David Bowie / Osaka 1983 Final Night / 2CD

David Bowie / Osaka 1983 Final Night / 2CD / Wardour

Translated Text:
Live at Expo Commemoration Park, Osaka, Japan 30th October 1983


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“Bowie performances large rough”, “Gal enthusiasm, stampede,” “40 people, fainting and injury” is the headline of the newspaper danced in October of …… 1983. This the article is reportedly “1983 October 30, Expo Memorial Park (Osaka)” disaster that has occurred in the performance. This work is a live album the night of no two shock was completely recorded in superb sound in Japan performances of such Bowie.
This year, in addition to the smash hit of “LET’S DANCE”, there is also the public for the movie “Merry Christmas”, penetration is the name of David Bowie until in front of the general tea. Japan tour, which was implemented in the Bubbly in popular unprecedented did but extends also to all 10 performances. Soredakeni to the concert “Now, most seasonal pop star” flocked layer to brighten the eye is in droves, it caused a large enthusiasm in various places. This work, such “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT JAPAN TOUR 1983” even audience album that contains the 9 performances eyes. It was recorded is, in the name recording who is billed as the best in Japan, over a period from the 1980s to the 1990s, has been left Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck, Mick Jagger, PINK FLOYD, the hyper-recording of so GENESIS …… virtuoso in virtuoso. The more of Takumi of How can no longer there is no Kiri to name a masterpiece, this work is of a single that stride of such virtuoso is bursting to fully open. This recording, once “MOONLIGHT SHADOW (Uxbridge 428),” but the thing that came into the world as part of, this time, once again re-digitized from the original cassette. It became the press of subjected to a polite mastering.
Legendary master of stride, it is overwhelming from the beginning again. I do not know the specific recording position, but it will compelling was the side of the PA. In super clear in the near-pole ball sound like a sound board with all, Japanese MC “Good evening! Of five years of the curtain, Japan tour, is .David Bowie & His Band !! Ichi, in, position, to, Mr., tooth! “is roaring. Of course, the musical tone in reality approaching the front of the eye, one one of each instrument, each sound is beautiful enough bizarre, is a direct feeling as if inserting the code of the PA to the brain. In the field, enthusiasm and I always was going to disaster was far beyond, although it is understood that it is certainly fierce large cheer, it is awfully far. Widely widely behind, it has been recording in a small sound.
It is a concert that begins with the beautiful sound as if it were the official record, but the incident also will be happening in the second track “Heroes” soon. Site, although forward had become a standing, where excited spectators flooded. Bowie saw the crowd go become a stampede are you to stop playing. Bowie to shout “Oh! Please !! Dozo! Back, back !!”. Did I think it just does not fit, was a situation that get called in Japanese entrust the microphone to staff. Its appeal is horribly vivid. Export you and ……

“Well, in the hope of from Bowie, now, I come before you very, I’m a very dangerous state. So, I you, two steps, three steps, please fallen behind. Otherwise, the show does not start says, Bowie. very ne, because the previous state is dangerous, to watch from that over the stage, because liked very Bowie also that it is unpleasant! so, everyone, look at the concert in the mood and spacious Please be. I like this style, you do not have to do so in Japan. you’re doing Europe or on the continent,! ”

Panic in sight of the front of the eye, the words of the staff that will become more and more incoherent. This call also it is housed in the sound of the sound board class. Then, restart the show from “Dozo” word of Bowie, but to return to the cool Bowie as usual, and listen carefully to the other side, “Get back!” From the ultra-clear live sound “Bakka guy, the other” “before, corner Masen” hear the voice of the audience, such as. The cool & gorgeous live in transcendence clear, too disproportionate Japanese. In addition there is a similar challenge, even after the show the second half of the “White Light / White Heat”, I live album that the imbalance mirror the odd of the site.
Popular hight of “pop star Bowie” to welcome the truth of the Japan Tour. While witnessing a strange spectacle, concert that his singing voice that Mai show upset sounds in rather cool. Heard faintly on the other side of the play “aiiieee” of thick Force is’s the one that begins to brew a large spectacle. Document enough feeling of interrogation scenes and stunning performance, “I am David Bowie. You are delicious!” Live album humorous MC …… all of its or the like is housed in the hyper sound master the best. Just figure of Bowie that are extremely cum now, please be inscribed in mind by all means in this work.


この年は『LET’S DANCE』の大ヒットに加えて、映画『戦場のメリークリスマス』の公開もあり、一般お茶の前にまでデヴィッド・ボウイの名が浸透。空前の大人気に沸き立つ中で実現した来日公演は、全10公演にも及ぶものでした。それだけにコンサートには“今、一番旬なポップスター”に目を輝かせる層が大挙して押し寄せ、各地で大熱狂を巻き起こしたのです。本作は、そんな“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT JAPAN TOUR 1983”でも9公演目を収めたオーディエンス・アルバム。録音したのは、日本でも随一と謳われる名録音家で、80年代から90年代にかけ、エリック・クラプトンやジェフ・ベック、ミック・ジャガー、PINK FLOYD、GENESIS……等々のハイパー録音を残してきた名手中の名手。もはや代表作を挙げればキリがないほどの匠なのですが、本作は、そんな名手の本領が全開に炸裂する1本なのです。この録音は、かつて「MOONLIGHT SHADOW(Uxbridge 428)」の一部として世に出たものですが、今回、改めてオリジナル・カセットから再デジタル化。ていねいなマスタリングを施してのプレス化となりました。
伝説的な名手の本領、それはもう冒頭から圧倒的。具体的な録音ポジションは分かりませんが、よほどPAの側だったのでしょう。まったくもってサウンドボードのように激近でクリア極まりないサウンドで、開演の日本語MC「こんばんは! 5年ぶりの、日本公演、です。David Bowie & His Band!! いち、に、いち、に、さん、し!」が轟く。もちろん、楽音も目の前に迫るリアリティで、各楽器の1つひとつ、1音1音が異様なほどに美しく、PAのコードを脳に差し込んだかのようなダイレクト感です。現場では、熱狂を遙かに超えた惨事まで起こっていたわけですが、確かに激烈な大声援であることは分かるものの、それはやけに遠い。背後に広く広く、小さな音で録音されているのです。
まるでオフィシャル盤のように美しいサウンドで始まるコンサートですが、事件は早くも2曲目「Heroes」で起きてしまいます。現場では、前方がスタンディングになっていたのですが、そこで興奮した観客が殺到。将棋倒しになっていく観客を見たボウイが演奏を中止させるのです。「Oh! Please!! Dozo! Back, back!!」と叫ぶボウイ。それだけでは収まらないと思ったのか、スタッフにマイクを預けて日本語で呼びかけてもらう事態となりました。その呼びかけが恐ろしく生々しい。書き出しますと……

「えーとね、ボウイからのお願いで、今、皆さん非常に前来てね、非常に危険な状態なんです。ですから、皆さんね、二歩・三歩、後ろ下がってください。そうしないとショウは始まらないと言ってます、ボウイは。非常にね、前の状態は危険ですから、あのーステージから見てて、非常にボウイも不愉快だと言ってますから! ですから、皆さん、ゆったりとした気分でコンサートを見てください。こういうスタイルはね、日本ではそうやってません。ヨーロッパ、あるいは大陸でやってます!」

目の前の光景に慌て、だんだん支離滅裂になっていくスタッフの言葉。こんな呼びかけもサウンドボード級のサウンドで収められているのです。その後、ボウイの「Dozo」一言からショウは再開、普段通りのクールなボウイに戻りますが、その向こうに耳を澄ますと超クリアなライヴサウンドの中から「下がれ!」「ばっか野郎、もう」「前、すみませーん」といった観客の声が聞こえてくる。超絶クリアでクール&ゴージャスなライヴとは、あまりにも不釣り合いな日本語。さらにショウ後半の「White Light/White Heat」の後でも同じような呼びかけがあり、そのアンバランスが現場の異様さを映し出すライヴアルバムなのです。

Disc 1(44:59)
1. Intro 2. Look Back In Anger 3. Heroes (breakdown) 4. MC & Announcement #1 5. Heroes (restart)
6. What In The World? 7. Golden Years 8. Fashion 9. Let’s Dance 10. Breaking Glass
11. Life On Mars? 12. Sorrow 13. Cat People (Putting Out Fire) 14. China Girl

Disc 2(65:29)
1. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) 2. Rebel Rebel 3. White Light/White Heat
4. Announcement #2 5. Station To Station 6. Cracked Actor 7. Ashes To Ashes
8. Space Oddity 9. Band Introduction 10. Young Americans 11. Fame 12. Star
13. Stay 14. The Jean Genie 15. Modern Love

David Bowie – Vocals Carlos Alomar – Guitar Earl Slick – Lead Guitar
Frank and George Simms – Vocals Carmine Rojas – Bass Tony Thompson – Drums
Dave Lebolt – Synthesizer

The Borneo Horns:
Lenny Pickett – Saxophone Steve Elson – Saxophone
Stan Harrison – Saxophone


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