Judas Priest / Redeemer Of Souls In Glasgow / 2CDR

Judas Priest / Redeemer Of Souls In Glasgow / 2CDR /Shades

Translated Text:

Live At Barrowlands, Glasgow, Scotland 24th November 2015.


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It’s so amazing And in continuing Although in !! this year March, which arrived the latest live album is Japan also visited “REDEEMER OF SOULS TOUR 2014-2015”, also still be current spell in the terrifying sound. Here let’s little organized.

· 2014 10 · November: North American Tour # 1 (35 performances)
· 2015 2 · March: Oceania tour (7 performances)
– March 2015: Asian Tour (6 performances)
· 2015 4-May: South American tour (7 performances)
– May 2015: North American Tour # 2 (9 performances)
· 2015 5 over July: The European Tour # 1 (22 performances)
– July 2015: North American Tour # 3 (5 performances)
– 2015 July and August: European Tour # 2 (5 performances)
· 2015 10 · November: North American tour # 4 (15 performances)
-2015 11-December: The European Tour # 3 (18 performances)

This street, which also extends to the live number barrel and 129 performances, golden age just like. I say so I do not think the band in which the retirement declaration …… or, it is the first time that energy is not believed to large veteran beyond the debut 40th anniversary. Under such circumstances, that the present work has been recorded is “European tour # 3” Glasgow 5 performances th November 24, 2015 of “.
Hometown this work a maximum of points that they were recorded, which has returned to the United Kingdom, its sound. Ridiculous direct sense of sound board have any, it also is the direct-connected sense of wonder about the console outflow! Moreover, only the musical tone is not only fastball, also a big cheer profusely far. To take place in between songs, “Priest! Priest!” Call you hear usually large, if often well finished the ear, it is not not hear also cheers and chanting also in the back of during a performance. However, the same is odd big contrast of a tone, as if during the performance is narrow down the cheers in the mix table (of course, but there should be no absolutely). This is beyond the other’s was “the core of the musical tone is thick” “cheer is not disturb” Dano such a dimension to much. more than the recording himself has confessed to Will must audience recording, but If so “audience or, or sound board” would not should tell the dimension of. Not to say that there are not that bass is freaked out by SE, etc. of explosion, but enjoy the full show is plenty in the ultra-direct sound, such as rammed plug directly into the brain.
The world of such a furious live to be spelled out in the sound, which Japan also in the performances was to experience “REDEEMER OF SOULS TOUR”. Strong the first time of Rob Halford as if was revived also as usual, little hard to believe that this is a 116 performances eyes. Of course, it does not mean that the round Kkiri same, nostalgic songs such as “Desert Plains”, “The Rage” that did not listen in Japan also has been resurrected. “The Rage” what I’ve hear in loud Park of 2009, “Desert Plains” is almost the first time in ’10.
However, what also say the surprise Nanoha, “Screaming For Vengeance”! Anymore, where it is was listening to this song at the end was examined and remember …… what was when, only there is only the recording that was played HALFORD once in SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL of 2002, as JUDAS PRIEST, Nantes of 1986 “FUEL FOR LIFE TOUR” is a big revival of ’19 the first time since said that !! squid strong, in the age 64 Rob Halford to challenge again in this Nankyoku, is a formidable challenge mind. And, bare sore also indomitable fighting spirit sing it. And then you have truly key is lowered, still line the high note is followed is also a painfully, but the last of the shout is brilliantly decided to come !! young, even vocal range is wide metal singer is full of the world, why or Rob’s is continue to be special, why what he is God. Me inscribed on the soul in it one shot, the whole body of the shout. Indeed, it is this work a maximum of highlights!

The next year, JUDAS PRIEST, which said he would like to soon also get on with new work. Temporary retirement declaration also jumped, but had been showing off the oldies in the Greatest Hits tour, it was not like their souls are burned out. The Spirit, right now, we have burned fiercely at this moment. This work is eloquently, yet live album that will be slammed with ultra-direct sound than the words of the things a hundred. They around the world in the golden age just like, one that can meet in real time. This weekend, to your hand!

これは凄い! 恐ろしいほどのサウンドで綴る最新ライヴアルバムが到着しました!! 今年3月には日本も訪れた“REDEEMER OF SOULS TOUR 2014-2015”ですが、今もなお現在も続行中。ここでちょっと整理してみましょう。


故郷イギリスに戻ってきた彼らを記録した本作最大のポイントは、そのサウンド。とんでもないダイレクト感はまったくもってサウンドボード、それも卓流出かと思うほどの直結感なのです! しかも、ただ楽音が直球なだけでなく、大歓声もやたらに遠い。曲間で起こる「Priest! Priest!」コールは普通に大きく聞こえますし、よくよく耳を澄ませば、演奏中の奥にも歓声や唱和も聞こえないわけではない。しかし、それと楽音のコントラストが異様大きく、まるで演奏中はミックス卓で歓声を絞り込んでいるかのよう(もちろん、絶対にあり得ませんが)。これはもう“楽音の芯が太い”だの“歓声が邪魔しない”だのといった次元を遙かに超えている。録音者自身が告白している以上はオーディエンス録音に違いないのでしょうが、そうだとすれば“オーディエンスか、サウンドボードか”の次元で語るべきではないのでしょう。爆発音のSE等で低音がビビることがないわけではありませんが、脳みそに直接プラグを突っ込んだような超ダイレクト・サウンドでフルショウがたっぷりと楽しめるのです。
そんな激烈サウンドで綴られるライヴは、日本公演でも体験した“REDEEMER OF SOULS TOUR”の世界。復活したかのようなロブ・ハルフォードの好調ぶりも相変わらずで、これが116公演目だとはちょっと信じがたい。もちろん、丸っきり同じというわけではなく、日本では聴けなかった「Desert Plains」「The Rage」といった懐かしい曲も復活しています。「The Rage」こそ2009年のラウドパークでも聴けましたが、「Desert Plains」はほぼ10年ぶりです。
しかし、なんと言っても驚きなのは、「Screaming For Vengeance」! もはや、この曲を最後に聴いたのがいつだったか思い出せない……と調べてみたところ、2002年のSWEDEN ROCK FESTIVALでHALFORDが1回だけ演奏した記録があるだけで、JUDAS PRIESTとしては、なんと1986年の「FUEL FOR LIFE TOUR」以来の19年ぶりの大復活です!! いかな好調とは言え、齢64にしてこの難曲に再び挑むロブ・ハルフォード、恐るべき挑戦心です。そして、その歌いっぷりも不屈の闘魂を丸出し。さすがにキーは下げていますし、それでもハイノートが続くラインは苦しげでもありますが、ラストのシャウトは見事に決めてくる!! 若く、声域も広いメタルシンガーが世界中に溢れていても、なぜロブが特別であり続けるのか、なぜ彼こそが神なのか。それを1発で魂に刻みつけてくれる、渾身のシャウト。まさに、本作最大のハイライトです!

来年には、早くも新作に取りかかりたいと言い出したJUDAS PRIEST。一時は引退宣言も飛び出し、グレイテストヒッツ・ツアーで懐メロを披露していましたが、彼らの魂は燃え尽きてなどいなかった。そのスピリットは、まさに今、この瞬間に激しく燃え上がっているのです。本作は、その事を百の言葉よりも雄弁に、しかも超ダイレクト・サウンドで叩きつけてくれるライヴアルバムです。黄金期さながらに世界を巡る彼らに、リアルタイムで出会える1本。今週末、あなたのお手元へ!

Disc 1(53:37)
1. Battle Cry (intro) 2. Dragonaut 3. Metal Gods 4. Desert Plains 5. Victim Of Changes
6. Halls Of Valhalla 7. The Rage 8. Turbo Lover 9. Redeemer Of Souls
10. Beyond The Realms Of Death

Disc 2(43:51)
1. Screaming For Vengeance 2. Breaking The Law 3. Hell Bent For Leather
4. The Hellion / Electric Eye 5. You’ve Got Another Thing Coming 6. Painkiller
7. Living After Midnight

Rob Halford – Vocals Glenn Tipton – Guitar Richie Faulkner – Guitar
Ian Hill – Bass Scott Travis – Drums



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