Paul McCartney / One On One In Berlin / 6CDR

Paul McCartney / One On One In Berlin / 6CDR / Uxbridge

Translated Text:
Live at Waldbuhne, Berlin, Germany 14th June 2016



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It is the emergence of the finest live-set of the latest tour “ONE ON ONE”. Currently, “ONE ON ONE” is was the middle Europe leg, just deliver the “ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF (Uxbridge 571)” is also the other day. However, subsequent to arrived this work, quality that exceeds even that name recording. Also in order to report the “now” of Paul McCartney, also in order to experience the best recording of the new tour, you can not ignore a 6 Disc. Such that the present work has been recording “June 14, 2016 Berlin performance”. “Recorder 1” to the disk 1-3, and “Recorder 2” to the disk 4-6, has arranged a two recordings of the same show.
But became a rapid-fire release, it is also this is also because the European leg of this time is in an abnormal state. In front of the description, first once the full extent of the “ONE ON ONE” now, please check.

– April 13 – May 5, 2011: North America # 1 (9 performances)
– May 15 – 19, 2011: South America (3 performances)
– May 28 – June 30, 2011: Europe (10 performances) ← currently in progress
– July 8 – October 15, 2011: North America # 2 (17 performances)

This is right now, all 39 performances of “ONE ON ONE” has been announced. I mean there was a 12 performances in North America and South America before the current progress of the “European leg”, where the record is just what reason is not good enough. But also in our shop was report in the original sound source “VANCOUVER 2016 (Uxbridge 561)”, also know the content of the show was what be stuck for an answer if asked “How satisfied?”. However, the end of the beginning was “European leg” is it until the slump is a storm of such high-quality recording as a lie. Although I introduced the first day of high-quality album “ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF” as a representative, then also unabated momentum, name and recording from one to the next is like crazy arrived. Of course, Nobetsu Ikazu also not to introduce without curtain, the middle that are piled up carefully selected carefully. Among such “Korezo, Dusseldorf beyond!” Was set to 2 sound source can be sure that there’s the this work.
To concentrate on one point of purely “quality” is why has been select, but was chosen at this time was the same also in the accident, “Berlin performances”. It ahead of “ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF” was also Germany, please refer to the overall picture of the European leg here.

– May 28: Dusseldorf (Germany)
– May 30, 2011: Paris (France)
– June 2, 2011: Madrid (Spain)
– June 10: Munich (Germany)
– June 12: Landgraaf (Netherlands)
– June 14: Berlin (Germany) → [this work] – June 16, 2011: Prague (Czech Republic)
– June 24, 2011: Bergen (Norway)
– June 27, 2011: Herning (Denmark)
– June 30, 2011: Werufuteru (Belgium)

All this 10 performances of the European leg. Now, in this moment is where to leave the 3 performances, is currently in progress. Although this work is the same in Germany as the “ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF”, the European leg middle 6 performances eyes. As a whole “ONE ON ONE” is the audience set corresponding to 18 performances eyes.
And as you have to talk from earlier, this work most attractive sound. Though was great and from “ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF”, this work is worthy to be exceeded far is referred to as “like a sound board.” First, the high quality of the more bizarre just arranged to disk 1-3 “Recorder 1”. While a large-boned, delicate musical sound is really perfect about likely heard wrong with the sound board. Each instrument also singing voice even treble also bass also seems each time to write a fool even to enter one and …. As a direct feeling, I, yet a perfect the first time you want to call and even “official-class audience” also take into account the whole balance of the modest large cheer realistic. Decorate the opening waist from “A Hard Day’s Night” comes out. Guitar / bass / drums / vocals and was the dimension of the perfect is too obvious, level of sound of the skin is felt even percussion rolling in the back with one stroke one stroke. Continue down people of the tambourine in the “Save Us”, up to the one touch 1 of the piano roll to roll in ending,’s the about the transcendence clear I think that it is the installation the line recording a dedicated microphone.
While there is such a furious “Recorder 1”, it was also recorded “Recorder 2” to disk 3-6 on it. While to know the greatness of the “Recorder 1” could not be ignored, decided trying to recording side by side. I would like you to understand the quality of transcendence, even that point only. Middle and high sound when compared to the perfect “Recorder 1” in all is in balance that out in front and jerk include, but clear direct feeling, vivid image is intense. So to say is at the point where there is not even necessarily a neglected bass, in the back of the edge sharp lead instruments and vocals, bass downright beautiful sounds fascinating. Overall sales recorded the “Recorder 1” from the beauty of the balance ahead, but the transcendence recordings that can not be in it still was not still.

Since it has become a long “ONE ON ONE” itself point of defer to the commentary of “ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF”, but it is 6 Disc that roar in the number of listening far from unprecedented ultra-clear sound. If the original, no questions asked as I a place to press of, can not see the bottom of the still “European leg”. While I think that “so amazing recording can not have come out again”, another one of their own is “maybe the …” and whispered come. “Because probably came out even two in the same live?” And. Because of its hesitation, because I would like you to touch as soon as possible one day, but we have selected the CDR for six sets of large volume, this quality is, press-class, let alone, even hard to chew dimension Sonjosokora Press titles is.
Here: we will declare the “” ONE ON ONE “European leg sound source abnormal situation”. Ultra-luxurious 6 Disc live set to be the evidence. Please, please confirm to fully.


最新ツアー“ONE ON ONE”の極上ライヴ・セットの登場です。現在、“ONE ON ONE”はヨーロッパ・レッグ真っ最中でして、先日も『ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF(Uxbridge 571)』をお届けしたばかり。しかし、その後に届いた本作は、あの名録音さえ超えるクオリティ。ポール・マッカートニーの“今”をレポートする上でも、新ツアーの最上記録を体験する上でも、無視できない6枚組なのです。そんな本作が録音されたのは「2016年6月14日ベルリン公演」。ディスク1-3に“Recorder 1”、ディスク4-6に“Recorder 2”と、同じショウの2録音を配しています。
矢継ぎ早のリリースとなりましたが、それもこれも今回の欧州レッグが異常な状態にあるからです。その説明の前に、まず“ONE ON ONE”の全容を今一度、ご確認ください。

・5月28日-6月30日:欧州(10公演) ←現在進行中

これが今現在、発表されている“ONE ON ONE”の全39公演。現在進行中の「欧州レッグ」の前に北米・南米で12公演があったわけですが、そこでの記録はどういうわけが今ひとつなものばかり。当店でもオリジナル音源『VANCOUVER 2016(Uxbridge 561)』でリポートしたものの、ショウの内容は分かっても「満足できるか?」と問われれば答えに窮するものでした。ところが、5月末に始まった「欧州レッグ」は、それまでの不振がウソのようなハイクオリティ録音の嵐。代表格として初日の高音質盤『ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF』をご紹介したものの、その後も勢いは衰えず、次から次へと名録音が到着しまくっているのです。もちろん、のべつ幕なしにご紹介するわけにもいかず、厳選に厳選を重ねている真っ最中。そんな中で“これぞ、デュッセルドルフ超え!”と確信できる2音源をセットしたのが本作なのです。
純粋に“クオリティ”の1点に集中してセレクトしてきたわけですが、現時点で選ばれたのは偶然にも同じ「ベルリン公演」でした。先の『ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF』もドイツでしたし、ここで欧州レッグの全体像をご覧ください。

・6月14日:ベルリン(ドイツ)  →【本作】

この10公演が欧州レッグのすべて。今、この瞬間では3公演を残すところであり、現在進行中です。本作は『ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF』と同じドイツではあるものの、欧州レッグ中盤の6公演目。“ONE ON ONE”全体では18公演目にあたるオーディエンス・セットなのです。
そして先ほどからもお話ししている通り、本作最大の魅力はサウンド。『ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF』からして素晴らしかったのに、本作は遙かに超えて「まるでサウンドボード」と呼ぶ相応しいもの。まず、ディスク1-3に配された“Recorder 1”だけでも異様なほどのハイクオリティ。骨太でありながら、繊細な楽音は本当にサウンドボードと聞き間違えそうなほどに完璧。各楽器も歌声も高音も低音も……といちいち書き連ねるのもバカらしい。そのダイレクト感、リアルでありながら控えめな大歓声とのバランスも丸ごと考慮しても“オフィシャル級オーディエンス”と呼びたいパーフェクトぶりなのです。オープニングを飾る「A Hard Day’s Night」からして腰が抜ける。ギター/ベース/ドラム/ヴォーカルが完璧なのは当たり前すぎる次元でして、バックで転がるパーカッションも1打1打で皮の鳴りが感じられるレベル。続く「Save Us」にしてもタンバリンのひと降り、エンディングで転がるピアノロールのタッチ1つに至るまで、専用マイクを設置したライン録音ではないかと思うほどに超絶クリアなのです。
そんな激烈“Recorder 1”がありながら、その上でディスク3-6に“Recorder 2”も収録しました。“Recorder 1”の凄さを知りながらも無視できなかった、並べて収録しようと決断した。その点だけでも超絶なクオリティをご理解いただきたい。すべてにおいて完璧な“Recorder 1”に比べると中高音がグッと前に出たバランスで、それだけにクリアなダイレクト感、鮮烈なイメージが強烈。だからと言って低音がなおざりなわけでもないところがポイントで、エッジ鋭いリード楽器やヴォーカルの裏で、艶やかに鳴るベースがなんとも美しい。全体バランスの美しさから“Recorder 1”を先に収録しましたが、やはりそれでもなかったことにはできない超絶録音なのです。

長くなってしまいましたので“ONE ON ONE”自体のポイントは『ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF』の解説に譲りますが、その数々の聴きどころがかつてない超クリア・サウンドで轟く6枚組です。本来であれば、問答無用にプレス化するところなのですが、まだまだ「欧州レッグ」の底が見えない。“こんなに凄い録音が二度と出てくるはずがない”と思いながらも、もう1人の自分が“もしかしたら……”と囁いてくる。“だって同じライヴで2本も出てきただろ?”と。その迷いのため、1日でも早く触れていただきたいため、6枚組の大ボリュームのためにCDRを選択いたしましたが、このクオリティは、プレス級どころか、そんじょそこらのプレスタイトルさえ歯が立たない次元です。
ここに「“ONE ON ONE”欧州レッグ:音源異常事態」を宣言いたします。その証拠となる超豪華な6枚組ライヴセット。どうぞ、存分にご確認ください。

Recorder 1

Disc 1(74:17)
1. Intro. 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Save Us 4. Can’t Buy Me Love 5. Letting Go
6. Temporary Secretary 7. Let Me Roll It 8. I’ve Got a Feeling 9. My Valentine
10. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five 11. Here, There and Everywhere 12. Maybe I’m Amazed
13. We Can Work It Out 14. In Spite of All the Danger 15. You Won’t See Me 16. Love Me Do
17. And I Love Her 18. Blackbird 19. Here Today

Disc 2(59:28)
1. Queenie Eye 2. New 3. The Fool on the Hill 4. Lady Madonna 5. FourFiveSeconds
6. Eleanor Rigby 7. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 8. Something 9. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
10. Band on the Run 11. Back in the U.S.S.R. 12. Let It Be 13. Live and Let Die
14. Hey Jude

Disc 3(26:51)
1. Audience 2. Yesterday 3. Hi, Hi, Hi 4. Birthday 5. Golden Slumbers 6. Carry That Weight
7. The End

Recorder 2

Disc 4(79:53)
1. Intro. 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Save Us 4. Can’t Buy Me Love 5. Letting Go
6. Temporary Secretary 7. Let Me Roll It 8. I’ve Got a Feeling 9. My Valentine
10. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five 11. Here, There and Everywhere 12. Maybe I’m Amazed
13. We Can Work It Out 14. In Spite of All the Danger 15. You Won’t See Me 16. Love Me Do
17. And I Love Her 18. Blackbird 19. Here Today

Disc 5(59:39)
1. Queenie Eye 2. New 3. The Fool on the Hill 4. Lady Madonna 5. FourFiveSeconds
6. Eleanor Rigby 7. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 8. Something 9. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
10. Band on the Run 11. Back in the U.S.S.R. 12. Let It Be 13. Live and Let Die
14. Hey Jude

Disc 6(27:12)
1. Audience 2. Yesterday 3. Hi, Hi, Hi 4. Birthday 5. Golden Slumbers 6. Carry That Weight
7. The End
Uxbridge 576

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