Pink Floyd / Los Angeles 1975 4th Night / 3CD

Pink Floyd / Los Angeles 1975 4th Night / 3CD / Sigma

Translated Text:
Live at Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, Los Angeles, CA. USA 26th April 1975


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1975 the live sound is aimed at the large turning point of Pink Floyd. They was Mise was molting from the sound image with a floating feeling that has created up to it, and even to feel the hard rock sound skies. But it was still barely drifted to the former image until 1974, when it was around the United States in the next year, the sudden change to the rock Floyd not strange to say the Gorigori. In “The Dark Side Of The Moon” was a big hit the United States in there, also, such as the situation that must be performed live at the venue of the stadium class was reflected.
Charged from the previous year were new song “Raving And Drooling” is to change the sound had not appear vividly in the US tour, “Shine On You Crazy” is also divided a long song, divided by a new song between enter. That’s was the ’75 of the new song “Have A Cigar” but, repelled guitar riff had longer evolution to the realm of hard rock in the power cord. As a result, I was at the time the album production was in progress, “Wish You Were Here”.
US tour of Floyd were not significantly change the sound in ’75 is organized by the intermittent schedule, it lasted until June. This tour is often audience recordings blessed of sound quality, such as “Arms Of Vancouver” and “Seattle Master Reels” of our releases with respect to April, which is this release, we are from the beginning of the tour excellent sound source Inaran. In April tour dates Goya continuous performances in Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles became a highlight.

LA of the 1975 first half has been visited in rapid succession British tycoon artists, the situation was driven to the concert recording the one of the young people. His name is Mike Millard. Now as 70s west coast taper shut up also crying child, is now legendary existence as its name known throughout even without a mania. Millard is awakening to the concert audience recording from ’74, we have started a full-fledged recording activity from this year. After all, only the name sound source Any recordings that he has created in the first half of ’75.
LA forum three performances of ZEP our shop has released a red jacket last year, and more in July and such as live at the same venue of the Rolling Stones, the only familiar sound source to mania. Especially recording quality of ZEP is there was a terrible thing, but besides Millard an Ultra-recordings that do not take the sink I was me dared also in LA performances of April Floyd. Morial sports arena of it is 26th. It is that sound source is also “Pink Millard” has been well received been released from our shop.

“Pink Millard” as seen from the fact that the long been a Sold Out, had reigned in the April 75 live in the name board of which they were recorded by the taper of legend. But although the title did not precisely feel unnatural, equalize that was aware of the sound trend of the time release had been subjected. By, for example, further to edit the music and irrelevant part, rather than the three sheets set, and I had together in a disk two sets. It is but had gained a reputation for easy listening as a result, between the core mania has several disadvantages there were also been pointed out. First previous equalize. Thus, in overseas, or not the best of Floyd LA75 was released before more than ten years from now, “The Late Great Millard Tapes”? I voice was also heard from abroad of mania that. However, this time recording the transfer of the natural state to the original in the sound source as it is of pure that Millard told me to record without any equalization. If you would listen to this as “The Late Great ~” an even boost a sense of bass would hear unnatural, you’ll get to experience the relaxed state natural.
However, what is important to it than was in “The Late Great ~”, I voice lacked the “Pink Millard” by the recording’s beginning. Record’s voice, in other words whether it is not a real voice of Mike Millard? At the time that this title was released, still speaking of Millard image is too strong that God recording taper of ZEP, and I have overlooked the impact of the feat that left me with Floyd and Jesus. As a result, we had to cut the real voice of Millard, which became an important moment in the now. He is checked by connecting a microphone here in the recorder, downright delicious voice that was and its chillin! It is located in a short moment, but please enjoy his natural voice (laughs).
And more than anything, to form the LA Forum recording and matchless people of ZEP before one month, how much splendor of ultimately on sound image and clearness among the many Millard recording …. Chuff performance of new song group in the first set, of course, captured without leaving the “The Dark Side Of The Moon” set and “Echoes” charm of Floyd sound of ’75 unique to play hard until the encore The cause is likely fell down to feat me. However, had occurred in the “Have A Cigar”, “Any Color You Like”, it adjusts also clean cut tape change is the cause.
This is absolutely amazing originally among the ’75 tour that is blessed with sound! Moreover, unlike the days of the Animals tour, discomfort music and nervous Roger Waters in the reaction of the audience was represented by MC at the end of the first part of a large venue also of him anything. Among the ’75 tour, a far from full sound source to listen to here Millard has left me in the highest level quality, yet had left to its own voice (laughs) to press CD of the best version of God recording is limited It will be released are you!

ピンク・フロイドのライブ・サウンドが大転換期を図った1975年。彼らがそれまで作り出してきた浮遊感のあるサウンド・イメージから、無骨さすら感じさせるハードなロック・サウンドへと脱皮してみせました。まだ1974年まではかつてのイメージを辛うじて漂わせていましたが、翌年にアメリカを回った際には、ゴリゴリといってもおかしくないロックなフロイドへと豹変。そこには「The Dark Side Of The Moon」が大ヒットしたアメリカにおいて、スタジアム・クラスの会場でライブを行なわなければならない状況なども反映されていました。
前年から投入された新曲「Raving And Drooling」はアメリカ・ツアーでサウンドの変化が如実に現れていていましたし、「Shine On You Crazy 」も長い曲が分断され、新たな曲が間に割って入ります。それが75年の新曲「Have A Cigar」だったのですが、パワー・コードで弾かれるギター・リフがもはやハードロックの域にまで進化していました。その結果が、当時制作が進行していたアルバム「Wish You Were Here」だったのです。
フロイドがサウンドを大きく変化させた75年のアメリカ・ツアーは断続的なスケジュールで組まれ、6月まで続きました。このツアーは音質の恵まれたオーディエンス録音が多く、今回リリースされる4月に関しても当店リリースの「Arms Of Vancouver」や「Seattle Master Reels」など、ツアーの序盤から優良音源が居並んでいます。4月のツアー日程ではロス・アンジェルスにあるメモリアル・スポーツ・アリーナにおける五夜連続公演がハイライトとなりました。

昨年当店が赤いジャケットでリリースしたZEPのLAフォーラム三公演、さらに7月にはローリング・ストーンズの同会場でのライブなど、マニアにはおなじみの音源ばかり。特にZEPの録音のクオリティは凄まじいものがあったのですが、それにひけを取らないウルトラ・レコーディングをミラードはフロイド4月のLA公演でも敢行してくれたのです。それが26日のモリアル・スポーツ・アリーナ。当店からも「Pink Millard」がリリースされて好評を博していたあの音源です。

「Pink Millard」はSold Outとなって久しいことからも解るように、伝説のテーパーによって録音された75年4月のライブの名盤に君臨していました。しかし同タイトルは不自然さこそ感じさせなかったものの、リリース当時のサウンド・トレンドを意識したイコライズが施されていました。さらに演奏と無関係な部分を編集するなどして、三枚組ではなく、ディスク二枚組にまとめていたのです。それが結果として聴きやすいとの評判を得ていたものの、コアなマニアの間ではいくつかの欠点が指摘されてもいました。まずは先のイコライズ。よって、海外などにおいて、フロイドLA75のベストは今から十年以上前にリリースされた「The Late Great Millard Tapes」ではないか?という声も海外のマニアから聴かれたのです。しかし、今回は一切のイコライズ無しでミラードが録音してくれた音源そのままのピュアでナチュラルな状態のトランスファーを元に収録。これを聴いてしまうと「The Late Great~」ですら低音のブースト感が不自然に聴こえてしまうほど、ナチュラルで伸びやかな状態を実感してもらえるでしょう。
ところが、それ以上に重要なのは「The Late Great~」にあった、冒頭の録音者による声が「Pink Millard」には欠けていたのです。録音者の声、つまりそれはマイク・ミラードの肉声ではありませんか?このタイトルがリリースされた当時、まだミラードと言えばZEPの神録音テーパーというイメージが強すぎ、フロイドやイエスで残してくれた偉業のインパクトを見過ごしてしまいました。その結果として、今では重要な瞬間となったミラードの肉声をカットしてしまったのです。彼はここでレコーダーにマイクをつなげてチェックしており、そのまったりとした声が何とも味わい深い!短い瞬間ではありますが、彼の肉声をお楽しみください(笑)。
そして何よりも、一か月前のZEPのLAフォーラム録音と双璧を成す、数多いミラード録音の中でも究極的にオンな音像とクリアネスの素晴らしさと言ったら…。最初のセットにおける新曲群の武骨な演奏はもちろん、「The Dark Side Of The Moon」セットやアンコールの「Echoes」までもハードに演奏する75年ならではのフロイド・サウンドの魅力をあますことなく捉えてくれた偉業にひれ伏してしまいそうです。ただし「Have A Cigar」と「Any Color You Like」で起きてしまった、テープチェンジが原因のカットも綺麗にアジャストしています。

Disc 1 (63:12)
1. Mike Test 2. Intro. 3. Raving And Drooling 4. You Gotta Be Crazy
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 1-5 6. Have A Cigar 7. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 6-9

Disc 2 (56:49)
The Dark Side Of The Moon

1. Speak To Me 2. Breathe 3. On The Run 4. Time 5. Breathe(Reprise) 6. The Great Gig In The Sky
7. Money 8. Us And Them 9. Any Colour You Like 10. Brain Damage 11. Eclipse

Disc 3 (24:22)
1. Audience 2. Echoes
Sigma 148

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