Camel / The Snow Goose In Cambridge / 3CDR

Camel / The Snow Goose In Cambridge / 3CDR / Amity

Translated Text:

Live At Cambridge Corn Exchange, Cambridge, UK 11th March 2014.


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From the latest live camel to complete reproduction of the “THE SNOW GOOSE” has become a hot topic, the title was complete recording of the United Kingdom-Cambridge performances of March 11, 2014 is appeared! Has been popular as a support member from this March It was Guy LeBlanc is news that has left the band because of illness treatment just became a hot topic among fans, but this work is a live immediately after the changes in ton-skeletal pen Zell to the new support (after a long time of Camel return) only to, is where the latest Camel sound anxious even happy can be confirmed. While taking advantage of the characteristic of the original music-gun sound, such as re-question anew possibility of music, but is alive and well this day, the most recent of the sound that has been further updated by the rejoining of tons will become place very care if fans . This work it has become a meat Sako be featured 3 Disc in superb AUD recording, has become a title to shorten with a jerk the distance between the band by knowing the latest sound.

First Disc-1 has recorded its “THE SNOW GOOSE” full reproduction. “The Great Marsh” name melody of plump melody soon and rises from both channels “Rhyader” at the beginning is Mawari splashes bright colors along with the vibrant sound of the flute, will exciting to the fresh recording sound. Guitar sound that was full of poetic sentiment of Latimer in “Sanctuary” is alive and well even this day, I think the Norwegian: “Fritha” In the music dialogue of the guitar and the keyboard is overwhelmed by brilliantly how to become a relief. And “The Snow Goose” of the day will keep you reported a remarkable sound world beyond the mere reproduction admirably has been rebuilt, the challenging music by new lineup that has been updated to scrupulosity. In noted that hear well all of the sound in the “Migration” is the balance, is characterized in particular caught the sound of the dampers each other tightly. This also by the manner in which to contribute to any musical instrument is also equal to the music not only guitar I think that to understand you. “Rhyader Alone” and the drifting feeling of floating Kyokuso is recorded a charming sound image, is a guarantee that the goose bumps to how each other tapestries the hierarchy of tone with moisture. Deep asserted by playing from the “Flight Of The Snowgoose” is felt, the goodness of the new lineup of the formation is Yuki increasingly blossomed. Also the depth of the contour and tone of the edge of such a sound is felt in the “Preparation” has also become an attractive of this recording, listen to how the colorful sound even in the bridge specific Pieces Yuku drawn dense It will be deprived. “Dunkirk” is whether this day, has put playing like that again question once the notes are written to march tone now is impressive, just the magnificent music in that earlier without the rhythmic melodic subject in focus It is like. For this reason, burst sense of rhythm in the second half – finale part Kyokuso to turn this day is even more pronounced, which also has become a major listening far from of this recording. The highlight “La Princesse Perdue” is a state in which the diffusion while swell big chunky sound a sense of transparency there is exceptional, themes emerge come poignant scene of “Rhyader” (※) But, reborn figure of Rayada report tells you with a sound that is fruitful. (※ 3:25 vicinity) that part of this is in part there was a recording of trouble a few seconds in the recorded original sound (same song is carefully re-treatments, and listed as listen without discomfort.)

Disc-2 is complete recording of the second part. Here also as in the first part, texture and transparency with damp is the wonderful recording of charm. Same start and show the configuration of the 2013 is from “Never Let Go”, but the surprise in that the non-for-folding tapestries of chorus that has not been seen in the first part was a vocal has been captured by the lush sound award. In attention to the sound of a wide sense of the second half of the Massive, I think that cracking sound to a powerful close sound without any sense of transparency is surprised to that has been maintained. “Song Within a Song” has been playing narrowing firmly record of concentrated sound, breadth and tone of the present recording range
It is firmly feel can scene the sound of the charm of the region. On the other hand, “Echoes” is the attention to the resolution of the height to convey the motility of height with the music to Katsuaki, minced Yuku hi-hat of succession and loudly ran through to Yuku guitar of charm, and in the development of the pivotal points glossy growth condition of coming out keyboard melody each time should it be Tokimeka to. In “The Hour Candle” Of course, we will be able to enjoy the melody that of richly resounding guitar. Some meaning here is a scene that has come out in front Latimer of the charm is the best in this work, you will able to feel the power of this recording while drunk on the sound. “Tell Me” is also fascinating sound will come out everywhere as well, among them in particular deployment from flute → Twin keyboard to the vicinity of 1 minute 22 seconds of melody Yuku inherited from singing melody in superb sound are recorded, you should be sure heart struck by the movement of the smooth, deep one sound one sound of each instrument. “Fox Hill” has been recorded in Kyokuso great sound to three rolling two rolling, but as yet the song with a variation in the sound image is also of each clearly read the expression of music in the scene, and the overall sound of AUD recordings are also equipped with a unified sense I think that unusual. Classic “For Today” that adorn the show-end is a stunning performance that is as sincere performance of the lyrics embodying become a glossy tone. Beautiful shade seems Camel is Yuki also born many as toward the second half, but it would not be an exaggeration to say the very memory of today by the sound, and life itself sincere music as long as this day has been recorded.

Disc-3 is recorded encore. Here, listen to “Lady Fantasy” has become attractive to be proficient in the “Fox Hill” Similarly, each expansion unit is great sound to rapidly shift change. Normal is intended to only the surface of the recording of the weakness is somewhere that it is multi-faceted sound this, but this work is characterized listen in vivid tone in any scene. Especially the latter part, deployed from the vicinity of 10 minutes and 57 seconds is far from listening, and ringing without firmly insist that the melody of the mysterious keyboard dancing in the muscular sound is broken, there is powerful that within range and treble No release captures the ear sound image to the end.

The latest of Dream Theater recording of the present work is that acclaimed recently released “ALONG FOR THE RIDE IN WOLVERHAMPTON (Shades 582)” and Suzanne Vega of the latest masterpiece album “TALES FROM BARBICAN (Uxbridge 511),” the recording but are you a local taper of the United Kingdom resident was, but if those who listen to these some of its unique moisture, I think that it is noticed in the texture rich recording sound. Including this work, these any title is also the sound of the prospect’s the very good digital recording, but it’s just played in the sound image with moisture in the never divisible not wet has been captured has become a major feature. He is this time of the present work similarly captured the Camel London performances in 2013 “THE SNOW GOOSE IN LONDON (Amity 317)” has also been recorded, but, and here also this work similarly distinctive high-quality recording since it has become to those who in “moisture rich high resolution of the recorded sound” of this work was to have a favorable impression by all means, I think that if it is possible to check each of these titles. Of course, not been around at all in the net, weekend Camel latest performances to be delivered in superb original recording sounds that do not taste in other recordings now, will be the emergency release from the popular Amity label !!


『THE SNOW GOOSE』の完全再現が話題となっているキャメルの最新ライブから、2014年3月11日のイギリス・ケンブリッジ公演を完全収録したタイトルが登場です! この3月からサポートメンバーとして親しまれてきたガイ・ルブランクが病気治療の為バンドを離れたニュースはファンの間でも話題になったばかりですが、本作は新サポートにトン・スケルペンツェル(久々のキャメル復帰)に変わった直後のライブなだけに、気になる最新のキャメル・サウンドが確認出来るのも嬉しいところです。オリジナル楽曲郡の持ち味を生かしながらも楽曲の可能性を改めて問い直す様なサウンドはこの日も健在ですが、トンの再加入によって更にアップデートされた最新のサウンドはファンなら非常に気になるところでしょう。本作はそれを極上AUD録音で肉迫出来る秀逸な3枚組となっており、最新の音を知ることでバンドとの距離をグッと縮めるタイトルとなっています。

まずDisc-1はその『THE SNOW GOOSE』完全再現を収録しています。「The Great Marsh」冒頭のふくよかな旋律が両チャンネルから立ち上がるとやがて「Rhyader」の名旋律がフルートの鮮やかな音色と共に色鮮やかに跳ね回り、その瑞々しい収録音に心躍るでしょう。「Sanctuary」ではラティマーの歌心に溢れたギター・サウンドがこの日も健在で、小曲「Fritha」ではそのギターとキーボードの音楽対話が見事に浮き彫りになる様子に圧倒されると思います。そしてこの日の「The Snow Goose」は単なる再現を超えた目覚しい音世界を見事に再構築しており、アップデートされた新布陣によるチャレンジングな音楽を克明に報告してくれるでしょう。「Migration」では全ての音がバランス良く聴こえる点に注目で、特に弱音同士の響きがしっかり捉えられているのが特徴です。またこれによりギターだけでなくどの楽器も対等に楽曲に貢献している様子がお分かりになると思います。「Rhyader Alone」では浮遊感漂う曲想が魅力溢れる音像で記録されており、潤いのある音色の階層が綴れ合う様子に鳥肌が立つこと請け合いです。「Flight Of The Snowgoose」からは演奏により深い主張が感じられ、新布陣のフォーメーションの良さがますます花開いてゆきます。また「Preparation」で感じられる様な音の輪郭と音色のエッジの深さも本録音の魅力となっており、ブリッジ的な小曲の中にもカラフルなサウンドが緻密に描かれてゆく様子に耳を奪われるでしょう。「Dunkirk」はこの日、マーチ調に書かれている音符を今一度問い直している様な演奏が印象深く、単にリズミカルな楽想とはせずにその先にある格調高い音楽を主眼に置いているかの様です。この為、曲想が一転する後半~終曲部でのリズムの炸裂感がこの日は一層際立っており、これも本録音の大きな聴きどころとなっています。ハイライトとなる「La Princesse Perdue」は透明感のある分厚いサウンドが大きくうねりながら拡散する様子が格別で、「Rhyader」のテーマが浮かび上がってくる感動的なシーン(※)でも、生まれ変わるラヤダーの姿を実りある響きを伴って報告してくれます。(※この部分では収録原音に数秒の録音トラブルがありましたが(同曲の3:25付近)その部分は丹念にトリートメントし直し、違和感無く聴けるようにしてあります。)

Disc-2は第2部を完全収録。こちらも第1部同様、湿り気のある質感と透明度が魅力の素晴らしい録音です。2013年のショウ構成と同じくスタートは「Never Let Go」からですが、ノン・ボーカルだった第1部では見えてこなかったコーラスの綴れ折りが瑞々しい音で捉えられている事に驚かれるでしょう。後半のマッシヴでワイド感ある響きにも注目で、力強い間近な音なのに音割れも無く透明感が維持されている事にびっくりされると思います。「Song Within a Song」は濃縮な音の弾き込みがしっかり記録されており、本録音のレンジの広さと中音
域の響きの魅力をしっかり実感出来るシーンです。一方「Echoes」は楽曲の持つ運動性の高さを克明に伝える解像度の高さに注目で、細かく刻んでゆくハイハットの連なりや高らかに駆け抜けてゆくギターの魅力、そして要所要所の展開部で出てくるキーボード旋律の艶やかな伸び具合にその都度ときめかれる筈です。「The Hour Candle」ではもちろん、豊かに鳴り響くギターのあの旋律を御堪能して戴けます。或る意味ここは本作でラティマーの魅力が一番前面に出ているシーンであり、その響きに酔いながら本録音の実力を感じて戴けるでしょう。同様に「Tell Me」も魅力的な響きが随所で出てきますが、中でも特に歌唱メロディからフルート→ツイン・キーボードへと旋律が引き継がれてゆく1分22秒付近からの展開が極上のサウンドで記録されており、各楽器の滑らかで奥深い一音一音の動きにきっと心打たれる筈です。「Fox Hill」は二転三転する曲想が素晴らしい音で収録されていますが、これほどサウンドイメージにばらつきのある曲でありながらもそれぞれのシーンで明確に音楽の表情が読み取れ、かつサウンド全体の統一感も備わっているAUD録音は珍しいと思います。ショウ・エンドを飾る名曲「For Today」は、その歌詞の通り誠実な演奏が艶やかな音色となって具現化した見事なパフォーマンスです。後半に向かうにつれキャメルらしい美しい陰影が幾つも生まれてゆきますが、それはまさに音による今日の記憶、この日限りの誠実な音楽の営みそのものが記録されていると言っても過言ではないでしょう。

Disc-3はアンコールを収録です。ここで聴ける「Lady Fantasy」は「Fox Hill」同様、急激にシフトチェンジする各展開部が素晴らしい音で堪能出来るのが魅力となっています。通常これだけ多面的なサウンドだとどこかで録音の弱点が表面化するものですが、本作はどのシーンでも鮮やかな音色で聴けるのが特徴です。特に後半部、10分57秒付近からの展開は聴きどころで、骨太な響きの中に舞うミステリアスなキーボードの旋律が割れること無くしっかり主張して鳴っており、その中音域と高音域の迫力ある音像が最後まで耳を捉えて離しません。

本作の収録者は先日リリースされ御好評を戴いたドリームシアターの最新作『ALONG FOR THE RIDE IN WOLVERHAMPTON (Shades 582)』やスザンヌ・ヴェガの最新傑作盤『TALES FROM BARBICAN (Uxbridge 511)』を収録したイギリス在住の現地テーパーなのですが、これらを聴かれた方ならばその独特の湿り気のある、質感豊かな収録音にお気付きだと思います。本作も含め、これらどのタイトルも音の見通しが大変良いデジタル録音なのですが、しかしそれだけでは決して割り切れないウェットで潤いのある音像で演奏が捉えられているのが大きな特徴となっています。彼は今回の本作同様に2013年のキャメル・ロンドン公演を捉えた『THE SNOW GOOSE IN LONDON (Amity 317)』も収録しているのですが、こちらも本作同様に独特の高品質録音となっていますので本作の”潤い豊かな高解像度の収録音”に好感を持たれた方は是非、これら各タイトルもチェックして戴ければと思います。ネットでも一切出回っていないのはもちろん、他の録音物では味わえない秀逸なオリジナル収録音でお届けするキャメル最新公演は今週末、好評Amityレーベルより緊急リリースとなります!!

Disc 1(49:26)
The Snow Goose
1. The Great Marsh 2. Rhyader 3. Rhyader Goes To Town 4. Sanctuary 5. Fritha 6. The Snow Goose
7. Friendship 8. Migration 9. Rhyader Alone 10. Flight Of The Snowgoose 11. Preparation
12. Dunkirk 13. Epitaph 14. Fritha Alone 15. La Princesse Perdue 16. The Great Marsh (Reprise)

Disc 2(67:42)
1. Never Let Go 2. Song Within A Song 3. Echoes 4. The Hour Candle 5. Tell Me
6. Watching The Bobbins 7. Fox Hill 8. For Today

Disc 3(17:27)
1. Band Introductions 2. Lady Fantasy

Andrew Latimer – Guitars, Flute, Keyboards, Vocals Colin Bass – Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
Ton Scherpenzeel – Keyboards Denis Clement – Drums
Jason Hart – Keyboards, Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar

Amity 319

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