Iron Maiden / Caught Somewhere In Leicester / 2CD

Iron Maiden / Caught Somewhere In Leicester / 2CD /Langley Deluxe

Translated text:

Live at De Montfort Hall, Leicester, UK 14th October 1986

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ATTENTION! PLEASE !! unrivaled invincible Metal taper, Crazy and the S. ultimate master press on CD which made called “my best recording”! The strongest had been housed in a tape of …… 1986 IRON MAIDEN. So, Ketteiban to represent that “Somewhere On Tour 86/87” is born!
IRON MAIDEN fan, you’ll be especially if the live-mania in “Somewhere On Tour 86/87” have a special thought. IRON MAIDEN 80’s of prime can be found in most of the tour is the official items. Diano era “MAIDEN JAPAN” and “BBC ARCHIVES”, Dickinson era, such as such as “BEAST OVER HAMMERSMITH” “LIVE AFTER DEATH,” “MAIDEN ENGLAND”. While crowded the masterpiece / Ketteiban, only “Somewhere On Tour 86/87” was continued to be the exception. Even in the “World Piece Tour ’83” a even Dortmund of the video has become to be seen, the official current of misfortune, in the “Somewhere On Tour 86/87” does not have any official live.
To listen to such air pocket, but a lot of fans we have stepped into the world of the boot leg, was lying trap to Mayoikoma the enthusiasts even there. So, in the “Somewhere On Tour 86/87” we did not have a decision board of “Korezo!”. From the time the tour has been made a quarter of a century, although the sound board and professional shot from time to time in the history appeared some, only both Duration and quality is now Ichi ones. “Well, … Do we have no choice” in the time and, I think in many mania that has to convince myself. When to end such a impatient history, it was finally coming!

October 14, the United Kingdom of Leicester “de Mountford Hall” concert in 1986 for this work has been recorded. Taper of course virtuoso “Crazy S.”. Once from Lagley label, and it was a has come out the same day of the same title CD-R, this time you press of by again latest remastered the original master. “What, you have another,” who seemed to want crowned than listen by all means! The sound image is, in clear beyond recognition the previous work, the number doubled direct feeling of the musical tone. In addition to the course of the pitch correction, which is a whopping improvement until the tape of the kinks. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner realistic itself to talks that are whispered in the middle. True, … that will stop time to beauty, such as the sound board.
No, no, you do not even need to say gudaguda a fine point. This difference one If you listen shot, Crazy S. is the recording you press the hallmark as a “masterpiece”, you will see that is further transformed into a notch. At the time of the previous work I always had been referred to as the “next October 15 Sheffield performances (” DEFINITIVE YEARS VOL.1 of POWERGATE “recording) and the name of the recording to compete for” tour representative of the seat “”, completely in this remastering beyond the Sheffield, imposing throne determination of “number one recording”!

It is also great live listen at its best sound quality! “Somewhere On Tour 86/87” is also known for Oshinabete that live can of bad, especially Dickinson is, as was also the day that condition in the middle becomes worse. Also am going to listen to this tour, it was also difficult point of a large out-hit until the condition of the band in addition to the sound quality. However, Dickinson of this day, the original charm with exciting singing sore. No not be outdone even when compared to the “LIVE AFTER DEATH,” “MAIDEN ENGLAND”,’s the live of the entire tour, even “big hit”! 2 Minutes sense of scale of To Midnight, Children Of The Damned of heroic voice, continuous performance fulfillment of the band to be finally Mukaeyo the peak of the carrier is vividly exhilarating. It is going to be a heat stroke in just listening anymore.
Todome the new song of “SOMEWHERE IN TIME”! Yet the album is said to be “MAIDEN leading” in the goodness of music, it is being played on tour after why Wasted Years and Heaven Can Wait just. The classic group of the name board or even this! Because I enjoy and, “Somewhere On Tour 86/87” also might of course continue to attract the long-standing fan. Remarkable in the knobs are, Caught Somewhere In Time and Sea Of Madness. “Somewhere Back in Time World Tour 2008-2009” and not be replayed even reprint the tour, such as is currently done, “Maiden England World Tour 2012”, I think that there were many enraged fan. Theme from the clock sound of movies that resonate with the venue “Blade Runner” and Caught by synth guitar to cut Somewhere In Time of the intro! While sound, all of the scale tappuri, beautiful to one sound one sound. That masterpiece is, in this sound. This is what, is what that Kai is alive in 2012!
And, spirited enough Sea Of Madness brackets goodness! Gohorairaku vocals over the rust from the bridge, the golden age unique. “Beautifully politely sing” after returning Dickinson is also great, but this is what the 1980s were conquered the whole world “burning song”. You’ll be mania often hit the “This is it I! This is I wanted to hear!” And knee (Ah, If you listen to The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner in this sound!). Although Stranger In A Strange Land of singles was replayed what in the “ED Hunter Tour” in 1999, still quite rare songs. Vocal play with the gallop-based Groove Innovation Gorigori has bought the best! And, classic being played, even the current “Maiden England World Tour 2012” Wasted Years, such as Heaven Can Wait, which plunged downside playing was lively, the taste of songs new song time unique with a familiar sense of overflowing and Juwa’ comedy is a complete set.
Show highlights guitar solo time of the twin followed from blockbuster Rime Of The Ancient Mariner. Also unique 80s there is this solo time. To say that the solo not an improvising tournament “toilet time of the audience”, while Fichua the synth guitar created a fantastic atmosphere, Dave Murray and Hamori Adrian Smith is beautiful is wrap around the venue. Gentle melancholy Walking In The Air of examining is magnificent to break, rush into the drum intro of thunder, such as Where Eagles Dare! Dramatic is!
And, live new and old Omagari Heaven Can Wait, Phantom Of The Opera, side-by-side in quick succession the Hallowed Be Thy Name, to climax in “The Iron Maiden !!” Shout one shot! Looked like the Australian arm of heavy labor, show strokes of drama and entertainment has been engaged perfectly. Among the long history of metal strongest maximum band, I think there is a set list that disturbing about this. The “excitement 巨編 of thrill and excitement”, I say this kind of thing!

Leads to many of the fan to boot road, we continued to mislead mania “Somewhere On Tour 86/87”. It is also settled in this work. From beginner I did not know what should I hear from which the legend of the tour, until towards the best mania sound source was wandering more than 20 years in search of. Everyone, sorry to have kept you waiting Nagaraku. Finally, it is finally Ketteiban!

ATTENTION! PLEASE!! 無類無敵なメタルテーパー、Crazy S.をして「私のベスト録音」と言わしめた究極マスターがプレスCD化! その最強テープに収められていたのは……1986年のIRON MAIDEN。そう、あの「Somewhere On Tour 86/87」を代表する決定盤が誕生です!
IRON MAIDENファン、とりわけライヴ・マニアであれば「Somewhere On Tour 86/87」には格別の思いがあることでしょう。IRON MAIDEN全盛の80年代は、ほとんどのツアーが公式アイテムで確認できます。ディアノ時代は「MAIDEN JAPAN」や「BBC ARCHIVES」、ディッキンソン時代は「BEAST OVER HAMMERSMITH」「LIVE AFTER DEATH」「MAIDEN ENGLAND」などなど。傑作/決定盤のひしめく中、「Somewhere On Tour 86/87」だけが例外であり続けました。不遇の「World Piece Tour ’83」ですらドルトムントの映像が公式で見られるようになった現在でさえ、「Somewhere On Tour 86/87」には一切の公式ライヴがありません。
そんなエアポケットを聴くため、大勢のファンがブートレッグの世界に足を踏み入れてきましたが、そこでもマニアたちを迷い込ませる罠が横たわっていました。そう、「Somewhere On Tour 86/87」には「これぞ!」の決定盤がなかったのです。ツアーが行われた当時から四半世紀、歴史の時々にサウンドボードやプロショットがいくつか登場したものの、いずれも収録時間やクオリティが今いちなものばかり。その度に「まぁ、仕方ないよな……」と、自分を納得させてきたマニアも多いのではないでしょうか。そんな歯がゆい歴史を終わらせる時が、いよいよやって来たのです!

本作が収録されたのは1986年10月14日イギリスのレスター“デ・モントフォードホール”公演。テーパーはもちろん名手「Crazy S.」。かつてLagleyレーベルから、同日の同タイトルCD-Rが出ていましたが、今回はそのオリジナル・マスターを改めて最新リマスタリングによるプレス化したもの。「なんだ、もう持ってるよ」と思われた方、ぜひ聴き比べて戴きたい! その音像は、前作とは見違えるほどクリアで、楽音のダイレクト感も数倍増。当然のピッチ補正に加え、なんとテープのヨレまでもが改善されている。Rime Of The Ancient Mariner中盤で囁かれる語りまでリアルそのもの。本当、サウンドボードのような美しさに時間が止まります……。
いやいや、細かいポイントをグダグダ言う必要もありません。この違いは聴けば一発、Crazy S.が「最高傑作」と太鼓判を押した録音が、さらにワンランク上に生まれ変わっているのが分かるでしょう。前作の時点で「翌10月15日シェフィールド公演(POWERGATEの「DEFINITIVE YEARS VOL.1」収録)と“ツアー代表の座”を競う名録音」と言われていたわけですが、今回のリマスタリングで完全にシェフィールドを超え、堂々「ナンバー1録音」の王座決定!

その最高音質で聴けるライヴがまた素晴らしい! 「Somewhere On Tour 86/87」は押し並べてライヴの出来が悪い事でも知られており、特にディッキンソンは、途中で具合が悪くなってしまう日もあったほど。このツアーを聴こうと思っても、音質に加えてバンドのコンディションまで当たり外れが大きいのも難点でした。しかし、この日のディッキンソンは、豪快な歌いっぷりで本来の魅力たっぷり。「LIVE AFTER DEATH」「MAIDEN ENGLAND」と比較してもなんら引けを取らず、ツアー全体でも“大当たり”のライヴなのです! 2 Minutes To Midnightのスケール感、Children Of The Damnedの雄々しい歌声、いよいよキャリアのピークを迎えようとするバンドの充実感がありありと浮き立つパフォーマンスの連続。もう聴いてるだけで熱中症になりそうです。
トドメは「SOMEWHERE IN TIME」の新曲! 楽曲の良さでは“MAIDEN屈指”と言われるアルバムでありながら、なぜか後のツアーで演奏されるのはWasted YearsとHeaven Can Waitばかり。その名盤の名曲群をこれでもか!と楽しめるのですから、「Somewhere On Tour 86/87」が長年ファンを惹き付け続けるのも当然かも知れません。極めつけ中の極めつけは、Caught Somewhere In TimeとSea Of Madness。「Somewhere Back in Time World Tour 2008-2009」や現在行われている「Maiden England World Tour 2012」といった復刻ツアーでも再演されず、切歯扼腕したファンも多かったと思います。会場に響く映画『ブレードランナー』のテーマから時計の音、そして切り込むシンセギターによるCaught Somewhere In Timeのイントロ! そのすべてがスケール感タップリに響きながら、一音一音まで美しい。あの名曲が、このサウンドで。これこそ、2012年に生きている甲斐というものです!
そして、気合い十分なSea Of Madnessのカッコ良さ! ブリッジからサビにかけての豪放磊落なヴォーカルは、黄金期ならでは。復帰後の“美しく丁寧に歌う”ディッキンソンも素晴らしいですが、これこそが全世界を制覇した80年代の“燃える歌”。「これだよ! これが聴きたかったんだ!」と膝を叩くマニアも多いことでしょう(あぁ、この音でThe Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runnerが聴けたら!)。シングル曲のStranger In A Strange Landは1999年の「ED Hunter Tour」 でこそ再演されましたが、やはりかなりのレア曲。ゴリゴリっとしたギャロップベースのグルーヴと芝居がかったヴォーカルが最高! そして、現在の「Maiden England World Tour 2012」でもプレイされている名曲Wasted Years、突っ込み気味な演奏が溌剌としたHeaven Can Waitなど、お馴染み感のある曲も新曲時期ならではの旨味がじゅわっとあふれる好演ぞろいです。
ショウのハイライトは超大作Rime Of The Ancient Marinerから続くツインのギターソロ・タイム。このソロタイムがあるのも80年代ならでは。ソロと言っても“お客さんのトイレタイム”なインプロヴァイズ大会ではなく、シンセギターをフィーチュアしながら幻想的な雰囲気を創り出し、デイヴ・マーレイとエイドリアン・スミスが美しいハモリが会場を包み込む。優しくも物悲しいWalking In The Airの調べが雄大にブレイクし、雷鳴の如きWhere Eagles Dareのドラムイントロへ雪崩れ込む! なんてドラマティック!
そして、ライヴは新旧の大曲Heaven Can Wait、Phantom Of The Opera、Hallowed Be Thy Nameを立て続けに並べ、“The Iron Maiden!!”シャウト一発でクライマックスへ! 豪腕な力業に見えながら、ドラマとエンターテインメントが完璧に噛み合ったショウ運び。メタル最強最大バンドの長い歴史の中でも、これほど心をかき乱すセットリストがあったでしょうか。「スリルと興奮の感動巨編」とは、こういう事を言うのです!

幾多のファンをブート道に導き、マニアを迷わせ続けた「Somewhere On Tour 86/87」。それも本作で決着です。伝説のツアーをどれから聴けばいいか分からなかったビギナーの方から、最高の音源を求めて20年以上彷徨ったマニアの方まで。皆様、永らくお待たせして申し訳ありませんでした。ついに、ついに決定盤です!

Disc 1
1. Intro: Theme From Blade Runner 2. Caught Somewhere In Time 3. Minutes To Midnight
4. Sea Of Madness 5. Children Of The Damned 6. Stranger In A Strange Land 7. Wasted Years
8. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner 9. Guitar Solo 10. Where Eagles Dare

Disc 2
1. Heaven Can Wait 2. Phantom Of The Opera 3. Hallowed Be Thy Name 4. Iron Maiden
5. The Number Of The Beast 6. Run To The Hills 7. Running Free 8. Sanctuary

Bruce Dickinson – Vocal Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar Adrian Smith – Guitar
Nicko McBrain – Drums

Special Thanks: Crazy S.

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