッティングのギター・サウンドも解像度の高い鮮やかな音色で出ている事に気付かれると思います。キーボードの装飾音やSEが綺麗に聴こえるのも特筆され、より視覚に訴える映像的なサウンドとなっているのもトピックスです。「Waiting For The Worms」では低音域の解像度の高さが一層際立ち、曲の構造が更に見通しの良いサウンドで現れます。既発盤の3分47秒~51秒に存在していたノイズの様な拍手を今回は緩和した事も特筆され、これによって聴き易さと耳当たりの良さが向上しているのも本作のアドヴァンテージと言えるでしょう。「The Trial」ではシンフォニックな効果音と歌唱の対比が実りある音像で花開き、楽曲の意識下にあるロジャー特有の道化性が一層浮き出て感じられる筈です。壁崩壊の音も強烈で、ここはこれまで以上にラウドで明瞭感がある事にも気付いて戴けると思います。エンディング「Outside The Wall」も曲が持つ奇妙なカタルシスがリアルに報告されるので、聴き終えた後の充足感と好奇心の充たされ方は至福のものがあるでしょう。

ファンにとっては今更ながらの話ですが、でもこの『THE WALL』について改めて注視したいのは、このアルバムは後に作られる映画版との相乗効果があるという点でしょう。音を聴き込んだ方が映画が分かり易くなりますし、映像が付く事によって初めて意味が通ってくるシーンが結構あるのは御存知の通りです。しかしその世界観にもっと深く入りたいなら、それはやはり当時のライブ音源を聴きこむに限ります。化粧され、整えられたサウンドのアルバム版には存在しない、生々しくピリピリした緊張感のあるライブ・サウンドでそれを体験してこそ、アルバムや映画を含めたこのコンセプトがより深く自分の中に入り込み、根を下ろしてゆく筈です。費用の問題やセット組み立ての複雑さから当時の公演回数は決して多くありませんが、だからこそTHE WALLのライブの魅力を最高値で捉えたものとして長年高い評価を受け続けてきたこの名録音が、真のマスターテープから24bit / 96khzにデジタル変換されて劣化の無いサウンドで聴ける本作が意味を成すのではないでしょうか。今週末は驚愕のマスターサウンドでTHE WALLライブの真髄に迫れる本作で、改めてこの世界観に身を投じて戴きたいと思います。好評Sigmaレーベルからナンバリングステッカー付き・ピクチャーディスク仕様での登場です!

Disc 1(57:11)

1. Introduction 2. In The Flesh? 3. The Thin Ice 4. Another Brick In The Wall Part 1
5. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 6. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 7. Mother
8. Goodbye Blue Sky 9. Empty Spaces 10. What Shall Do Now 11. Young Lust 12. One Of My Turns
13. Don’t Leave Me Now 14. Another Brick In The Wall Part 3 15. Goodbye Cruel World

Disc 2(53:51)
1. Hey You 2. Is There Anybody Out There 3. Nobody Home 4. Vera 5. Bring the Boys Back Home
6. Comfortably Numb 7. The Show Must Go On 8. Introduction 9. In The Flesh? 10. Run Like Hell
11. Waiting For The Worms 12. Stop 13. The Trial 14. Outside The Wall

Sigma 126

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