Led Zeppelin / Kyoto 1972 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Kyoto 1972  / 2CD / Non Label

Translated Text:

Live at Kyoto Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan 10th October 1972


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By this 1972 Led Zeppelin Japan tour title of the shop has been released, his second visit to Japan performance is not inferior than first visit to Japan, music of the ZEP was a time that began to change fundamentally I think we were me painfully aware that. It does not come out the voice of the plant at the beginning of the live … When such is condemned to a degree, so that the result in that listening to the ZEP of the last time throb kept the still young. What is overlooked most Among such does not help but seems to be in Kyoto performances became the live of the last day in Japan 72 years.
After the summer of the United States Tour end, it is ZEP regained the tone in Tokyo twice the performance was the first live action, but in the subsequent Osaka twice performances, shows off a great performance. In particular, live in Osaka the second day but is ZEP was me showing off a margin enough to show off the “Stand By My” in encore, despite Kyoto performances this time be released was the next day of live, than before will work short rounded up I had it in the negative, there was a feeling that was condemned and he especially day impression is thinner in the second time of the Japan tour. The cause of the Kyoto performance has been overlooked in the other, also mentioned that the item of the day was not much there. Especially Budokan world of difference when compared with the first day and Osaka the second day.

Do you really of ’72 Kyoto performance was live impression is thin, or lackluster so much? No, it is different. Certainly playing time is short, it would be a big minus point that at the time of the new song “should be called Dancing Days and the Acoustic Corner” Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp “has had been cut. This “today Sumaseyo will short” clearly ZEP side is is evidence of that worked intention. But please try to listen to the actual performance in this release, such as the voice of the plant to listen in “Rock And Roll” of the opening, do not have sing firmly than any other day of the ’72 tour to Japan. There is only the thing has continued to truly live from Budokan.
Than the tour dates that were placed between the case of the ZEP, but who at the time of the place schedule continued There is a common sense if mania is that likely to be full throttle, the goodness of tone that this day corresponds to it exactly . Among them, plant it will stand out. Rather, much more of Paige has had playing the hunting downside phrase in “Misty Mountain Hop”. But even he will Midareyo, rhythm that was me showing off the absolutely unwavering strong the first time. Among them, Bonzo is can ask to be a fairly upper state in the top condition from opening. But is this explosion drumming, still the place seems still youthful point that has been devised in the sense of groove 72 years. Of ’73 Europe Chodokyu drumming and it would have been knocked out or different charm.
The first half is easy to understand because the result contains at once fired up when it comes to Paige also new song corner irregularities had been glimpses of the play (laughs). So, if this day would have been introduced as “The Campaign,” “The Song Remains The Same”, just inspiration to overflowing phrase after another. The speedy play of the frame in the unique that this smoothness even in ’72 just astonished. When it comes to “Dazed And Confused”, about me to hear to play word spirited applies snugly.

Will that went up on the stage was out with Gil in the going to be rather short live, ZEP feel the youthful momentum from the opening is me in rapid succession produced a great performance of the day in a live late. First, “Stairway To Heaven”. Unfortunately, both the two types of audience recording existing are cut and uneven rotation occurs in this song, the realization of even combined both full inclusion and stable state is impossible. Of course, this time there can be up to edit the combined two of the source, but only in anyway playing great, this state will be spared. But it is still a performance that deserves to listen, free play rolled sense of Paige in the end, I think that there is more to the plant kept the youth Scream is the last of the live versions that were sung in the studio of a version closer to atmosphere and, probably longer range of historical masterpiece.
More than that historical masterpiece, yet that has become a kind of finale, “Over The Hills And Far Away”. The first place itself that was played in the second half of the live, a new song treats I very rare occasions even in this time, impressive for the singing voice of the plant in the rare more than that. It frequently paid is Gong his throat was played in the second half of live is an engine fully open, I plant has become the last of the live version of the fully sing the song in the studio version of the melody! From the Budokan to Osaka the second day, in already of ’72 tour to Japan, dying an honorable death to cause a scene has captured every day as he will sing this song in the original melody. But only on this day, the scene that the plant thanks to that has been played in this position is demonstrated by fully sing that high melody line, the fact that the finale was in Kyoto, too big fact for Japan ZEP fan of.
The end of “Whole Lotta Love” is also great lively performance and deployment in! From before you start to play the intro, enliven Paige and Bonzo is the venue in the ad-lib phrase of hard atmosphere atmosphere, in front of the best condition of the plant following the song, but it what free medley deployment in the United States beams 72 summer Scream. Again this only ZEP now that time on the live sound source receive enough has elapsed, the sense of groove of youthful ZEP drifting in ’72 Japan tour is the best. Even in this time of day-to-day maturity and the stadium starting from 1973 was being approached, ZEP should not be relied forbidden surprise that had been showing off a great performance, such as “Over The Hills And Far Away” in the small hall of the Kyoto .

And that the happy, you such valuable Kyoto performances are left with a very good audience recording. Examples of “Stairway To Heaven” trouble is there are things that lit hard to regret, surprisingly stunning recording condition me to catch the sense of realism or different on sound image, little more than anything venue and Osaka two days excellent thing was. It does not extend to the realm of the truly Budokan first day, but still there is no doubt it is a high-quality recording.
Nevertheless, the “MIRAGE” which was released before nearly two decades from now, despite the assessment of the best title, a state in which the equalization is applied to reflect the trend of the time, more of the sound source It is what the Journal in a natural state has been craving between ZEP mania. This time, by the availability of high-order master, honor High of Kyoto sound source best source of that exist two kinds, limited press CD release in a state in which taking advantage of the natural of this sound source was realized. The spark was great performance of ZEP that stand out in the second half live, you finally enjoy the faithful state to the original sound. The fact is that of the ’72 Kyoto day was that you … can re-confirmation so great performance has finally arrived!

夏のアメリカ・ツアー・終了後、最初のライブ活動だった東京二回の公演で調子を取り戻したZEPですが、続く大阪二回の公演において、素晴らしい演奏を披露しています。特に大阪二日目のライブはアンコールで「Stand By My」を披露するほどの余裕を見せつけてくれたZEPですが、今回リリースされる京都公演が翌日のライブだったにもかかわらず、それまでより短めに切り上げてしまったことがマイナスに働いてしまい、二度目の来日公演の中でも特に印象が薄い日だと決めつけられた感がありました。他に京都公演が見過ごされた原因としては、この日のアイテムがあまり存在しなかったことも挙げられます。特に武道館初日や大阪二日目と比べれば雲泥の差。

果たして72年の京都公演がそれほどまでに印象が薄い、あるいは精彩を欠いたライブだったのでしょうか?いいえ、それは違います。確かに演奏時間は短く、当時の新曲「Dancing Daysとアコースティック・コーナーと呼ぶべき「Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp」がカットされてしまった点は大きなマイナス・ポイントでしょう。これは明らかにZEP側が「今日は短く済ませよう」という意思が働いたことの証拠です。しかし今回のリリースで実際の演奏を聴いてみてください、オープニングの「Rock And Roll」で聴かせるプラントの声など、72年来日公演のどの日よりもしっかりと歌えているではないですか。さすがに武道館からライブを続けてきただけのことはあります。
ZEPの場合は間を置いたツアー日程よりも、続けて行われたスケジュールの時の方がエンジン全開になりやすいということはマニアなら常識ではありますが、この日が正にそれに該当する調子の良さ。中でもプラントはそれが際立っています。むしろペイジの方が「Misty Mountain Hop」で乱調気味なフレーズを弾いてしまったくらい。しかし彼が乱れようとも、一切揺るぎない好調ぶりを見せつけてくれたのがリズム隊。中でもボンゾはオープニングからトップ・コンディションで相当にアッパーな状態であることが伺えます。この爆裂ドラミングですが、やはりまだまだ若々しいグルーブ感の中で編み出されている点が72年らしいところ。73年ヨーロッパの超弩級ドラミングとはまた違った魅力にノックアウトされてしまう。
前半はプレイのムラが見え隠れしていたペイジも新曲コーナーになると一気に気合が入ってしまうから解りやすい(笑)。そう、この日は「The Campaign」と紹介された「The Song Remains The Same」になると、正に閃きに溢れたフレーズが続出。この滑らかさも72年という枠内ならではのスピーディなプレイに舌を巻くばかり。それが「Dazed And Confused」になると、奔放という言葉がぴったりと当てはまるプレイまで聴かせてくれるほど。

むしろ短いライブにするつもりでステージに上がったことが吉と出たのでしょう、オープニングから若々しい勢いを感じさせるZEPはライブ終盤でこの日の名演を矢継ぎ早に生み出してくれます。まずは「Stairway To Heaven」。残念ながら現存する二種類のオーディエンス録音はどちらもこの曲でカットや回転ムラが生じており、両方を合わせても完全収録と安定した状態の実現は不可能です。もちろん今回も二つのソースを合わせた最長編集ではありますが、何しろ演奏が素晴らしいだけに、この状態は惜しまれます。それでも聴くに値する演奏であり、終盤におけるペイジの自由な弾きまくり感、それ以上に若さを保ったプラントのスクリームがスタジオ・バージョン寄りの雰囲気で歌われた最後のライブ・バージョンであることを考えると、もはや歴史的名演の域でしょう。
それ以上に歴史的名演、それでいてある種のフィナーレとなってしまったのが「Over The Hills And Far Away」。そもそもライブの後半で演奏されたということ自体が、新曲扱いであるこの時期においても非常にレアな場面なのですが、それ以上にレアで感動的なのがプラントの歌声。彼の喉がエンジン全開であるライブの後半に演奏されたことが功を奏し、プラントがこの曲をスタジオ・バージョンの旋律で歌い切れた最後のライブ・バージョンとなっているのです!武道館から大阪二日目まで、既に72年の来日公演において、彼がこの曲を元の旋律で歌おうとして玉砕してしまう場面が連日捉えられています。ところがこの日に限って、この位置に演奏されたおかげでプラントがあの高いメロディ・ラインを歌い切って見せた場面、そのフィナーレが京都だったという事実は、日本のZEPファンにとってあまりに大きな事実。
終盤の「Whole Lotta Love」における躍動感あふれる演奏や展開がまた素晴らしい!イントロを弾き始める前から、ペイジとボンゾがハードな雰囲気のアドリブ・フレーズで会場の雰囲気を盛り上げ、前の曲に続いて絶好調なプラントが、それこそ72年夏のアメリカばりに自由なメドレー展開でスクリーム。やはりこれだけZEPのライブ音源が出揃った上で時間が経過した今、72年来日公演で漂う若々しいZEPのグルーブ感は最高です。1973年から始まる円熟とスタジアムの日々が迫りつつあったこの時期でも、ZEPが京都の小さなホールで「Over The Hills And Far Away」のような名演を披露していたことには驚きを禁じえません。

そして嬉しいことに、そんな貴重な京都公演が非常に良好なオーディエンス録音で残されているのです。例の「Stairway To Heaven」トラブルはいかんともしがたいものがありますが、驚くほど見事な録音状態は大阪二日間とはまた違ったオンな音像、何よりも小さな会場の臨場感をキャッチしてくれた優秀なもの。さすがに武道館初日の域にまでは及ばないのですが、それでも上質な録音であることに疑いの余地はありません。

Disc 1 (56:10)
1. Intro. 2. Rock And Roll 3. Black Dog 4. Misty Mountain Hop 5. Since I’ve Been Loving You
6. The Song Remains The Same 7. The Rain Song 8. Dazed And Confused

Disc 2 (40:46)
1. Stairway To Heaven 2. Over The Hills And Far Away 3. Whole Lotta Love
4. Immigrant Song


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