Led Zeppelin / Brussels 1980 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Brussels 1980 / 2CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium 20th June 1980


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It is thought that “BERLIN 1980: THE LAST CONCERT” is a remembrance new place from the store saying ZEP 1980 Year. Not only did it become the final day of the tour in Europe in 1980, but as a result it became the last live concert of Led Zeppelin. While there is such a historical weight, it is a delicate place to talk about the tour that represents the tour. Of course, the hyper performance in the last “Whole Lotta Love” was enough to make me think “ZEP was amazing”, but it is true that the liveliness that was in the first half of the tour was completely lost. When I dared to release Berlin the last day, the finish with no feeling of equalization of the soundboard part was highly appreciated by maniacs, and it gained a favorable reputation exceeding expectations.
In this era of the 1980 tour · soundboard there was a disappointment that it was released too quickly through the boot leg, I think that the performance content was not appreciated in fact. Rather it seems that the live sound of dead ZEP is too revealed by the soundboard recording, just being tidied up as “the last performance”. Or maybe you got drunk with the impact of sound board recording and forgot to grab the whole picture of the performance.
Certainly there may be no more ZIR which inflated the glittering sound up to the year 77, or improvisation freely. However, it was the 1980 tour with Nebworth that they began to change the route to a compact and tight sound, feeling the change in the era called the ’80s. Originally it should have been able to further deepen ….

So this time ZEP will originally launched the 80th anniversary of the enthusiasm and spirit that is supposed to be transmitted. Two sound titles from the leg of the June June were released at once, firstly on 20th June Brussels. The ZEP in June is filled with the pleasure of group revival and the pleasure that we were able to start the tour again, so that every day lively vitality is transmitted. Even so, Brussels is suitable for calling “the early stage tour.” It makes me listen at once in a lively performance. On this day our shop has had a record of releasing audience recording titled “RAID OVER BRUSSELS” before, but this time sound board recording.
Winston Remasters familiar with what became the basis. Soundboard and audience recording each use the first generation generation copy of the Rogane sound source and the show is fully recorded. Soundboard recording belongs to the second generation release among a series of 1980 tour sound sources. A nostalgic condor CD appeared divided into two parts “PLATINUM” and “STRAITJACKET”. At the time they were released, it remembered that it was not so popular performances, but in the situation where ZEP’s live sound sources are all present, the liveliness of the first half of the 80 years tour has been reexamined It is.

Brussels this time is the top one. The opening “Train Kept A Rollin ‘” (which is a testimony that tried to return to the beginning) since 1969 is originally an up-tempo performance, but from there “Black Dog” there is clear momentum and liveliness Origin is transmitted. There is a motivated ZEP there. After the furious period of the early stages of the tour, ZEP again wraps the world in flames … It is a good place to record sound board sounds. Besides, it is felt that ZEP of this day is definitely “getting on” from the place where he is outrageously unexpectedly in the “greeting of Paige” corner which appears before “Black Dog” starts.
That’s right, as Brussels became a pleasure in the 80-year tour, it is likely that Paige’s strong performance on this day is a major factor. Perhaps it may have been less sweat than usual (lol), but Paige ‘s play is shining like playing with momentum in the roughness peculiar in 80 years. On this day the plant’s voice was in the first half of the show, perhaps the feeling of covering it was working.
It was no exaggeration to say that Paige’s nightly gateway was an exaggeration, but the intro of “Hot Dog” was surprised at the smoothness that I wanted to call the best of the 80 year tour. Despite being beyond the scope of Copenhagen it is possible to see how Paige will survive this moment too. This song is the best example, but the big difference between the 80 years tour with Nebworth is the situation that the album “IN THROUGH THE OUTDOOR” was released and a big hit was recorded. That’s why when “All My Love” starts, the venue boasts more than ever. It is the privilege of the active band that can make the venue boast with the songs from the latest album.
From this performance that the band was united with this song, “Trampled Underfoot” is the shine of Paige in the songs of the former year “Since I’ve Been Loving You”. Are not you playing nice feeling either way? If I can keep this level after the 80 year tour in July … I can not help thinking so. Anyway Paige is on board a ride, “Achilles Last Stand” finally gets mistaken for musical composition of momentum, but it is reliable because the other three people advance without playing at all. Though Paige started “White Summer”, I was worried that the audience will not keep calm. I feel that this day is promoting attention as “Wait a moment and let me quiet” Because it was playing.
In this way Winston Remasters made the best version of Brussels, a masterpiece from Europe in 80 years without a doubt. It adjusts precisely between the ending of the “The Rain Song” missing in sound board recording and the encore time on the same audience recording. Separately, such editing itself is not new, but it is very good that neither source has a sense of equalization. Below Paige, enthusiastic ZEP has captured the brilliance that Brussels fascinated with the best condition in a limited press CD. If you listen to the 80 year tour, first of all from here!

当店からのZEP1980年ツアーと言えば「BERLIN 1980 : THE LAST CONCERT」が記憶に新しいところかと思われます。80年ヨーロッパ・ツアー最終日となっただけでなく、結果としてレッド・ツェッペリン最後のライブ・コンサートになってしまった一日。そういった歴史的な重みがある一方でツアーを代表する名演かと言えば微妙なところ。もちろんラストの「Whole Lotta Love」におけるハイパーなパフォーマンスは「やはりZEPは凄かった」と思わせるに十分なものではありましたが、ツアー前半にあった活気がすっかり消え失せていたのは事実。そこを敢えて最終日のベルリンを最初にリリースしてみたところ、サウンドボード・パートのイコライズ感がない仕上がりがマニアに高く評価され、予想を上回る好評を博す結果となりました。

そこで今回はZEPが本来目指していたであろう意気込みや気迫が伝わってくる80年ツアー6月のレグからの音源を一挙に二タイトル・リリース、まずは6月20日のブリュッセル。6月のZEPはグループ再生の喜びや再びツアーを始めることができた喜びがあふれており、どの日もいきいきとした活力が伝わって来るもの。そんな中でもブリュッセルは「ツアー序盤の名演」と呼ぶにふさわしい。活気にあふれたパフォーマンスで一気に聴かせてくれるのです。この日は当店が以前「RAID OVER BRUSSELS」というタイトルでオーディエンス録音をリリースした実績がありますが、今回はサウンドボード録音。
元になったのはおなじみWinston Remasters。サウンドボードとオーディエンス録音それぞれがファースト・ジェネレーション・コピーのロージェネ音源を使い、ショーを完全収録させています。サウンドボード録音は一連の1980年ツアー音源の中においては第二世代リリースに属するもの。懐かしのコンドルCDが「PLATINUM」と「STRAITJACKET」と2パートに分かれて登場しました。それらがリリースされた当時はそれほど人気のある公演ではなかったように記憶しますが、これだけZEPのライブ音源が出揃った状況の中で、80年ツアー前半の活気というのが見直されるようになってきたのです。

その筆頭に挙げられるのが今回のブリュッセル。1969年以来となるオープニングの「Train Kept A Rollin’」(これこそ初心に帰ろうとした証でしょう)は元々アップテンポな演奏ですが、そこから「Black Dog」にかけて、はっきりとした勢いや活気といった元が伝わってくる。やる気満々のZEPがそこにいる。ツアー序盤の手探りな時期を終え、再びZEPが世界を炎に包んでみせる…そんな気迫が伝わってくるのがサウンドボード録音のいいところ。おまけに「Black Dog」を始める前で登場する「ペイジの挨拶」コーナーで彼がいつになく饒舌なところからも、この日のZEPがはっきり「乗れてる」様子が感じられる。
ペイジにとって毎晩の関門だと言っても過言ではなかった「Hot Dog」のイントロは80年ツアーのベストと呼びたくなる滑らかさに驚き。さすがにコペンハーゲンの域には及ばないものの、ここでも勢いで乗り切ってしまうペイジの様子が伺えます。この曲が最たる例なのですが、ネブワースと80年ツアーの大きな違いとしてはアルバム「IN THROUGH THE OUTDOOR」がリリースされて大ヒットを記録したという状況が挙げられるでしょう。だからこそ「All My Love」が始まると会場がそれまで以上に沸き上がる。最新のアルバムからの曲で会場を沸かせられるのは、現役バンドの特権。
この曲でバンドが一丸となった演奏から「Trampled Underfoot」に「Since I’ve Been Loving You」という往年の曲におけるペイジの輝き。どちらでもいい感じに弾きまくってるではないですか。80年ツアーが7月に入ってからもこのレベルを維持できていられたら…そう思わずにはいられません。とにかくペイジが乗りに乗っているので「Achilles Last Stand」では遂に勢い余って曲の構成を間違えてしまいますが、他の三人がまったく揺るがずに演奏が進んでくれるのだから頼もしい。ペイジが「White Summer」を始めたものの、観客が静まらないことが気になったのか「ちょっと待って、静かにしてもらえるかな」と注意を促しているのも、この日がいい感じに弾けていたからこそ。
こうして疑いなしに80年ヨーロッパからの名演であるブリュッセルのベスト・バージョンをWinston Remastersが作り上げてくれました。サウンドボード録音で欠損している「The Rain Song」のエンディングとアンコールの合間を同日のオーディエンス録音で緻密にアジャスト。別にこうした編集自体は目新しいものではないのですが、どちらの音源もイコライズ感のない状態なのがとてもいい。ペイジ以下、やる気満々のZEPがブリュッセルで魅せた輝きを最高の状態で限定のプレスCDに封じ込めています。80年ツアーを聴くならまずはここから!

Disc 1 (73:44)
1. Intro 2. Train Kept a Rollin’ 3. Nobody’s Fault But Mine 4. Black Dog 5. In The Evening
6. Rain Song 7. Hot Dog 8. All My Love 9. Trampled Underfoot 10. Since I’ve Been Loving You
11. Achilles Last Stand

Disc 2 (50:28)
1. MC 2. White Summer / Black Mountainside 3. Kashmir 4. Stairway to Heaven
5. Rock and Roll 6. Whole Lotta Love


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