Deep Purple / Made In Florida /1 CDR

Deep Purple / Made In Florida /1 CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:

Live At Spring Auditorium, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA 14th July 1972.

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From the 1972 “MACHINE HEAD” American tour of the second stage DEEP PURPLE, July 14th West Palm Beach performance in Florida is a pleasing gift release decision! Direct use of high-quality audience · master unearthed overseas. You can enjoy valuable live performance just before your first visit to Japan for about 60 minutes!

When DEEP PURPLE announces “MACHINE HEAD” in March 1972, it will book a large US tour from March in conjunction with this album release and the first Japan tour in May. However, the harsh tour that lasts without break from the previous year has a bad influence on the members’ health and human relations. In late March Richie suffered from illness and could not stand on stage and the stage with the live and without a Richie was held, but after all the tour was forced to postpone until Ritchie recovered, May The first Japan tour scheduled for the middle of the month was also postponed in August.
The band will resume the tour from late May when Ritchie recovered and will circuit throughout the US until mid July. In this’ July ‘7 live, there are many unknown points such as poor kinds of sound sources known at the present time and the name of the venue where the live show was not clear. Among them, the West Palm Beach “Spring Auditorium” performance on July 14th is a valuable sound source whose details are relatively clear. In this work, you can enjoy the rare live with a powerful full sound by providing overseas collectors.

From the opening “Highway Star”, the explosive dynamic sound that seems to be the second stage PURPLE that is confirmed by a certain master freshness knocks out the listener. Guillain’s vocals are a bit far away, but Ritchie’s guitar is captured with on-sounding sounds, and a number of raging drivers are overwhelming. Especially the guitar solo is an indecisive listening response. Whether the recording person was concerned about the remaining amount of the tape, although the space between the songs has been cut (so some heads are missing in some songs), the performance itself can be enjoyed steadily.
The second track “Smoke On The Water” is a big listening for this work. ‘It is known that BBC’s “IN CONCERT” sound source is known before the performance in Japan in August 1972, but the audience source is July 14th, June 30th and July 1st London Only the take of the “Rainbow Theater” performance has been confirmed to exist. One of them became available as a collector’s item is a great news for maniac!
The 3rd song “Strange Kind Of Woman” also makes Richie play a wonderful listening companion. There is also an excellent prospect of the multiplication with Guillan that jumps out in the second half. In “The Mule” featuring drum solo, John’s organ guides “Lazy” and Zettrol (almost the same as “Child In Time” except that he can not hear it) is based on “LIVE IN JAPAN”. The tension of the performance is also high, listeners can not listen for a moment from a thrilling live.
The last “Space Truckin ‘” is unnecessary and powerful! John and Richie’s solo is on and can be enjoyed with a clear tone. In the part of interplay where the two are intertwined, only the word of frenzy is found, the compensation of a splendid play has spread!

Unfortunately, the encore has not been recorded yet, although it is about 59 minutes in total, the thrilling performances as “LIVE IN JAPAN” on “Smoke On The Water” before the rare first visit to Japan are very satisfying listeners I will make it. If you are a PURPLE mania, please do not miss a chance to miss this opportunity for a limited time!

第二期DEEP PURPLEの1972年「MACHINE HEAD」アメリカツアーより、7月14日のフロリダ州ウェスト・パームビーチ公演が、嬉しいギフト・リリース決定です! 海外で発掘された高品位オーディエンス・マスターをダイレクト使用。初来日直前の貴重なライヴを、約60分間にわたり楽しめます!

DEEP PURPLEは1972年3月に「MACHINE HEAD」を発表すると、このアルバムリリースに合わせて3月から大規模なアメリカツアーを、そして5月には初めてのジャパンツアーをブッキングします。しかし前年から休み無く続く過酷なツアーは、メンバーの健康と人間関係に悪い影響を及ぼします。3月下旬にはリッチーが病気を患ってステージに立てなくなり、リッチー抜きでのライヴや代役を迎えてのステージが行われましたが、結局リッチーが回復するまでツアーは延期を余儀なくされ、5月中旬に予定されていた初来日公演も8月に順延となりました。

オープニングの「Highway Star」から、確かなマスター鮮度に裏付けられた、第二期PURPLEらしい爆発的なダイナミック・サウンドが聴き手をノックアウトします。ギランのヴォーカルは若干遠めですが、リッチーのギターはオンなサウンドで捉えられ、荒れ狂うようなプレイの数々は圧倒的。特にギターソロは破格の聴き応えです。録音者がテープの残量を気にしていたのか、曲間はカットされていますが(そのため一部の曲で頭欠けが見られます)、演奏そのものはしっかりと楽しめます。
2曲目の「Smoke On The Water」は本作の大きな聴き所。’72年8月の来日公演以前の同曲は、BBCの”IN CONCERT”音源が知られますが、オーディエンス・ソースはこの7月14日か、6月30日および7月1日のロンドン”レインボー・シアター”公演のテイクしか現存が確認されていません。このうちひとつがコレクターズ・アイテムとして入手できるようになったのは、マニアにとって大きな朗報と言えるでしょう!
3曲目「Strange Kind Of Woman」もリッチーのプレイが素晴らしい聴き応え。後半で飛び出すギランとの掛け合いも優れた見通しで収録されています。ドラムソロをフィーチャーした「The Mule」に、ジョンのオルガンが導く「Lazy」と、ゼットリストは(「Child In Time」が聴けないという点を除いて)ほぼ「LIVE IN JAPAN」に準じた内容。演奏のテンションも高く、聴き手はスリリングなライヴから一瞬も耳を離せません。
ラストの「Space Truckin’」は問答無用の大迫力! ジョンとリッチーのソロはひときわオンで明瞭な音色で楽しめます。両者が絡み合うインタープレイのパートでは、狂乱という言葉しか見当たらない、壮絶なプレイの応酬が繰り広げられています!

残念ながらアンコールは未収録で、全体でも約59分の録音ですが、レアな初来日以前の「Smoke On The Water」に、「LIVE IN JAPAN」さながらのスリリングな演奏は、聴き手を大いに満足させてくれます。PURPLEマニアなら絶対に見逃せない一本を、この期間限定のチャンスにぜひゲットしてください!

1. Highway Star 2. Smoke On The Water 3. Strange Kind Of Woman 4. The Mule 5. Lazy
6. Space Truckin’

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Ian Gillan – Vocal Roger Glover – Bass
Jon Lord – Keyboards Ian Paice – Drums

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