Metallica / Legendary Quartet First & Last / 2CD

Metallica / Legendary Quartet First & Last / 2CD / Zodiac

Translated text:
Live at The Stone, San Francisco, CA. USA 5th March 1983


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Zodiac 095

“Mirror by mirror,” the strongest, best metal band “What? It is, of course, METALLICA !! Dave & Cliff containing” very early METALLICA title to deliver Following was a sensation “NO LIFE ‘TIL MEGAFORCE” is, stick to “four golden” that James Hetfield / Lars Ulrich / Dave Mustaine / Cliff Burton, is a live album that was spelled in the existing best master. Now, why do not we try to experience the “apex of heavy metal music”!

“Mustaine and …… When Cliff is me have much to METALLICA”, although among fans is a word that is Tweeted even after ’30, time that is lined with actually Mustaine and Cliff is very short. In the first rehearsal of METALLICA & Cliff is “December 28, 1982”, Mustaine that has been fired so “April 11, 1983”, indeed about three months and a half, was only 105 days. Speaking of music left in the meantime, studio demos and 2 song was recorded also in the “NO LIFE ‘TIL MEGAFORCE”, only 4 times live. This work, and its “four golden” premiere of “March 5, 1983”, was recorded press last Live “April 9, 1983” from the best audience master.
What is on disc 1, “March 5, 1983” on the first day. Cliff is a stage in’ve joined “home that is transferred to San Francisco” in the conditions, became the new home ground club? The Stone “. In you are surprised to Great sound that pop out by pressing the start button quotient. history was little no four rare band, premiere of a one-time. regardless it also, thundering musical tone that was firmly of the core in the wonderfully clear. Although the audience recording from small enter speech I must , it is a common “poor bass” unrelated great sound with such as “distant drum”, I even lightly take effect on vocals hear tightly.
That should be it, this recording what the band itself was Tsu recorded by turning the open-reel. And say very early METALLICA live, you can download any “October 18, 1982 (Cliff without)” is you can famous, That said sound board recording, rhythm guitar is retracted, vocals and drum strangely it was a balance that was jumped. Even compared to it, in the present work is a natural balance,? Four golden “original sound to listen plenty. Furthermore longer Duration than any sound source of very early live, of course than the same day of its outstanding and in clear it is easy to hear several stages. definitely’s the “Kiruemu previous best”!
Live to listen in such a best sound is also great. Again, first attracted by the is solo of Mustaine. Also unlike Kirk Hammett approaching the lyrical using wow, Mustaine way to push only sword in mechanical. Yet thoroughly ruthless, catch – a phrase, is it the very MEGADETH. “Because Kirk’s weak points rhythm, riff I can play” James later to say that she would, and I equally a sharp lead guitar and riffs of the James. Indeed wrote a song, Mustaine that has grown along with the song. Both jokes today will also be also “MEGA-LLICA” concept is often topic not stick seriously, but it is actually coming into ear. Until further exceptionally talented Cliff also is not there, … that will Buchikamashi the bass solo “Pulling Teeth” from the subscriber premiere. Phew, I luxury is!
Songs is full of sparkle of “the strongest, best band”, but would like you to come to attention, and “Blitzkrieg” of ultra-Reateiku “The Prince”. In particular, “The Prince” middle of the solo is really delicious! Is also great Cliff to go at stake there historical harmony !! going overlap Mustaine to from beginning to end that tend to James to riff in other songs. Not in comparison with the first generation-based Ron Makugavu~ani that had just engrave the route, … to the column at a sharp grease and protean of line. Vie tour de force of metal is etc. any number to, I think there is so much to others one song that makes me taste the catharsis!?
Thoroughly, but is the disk 1 that makes me listen to the top of the metal, still world, that “all is perfect” does not go with. Unfortunately the first day has not been recording “Hit The Lights” of opening, there is a lack by tape change to “Whiplash”. Such “regrettable!” Disk 2 is of me calm feeling. Click here for the final day in the live in New York who came for “KILL ‘EM ALL” Production, “four golden”. It is acclaimed from overseas collectors as “mega upgrade!”, We used the same master as that recorded the long-selling “DAVE’S LAST GIG (POWERGATE 240)”. Although not as neat as disk 1 of “Best Sound”, clear of-sharpness disk 1 or more. Of course, the other very early recording is not the comparison, this also is comparable to line sources of And, “Whiplash” …… this strong force of Kiriri and point of a sword unfolds with a sharp sound “four golden”, this sharpness, the more words this rampage sore !! Nante “initial impulse” is feels Shirajirashiku, Real in tremendous !!! And I can taste in Doramate~tsu~iku flow from “Pulling Teeth”. This is the ultimate slash song that has been played more than 860 times until now, but it would be nice to just say supreme version!

And made two days after the live that the disk contains 2 to the “April 11” was to occur dismissal drama of the famous Mustaine. Live that only you revealer “history strongest band” 4 times in this world. If, Cliff even could have been again if you can bring them alive “contest of Dreams” is impossible to another absolute. This work listen to it in the best state, is a historic milestone definitely. This much of a feat, someone must be permanently saved. Let’s introduce with pride. This is what is the live album of heavy metal strongest band!

「鏡よ鏡、“最強・最高のメタルバンド”はなに? それはもちろん、デイヴ&クリフ入りのMETALLICA!!」 センセーションを巻き起こした「NO LIFE ‘TIL MEGAFORCE」に続いてお届けする極初期METALLICAタイトルは、ジェイムズ・ヘットフィールド/ラーズ・ウルリッヒ/デイヴ・ムステイン/クリフ・バートンという“黄金の4人”にこだわり、現存するベストなマスターで綴ったライヴ・アルバムです。さあ、“重金属音楽の頂点”を体験しようではありませんか!

 「ムステインとクリフがずっとMETALLICAにいてくれたら……」、ファンの間では30年経ってもつぶやかれる言葉ですが、実際にムステインとクリフが並んでいた時期はとても短い。METALLICA&クリフの初リハーサルが「1982年12月28日」で、ムステインが解雇されたのが「1983年4月11日」ですから、実に約3ヶ月半、105日間だけでした。その間に残された音楽と言えば、「NO LIFE ‘TIL MEGAFORCE」にも収録されたスタジオ・デモが2曲分と、ライヴ4回だけ。本作は、その“黄金の4人”初演の「1983年3月5日」と、ラスト・ライヴ「1983年4月9日」をベストなオーディエンス・マスターからプレス収録しました。
 ディスク1に収録されているのは、初日の「1983年3月5日」。クリフは「本拠地をサンフランシスコに移すこと」を条件に加入しましたが、新たなホームグラウンドとなったクラブ?The Stone”でのステージです。貴方は、スタートボタンを押して飛び出すグレイトなサウンドに驚かれるでしょう。歴史上わずか4回しかなかったレア・バンドの、1回限りの初演。それにも関わらず、素晴らしくクリアで芯のしっかりした楽音が轟く。小さく入る話し声からオーディエンス録音には違いないのですが、よくある「貧弱な低音」「遠いドラム」などとは無縁の素晴らしいサウンドで、ヴォーカルに軽くかかるエフェクトさえもキッチリ聞こえるのです。
 そんなベスト・サウンドで聴けるライヴがまた素晴らしい。やはり、まず惹かれるのがムステインのソロ。ワウも使って叙情的に迫るカーク・ハメットと違い、あくまでメカニカルに斬り込むムステイン。徹底的に無慈悲でありながら、キャッチ―なフレーズは、まさにMEGADETHのそれです。後にジェイムズは「カークはリズムが不得手だから、リフは俺が弾く」と言っていましたが、そのジェイムズのリフと同等に鋭いリード・ギターなのです。さすがは曲を書き、曲と共に成長してきたムステイン。現在でもジョークとも本気もつかない“MEGA-LLICA”構想がたびたび話題にもなりますが、それが実際に耳に飛び込んでくる。さらに異才クリフまでもがそこにいて、加入初演からベースソロ「Pulling Teeth」をぶちかましてくれる……。ふぅ、なんて贅沢なんだ!
 全曲が“最強・最高バンド”の輝きに満ちていますが、ぜひ注目していただきたいのは、ウルトラ・レアテイクの「Blitzkrieg」と「The Prince」。特に「The Prince」中盤のソロは本当に絶品! 他曲ではリフに終始しがちなジェイムズにムステインが重なっていく歴史的なハーモニー!! そこへ絡んでいくクリフがまた素晴らしい。ルートを刻むばかりだった初代ベースのロン・マクガヴァニーとは比較にならず、鋭いグリスや変幻自在のラインで絡む……。へヴィ・メタルの名演は数あれど、これほどカタルシスを味わわせてくれる1曲が他にあるでしょうか!?
 徹頭徹尾、メタルの頂上を聴かせてくれるディスク1ですが、やはり世の中、“総てが完璧”とはいかないもの。残念ながら初日はオープニングの「Hit The Lights」が録音されておらず、「Whiplash」にはテープチェンジによる欠けがあります。そんな“惜しい!”気持ちを鎮めてくれるのがディスク2。こちらは「KILL ‘EM ALL」製作のためにやってきたニューヨークでのライヴで、“黄金の4人”の最終日。海外コレクターから「メガ・アップグレード!」と絶賛され、ロングセラーを記録した「DAVE’S LAST GIG(POWERGATE 240)」と同じマスターを使用しました。“ベスト・サウンド”のディスク1ほど端正ではないものの、クリアさ・切れ味はディスク1以上。もちろん、他の極初期録音とは比較にならず、これまたlivemetallica.comのライン音源にも匹敵する。そして、キリリと切っ先鋭いサウンドで繰り広げられる“黄金の4人”の「Whiplash」……このド迫力、この切れ味、この暴れっぷり!! 「初期衝動」なんて言葉が白々しく感じてしまうほど、リアルで凄まじい!!! しかも「Pulling Teeth」からのドラマテッィクな流れで味わえる。現在まで860回以上演奏されてきた究極のスラッシュソングですが、まさに至高バージョンと言っていいでしょう!


Disc 1 (73:33)
Live at The Stone, San Francisco, CA. USA 5th March 1983
1. Introduction 2. The Mechanics 3. Phantom Lord 4. Jump In The Fire 5. Motorbreath 6. No Remorse 7. Seek & Destroy 8. (Anesthesia) – Pulling Teeth 9. Whiplash 10. Am I Evil ? 11. The Prince 12. Blitzkrieg 13. Metal Militia

Disc 2 (45:30)
Live at L’Amours, Brooklyn, NY. USA 9th April 1983
1. Hit The Lights 2. The Mechanics 3. Phantom Lord 4. Jump In The Fire 5. Motorbreath 6. No Remorse 7. (Anesthesia) – Pulling Teeth 8. Whiplash 9. Seek & Destroy

James Hetfield – Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dave Mustaine – Lead Guitar Lars Ulrich – Drums Cliff Burton – Bass


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