Michael Schenker Fest / Tokyo 2016 / 2CD

Michael Schenker Fest / Tokyo 2016 / 2CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live at Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan 24th August 2016


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2016 Hard Rock Japan tour maximum of shock, “MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST” Tokyo performance of it appeared in the press CD! Michael Schenker also told me to realize the co-star of the miracle of the Graham Bonnet last year. This year, they told me to come back to take further Gary Baden, until Robin McAuley. Already became a hot topic in many places, but we have begun to be the record, is the emergence of even the finest recording to say and its star performer.
This “dream of the feast”, which has rocked the archipelago in all three performances, of this work has been recorded, “August 24, 2016: Tokyo International Forum performances”. Since this week is Osaka performances Ketteiban “OSAKA 2016 (ZODIAC 195)” is also released at the same time, let’s organize in the schedule.

– August 23: Zepp Namba “OSAKA 2016”
– August 24, 2011: Tokyo International Forum [this work] “One day off & move”
– August 26: Zepp Sapporo

The next day of this way, the present work is in Osaka. In the Great Hall site and became “Tokyo International Forum” is proud of about 5,000 seats, visit to Japan this time, let alone, it was the largest to become the highlight performance in recent years of Michael performances. Such of a large most were captured, the name recording artist one of the best in the Kanto area. “OSAKA 2016” was a masterpiece of Mr. “West strongest taper”, but is a virtuoso this work also should call even with the “East of the master craftsman”. In fact, the sound of this work is really great audience sound. We inhale plenty of vivid and air feeling of the scene in “like the sound board” is referred to as, but clear of the musical tone, the beauty of the “sound” comparable to the line recording. This time is not raised greatly increased time also, but’s the overwhelming musical tone to overwhelm even the enthusiasm.
And, Tokyo performances overwhelmingly drawn by its quality. Usually, Japan tour the first day is easy to be affected of the time difference, tend to his real is exhibited on or after the second day. On the other hand, the age of the members is only age, I always have been worried about showing off performances every day, this time out with Gil. It is full of spirit to face the large venue, band uplink tone. Whether the set of about 90 minutes per performance this time has paid off,’s the Ageage atmosphere with plenty of enthusiastic performance enough to add up to “Cry For The Nations,” which did not do in Osaka rather than tiring.
Especially nice is Graham. Voice of Graham also became a topic as “amazing than last year” in Osaka is further increasing the force, “Assault Attack” was tattered in the wrong configuration also as possible beautifully sing! But was supported in Doogie White last year, it is also useless. On obviously last year, it resounds in Osaka more than the name of ayat. It will also be expected to “Dancer” in strict treble, but still sense of scale with plenty of singing voice that can not be only in Graham, still more than Osaka. This song only, but Baden and Macquarie is served as a back vocal, it is nice also (probably with Macquarie) falsetto of support. Above all from it, also great Tokyo air feeling to witness the first time Michael & Graham. I do not know what was recorded in what position, but it was even ferocious chorus surging wind pressure is in the field, Shoikomi behind faintly such a large chorus in this work, as if against positive to Graham and squarely. Without any nearby singing voice, Baden bass chorus also a Katsuaki as can be seen clearly, is the grand climax and superb sound is wonderfully compatible.
Speaking of songs that three singer-lined, one more song. It is “Doctor Doctor” of Angkor. This is also a huge listening far from. While piecing sing Baden → Macquarie and the main is in Osaka, Graham rust of “Doctor, dcotor, please,” but was only, Graham from No. 1 in Tokyo is the main! Then, we will turn to the Baden → Macquarie, but … Nante ultra-classic of UFO in that manly voice to listen. Since the shock withdrawal of 1983, 33 New Year’s Eve the moment the dream come true of you listen in the best sound. Speaking of the luxury is why I wanted to hear the whole volume in Graham, but Baden successor to both stunning Macquarie singing voice. In particular, the voice quality of Macquarie in the heroic to surprisingly, extend well up to treble. “Save Yourself” song have as well, while husky even “Shoot Shoot”, “Rock Bottom” of UFO resounding voice with tension, to be heard afford sings hot rock feel and delicate tune. Hairstyle nightmare such as rice paddle of 1988 is not forgotten yet, but I think in many people that were reviewed in this visit to Japan.

Just “miracle of the feast”. Graham me fascinated followed by a “dream” in the last year, of the original voice that was caked in soul Baden, and far from your decline knowing that now, Macquarie to hear the beautiful voice that further became skillfully. In addition to the singing voice, it is bliss live album moving the masterpieces in history from the next to the next. Overnight highlight in this visit to Japan. Put on the best sound, it will be delivered to your handy.

2016年のハードロック来日公演最大の衝撃、“MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST”の東京公演がプレスCDで登場です! 昨年もグラハム・ボネットとの奇跡の共演を実現してくれたマイケル・シェンカー。今年は、さらにゲイリー・バーデン、ロビン・マッコーリーまで連れて戻ってきてくれました。すでに各所で話題となり、その記録も出始めておりますが、その真打ちとも言うべき極上録音の登場です。
今回の“夢の饗宴”は、全3公演で列島を揺るがしましたが、本作が記録されたのは「2016年8月24日:東京国際フォーラム公演」。今週は大阪公演の決定盤『OSAKA 2016(ZODIAC 195)』も同時リリースされますので、日程で整理しておきましょう。

・8月23日:Zepp Namba 『OSAKA 2016』
・8月24日:東京国際フォーラム 【本作】
・8月26日:Zepp Sapporo

このように本作は大阪公演の翌日。現場となった“東京国際フォーラム”は約5,000席を誇る大ホールで、今回の来日はおろか、近年のマイケル公演でも最大級となるハイライト公演でした。そんな大一番を捉えたのは、関東圏でも屈指の名録音家。『OSAKA 2016』は“西日本最強テーパー”氏の名作でしたが、本作も“東日本の名匠”とでも呼ぶべき名手です。実際、本作のサウンドは実に素晴らしいオーディエンス・サウンド。「まるでサウンドボード」と呼ぶには現場の生々しさと空気感もタップリ吸い込んでいますが、楽音のクリアさ、“鳴り”の美しさはライン録音にも匹敵。今回はいつにも増して大いに盛り上がったわけですが、その熱狂さえも制圧する絶大な楽音なのです。
そして、そのクオリティで描かれる東京公演は圧倒的。通常、来日公演は初日は時差の影響が出やすく、2日目以降に本領が発揮されがち。その一方、メンバーの年齢が年齢だけに、連日公演の披露も心配されたわけですが、今回は吉と出た。大会場に臨む気迫に充ち満ちており、バンドは上り調子。今回は1公演につき90分ほどのセットなのが功を奏したのか、疲れるどころか大阪ではやらなかった「Cry For The Nations」まで追加するほどアゲアゲな雰囲気たっぷりの熱演なのです。
特に素晴らしいのはグラハム。大阪でも「昨年より凄い」と話題になったグラハムの声はさらに迫力を増しており、構成を間違えてボロボロだった「Assault Attack」も見事に歌いきる! 昨年はドゥギー・ホワイトにサポートされていましたが、それも無用。明らかに昨年上、大阪以上の名唱を轟かせています。さすがに「Dancer」では高音が厳しくもなりますが、それでもグラハムでしかあり得ないスケール感たっぷりの歌声は、やはり大阪以上。この曲のみ、バーデンとマッコーリーがバックヴォーカルを務めますが、(恐らくマッコーリーと思われる)ファルセットのサポートもナイスです。それより何より、マイケル&グラハムを初めて目の当たりにする東京の空気感も素晴らしい。どういうポジションで録音されたのか分かりませんが、現場では風圧さえ押し寄せる猛烈な大合唱だったものの、本作ではそんな大合唱をうっすらと背後に背負い込み、グラハムと真正面に正対するかのよう。近くの歌声もなく、バーデンの低音コーラスもハッキリ分かるほど克明で、盛大な盛り上がりと極上のサウンドが見事に両立しているのです。
3人のシンガーが立ち並ぶ曲と言えば、もう1曲。アンコールの「Doctor Doctor」です。これがまた巨大な聴きどころ。大阪ではバーデン→マッコーリーとメインを歌い継ぎつつ、グラハムはサビの「Doctor, dcotor, please」だけでしたが、東京では1番からグラハムがメイン! その後、バーデン→マッコーリーと回していきますが、あの雄々しい声でUFOの超名曲が聴けるなんて……。1983年の電撃脱退以来、33年越しの夢が叶った瞬間が極上サウンドで聴けるのです。贅沢を言えばグラハムで全編聴きたかったわけですが、後を継ぐバーデンもマッコーリーも見事な歌声。特にマッコーリーの声質は意外なほどにヒロイックで、高音まで良く伸びる。持ち歌の「Save Yourself」はもとより、UFOの「Shoot Shoot」「Rock Bottom」でもハスキーながら張りのある声を響かせ、熱いロック感と細やかな節回しで歌いこなす余裕も聞かせる。1988年のシャモジのような髪型の悪夢が未だに忘れられませんが、今回の来日で見直された方も多いのではないでしょうか。


Disc 1 (54:38)
1. Intro 2. Opening S.E. 3. Into the Arena 4. Attack of the Mad Axeman (with Gary Barden)
5. Victim of Illusion (with Gary Barden) 6. Cry For The Nations (with Gary Barden)
7. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (with Gary Barden) 8. Armed and Ready (with Gary Barden)
9. Coast to Coast 10. Assault Attack (with Graham Bonnet) 11. Desert Song (with Graham Bonnet)
12. Dancer (with Graham Bonnet, Gary Barden & Robin McAuley)

Disc 2 (47:33)
1. Captain Nemo
2. This Is My Heart (with Robin McAuley) 3. Save Yourself (with Robin McAuley)
4. Love Is Not a Game (with Robin McAuley) 5. Shoot Shoot (with Robin McAuley)
6. Rock Bottom (with Gary Barden, Graham Bonnet & Robin McAuley)

Michael Schenker – Guitar Gary Barden – Vocal Graham Bonnet – Vocal Robin McAuley – Vocal
Chris Glen – Bass Ted McKenna – Drums Steve Mann – Guitar, Keyboards


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