Jeff Beck / Definitive Osaka 2005 / 4CD

Jeff Beck / Definitive Osaka 2005 / 4CD / Wardour

Translated Text:
Live at Kosei Nenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 8th & 9th July 2005


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July 8, 2005, to complete recording both days the Osaka performances 2 Days of the 9th in the ultra-high quality audience recording. Direct feeling, a sense of isolation, the ultimate audience recording without stereoscopic effect, where a very say that! ! It is a really amazing sound that can not be taste rarely! ! You have a new sound source that appeared through the net to the master, but between songs of Blue Wind and Earthquake of the first day, Over The Rainbow and the bonus track Brush With The inter-Blues songs, Brush With The Blues and People Get Ready songs between, between the Blue Wind and Earthquake songs of the second day, and some carefully subjected to cross-fade processing to connect was rough, and more overall because it was closer to the well center sound image localization was the left side (the second day only) , I am finished to be more perfect. Although it is Osaka concert that took place two days, anyway on both days, and great ensemble that exceed even the Hiroshima performances of the day before it was strong is showing off, it is not an exaggeration to say that far from just all listen! (Is there a Toka Pinot enters misses in the intro of Big Block, but …) First of all the first day, you would be amazed to tricky play suddenly fast Vinnie ending of Stratus! Vinnie, on this tour, and anyway is really every time inning, transcendence play on this day also rolled cut Over the full-length will explode! Jason fast solo, etc. in Scatterbrain, player of tension will become progressively higher as go in the second half. (After Blue Wind end, customers their feet) daily arrangements vary Going Down in far from listening, aggressive solo Jennifer, newly added Jason’s solo on this day is a must listen. Second day following, band ensemble is highly more tension than the first day, it is a great content out into without Among this tour (is again like it was their feet in the Blue Wind). Play of Jeff has Saewata~tsu over the whole volume, among them the one and only transcendence solo / obbligato spree playing back a 8/6 time signature Manic Depression is just goose bumps stuff! Hey highest is also exquisite tangled with Jimmy at Joe! Needless to say Vinnie also the best condition, and rolled hit without termination as if it disturbed it. Whether (Led Boots intro also longer a cool! Than usual) have perfectly master the rudiment, is in the fill frankly complex rhythm combination that brilliantly incorporates odd time signatures drumming it will impressed again! In day-to-day configuration changes Going Down, making it the far from Kiki has become joined by Jimmy of harmonica this day also different arrangements. Anyway, this time of the most exciting performances Osaka 2 Days in the tour, Beck fan must-have items that were packaged in an ideal sound than Wardour label, release determined by the limited press CD! ! As a bonus track, I have recorded another source of the first day of the Brush With The Blues and People Get Ready. Main and the surrounding audience noise has very similar, will be assumed that probably was recorded at a position very close to the main part of the master, but in sound quality to be ultra-high sound quality, and one that is hard to put this volume and MIG Investments SA and the Client it is there definitely must listen take! !


2005年7月8日、9日の大阪公演2デイズを超高音質オーディエンス録音で両日とも完全収録。ダイレクト感、分離感、立体感、どこをとっても言う事なしの究極のオーディエンス録音!!めったに味わう事のできない本当に凄いサウンドです!!ネットを介して出現した新音源をマスターにしていますが、初日のBlue WindとEarthquakeの曲間、Over The Rainbowとボーナス・トラックBrush With The Bluesの曲間、Brush With The BluesとPeople Get Readyの曲間、二日目のBlue WindとEarthquakeの曲間で、若干ラフだった繋ぎにクロスフェード処理を丁寧に施し、さらに全体的に左寄りだった音像定位もセンターに寄せた為(二日目のみ)、より完璧なものに仕上がっています。2日間行われた大阪公演ですが、とにかく両日共に、好調だった前日の広島公演をも上回る素晴らしいアンサンブルが披露されており、まさに全てが聴きどころと言っても過言ではありません!(Big Blockのイントロでピノが入りミスとかはありますが…)まずは初日、Stratusのエンディングのヴィニーのいきなりの高速でトリッキーなプレイに度肝を抜かれてしまいます!ヴィニーは、このツアーで、とにかく回を重ねる度に凄くなっており、この日も全編に亘りキレまくりの超絶プレイが炸裂します!Scatterbrainでのジェイソンの高速ソロ等、プレイヤーのテンションは後半に行くにつれ徐々に高くなっていきます。(Blue Wind終了後には、お客様が総立ち)日々アレンジが変わるGoing Downは聴きどころで、ジェニファーのアグレッシブなソロ、この日に新たに加わったジェイソンのソロは必聴です。続く2日目、バンド・アンサンブルは初日より更にテンションが高く、このツアーの中でも抜きに出て素晴らしい内容です(またもやBlue Windで総立ちだったみたいです)。ジェフのプレーが全編に亘り冴えわたっており、なかでもManic Depressionで8/6拍子をバックに弾きまくる唯一無二の超絶ソロ/オブリガードはまさに鳥肌もの!Hey Joeでのジミーとの絶妙な絡みも最高です!言うまでもなくヴィニーも絶好調で、終止まるで乱れる事無く叩きまくります。(Led Bootsのイントロもいつもより長めで格好いい!)ルーディメンツを完璧にマスターしているのか、変拍子を見事に取り入れた複雑なリズム・コンビネーションをあっさりとこなすドラミングには改めて感動してしまいます!日々構成が変化するGoing Downでは、ジミーのハーモニカが加わりこの日もまた違うアレンジになっており聴きどころとなっています。とにかく今回のツアーで一番エキサイティングな大阪公演2デイズを、理想的なサウンドでパッケージしたベック・ファン必携のアイテムがWardourレーベルより、限定プレスCDにてリリース決定です!!ボーナス・トラックとして、初日のBrush With The BluesとPeople Get Readyの別ソースを収録しております。本編と周囲のオーディエンスノイズが非常に似通っており、恐らく本編のマスターと非常に近い位置で録音されたものと推測されますが、音質的にも超高音質で、本編と甲乙付けがたい物であり間違いなく必聴テイクです!!

Live at Kosei Nenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 8th July 2005

Disc 1(50:20)
1. Beck’s Bolero 2. Stratus 3. You Never Know 4. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers 
5. Rollin’ And Tumblin’ 6. Morning Dew 7. Behind The Veil 8. Two Rivers 9. Star Cycle 
10. Big Block 11. Scatterbrain

Disc 2 (74:29)
1. Nadia 2. Angel (Footsteps) 3. Led Boots 4. Diamond Dust 5. Hey Joe 6. Manic Depression 
7. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat 8. Brush With The Blues 9. Blue Wind 10. Earthquake 
11. Blast From The East 12. Going Down 13. People Get Ready 14. Over The Rainbow

Bonus Tracks (Alternative Recording)
15. Brush With The Blues 16. People Get Ready

Live at Kosei Nenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 9th July 2005

Disc 3(51:48)
1. Beck’s Bolero 2. Stratus 3. You Never Know 4. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers 
5. Rollin’ And Tumblin’ 6. Morning Dew 7. Behind The Veil 8. Two Rivers 9. Star Cycle 
10. Big Block 11. Scatterbrain 

Disc 4(64:51)
1. Nadia 2. Angel (Footsteps) 3. Led Boots 4. Diamond Dust 5. Hey Joe 6. Manic Depression 
7. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat 8. Brush With The Blues 9. Blue Wind 10. Earthquake 
11. Blast From The East 12. Going Down 13. People Get Ready 14. Over The Rainbow 

Jeff Beck – Guitar Vinnie Colaiuta – Drums Pino Palladino – Bass 
Jason Rebello – Keyboards Jimmy Hall – Vocal Jennifer Batten – Guest guitarist for the encores 


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