David Foster & Friends / Live Lights The World / 2CD

David Foster & Friends / Live Lights The World / 2CD / SpeakEzy

Translated Text:

Live Anthology 1987-1994


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Astringent compilation board centered on rare live of David Foster’s 80’s and 90’s appeared in limited press plat!

On the 1st piece recorded from ’87 years’ performance in Japan. At that time FM was broadcast, new sounds that were uploaded to the net several years ago are recorded remaster.
At this time the performance in Japan was performed with Lee Ritenar, featuring Tim Feehan as a vocalist. Other backing materials are also amazing. Nathan East, who was already playing bass at the base in the base, drums by Frank Zappa, Vinnie Carita who will be striking even at the back of Sting and Jeff Beck etc.
It is listed as David Foster & Lee Ritenour Special Project with Tim Feehan on the back of this live, stage set (Please see the stage shot of that time that can be confirmed since it is inside this CD jacket), but this time When listening to Lee Ritenar ‘s MC (track 1 of main part) that is also included in the CD, Foster seems to be treated as a special guest to the last, it is a story that makes you feel a time that you can not imagine a bit.
Regardless of whether it is treated as a guest or not, in this CD (that is broadcast on FM) it is a pleasant feeling that the Foster color is full (rather than Foster’s eyes), songs of Foster, especially St. Elmos Fire If you are thinking of listening to the theme on live take it may not be as scaled as the studio board, but I think that it is an item that you can enjoy without precondition that you can be deeply impressed with precious live take at that time. Saxophone also likes the unexpected faithful place obediently unexpectedly to the original without changing the tune well because it is a live play with just that tone by Dave Boruff himself who is blowing the original studio take. Flight Of The Snowbirds is also good. Here, it is grandly arranged like a live slightly compared with the original studio board, drums with a lot of hands of Vinnie Carauta of the last drum are good.
That’s why I do not have anything to raise one by one, but it’s about 70 minutes in content and not all songs recorded, but Foster Produce songs for others and their own songs have also been shown, and the listening place is definitely packed is. The Last St. Elmos (Man In Motion) is also a waste but a waste, so it’s about a minute and a half, but recorded as much as possible!
When making CDs, we eliminated the bubble wrap noise of the tape that continually enters the pitch correction and the left channel all the time as much as possible. Received noise also enters a little wholly, but priority is given to the feeling of live air conditioning, and the reduction relationship is kept in a discreet processing.

The first section of the second piece contains stereo acoustic live (probably) super precious live broadcast that was broadcast on FM special number on October 10, 92. Received noise enters a little but it is a quality that you can fully appreciate. Naturally it seems that there has not been any sound system in the past, it is a special live broadcast in the FM special number at that time holidays, and most people who do not even know that the live was broadcasted. With a performance of about 15 minutes in the net with a medley and so on, it is simple to say that Foster’s piano has a wonderful saxophone of warren · wiebe (who may be familiar with the ED of Gundam X) and a wonderful saxophone of Dave · Bolf Organization. The medley recorded was mainly played to Prince Charles and Princess Diana in Canada and Ottawa in early 1992 (knitted?). Even here I am persistent, but the acoustic version of the theme of Hayate St. Elmos Fire is short but it is a listening place and I must be deeply impressed by the acoustic sound. The 10th song Paint The Color Of My Love is a song written for Foster and his wife (perhaps 91 years married), and later “Paint” took off and became The Color of My Love to serve Celine Dion , Foster himself also recorded in the solo album “Love Lights The World” of 94 years.

In the second half of the 2nd half we recorded the Budokan performances on April 27 from the 2nd visit to Japan in 1994. It is recorded from the original, audience, cassette master provided by the fan. Although it is regrettably not the whole song but the first half of the live recording of about 65 minutes (because some of the MCs are also prioritized for performance), of course, it is made into a Hatsune drum. In addition, there was also a TV special number at the time of the performance in Japan, but it is unknown whether it is the same day or not. The performance in Japan in 1994 was held four times including additional performances, the second day live. It is still a concert with amazing luxurious ments that will be impossible now, only for the period when the color fragrance of the bubble period still remains slightly (?) Time. It is regrettable that not all songs are recorded, but still it is said that it is fortunate that Foster’s delicious places are kept restrained (since this item is Foster’s point of view to the last). It is a stereo recording and the performance is slightly farther away, but it is quite easy to listen to the sound image as well as a surprisingly large sound quality. Opening of the beginning (Flight Of The Snowbirds probably tape sound) Intimation from the intro as it is to the winter games (familiar with the theme song of the Calgary Olympics in 1988) also unexpectedly to the response of the audition when dropping. The drum is tight all the time. Although the theme of St. Elmos Fire is missing timing gap is missed, there is no doubt that you can enjoy it with a scale deck sound than Disc 1’s 87th Live. The saxophone here is Larry Williams of Seawind (Horns).
The medley of the Warren Wiebe feature of the 16th and 24th songs is pretty. However, St. Elmos (Man In Motion) seems to be pretty painful as to whether his condition is right now. Continuing Wendy Morton and Warren’s duet Unforgettable applauded! And Todome collaborates with Jay Graydon! Here are the mountains of this CD. Regretfully Nothin ‘You Can Do About It It is an end with a heartless fade out in the middle of It.

Well, I wrote about this kind of things like this, but it is a very personal favorite that you can enjoy without reasoning, condensing the charm of David Foster.
Front jacket is folded in four on four sides, the board is a picture disc specification.

本ライブ、ステージセットの背部にDavid Foster & Lee Ritenour Special Project with Tim Feehanと掲げられており(それを確認できる当時のステージ・ショットが今回のCDジャケ内部にありますので、ご覧下さい)ますが、今回のCDにも収録されているリー・リトナーのMC(本編のトラック1)を聞くと、フォスターはあくまでスペシャルゲスト扱いだったようで、今ではちょっと考えれない時代を感じさせる話です。
ゲスト扱いか否かはともかく、本CD(つまりFMでの放送)ではどちらかと言うとフォスター色満載って感じがうれしいところであり(フォスター目線なのであしからず)、フォスターの楽曲、とくにセント・エルモス・ファイアーのテーマをライブテイクで聞きたいと思っている方ならスタジオ盤ほどのスケール感はないかも知れませんが、貴重な当時のライブテイクに間違いなく感激できる、理屈抜きで楽しめるアイテムだと思います。サックスソロもオリジナルのスタジオテイクを吹いてるDave Boruff本人による、まさにあの音色にあのプレイで、ライブだからと下手に節回しを変えずにオリジナルに素直に案外忠実なところに好感が持てます。Flight Of The Snowbirdsも良いです。ここではオリジナルのスタジオ盤と比べて若干ライブっぽく壮大にアレンジされていて、終盤のドラムのヴィニー・カリウタの手数の多いドラムが良いです。
そんなわけで一つずつ上げるとキリがありませんが、70分ほどの内容であり全曲収録ではないものの、他者へのフォスタープロデュース曲や自身の代表曲も披露されており、聞き所は間違いなく満載です。ラストのセントエルモス(Man In Motion)も断片ながらもったいないので1分半ほどですが可能な限り収録!

2枚目の最初のセクションは’92年10月10日にFM特番で放送された超貴重な生中継(多分)アコースティック・ライブをステレオ収録。うっすらと受信ノイズは入りますが、十分に鑑賞できるクオリティです。当然過去にも一切音盤化はされてないと思われ、当時の祝日FM特番の中で放送されたスペシャルライブであり、恐らくライブが放送されたことさえ知らない方が殆どでしょう。メドレーを中心に正味15分程度の演奏で、フォスターのピアノにウォーレン・ウィービー(ガンダムXのEDでご存じの方もいるかも)のすんばらしいハイトーンボイス、そしてデイヴ・ボルフの素晴らしいサックスと言うシンプルな編成。メインで収録のメドレーは92年初頭にチャールズ皇太子とダイアナ妃にカナダ・オタワで披露するために演奏した(編んだ?)ものとのこと。ここでもしつこくてすみませんが、はやりセントエルモス・ファイアーのテーマのアコースティックバージョンが短いながらも聞き所でありアコースティックサウンドで聞けることに感激するに違いありません。10曲目Paint The Colour Of My Loveはフォスターと(恐らく91年結婚の)妻のために書いた曲とされており、後に「Paint」がとれてThe Colour Of My Loveとなってセリーヌディオンへも提供、フォスター自身も94年のソロアルバム「Love Lights The World」に収録。

2枚目後半は94年の二度目の来日公演より4月27日武道館公演を収録。ファン提供のオリジナル・オーディエンス・カセットマスターから収録。惜しくも全曲ではなくライブの前半65分ほどの収録(演奏優先のため一部MCも編集)となっておりますが、勿論初音盤化。なお、当時の来日公演はテレビ特番もありましたが、それと同日なのか否かは不明です。94年の来日公演は追加公演も含め4回行われ、その二日目のライブ。まだまだバブル期の色香も若干残る(?)時期だけに、今では実現不能であろうもの凄い豪華なメンツでのコンサートとなっております。それだけに全曲収録ではないのが惜しまれますが、それでもフォスターのおいしい所は抑えられているのは幸いと言ったところです(あくまで本アイテムはフォスター視点なのであしからず)。ステレオ録音であり、演奏は若干遠目に感じますが、なかなか音像も大きく意外なほどに聞きやすい音質です。出だしのオープニング(Flight Of The Snowbirdsの多分テープ音声)イントロからそのままWinter Games(1988年カルガリーオリンピックのテーマ曲でお馴染み)になだれ込む際のオーディンスの反応にも思わずニンマリ笑。ドラムも終始タイト。セントエルモス・ファイアーのテーマは出だしでタイミングのズレが惜しまれますがDisc 1の87年ライブよりもスケールのデカイサウンドで堪能できること間違いなし。ここでのサックスはSeawind (Horns)のラリー・ウィリアムズ。
16-24曲目のウォーレン・ウィービーのフィーチャーのメドレーはなかなか。しかしセントエルモス(Man In Motion)は調子が今一なのか、かなり苦しそう。続くウェンディ・モートンとウォーレンのデュエットUnforgettableは拍手喝采!そしてトドメはジェイ・グレイドンとの共演!ここら辺が本CDの山場です。惜しくもNothin’ You Can Do About Itの途中で無情なフェードアウトで終了です。


Disc 1 (70:29)

Live at Hitomi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan 4th May 1987
Stereo Soundboard
01. Intro
02. Early A.M. Attitude
03. Rio Funk
04. Flight Of The Snowbirds
05. Mornin’
06. After The Love Has Gone
07. Mr. Briefcase
08. Love Theme From St. Elmo’s Fire
09. Sunset Drivers
10. Is It you?
11. Where’s The Fire
12. tapDANCE
13. Dreamwalk
14. Soul Stealer/ Victory
15. St.Elmo’s Fire (Man In Motion)(incomplete)

Disc 2 (79:50)

Live at Keystone Communications, Los Angeles, CA. USA 10th October 1992
Stereo Soundboard (Original Air Check Cassette Master)
01. Talk
02. Hard To Say I’m Sorry
03. Look What You’ve Done To Me
04. You’re The Inspiration
05. Who’s Holding Donna Now
06. Wildflower
07. Mornin’
08. Glory Of Love
09. Love Theme From St. Elmo’s Fire
10. Paint The Color Of My Love

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 27th April 1994
Audience Stereo (Original Cassette Master)
11. Opening (Flight Of The Snowbirds)
12. Winter Games
13. tapDance
14. Water Fountain
15. Love Theme From St.Elmo’s Fire
16. Hard To Say I’m Sorry / Get Away
17. Look What You’ve Done To Me
18. You’re The Inspiration
19. Who’s Holding Donna Now
20. Mornin’
21. Heart To Heart
22. Glory Of Love
23. St.Elmo’s Fire (Man In Motion)
24. Unforgettable (Warren Wiebe & Wendy Moten)
25. I Have Nothing
26. I Will Always Love You
27. Stranded
28. After The Love Has Gone
29. Nothin’ You Can Do About It (incomplete)

SpeakEzy. SPE-017

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