Genesis / Montreal 1974 The Video / 1DVDR

Genesis / Montreal 1974 The Video / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at the University Sports Centre, Montreal, Canada 20th & 21st April 1974. NTSC


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Main press 2CD “DEFINITIVE MONTREAL 1974” is a large masterpiece to listen the best music selection live Peter Gabriel era in the official class sound board. The Montreal performances, was carried out in two consecutive days of “April 20”, “April 21” in the same “Universal Sports Center”. Among them, the broadcasting of radio “CHOM-FM”, which is also the main press 2CD but is the “April 21”, the day before the “April 20” is left even the video. This work is the video work that was covered with a FM voice of the “April 21” to the image of the “April 20”.
Was produced this video, GENESIS mania overseas. Although the video is a film of the time, bright color, no noise screen is best preserved. Moreover, it has assembled skillfully multiple camera images, for you are plenty of immersion 72 minutes at Quality seen as almost a professional shot. However, because it is another live to say the continuous performance of the same venue, the whole volume is not always able to fully synchronous, or there is picking no rare sound, video-free part (mainly passages in) is still There is also to be a picture. However, synchronous of the part with a picture is not odd. Tony Banks of the fingertip, Phil Collins of the stick and up to the mouth of Gabriel to tell the French MC,, are really fit quite right enough to think that either remain in this video. Even in the still image, which has been firmly grasp the performance content. For example, Gabriel If the image of the scene to blow the flute is not enough, even or use many pieces playing photo of flute, to direct the movement of the fantastic feeling it to zoom and slide. Enter the fine, enter the information, you perfection that comes through relentlessly that are assembled in full force.
And, large classic Montreal performances of sight wonders unfolds in its quality. Even though the best of the fantastic feeling any sound only, costumes and action of many of Gabriel, further down pat until MC scene to tell the story of the lyrics. For example, the story of Romeo and Juliet in front of the “Cinema Show” Although a familiar what a voice, not seen quite a professional shot, etc. of television video. However, in the present work, we can burn the eyes to the falling behavior of Gabriel who is in the other side of the humorous tone. In addition In addition, is inserted to the screen image that expresses the lyrics world, Collins to hit the cymbal monkey doll, rhea “More Fool Me” as such he sings also included. The other, you anything and everything a full large masterpiece scene.

In addition to the main press 2CD you update the all-time high quality of the large classic live, historical large masterpiece with up to this work of the video “1974 Montreal” to taste to fully Tsukuseru gorgeous live set. Main live album and video of this work, not only both of which are monumental work of progressive rock, super masterpiece tag to each other mutually enhance each other in that match. This weekend, the two will take you to the dazzling world of GENESIS.

本編プレス2CD「DEFINITIVE MONTREAL 1974」は、ピーター・ガブリエル時代のベスト選曲ライヴをオフィシャル級サウンドボードで聴ける大傑作です。そのモントリオール公演は、同じ“ユニバーサル・スポーツ・センター”で「4月20日」「4月21日」の2日間連続で行われました。そのうち、本編プレス2CDにもなったラジオ“CHOM-FM”の放送は「4月21日」ですが、前日の「4月20日」は映像も残されています。本作は、その「4月20日」の映像に「4月21日」のFM音声を被せた映像作品なのです。
そして、そのクオリティで繰り広げられる大定番モントリオール公演の光景は驚異。サウンドだけでも最高の幻想感なのに、数々のガブリエルの衣装やアクション、さらには歌詞の物語を語るMCシーンまでばっちり。例えば、「Cinema Show」の前にロミオ&ジュリエットの物語は音声でこそお馴染みなものの、テレビ映像のプロショット等ではなかなか見られない。しかし、本作では、そのユーモラスな口調の向こうにいるガブリエルの立ち振る舞いまで目に焼き付けることができるのです。さらにさらに、歌詞世界を表現したスクリーン映像まで挿入され、猿の人形にシンバルを叩かせるコリンズ、そんな彼が歌う激レアな「More Fool Me」も収録。もう、何から何まで大傑作シーンだらけなのです。


1. Watcher of the Skies 2. Dancing with the Moonlit Knight 3. Cinema Show
4. I Know What I Like 5. Firth of Fifth 6. The Musical Box 7. More Fool Me
8. The Battle of Epping Forest 9. Supper’s Ready

COLOUR NTSC Approx.72min.

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