Judas Priest / Visual Metalogy Deluxe Expanded Edition / 2DVD

Judas Priest / Visual Metalogy Deluxe Expanded Edition / 2DVD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Definitive Edition of Film Anthology 1978-2011


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Steel DVD in human history, the strongest matchless was born! Of 1978 is ancient!: “REMASTERD VISUAL METALOGY” a large increase, 54 song, the video of the 23 types I was revived in DVD2 Disc press of large volume that spans four hours really JUDAS PRIEST professional shot collection of legendary one that until “EPITAPH tour” came to an Richie Faulkner from the first concert in Japan, was covered in beautiful professional shots of the history of the numerous steel god of 33 years. Also you have a already issued, even if you’re a “Nanisore?” Let me introduce the contents of a matchless powerful steel video.

[First visit to Japan in 1978 (5 songs + live television appearance two songs)] Led to the “Daimon of Kiev”, this work beginning with the letter of “JUDAS PRIEST” is floating. It is a worthy opening to the weight of history video. To appear for the first time, television video first Japan tour of the familiar. It is a quality that is bleeding as compared to the image you want to appear in the middle or later, but the sound quality is also a record high at the highest version that you can watch right now. Japanese ticker cheers and yellow female fans will feel the era. Such as directing fantastic costumes and you have a natural nobleman, the figure of the previous gods called “God” is still dazzling!
It is a masterpiece image you aberrant valuable but suddenly, weirdness of this work …… it is still have a long way to go.

[(1 song clip & mime three songs + live) 1978? 1979] Then appearing on “KILLING MACHINE” era. “Rock Forever,” “The Green Manalishi” is the addition of a new video. Costumes Rob Halford is the same as Garatsu, the image of a tough leather and studs! Only JUDAS PRIEST, which has been reform in the visual heavy metal, what video tells you their true value again.
“When heavy metal is? Either was born” is the proposition that is frequently voiced. However, just this does not mean born in a day. “Exiter” places a heaven, tack shine on stage! Please check the best professional video of this work, the transition that …… which marks a “declaration God” in the “BRITISH STEEL”

[1983 ROCK POP FESTIVAL (7 songs live)] One of the highlights of this work. It is a familiar image of the “DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH” era, but this quality is not a familiar! Fiery beauty of the digital master to be Japan’s first public, intensity of stereo audio. Only very famous, OZZY OSBOURNE, DEF LEPPARD, MSG, and SCORPIONS, this upgrade was the ultra-luxurious lineup to see rare history on this festival is! Shock, but only IRON MAIDEN is successful formulation. It was stand out one step. However, I realized the quality JUDAS PRIEST MAIDEN also lined up in time!
In particular, has been unveiled in conjunction with the prior single “Freewheel Burning”, metal ultimate performance! , Plain!’s Most dazzling metallic luster in human history

[(1 songs live eight songs + mime) 1984? 1985] Famous, along with the “ROCK POP FESTIVAL” “THE TUBE” starring video also increased to three songs → 5 songs! Three songs of mime “Freewheel Burning” and “LIVE AID 1985” also is a new video. The combination of broadcast different, “LIVE AID 1985” was assembled into the longest-best version in particular. This is what! Metal please scared to super beautiful image quality “Living After Midnight” and “The Green Manalishi”. And enjoy it !!! plenty golden age of golden age during the “DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH” era

[1990 (5 live songs)] It recorded a total of five songs in two professional shot very popular “PAINKILLER” era! Of “CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS FORUM”, “Hell Bent For Leather” is a new excavation video. Happy Even more Irvine performances. If you are stuck in my mind History video in the “METAL WORKS ’73? ’93” Also I think in a lot. Three letters of “heavy metal”, such as in the form, the legendary stage! I can watch more in the beautiful image quality

[(4 songs promo 1 songs + live) 1997? 1998] 22 track after this is a new video all! First PV and live from the “JUGUATOR”. Official DVD “LIVE IN LONDON” will occur to say Ripper Owens era, but it was one of the incomplete combustion reckless schedule was Tata~tsu. He Was Cool really “JUGUATOR” era. It is often thought Ririshi is it of “Leather systemic” as seen in this video, and black history in fearless! Now, but please check with the eyes of your own again, the brilliance of the Ripper “young guardian” was something that.

[(2 songs interview + live songs + 8 Promo) 2004? 2008] And to the golden age again from Rob return. You can see the figure of Katsuaki gods going regained momentum in the video of seven. It is the era of various official images have been published, but are not seen only here three songs acoustic live. Screen haze in tears …… how much beauty and moist of “Diamonds And Rust”, a mellow expressive power of the new song in “Worth Fighting For”. Surprising one side of steel God is placed in contact in mind, it is a treasure video gem.
In addition, the appearance of the scene in 2006, “VH1 ROCK HONORS” is also a must-see. Appeared in the familiar pose each other playing the instruments of each other, coolness of jokes grazing quadruple front suddenly. It is a performance that is allowed only in “God” exactly!

[(7 + songs in live medley contest) 2011] The three kinds of the latest video organization KK Downing retired, Richie Faulkner has joined. In addition to seven songs pattern of “EPITAPH tour”, when it is starring talent excavation program to “AMERICAN IDOL” points of maximum is “Living After Midnight / Breaking The Law” medley.
It was a special performance for the finale of season 10 with a duet with James Durbin became a topic to sing a metal song in the show. It is not in this video, but, “We’ll have to thank the program and James. I because I was delivered to the living room of the United States many times the metal (Rob)” Glenn Tipton and Rob you have appeared on the program “I am leaving a comment James was extruded at the forefront of entertainment metal.’s great that this is (Glenn) “. In “US FESTIVAL 1983”, it will be words to say just because they were conveyed in visual “This is metal” in the living room of the United States.

More, I introduce the 54 songs 33 years at a gallop. Us who continued rewriting the “definition of heavy metal” in a variety of scriptures is JUDAS PRIEST, but where it listed several albums anymore, you will not be able to exhaust a topic of heavy metal. However, this work until super beautiful digital image of the 21st century from the recording of precious 70s, spelled at the highest quality, best sound quality version of as much as possible, itself “history of metal” the changing along with the changing times. Best answer to the Zen riddle of “What? With heavy metal”, what it is the essence of this work. Predecessors in the UK, make-Pink Floyd “atom heart mother” is appropriate to what this work.

“The Way of Judas Priest will be the way of heavy metal!”

One that is biting at the eye and ear the essence of one genre Unusual glory, to your fingertips in 2-Disc DVD press of permanent preservation by all means!

人類史上、最強無比の鋼鉄DVDが誕生しました! 伝説のJUDAS PRIESTプロショット集「VISUAL METALOGY:REMASTERD」が大増量、23種類の映像が54曲分、実に4時間に及ぶ大ボリュームのプレスDVD2枚組で甦ったのです!! 古くは1978年の初来日公演からリッチー・フォークナーを迎えた“EPITAPHツアー”まで、33年間の鋼鉄神の歴史を数々の美麗プロショットで網羅した1本。既発をお持ちの方も、「ナニソレ?」な方にも、強力無比な鋼鉄映像の中身をご紹介いたしましょう。

「キエフの大門」に導かれ、「JUDAS PRIEST」の文字が浮かんで始まる本作。歴史映像の重みに相応しいオープニングです。最初に登場するのは、お馴染みの初来日公演のテレビ映像。中盤以降に登場する映像に比べて滲みのある画質ですが、現在観られる最高バージョンで音質も過去最高。女性ファンの黄色い歓声や日本語テロップが時代を感じさせます。貴公子然とした衣装や幻想的な演出など、まだ「神」と呼ばれる以前の神々の姿が眩しい!

次いで登場するは「KILLING MACHINE」時代。「Rock Forever」「The Green Manalishi」は新規の追加映像です。ロブ・ハルフォードの衣装がガラッと変わり、レザー&スタッドのタフなイメージに! ヘヴィメタルをヴィジュアルでも改革してきたJUDAS PRIESTだけに、やはり映像こそが彼らの真価を伝えてくれます。
「ヘヴィメタルはいつ誕生したのか?」は、よく語られる命題です。しかし、こればかりは一朝一夕に産まれたわけではありません。「Exiter」が天を駆け、ステージで鋲が輝き、「BRITISH STEEL」で“神宣言”を迎える……その変遷を、本作の極上プロ映像でご確認下さい!!

【1983年ROCK POP FESTIVAL(ライヴ7曲)】
本作の目玉のひとつ。「DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH」時代のお馴染み映像ですが、このクオリティはお馴染みではありません! 本邦初公開となるデジタル・マスターの激烈な美しさ、ステレオ音声の強烈さ。超有名だけに、このアップグレードは衝撃です!! このフェスはOZZY OSBOURNE、DEF LEPPARD、MSG、SCORPIONSなど、歴史上希に見る超豪華ラインナップでしたが、IRON MAIDENだけが公式化に成功。一歩抜きん出ていました。しかし、今回JUDAS PRIESTもMAIDENに並ぶクオリティが実現しました!
特に、先行シングルに併せて披露された「Freewheel Burning」は、究極のメタルパフォーマンス! これぞ、人類史上最も眩しい金属光沢だ!!

「ROCK POP FESTIVAL」と並んで有名な「THE TUBE」出演映像も3曲→5曲に増量! マイムの「Freewheel Burning」、「LIVE AID 1985」の3曲も新規映像です。特に「LIVE AID 1985」は、異なる放送を組み合わせ、最長・最良バージョンに組み上げました。「Living After Midnight」「The Green Manalishi」の超美麗画質にビビってください!! これこそがメタル。黄金期中の黄金期「DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH」時代をたっぷりご堪能あれ!!!

大人気「PAINKILLER」時代もプロショット2種類で計5曲を収録! 「CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS FORUM」の「Hell Bent For Leather」は新発掘映像です。それ以上に嬉しいのはアーバイン公演。ヒストリービデオ「METAL WORKS ’73?’93」で脳裏にこびりついている方も多いのではないでしょうか。「重金属」の3文字が形になったような、あの伝説ステージが美麗画質で続きを観られるのです!!

これ以降の22トラックは、すべて新規映像です! まずは「JUGUATOR」からのPVとライヴ。リッパー・オーウェンズ時代というと公式DVD「LIVE IN LONDON」が浮かびますが、あれは無茶なスケジュールが祟った不完全燃焼の1本でした。彼が本当にカッコ良かったのは「JUGUATOR」時代。この映像で観られる“全身レザー”の凛々しさ、精悍さ!! 今では黒歴史と思われがちですが、“若き守護神”そのものだったリッパーの輝きを、もう一度ご自身の眼でご確認ください。

そしてロブ復帰から再び黄金期へ。7種類の映像で勢いを取り戻していく神々の姿が克明に確認できます。さまざまな公式映像が発表されてきた時代ですが、ここでしか観れないのはアコースティック・ライヴの3曲。しっとりとした「Diamonds And Rust」の美しさ、新曲「Worth Fighting For」での芳醇な表現力といったら……涙で画面が霞みます。鋼鉄神の意外な一面が心に染み渡る、珠玉のお宝映像です。
また、2006年「VH1 ROCK HONORS」の登場シーンも必見。いきなりフロント4人が互いの楽器を弾きあうお馴染みポーズでの登場は、ジョークすれすれの格好良さ。まさに「神」だけに許されたパフォーマンスです!

K.K.ダウニングが引退し、リッチー・フォークナーが加入した最新編成の映像を3種類。“EPITAPHツアー”の模様7曲に加え、最大の見所はタレント発掘番組「AMERICAN IDOL」に出演した際の「Living After Midnight/Breaking The Law」メドレーです。
同番組でメタル・ソングを歌って話題となったジェームズ・ダービンとのデュエットでシーズン10のフィナーレを飾る特別パフォーマンスでした。この映像にはありませんが、同番組に出演したロブとグレン・ティプトンは「我々はジェームズと番組に感謝しているよ。メタルを何度もアメリカのお茶の間に届けたんだからね(ロブ)」「ジェームズはメタルをエンターテイメントの最前線に押し出した。これは素晴らしいことだ(グレン)」とコメントを残しています。「US FESTIVAL 1983」で、全米のお茶の間に「これがメタル」をヴィジュアルで伝えた彼らだからこそ言える言葉でしょう。

以上、駆け足で33年分の54曲をご紹介しました。さまざまな聖典で「ヘヴィメタルの定義」を書き換え続けた我らがJUDAS PRIESTですが、もはやアルバムを何枚か挙げたところで、ヘヴィメタルを語り尽くすことはできません。しかし、貴重な70年代の記録から21世紀の超美麗デジタル映像まで、可能な限りの最高画質・最良音質バージョンで綴った本作は、時代の変遷と共に変わりゆく「メタルの歴史」そのもの。「ヘヴィメタルとは何か?」の禅問答に対するベストアンサー、それこそが本作の本質です。英国の先達、ピンク・フロイド「原子心母」の名句は、本作にこそ相応しい。




DISC 1(126:41)

1. Exciter 2. White Heat, Red Hot 3. Beyond The Realms Of Death 4. Diamond And Rust 5. Starbreaker
Live at Koseinenkin Hall, Tokyo, Japan 31st July 1978

6. Exciter #1 7. Exciter #2
Lip-sync at TV Studios, Tokyo, Japan July 1978

8. Take On The World 9. Killing Machine
Promotion Video Clips: Brighton Dome, Brighton, UK 31st October 1978

10. Rock Forever
RockPop: ZDF Studios, Munich, Germany 30th December 1978

11. The Green Manalishi
Live at Eissporthalle, Berlin, Germany 3rd December 1979

12. Riding On The Wind 13. Breaking The Law 14. Freewheel Burning
15. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ 16. Living After Midnight 17. Victim Of Changes
18. Hell Bent For Leather
Rock Pop Festival: Live at Westfalenhalle, Dortmund, Germany 18th December 1983

19. Electric Eye 20. Freewheel Burning 21. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’
22. Breaking The Law 23. The Green Manalishi
The Tube: Live at Tyne Tees Studios, Newcastle, UK 6th January 1984

24. Freewheel Burning
Razzamatazz: Lip-sync at Tyne Tees Studios, Newcastle, UK 18th January 1984

25. Living After Midnight 26. The Green Manalishi 27. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’
Live Aid: Live at JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 13th July 1985

28. Hell Bent For Leather
Concrete Foundations Forum: Live at the Sheraton Plaza La Reina Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA 13th September 1990
DISC 2(120:19)

1. Hell Bent For Leather 2. The Green Manalishi 3. Living After Midnight
4. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’
Live at Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre, Irvine, California, USA 12th July 1991

5. Burn In Hell
Promotion Video Clip 1997

6. Electric Eye 7. Metal Gods 8. Grinder 9. Blood Stained
Live at E-Werk, Cologne, Germany 19th March 1998

10. Interviews/Electric eye/Metal gods
Gods of Metal: Arena Parco Nord, Bologna, Italy 5th June 2004

11. Diamonds And Rust
Slavi’s show: Acoustic Live at bTV Studio 1, Sofia, Bulgaria 17th June 2004

12. Revolution
Promotion Video Clip 2005

13. Diamonds And Rust 14. Worth Fighting For
VH1 Classic: Acoustic Live at VH1’s Time Square Studios, New York City, New York, USA June 2005

15. Intro/Breaking The Law 16. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’
VH1 Rock Honors: Live at Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 25th May 2006

17. War
Promotion Video Clip 2008

18. Prophecy
Jimmy Kimmel Live: Live at Pontiac Garage, Hollywood, California, USA 2nd September 2008

19. Living After Midnight/Breaking The Law (with James Durbin)
American Idol: Live at Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles, California, USA 25th May 2011

20. Turbo Lover 21. Breaking The Law 22. Painkiller 23. Hell Bent For Leather
24. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’
High Voltage Festival: Live at Victoria Park, London, UK 23rd July 2011

25. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ 26. Breaking The Law
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Live at NBC Studios, New York City, New York, USA 7th October 2011



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