Iron Maiden / World Killer 81/ 6CDR

Iron Maiden / World Killer 81/ 6CDR /Shades

England 28th February 1981 / Belgium 25th April 1981 Japn 21st May 1981 / USA 28th June & 22nd July 1981


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Glory of “KILLER WORLD TOUR 1981” is the appearance is big 6 Disc audience set spell representative master of the world! Speaking of “KILLER WORLD TOUR 1981”, until it can be taken by did not IRON MAIDEN of that came from Europe, I was born the first time the World Tour. Members also as look back and “seemed to open suddenly the world”, it was Meien and the winding occur no two tour frenzy, such as wake of eyes in various places. First of all, let’s look at the overall picture.

· February 17 over March 15: UK tour (24 performances)
· March 18 over April 28: The European tour (27 performances)
– May 21 over May 24: Japan tour (5 performances)
– June 3 over August 4: North American tour (42 performances)
– August 15 over September 10: The European tour (13 performances)
“Diano withdrawal / Dickinson join”
· October 26 over December 23: The European tour (7 performances)

In this way, this tour is starting from the home country the United Kingdom, Tour of Europe, uncivilized land to Japan. Then, over to their first of the United States, it was schedule to go back again to the Europe / United Kingdom. This work, such is of a “United Kingdom tour”, “European Tour”, “Japan Tour”, “North American tour” summarizes carefully selected powerful master from. Now let’s look at each performance.

[Disc 1: UK tour (February)] The starting point of first appeared, native “UK tour” from 11 performances eyes of the “February 28 Taunton performance” what was achieved. This recording, in between the core collector is something that has been known as “the bad day of sound”, but upgrade to each stage in recent years. It’s a greatly surprised to master the mania us. Its sound, musical tone both voice rise perpendicularly to clearly and clear splendor. Although the reverberation of the doors open is to blur the taste of the audience recording, customers that fuss in the vicinity without any, it is the name recording approaching direct sense of plenty. There are unfortunately passages in and “Another Life” cut at the beginning, it did not fulfill the press of it because it is not a gulp communication Nuqui master, it is a great high-quality recording missing Zuba in UK tour.

[Disk 2, 3: The European tour (April)] Continued from “European tour” “April 25 Antwerpen (Belgium)” performance. Jerk proficiency went up is the “KILLER WORLD TOUR 1981” 48 performances eyes. This recording is limited 10 items of sold out the vision in the set “YEARS OF WRATH 1979-1981 (Shades 319)” to what has been also recorded. Always we have received a recurrence of the request, but dare not to do so, only recording is 3 had the best sound out of the performance master was reprinted here.
There is only the best master, which is also the edge of the musical tone is sharp towering clear recording. IRON MAIDEN is the first time the tour in the United Kingdom abroad, the second half of the previous year “IRON MAIDEN TOUR 1980”. Belgium performance is about the first time in half a year, but the enthusiasm as if to surpass even the home country the United Kingdom. Enthusiastic performance of MAIDEN to respond to it is the plenty hear this work only 2 Disc master.

[Disk 4: Japan tour (May)] The third Master is finally the first stage came to the outside of Europe, “Japan tour” “May 21 – Tokyo Kōsei Nenkin Kaikan” of the first day of performances. This week’s simultaneous press release CD “TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT (ZODIAC 159)” and bonus CDR “1ST NIGHT DOCUMENTARY MASTER”, “PHANTOM KILLER (CALM & STORM 040)” and is the same live, in another recording at all, ” LIVING PURGATORY (Shades 064) for the first time the world came out recording as “. We also use the original cassette kind that you provide from recording in person this time.
Official is located in the “MAIDEN JAPAN” or FM broadcast also crowded Japan tour, but speaking as a representative live to Ichiban excitement, there is only this first day. First of Asia everything is different from Europe, the first stage only to a sense of tension fresh played wonderfully, as was converted to momentum, even miraculous enthusiasm of overwhelmed audience to giant for the first time to see steel. Japan tour, let alone too only in a special name concerts in IRON MAIDEN all history, I want to touch on many of the record with a single, we have recorded in this work.

[Disk 5: North American tour (in June)] The fourth is, finally “North American tour.” IRON MAIDEN’s first American tour 17 to performances eyes of the entire world tour of 73 performances eyes is “June 28 Largo” is performance. Reprinted from “YEARS OF WRATH II 1980-1981 (Shades 334)” of this vision also disappeared from the a moment to market in 30 set limit. Here also in place to meet the recurrent request, 4 among the same set was a performance-4 Disc, has re-recorded the most Rated higher was master in this work. Music is the industry’s largest market, is the one they live is vivid to challenge the United States, which is also the largest of the wall for the UK band.

[Disk 6: North American tour (July)] Finally also is a one-act “July 22 New York” performance of “North American tour.” The However much it IRON MAIDEN, still a fledgling rookie in the United States. Most of the live was the undercard of JUDAS PRIEST and UFO. For single full Europe and shorter set list unlike Japan concert, it has decided to be two shows recorded. Then, in this scene of the day “The Palladium”, the main act is JUDAS PRIEST. Here, the people who have come and pin sharp. So, in was the famous “Palladium ’81” even in a large classic FM sound source of PRIEST, I IRON MAIDEN, which has been played as the opening act of that live to listen! It is not and RESET to official class FM sound source of PRIEST indeed, but also a great audience sound is vividly transmitted reality of direct feeling a certain musical tone, even in the undercard are large appealing.
Even so, it has been seen in quick succession the MAIDEN and JUDAS PRIEST in Diano era, you will of a whopping enviable audience. Only in New York, you might have Moi members of ANTHRAX and OVERKILL in this field. After the past few years, Paul Diano you have left the MAIDEN but seems to have been approached to join in ANTHRAX, the course is even become a trauma When you are slammed this kind of performance ….

After this American tour, IRON MAIDEN but is not going back to Europe, Diano it to the end is that you want to leave. For burning our members to further willingness to know the wide world, only one person Diano is feeling the pressure of the success you have in hand, it seems to have come to go drowning in alcohol. While having the power of world-class to enthusiasm the world, Diano and MAIDEN became another one thing broke in the verge of leap. And in February, April, May, June, July, this work can be heard so as to follow the World Tour is their own is heated enough to tear the can feel realistically the enthusiasm of the world go 6 Disc. Young along with the IRON MAIDEN, World Travel album around the world in not again “KILLER WORLD TOUR 1981”. It is imposing appearance!

栄光の“KILLER WORLD TOUR 1981”を世界各国の代表マスターで綴るビッグな6枚組オーディエンス・セットが登場です! “KILLER WORLD TOUR 1981”と言えば、それまでヨーロッパから出たことのなかったIRON MAIDENにとって、生まれて初めてのワールドツアー。メンバーも「いきなり世界が開けたようだった」と振り返るように、各地で目の醒めるような名演と熱狂が巻き起こる2つとないツアーでした。まずは、その全体像を見てみましょう。



まず登場するのはスタート地点、母国“UKツアー”から11公演目の「2月28日トーントン公演」を収めたもの。この録音は、コアコレクターの間では“音の悪い日”として知られていたものなのですが、近年になって各段にアップグレード。マニア達を大いに驚かせたマスターなのです。そのサウンドは、楽音も歌声もクッキリとクリアに切り立つ素晴らしさ。開場の残響が客席録音の味わいを滲ませるものの、近くに大騒ぎする客もなく、ダイレクト感たっぷりに迫る名録音です。残念ながら曲間や「Another Life」冒頭にカットがあり、一気通貫のマスターではないのでプレス化は果たせませんでしたが、UKツアーでもズバ抜けてすばらしいハイクオリティ録音です。

続くは“欧州ツアー”から「4月25日アントウェルペン(ベルギー)」公演。グッと練度が上がった“KILLER WORLD TOUR 1981”48公演目です。この録音は限定10セットで即完売した幻のアイテム「YEARS OF WRATH 1979-1981(Shades 319)」にも収録されたもの。つねづね再発のリクエストをいただいておりますが、あえてそうはせず、収録されていた3公演のうちベストサウンドのマスターだけをここに復刻しました。
ベストマスターだけあって、これまた楽音のエッジが鋭くそそり立つクリア録音。IRON MAIDENが初めてイギリス国外でツアーしたのは、前年“IRON MAIDEN TOUR 1980”の後半。ベルギー公演は約半年ぶりですが、本国イギリスをも凌駕するかのような熱狂。それに応えるMAIDENの熱演がたっぷり聴ける本作唯一の2枚組マスターです。

3つめのマスターは、いよいよヨーロッパの外へと出た初めてのステージ、“日本ツアー”初日の「5月21日・東京厚生年金会館」公演です。今週同時リリースのプレスCD「TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT(ZODIAC 159)」やボーナスCDR「1ST NIGHT DOCUMENTARY MASTER」、「PHANTOM KILLER(CALM & STORM 040)」と同じライヴですが、録音はまったくの別で、「LIVING PURGATORY(Shades 064)」として初めて世に出た録音。今回も録音者本人から提供していただいたオリジナル・カセット現物を使用しています。
オフィシャル「MAIDEN JAPAN」やFM放送もひしめくジャパンツアーではありますが、イチバン感動する代表ライヴと言えば、この初日しかない。ヨーロッパとは何もかもが違う初めてのアジア、その初ステージだけに緊張感を勢いに転化したような瑞々しい演奏が素晴らしく、初めて見る鋼鉄の巨人に圧倒される観客の熱狂も奇跡的。日本公演はおろか、IRON MAIDEN全史でもあまりにも特別な名コンサートだけに、1本でも多くの記録に触れていただきたく、本作に収録いたしました。

4つめは、いよいよ“北米ツアー”。IRON MAIDEN初のアメリカツアー17公演目にしてワールドツアー全体の73公演目の「6月28日ラルゴ」公演です。これまた30セット限定で一瞬にして市場から消えた幻の「YEARS OF WRATH II 1980-1981(Shades 334)」からの復刻。こちらも再発リクエストにお応えする代わりに、4公演・4枚組だった同セットの中でも、もっとも評価の高かったマスターを本作に再収録しました。音楽業界最大の市場であり、英国バンドにとって最大の壁でもあるアメリカに挑む彼らのライヴが鮮烈な1枚です。

最後も“北米ツアー”の一幕「7月22日ニューヨーク」公演です。IRON MAIDENと言えど、まだまだアメリカでは駆け出しの新人。ほとんどのライヴがJUDAS PRIESTやUFOの前座でした。単独フルコンサートの欧州や日本と違ってセットリストも短いため、2公演収録することにいたしました。そして、この日の現場は“The Palladium”で、メインアクトはJUDAS PRIEST。ここでピンと来られた方は鋭い。そう、PRIESTの大定番FM音源でも有名な“パラディウム ’81”でして、あのライヴの前座として演奏していたIRON MAIDENが聴けるのです! さすがにPRIESTのオフィシャル級FM音源には及びませんが、ダイレクト感ある楽音、前座であっても大ウケしているのがありありと伝わるリアリティも素晴らしいオーディエンス・サウンドです。
それにしても、ディアノ時代のMAIDENとJUDAS PRIESTを立て続けに観られたとは、なんと羨ましい観客なのでしょう。ニューヨークだけに、この現場にはANTHRAXやOVERKILLのメンバーもいたかも知れません。この数年後、MAIDENを脱退したポール・ディアノはANTHRAXに加入を持ちかけられたそうですが、こんなパフォーマンスを叩きつけられたらトラウマになるのも当然です……。

このアメリカツアーの後、IRON MAIDENはヨーロッパに戻っていくわけですが、それを最後にディアノは脱退します。広い世界を知って一層の意欲に燃えるメンバー達に対し、ディアノ1人だけが手にした成功をプレッシャーに感じ、酒に溺れていくようになったそうです。世界を熱狂させるワールドクラスの実力を持ちながら、飛躍の寸前で袂を別つことになったディアノとMAIDEN。2月・4月・5月・6月・7月と、ワールドツアーを追うようにして聴ける本作は、彼ら自身を引き裂くほどに加熱していく世界の熱狂をリアルに感じ取れる6枚組です。若きIRON MAIDENと共に、二度とはない“KILLER WORLD TOUR 1981”で世界を巡るワールド・トラベルアルバム。堂々の登場です!
Disc 1(78:43)
Live at Odeon, Taunton, England 28th February 1981

1. The Ides Of March 2. Wrathchild 3. Purgatory 4. Sanctuary 5. Remember Tomorrow
6. Another Life 7. Genghis Khan 8. Killers 9. Innocent Exile 10. Murders In The Rue Morgue
11. Twilight Zone 12. Phantom Of The Opera 13. Iron Maiden 14. Running Free
15. Transylvania 16. Drifter 17. Prowler

Live at Cine Roma, Antwerp, Belgium 25th April 1981

Disc 2(37:37)
1. The Ides Of March 2. Wratchild 3. Purgatory 4. Sanctuary 5. Remember Tomorrow
6. Another Life incl. Drums Solo 7. Genghis Khan 8. Killers 9. Innocent Exile

Disc 3(43:45)
1. Murders In The Rue Morgue 2. Twilight Zone 3. Phantom Of The Opera 4. Iron Maiden
5. Running Free 6. Transylvania 7. Drifter 8. Prowler

Disc 4(76:40)
Live at Koseinenkin Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan 21st May 1981
1. The Ides Of March 2. Wrathchild 3. Sanctuary 4. Twilight Zone 5. Remember Tomorrow 6. Another Life incl. Drum Solo 7. Member Introduction 8. Genghis Khan 9. Killers 10. Innocent Exile 11. Purgatory 12. Murders In The Rue Morgue 13. Phantom Of The Opera 14. Iron Maiden 15. Running Free 16. Transylvania 17. Guitar Solo 18. Drifter 19. Prowler

Disc 5(45:37)
Live at Capitol Center, Largo, MD. USA 28th June 1981
1. The Ides Of March 2. Wrathchild 3. Killers 4. Another Life 5. Remember Tomorrow
6. Running Free 7. Murders In The Rue Morgue 8. Phantom Of The Opera
9. Iron Maiden 10. Drifter

Disc 6(41:27)
Live at The Palladium, New York City, NY. USA 22nd July 1981
1. The Ides Of March 2. Sanctuary 3. Wrathchild 4. Killers 5. Another Life 6. Running Free
7. Phantom Of The Opera 8. Iron Maiden 9. Drifter

Paul Di’anno – Vocal Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar Adrian Smith – Guitar
Clive Burr – Drums

Shades 611



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