David Bowie / Neo Expressionsm Master Kut / 2CD+Bonus 2CD+Poster

David Bowie / Neo Expressionsm Master Kut / 2CD+Bonus 2CD+Poster / SpeakEzy
Translated Text:
Public Auditorium, Cleveland, OH, USA 28th February 1976 & Extra Disc : Boston Garden, MA, USA 17th March 1976


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★ 76 years of famous Aud sound source of the upgrade board appeared!
★ As a bonus disc, the same year on March 17 Boston performances limited included in the press 2CD!
★ further folded poster (240 * 240 size) limited included!

76-year tour than 4 Disc press title that was coupled America 2 performances appeared!
The Disc1-2 th February 28, 1976 chestnut – Vurando performance songs fully recorded at the freshness preeminent immersive high-quality stereo recording audience!
Further songs recorded March 17, Boston performances in Disc3-4 sheets eyes as extra disk in sound quality passable mono audience recording!
First, the main of 1-2 th chestnut – Vurando is performance, but the present sound source is past the “NEO EXPRESSIONISM” (2CD) (NCO-1/2) that 2CD Edition of the title is released in about 20 years ago, and that as the 76 years of the sound source is a valuable stereo recording, it is a much-sound source of evaluation from the goodness of playing content (and rare performances of the TVC 15 redo more than once). This time on CD is a digital transfer sound from the analog master tape that has flowed between the recent years net traders while the sound source in a polite mastering. It was quite a high-quality sound to the originally minute to hear in its outstanding “NEO EXPRESSIONISM” (2CD) also alone, was used this time master, Rashiku direct from the analog master, increased further freshness and vivid, just 76 it would say a decisive record of the year live. Recording position feel the distance from some stage, but there is a recording picked up the reverberation of the hall, is exceptional goodness of realism and freshness, such as if you trip on the scene at the time. There is also a considerable advantage also in the recorded terms of content, it is also a point that does not miss the time recording compared to the already issued is considerably longer. Live intro part of before the start of the addition was recorded more than 11 minutes than its outstanding board long, live late part Diamond Dogs – Rebel Rebel between songs than a minute and a half near the longer recording than the already issued, further extra cut Upon on CD it has been a part Changes – between songs overlap cut portion of TVC15 is seamless restoration to the original live street by careful editing. Overall to adjust the pitch in the variable (in particular places that had disturbed the pitch in the live portion of the front of the intro part Tango performance of Disc1 also wonders of repair!), Also chestnut in sound quality in terms of content as well – of Vurando performance it has become a finish that it can be said that the decision board.
Disc3-4 th Boston performance is virtually bonus disc treatment, but recording in dare press platen. Past several times to Onban reduction is a live that have been made, but the press platen has not been almost release. In mono audience in sound quality, you can enjoy a good AM radio Poi texture of freshness in decent sound quality also played captured quite big. From beginning to end is the voice of the surrounding audience fortunately that does not worry too much, a little but is dumpling-like texture, also heard enough each instrument. It should be noted that, for a which was originally low frequency collapse feeling the sound of, the low-frequency cut slightly upon this on CD, was slightly increase the high-frequency. In addition, since there was “Station To Station” 30 seconds near the cut in the vicinity of 7 minutes in the song, this time dare subjected to a compensation process was pursued to hear ease whole.
Other, the noise that was found here and there have been crackling in the sound source entirely to review removed by hand with a pin point, it has become a mastering of the peace of mind in consideration to be able to enjoy much without stress.

In addition 240 * 240 size of folding posters limited are shipped.
Design to that again newly caused the its outstanding name album “NEO EXPRESSIONISM” (2CD) (NCO-1/2) with respect to the design, making it to both sides specification of design that mimics the current front Jacquet.


まずメインの1-2枚目クリ-ヴランド公演ですが、本音源は過去に『NEO EXPRESSIONISM』(2CD)(NCO-1/2)というタイトルの2CD盤が約20年前にリリースされており、76年の音源としては貴重なステレオ録音であることや、演奏内容の良さ(およびTVC 15を複数回やり直す珍公演)から評価の高かった音源です。今回は同音源ながら近年ネット・トレーダー間に流通したアナログ・マスター・テープからのデジタルトランスファー音源を丁寧なマスタリングでCD化。元々既発『NEO EXPRESSIONISM』(2CD)も単体で聞く分にはかなりの高音質でしたが、今回使用したマスターは、アナログ・マスターからのダイレクトらしく、さらに鮮度と生々しさの増した、まさに76年ライブの決定的録音と言えるでしょう。録音ポジションは若干ステージからの距離を感じさせ、場内の残響を拾った録音ではありますが、当時の現場にトリップしたかのような臨場感と鮮度の良さは格別です。また収録内容的にもかなりのアドバンテージもあり、既発に比べ収録時間がかなり長くなっているのも見逃せないポイントです。ライブ開始前のイントロ部分は既発盤よりも11分以上長く収録したほか、ライブ終盤部分のDiamond Dogs – Rebel Rebel曲間も既発よりも1分半近く長く収録、さらにCD化にあたり余計なカット部となっていたしChanges – TVC15の曲間重複カット部は丁寧な編集により元のライブ通りにシームレス復旧。全体的にピッチを可変で調整し(とくにDisc1のライブ前のイントロ部・タンゴ演奏の箇所でピッチが乱れていた箇所も驚異の修復!)、音質的にも内容的にもクリ-ヴランド公演の決定盤と言える仕上がりとなっております。
Disc3-4枚目のボストン公演は実質ボーナスディスク扱いですが敢えてプレス盤にて収録。過去に数回音盤化はなされているライブですが、プレス盤は殆どリリースされていません。音質的にはモノラル・オーディエンスで、演奏も結構大きく捉えたまずまずの音質で鮮度の良いAMラジオぽい質感で堪能できます。終始周囲の観客の声はあまり気にならないのが幸いで、若干団子状な質感ですが、各楽器も十分に聞き取れます。なお、元々低域がつぶれ気味の音であったため、今回のCD化に際し低域を若干カットし、高域をわずかに上げました。また「Station To Station」曲中7分付近で30秒近くカットあったため、今回は敢えて補填処理を施し、全体に聞きやすさを追求しました。

デザインは既発名盤『NEO EXPRESSIONISM』(2CD)(NCO-1/2)をリスペクトしたデザインで新たに起こし直したものと、今回のフロントジャケを模したデザインの両面仕様になっております。

Live at Public Auditorium, Cleveland, OH. USA 28th February 1976

Disc 1
01. Introduction
02. Station To Station
03. Suffragette City
04. Fame
05. Word On A Wing
06. Stay
07. Waiting For The Man
08. Queen Bitch

Disc 2
01. TVC 15 (false start #1)
02. Life On Mars?
03. Five Years
04. TVC 15 (false start #2)
05. Panic in Detroit
06. Band Introduction
07. Changes
08. TVC 15
09. Diamond Dogs
10. Rebel Rebel
11. The Jean Genie

Live at Boston Gardens, Boston, MA. USA 17th March 1976

Disc 3 (Extra Disc)
01. Station To Station
02. Suffragette City
03. Fame
04. Word On A Wing
05. Stay
06. Waiting For The Man
07. Queen Bitch

Disc 4 (Extra Disc)
01. Life On Mars?
02. Five Years
03. Panic In Detroit
04. Band Introduction
05. Changes
06. TVC 15
07. Diamond Dogs
08. Rebel Rebel
09. The Jean Genie
SpeakEzy. SPE-015

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